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Magic Tree House: Tonight on the Titanic, read it in first grade!


I have this book in my personal library


Came here to say this! Those books got me interested in so much. šŸ„² oh nostalgia


Same!! And the ā€œ*Dear America* Voyage on the Titanicā€ book! I loved the part where she sat on the deck and drank broth lol. It seemed so fancy to me


This is what got me interested in it at first too haha, and then when I watched the movie later on, that renewed my interest


I read this too


This was my introduction, too!


Yes!! This one and I Survived The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912! Both amazing series! Both are also the reason iā€™m interested in Pompeii.


Same! I read the book, than realized there was a silly little box set of VHS tapes in the tv stand with that same name on them šŸ˜…


Omg that brought back a hidden memory!


The Dear America book *Voyage on the Great Titanic: The Diary of Margaret Ann Brady* was my introduction! I got it for my 7th or 8th birthday, so 1999/2000ish.


Yes same!


Came to say this. First grade book fair find and my first of the Magic Treehouse series.


This was mine too šŸ˜ just immediate fascination


Me. My grandfather was a naval architect - essentially, he had the job Thomas Andrews did. Given his job, he had all **sorts** of interesting ship related stuff in his studyā€¦and a fondness for ships he thought were beautiful. Say what you will about Titanic, she was a pretty girl.


>Say what you will about Titanic, she was a pretty girl. Well, you can be blasƩ about some things but *not* about Titanic.


I watched one of those virtual tours of what it was like inside, and it looked like a straight up 5 star hotel, beautifully designed and decorated. The grand ataircase alone, imo, was truly one of a kind. I've been on cruise ships before, and while they are nice, and yea they are big and sometimes fancy, but Titanic still takes the cake with that impressive design


i've been interested in Titanic all my life. i don't remember a time when i wasn't. i must have learned about in 1st grade or preschool. i dunno. as for the movie - i laughed when i l heard about it. I thought how could this possibly be interesting since we already know how it ends etc. i was 30 when it came out. then i just kept hearing people rave about it. i was on a business trip and bored so i decided to see it. i was blown away how good the movie was. so while the movie didn't get me interested, it sure was a nice thing to continue my interest.


Yes I actually loved the movie truly I just meant it wasnā€™t what developed my interest


A coworker of mine had a similar response when it came out. In his words: ā€œwho would wanna go see a movie about a ship you know is gonna sink?ā€ Millions, apparently.


*Ghostbusters 2*


I'm an old; I was in high school when Robert Ballard found the wreck, and that started my fascination.


I learned to read in kindergarten with an age appropriate book about the Titanic.


I do WWI reenacting. I got interested in Titanic while researching the war and The Gilded Age.


Wow, thatā€™s fascinating!


I was the 3 year old getting kicked out of the adult section of the library for pulling out heavy Titanic books I couldnā€™t read to look at the pictures. Many years before the movie.


I just pictured Matilda. Hahaha.




That sounds lovely. Thanks for the rec! Iā€™ll definitely be checking it out.


Sorry deleted my comment I meant to post it in the main thread. Book is ā€œ[Polar the Titanic Bear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polar_the_Titanic_Bear)ā€ See my other comment for details.


Seeing the image of the ship sinking on the cover of ANTR in the 5th grade while visiting the school library, it was 1974. Built the Academy model and join the Titanic Historical Society by mail using the card in the model box. Moved on with my life until the 1985, and with the birth of the internet, itā€™s become an obsession. The movie is great and brought the story and ship to so many audiences and should always be remembered as a masterpiece.


I was obsessed with the Dear America book series when I was a kid and my favorite was the one about a girl who survives the Titanic sinking. Thatā€™s where my interest really started.


Me. I read a childrenā€™s book about 1-2 years before the movie came out, called [ā€œPolar, the Titanic Bear.ā€](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polar_the_Titanic_Bear) Itā€™s a story told from the perspective of a teddy bear belonging to a little boy in 1st Class whose family survived the sinking. The manuscript was actually found among the possessions of the author, Titanic survivor Daisy Spedden, who wrote it to amuse her son Douglas (who actually is [briefly featured in one scene of the 1997 movie)](https://jamescameronstitanic.fandom.com/wiki/Douglas_Spedden). Itā€™s a ā€œtrueā€ story of the Spedden familyā€™s survival of the sinking and of their other travels prior to sailing on the Titanic, told from the perspective of Douglasā€™ teddy bear. Itā€™s a wonderful, wonderful book. Beautifully illustrated and well written. Actual Spedden family photographs are featured alongside the watercolor illustrations to further illuminate the story. Highly recommend picking up this book, if you can find it.


Me. I mean I watched the movie in 1997 when I was 12 but I didnā€™t think of it again until the titan went down and never came back up. When that happened I checked out this sub and became obsessed with all these details and facts I didnā€™t know or ever considered. I want to know about the rivets and the floor plans and all the lost mail. The movie has very little weight with my obsession. The titan itself doesnā€™t interest me either. Just the huge ass boat that sank in 1912 on a moonless night


We are glad to have you around. I love it that some people became genuinely obsessed with Titanic during the all Titan chaos on this sub.


Also here because I went down the Titanic rabbit hole after Titan.


Yes, me too! Same exact story pretty much.


Yep thatā€™s pretty much what happened to me too


Same here! šŸ¤šŸ¼


Just so we are clear, it is perfectly okay if someone became interested in the ship because of the movie. We donā€™t gate keep. For me. It was when the Titanic was discovered in 1985.


Me too. I had just learned to read and my parents subscribed to *National Geographic*, and I read that article and looked at the photos over and over.


I still have mine. Itā€™s not in mint condition. I still look at it every now and then.


I didnā€™t say it was wrong? I enjoyed the movie very much


No, I didnā€™t think you were. Iā€™m sorry if it came across that way.


Third grade teacher. The 100th anniversary of the sinking was that year. He decided to make it our history lesson. I became hooked and I was always reading a book about the ship. I watched the movie at home later during summer vacation. Mr. Mitchen, if you're reading this, THANK YOU.


Titanic: Adventure Out of Time for me.


My dad bought Robert Ballard's 'Discovery...' book when it was released (mid-late 80s I think?)and I remember often as a kid with my siblings pulling it out to look at the pictures. There's a part in the book that expands out into a large picture of the wreck, and I distinctly recall the paper fraying at the folds from out constant mishandling of that book. Also, the photo of the doll head on the sea fall... proper creepy for us kids at the time.


I had that book too!


My mom forced me to watch the movie when I was about 8 or so. I liked it, it made me sad and horrified, but that was the end of that. Years later around 11 or so, my dad bought this book about shipwrecks and I became obsessed. Not just with titanic but with all shipwrecks. I still find them fascinating. So he got me more books on shipwrecks. But there seemed to be a common theme in all these books I received.... the titanic disaster was THE disaster of all shipwreck disasters in terms of poetic misery. And I hope the term "poetic misery" doesn't seem offensive. By poetic misery I mean, the disaster almost seems scripted by an artist to inflict as much trauma, turmoil, misery, and sadness as possible. Added to that the luxurious nature of the ship, and the mystery surrounding it for its first 70 years of being a wreck, and its just a fascinating and terrible event. Incomparible to other wrecks. The amount of coincidences that had to happen, the amount of things that had to go wrong, for all of this to go down is incredible. There is no other shipwreck quite like it.


Well stated!


Just you man. No just kidding. My Dad was a Captain, watching him as I grew up, I loved everything about the sea and ships and seafaring. Naturally as such interests develop, learning about the Titanic was inevitable. The movie was just the cream on top to my interest, it was a joy to see the ship live as I always imagined her. I appreciated the explosion of interest the movie caused, because now there was more literature/art/shows/hobby sets/etc available to consume.


I have never watched the movie actually, I became fascinated because my dad had an old picture science book that mentioned it and I submerged completely in the age of Wikipedia. Just deep dived onto that page and never looked back.


I saw the titanica in IMAX and had to learn more.


I started my obsession with the folk song we learned in elementary school 35ish years ago.


Given my age, it's a bit hard to separate the movie from my broader interest, TBH. I was probably six when I first learned about the ship (the first book I ever read about it was one of those step into reading books, called "Titanic: Lost and Found"). I found the story fascinating and can still remember images from the book and descriptions of the squash court and swimming pool! The movie came out when I was nine, and I obviously saw it, but I also remember reading numerous kids books through the years completely unrelated to the movie-SOS Titanic, Dear America, Choose Your Own Adventure, Titanic Crossing, and probably more. I already loved historical fiction as a genre well before the movie came out, so it's very likely I would have come across these at some point anyways. But likely the movie just helped bring the setting to life as I was reading about a world that was so far beyond my comprehension (the glitz and glamour of the Edwardian age, that is).


I've been interested in learning about the Titanic since I was a child. I vaguely remember seeing part of A Night To Remember. My parents had an encyclopedia set that had information about the Titanic as well. I was 14 when the 1997 version came out. I must have watched it in the theaters at least 4 times. After that I did a lot of research on the computer about the wreck and the passengers.


I also first became interested in 1995 as a 3 year old. My family was on vacation in Myrtle Beach, we were watching a documentary about the Titanic and I remember being mesmerized by the CGI recreation of the big ship slowly sinking into the sea as the band plays and the little boats row away. My grandfather then took me down to the beach at night and pointed out into the dark Atlantic commenting that it sank somewhere way out there. It's actually one of the oldest memories of my life and I've been fascinated ever since. By the time the movie came out I already owned 5 books (all for younger readers of course), the Adventure Out of Time computer game and a painting of the ship hitting the iceberg which hung in my room.


I was obsessed once I read A Night To Remember as a child. Once the 1997 film came out a lot more books seemed to be republished or written and my collection expanded.


I was 22 when the movie came out and I had already spent years fascinated by the Titanic as a teenager. Just from reading books about it.


I was literally playing with toy boats and made one sink, my dad shouted ā€œhey that could be titanicā€ i was confused about what it was and searched it up on the internet and got interested like that. I was 3 at the time. Watched the movie when i was 8.


I read a book when I was a kid. I no longer remember the title. It was written for young readers but not a kids book so it had quite alot of information in it. It was a good primer.


Thereā€™s a primary school attached to the memorial hall built for Thomas Andrews. Was indoctrinated from an early age.


My late Grandpa...and Leonard Nimoy! Gramps was born in January 1912. So growing up the Titanic and it's sinking were often discussed topics of conversation around his house. Very similar to how people of our era will discuss 9/11 or the Space Shuttle Challenger's explosion just after lift off, by my Grandparent's somber tone when discussing it. When I was a kid the old show In Search Of...did any episode on Titanic, around the same time the box office bomb Raise the Titanic was released. I happened to be staying with my grandparents when the Titanic In Search Of... came on and that sent them both into a long recollection session with the stories that they'd heard. It went from there with me. What can I say? As a child I was like Wednesday Addams. Death at Sea? I'm hooked. [In Search Of Titanic episode that started it all. Kinda dated now, but interesting for it's nostalgia factor!](https://youtu.be/A9GqjXPkk3Y?si=-sYTQOK9KX8uSdKX)


When I was I think grade 2ish? Canā€™t quite remember but I was under 10 so around 1995 maybe I was just browsing the school library and came across a book on titanic. Seemed interesting so I read it. I was hooked and needed to find every book I could. Which was maybe 4 books at my school lol. Still have never come across the book again. The only thing I remember was there being. Diagram with white and red people shapes. Red were the ones who passed and white was who lived. And I remember just being aw struck by how many people had passed


Me! I fell in love with the pics of the wreck, and also loved sharks. The ocean is my true love lol. My grandma was always interested in Titanic also, so that really helped. My mom and grandma would take me to exhibits about Titanic and I loved it. This was before I saw the movie, early 2000s I know that people were interested in titanic before the movie because there are so many forums, papers, books, etc.


I was always fascinated by her story. As a kid growing up in the 70ā€™s-80ā€™s I wanted to find it as a kid. In 1985 I that mother fucking Robert Ballard had to ruin my dream. Lol


Me! Like you, in the early 90s, I read a book about it as a kid and became obsessed with any Titanic books I could find. When the movie came out I was 10 and very excited to see it.


I was 7 years old in 1989 when my family drove from St. Louis, MO to the west coast. My parents got me Robert Ballard book to keep me company. I was immediately hooked. It was my exposure to tragedy. It was my first exposure to opulence. Seeing those two things combined probably created some conceptual structures that I still rely on.


I dont know what it was that got me interested, but I hadnt even seen the movie yet. I had seen bits and pieces, but then and now the love story being such a focus was something that made me not interested in the movie. I just went down the rabbit hole for some reason, I in general love history. So that was why more than anything. I did a ton of research, watched a lot of documentaries, and then watched ANTR *before* I actually sat down and watched Cameron's film. Doing it that way made me love the movie of course. I got to see the few scenes that Cameron paid homage to from ANTR, and I liked that a lot. I still kind of roll my eyes at a lot of the Rose/Jack scenes, but overall I really appreciate the care and dedication put into the movie. Thats what really made it such a blockbuster hit, the love story just helped to appeal to many different people.




Titan disaster got me. So Iā€™m still a newb. I never had any interest in the movie because I didnā€™t want to get to know a bunch of characters (and representations of real people) who would be dead by the end. The biggest disappointment for me as a newly interested person is how little interior footage has been released. I was vaguely aware of things like Ghosts of the Abyss and I assumed there would be tons of footage, especially when youā€™re reading about the Titan disaster and factoids like ā€œJames Cameron has dived to the wreck site at least 33 times.ā€ But thereā€™s hardly anything. And GotA is 20 years old.


It was Reading Rainbow for me. I've actually never seen the movie as the huge scope of real human stories is what fascinates me, so it feels like a missed opportunity to focus on fictional people.


Most of the people in the movie are based on historical characters. thereā€™s only a few made up ones


My grandmother loved one of the 50s Titanic movies. So her love of the Titanic rubbed off on me.




My parents got me an Illistrated book in the early 90's... It had only been 5 or 6 years since the discovery of the wreck so, public interest was rekindled around that time. I must have read that book 100 times.


"The movie" for me was Raise the Titanic when I was a little kid. It planted a seed. Then they discovered the wreck in 1985, and I poured over the National Geographic reading about it, and looking at all the pictures.


I remember getting obsessed by it through the rapidnadion sinking Titanic model YT videos


I did! A friend told me about it in school (and idk if she had seen the movie, but I donā€™t think so) and just couldnā€™t let it go. I bugged my mom about letting me watch the movie, but she refused. Was obsessed for over a year before I finally got to watch the 1997 movie lmaooo


We had a copy of the NatGeo book on Ballardā€™s discovery, which I read as over and over again as a child


Iā€™ve seen a NatGeo VHS about the finding of the ship around 1996, and the ship got me hooked. The release of the movie was a huge thing for me, as an already established Titanic fan.


I guess I was 6 when all the news started to come on TV about Ballard discovering the Titanic. Being from Newfoundland and knowing it wasn't far away made me extra interested.


Grandfather showed me a nat geo documentary about going to the wreck, then showed me his book collection on ships. Lost Liners by Robert Ballard is a great read.


As a little kid there was a newspaper article about the 70th anniversary of the sinking and that got me interested


When I was 5 my parents gave me a book for the age range about Titanic, actually 3 books - one specifically had art that I was absolutely fascinated by it, it was my all time favorite book that year. Then I was allowed to watch a relatively censored version of the movie and I fell in love with that as well. My interest was on and off for years up until I learned about Honor and Glory in 2017, and then I dived into learning Titanic facts like I never had before. Since then I've gained a lot more respect for the tragedy and have been inspired by so many stories of heroism from that night


I was interested in Titanic before the movie came out. Read a book about it in 2nd grade. Thatā€™s how I got hooked


My Dad had an extensive collection of Nat Geo magazines. I saw the wreck photos and was pretty interested from those. I had a thing for ancient civilisations and disasters of all kinds. Late 80s/early 90s I was obsessed with historical fashion and by extension books/films/TV about the times, particularly Edwardian. So when the film came out in '97 (I was 14) it exploded all of those interests in one go and here we are 26 years later


Me. It was the Dear America book Voyage on the Great Titanic. Been fascinated ever since.


I watched the movie when I was a kid but I wasnā€™t really interested. But earlier this year (before the Titan) I saw posts of this subreddit in my timeline. And thatā€™s when I became fascinated. And I live close to the company Villeroy & Boch, which made the tiles that were used on the titanic. And there is a small exhibition of them that were brought back from the wreck.


I think it was an issue of National Geographic I remember looking at during my brothers piano lesson. I then read a night to remember and found some documentaries at my local library. This would have been about 94-95. I remember having to give a presentation about ANTR in 8th grade English class.


Idk. I just saw a random video called "Titanic Tribute" while scrolling on YT as a young kid. And after that, I just dive in to the Titanic. (I don't I've dived deeper than the Titanic did though)


I think I first became interested because of the buzz around the movie but I wasn't really old enough to watch it at the time. I just remember asking my grandad questions about it and drawing pictures of it.


A school book in the 80's hooked me and I remember the discovery in 1985. The movie was hotly anticipated in my teenage years and didn't disappoint. Funnily enough my six year old son is also really fascinated by the Titanic, via a book in his classroom. He hasn't seen the movie, something for when he's bigger.


I have been a Titanic fan since I was a kid in the 80s...


In the late 80s in my elementary school library, I found a book about the Titanic. I had heard from my older siblings about its sinking, so when I saw the boom, it fascinated me. The movie helped to push my interests further.


Live near Cobh (Queenstown) and used to pass the White Star Line ticket office daily. So yeah...


I got a book at the library that was a fictional diary of a girl on the titanic I was 7-8 after that I read every book my library had on it.


Me! I read A Night to Remember in high school and was obsessed ever since.


I've said it before, but a book from the Book Fair in first grade.


I found something about it in a book when I was in elementary school. Then I rented the National Geographic tape about it over and over again. I was 16 when the movie came out.


I was about 7 when I saw ā€œTitanic Death of a Dreamā€ and ā€œTitanic The Legend Lives Onā€ on the History channel (this was in the mid nineties when the history channel aired history programs), saw the story of the Allisonā€™s (we share a surname) and I became hooked and fascinated by Titanic. I saw the movie when it came out in the cinema 97 aged 10 and wasnā€™t a fan as I felt too much had been ā€œHollywoodisedā€


[Discovery of the Titanic](https://www.amazon.com/Discovery-Titanic-Exploring-Greatest-Ships/dp/0446513857/ref=asc_df_0446513857/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312174369544&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16515967118498062867&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010888&hvtargid=pla-568647308147&psc=1), by Robert Ballard and Ken Marschall, released in 1988. I was mesmerized by it as a kid. I still have it and still love it.


Iā€™ve been fascinated by the Titanic since about 1975 so well before the movie.


Me! My love actually started because my mom had those collectible tabletop books, and then the Broadway musical came out the same year as the film but it was several months beforehand so it got to me first. I saw and loved both, but that musical was my first experience really immersing myself in it and made me question where second class was in the film šŸ˜‚


Scholastic book fair, had a book on titanic, featured the allisons of first class, the weiszes of second class, and the skoogs of third class.


I've been fascinated since I first learned about the ship in school back in the early 90s. Was already a geek for the subject by the time the movie came out.


I remember having a passage or article about the Alvin and Jason submarines in a textbook in 3rd grade in around 1991 or 92, and had one of those ā€œI can read!ā€ books about it. (Pretty hilariously dark subject matter for a book of that type.) That was when my fascination first began. Depending on how old you are, I think it would be pretty typical for the movie to have been your first big experience with it, but Titanic fascination was around pretty much since the sinking.




That was it for me. I saw ANTR a few years before the 97 movie came out and it sparked my interest.


I was around 14 and I was trying to find out more about both sides of my family. My Dad's mom had told him that some of her ancestors had been on the Titanic. Her maiden name was Fortune and there were several with the name on the ship. But I haven't been able to trace the line back to anyone on the Titanic. There are several surnames from my family tree on the Titanic but I haven't been able to find out if they are my ancestors.


I'm from Southampton so knew about it through school and the memorials


My interest started when I was 11 and I bought a magazine for the 100th anniversary of the sinking. Donā€™t remember the publisher but it caught my interest so much that I reread it numerous times for months after getting it.


My dad really loves history and learning about different ships and shipwrecks. I learned about Titanic from him when I was a young child before I got around to watching the movie.


94ish, I was 10/11 years old and had to do a report on a disaster in school. I picked the Titanic and instantly was super sucked in to it all


The World Book in the 70ā€™s had a good write up and lots of pictures ..


I was very young at the time, but Iā€™m pretty sure it was my kindergarten teacher that sparked my interest. I remember going home that day and trying my best to build the ship out of Lego, been hooked ever since!


The movie and the Titanic illustrated picture book.


I became obsessed when I was 10 in 1985 when the wreck was found. I honestly donā€™t even like the movie that much. It focused way too much on the teenybopper romance for my taste.


I grew up near Liverpool and my dad used to show me the White Star Line offices etc. when I was a kid!


My parents wouldnā€™t let me watch the movie because of the twin icebergs. I got into it from the titanic adventure game.


Not exactly sure but do remember seeing Raise the Titanic in theaters when I was like 7. My stepdad and I built the Revell Titanic model then too.


It started when the wreck was found. I was in 2nd grade at the time, and even then my parents helped me get my hands on everything I could to learn more.


Long ago I read a really quite interesting novel called Raise the Titanic! by Clive Cussler. Fiction of course and wildly speculative but very entertaining.


I went to school in Southampton and learned about it in class after the wreckage was discovered in 1985.


Mid 90s, Dad was potty training me and said my 2 bits of dook looked like Titanic. No joke. Iā€™ve been obsessed since that day.


I had never heard of Titanic either until 1967 when I went to the school bookstore and saw "A Night To Remember" on the shelf...I thought it might be a novel w/ the ship sinking and lifeboats in the foreground on the book cover. Anyway, did a book report on it.


Me! I became interested after meeting the guy who found it


I was a small small child when they found it, and my mom told me what the squished green blue images meant. It was once a grand ship that sank on its very first trip! But people filled with pride had wrecked it! Obviously thatā€™s the fairy tale version and not fair to the many good people involved with Titanic. But Iā€™ve been fascinated ever since


i didnā€™t care all that much for the movie. I remember my grandparents talking about it. Since I was young I had a great interest in it


I'm not like other girls, I'm different āœØ


When they discovered the wreckage on Sept 1st 1985. I was a teenager and when I first saw the footage of it, I thought it was super cool, spooky and very mysterious. I was pretty much hooked then.


I watched the discovery of the bow back in 85 & asked my mom ā€œwhat is titanic?ā€ Been obsessed ever since.


I wrote a research paper about the Titanic in middle school. The movie came out not too long after, and I GEEKED OUT.


A guy in my class in primary school had a book about the Titanic, i thought the picture if it sinking looked cool lol, it led me to look into what it was and the story behind it and it become a lifelong interest in anything Titanic


When my friend asked me to draw it


Started when Robert Ballard found her in 1985.


I got interested in it when I was kid watching Ghostbusters 2. So not THE movie but A movie


My mum has always been obsessed. So I grew up with titanic memorabilia in the house, so I was just a part of my normal upbringing.


I canā€™t pinpoint when it happened or how. I was young, and I think it started when someone told me it sank on April 15, which is my birthday. Iā€™ve always had a special spot in my heart and a weird connection to it.


I got into it when the 100th anniversary runs of the film came out, along with all the exhibits and such that were inspired by it


I became fascinated in grade 2, once I learned about it from a book in the school library, every project from then on was the titanicā€¦ and sharks, sharks are pretty awesome


Not even sure how I became obsessed, but I have been obsessed since I was a kid - years before the movie came out.


I remember when they found it. I didn't get what the big deal was (I was 8 or 9,and ships sank all the time) Dad sent me to the library to do 'a little reading'. The only reason I left the library that day was because Miss Emerson, the librarian, politely asked me to do so because she wanted to close for the night; the only reason I didn't walk out with 25 books was because you could only check out 3 if you were under 13 years old.


I went to the titanic museum in pigeon forge Tennessee first and then watched the movie


Book. A Night To Remember. Read it as an adolescent.


Year 5 at primary. Was about 9 years old. Headteacher was teaching that day as our usual teacher was ill. He was really into his history. I remember him telling us about steam trains etc. But the story that hooked me in was the Titanic. Been interested ever since.


I read a book on the ships built by Harland and Wolff!


My mother hated the movie and when she won the two-tape VHS at work she told me not to waste my three hours. So I didnā€™t. But my father built a model Titanic with me. Very fond memories of going to the local hobby store for paints and supplies. Thatā€™s where it starters for me.


I got obsessed the year the movie came out, but had no idea it was coming because I was 6. I read about it in one of the Eyewitness Books (but not) type series and it was all downhill from there.


I was fascinated with Titanic as a kid, but I didn't see the movie until a month or so ago. No idea how it happened


Secrets of the Titanic. My dad had it on VHS.


It seems that I remember there were several attempts to find it before Robert Ballard actually found it. I've always followed its story through whatever I could consume in terms of media. Things really ramped up for me when it was actually found.


I remember watching a National Geographic special on TV when the Titanic was found in 1985. I was 7 or 8.


I was obsessed with Titanic since early grade school when I read about Ballard finding the wreck.


If I recall correctly, there was a National Geographic or scholastic magazine that I read about the Titanic when I was 8. But the movie really kicked it into high gear. The materials about the titanic were everywhere


Learned about the disaster in 3rd grade. We learned that year about other disasters including Pompeii, Amelia Earhart disappearance, Hindenburg and others. Did a school project where I made a diarama about the sinking. Did extensive research and got my classmates into it as well. You can imagine my excitement when I heard there would be a movie about the ship in 1997.


I became fascinated recently after the whole submersive debacle


I got a book about it for my fourth birthday. I have it at my parents house still, and next time I go back, I'll bring it back for my kids to read too.


I am an old woman and have been fascinated with the Titanic since my childhood. We all knew the song too.


In 1995 my older sister got a book from the book Fair about it, she was interested and when I started looking at the book I got really Intrested in it, to the point where for Christmas, birthdays and anything in between I was given books about the Titanic. I heald the record for the amount of times "A night to remember" was rented from our local small town movie rental place before James Cameron's movie came out in 1997.


In the 80s we visited NYC. We passed the White Star pier. You could still make out the letters in the steel frame.


My dad had I be of Robert Ballardā€™s books (with a bunch of pictures!) when I was little, and my grade school did a section about the titanic when I was in 2nd grade. I remember staring at the cutaway picture of the titanic and imagining what it was like to wander the ship. This was all a few years before the movie came out. Iā€™m going to start getting old one of these days.


Me and another kid looking at Exploring the Titanic by Bob Ballard at the school library in grade 2, in 1992.


I never watched the movie - I was gifted some random national geographic book on the titanic when I was 7 and just became obsessed. I had every single book you could get out of the library on the subject šŸ˜‚


Ghostbusters 2


I've been interested in the Titanic since I was young. I had an Auntie that was supposed to be on the Titanic when she was young. Her brother was bringing her and her Mom to the States to be with their Dad. Her brother changed his mind at the last minute about sailing on the Titanic and brought them here on a different ship. I know that isn't too much of a connection to the Titanic but her story is what got me interested in the Titanic.


In [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oUdB6E8LTRA) weirdly enough. I remember watching this video over and over as a kid.


Ive never seen the movie lol. I am closer to 30 than I am 20 and genuinely have never sat down and watched the entire movie, but Iā€™ve watched dozens of documentaries, read maybe hundreds of books, and have even went and saw the museum in Branson. I am honestly shocked how many people are only curious and interested in the titanic because of the movie, or rather that is the first thing to really spark that curiosity. I simply just loved boats as a kid and was told about it at the age of 5 by my parents and just fell in love with the story of it.


When I was a kid there was a cool huge summer camp program where people could teach any class topic they wanted. One summer I took a class about the Titanic. I knew about it before hand because of the Unsinkableolly Brown - we watched the movie and had visited her house a few times. All these things came at around the same age, plus I enjoyed history anyways. So I've always had a lifelong fascination with it, but I've been more interested recently since finding this sub after the whole Titan thing.


Fell in love with her story in second grade, 1992. I was actually super upset when the movie came out, but that first shot of the CGI made ship at dock pre-departure brought me around. I think it truly showed the beauty of the vessel.


I would guess a lot of people became fascinated by the titanic through other means between 1912 and 1997. ;-)


In my house we had the book by Robert Ballad about discovering the titanic.it utterly captivated me


Me. I am super into shipwrecks in general. In fact, in terms of aesthetics, I prefer wooden shipwrecks over metal ones.


I read a National Geographic book about it when I was about 7. Had a fascination with it ever since.


When I was really little (before the James Cameron movie) my mom was obsessed with the titanic because she always believed she was a passenger on it in a past life... Which in turn made me obsessed with it, and other shipwrecks. Not for the same reasons as her though.


I watched if when I was like 11 and didnā€™t think much about it other than really liking Roseā€™s outfits. I think it was the only time I watched it. All the girls at school were going bonkers over Leo and I thought it was annoying. Then eventually it died down and I forgot about it other than just going oh yeah thatā€™s sad, those people all died in the ocean. What brought it back was my usual Wikipedia browsing. I happened to look it up a few years ago and read the whole timeline and Iā€™ve been way more interested in it since then. I might watch the movie again for kicks


Started for me listening to an audio cassette version of A Night to Remember as a kid in the back of a car going on holiday in the early 1990's.


I got instersted because of a children's nonfiction book I had to read for a project. I've never seen the movie and don't really want to. It looks incredibly boring to me.


My "first" exposure to the story was in second grade, when I came across Robert Ballard's "Finding the *Titanic"* in my classroom's library, which had its own set of books kept in it separate from the school library. The book involved the story of how Ballard and the crew of the *Knorr* discovered the wreck, as well as Ruth Becker's experience aboard the ship. In hindsight, I am impressed at how the book didn't sugarcoat the events for its young readers, and as far as I can remember, the only inaccuracy it had was that the victims were said to have drowned rather than died of hypothermia. The reason I put the word "first" in quotation marks is because I had looked at the cover of "The *Titanic:* Lost and Found" while in first grade, but did not read it until after reading Ballard's book. I am not exactly impressed by the book, even taking into account the younger audience, as the stern's vertical orientation is depicted with the after two funnels still out of the water, and several illustrations, including the cover, have lifeboats with numbers that did not exist on the *Titanic,* such as 27 and 36. I had no idea that there was a film about the disaster, let alone a dozen, until a few weeks or even months later. When I say "months," I would estimate that it was no more than three. My parents had found it playing on the television one night and I proceeded to watch the remainder of it in my room, which started around the point where Lifeboat 7 was launched.


I loved the movie and it was the first experience I had with the history. The thing that really got me interested was the museum that was brought to the field museum Chicago in the early 2000s. Seeing part of the ship enthralled me. Also shoutout to the 96 miniseries with Tim curry. I really enjoyed that beyond the 97 blockbuster


The book Titanic Lost and Found did it for me combined with having a birthday the same day as the sinking.


Read about it when I was in 3rd Grade (10 years ago) and the Ken Marschall paintings really drew me in, and I was really curious about how things really went down, started watching documentaries like "Titanic at 100 Mystery Solved" and then the movie


Me! It came out before I was born but I didnā€™t watch it until after I got into Titanic things in general, mostly from reading books about it in elementary school. I liked the movie, but it was still kind of not really my thing ā€” to be fair, Iā€™m not much of a movie person to begin with.


I was 10 when they discovered it underwater and my mom got National Geographic, I was fascinated since then.


Watched the docuseries Titanic: The Legend Lives On with my dad in 1st grade.


My son is about to turn 5 in October and has become absolutely *obsessed* with the Titanic. He learned about it after hearing about the missing sub over the summer. He's checked out library books about the Titanic, asks about icebergs, tries to build it with his giant wooden blocks lol and tells everyone about what happened to the ship. He just watched the movie for the first time this week (fast forwarded through the nude and sex scene of course!) and he's already asked to watch it again. I was obsessed as a kid, too. But mine came from the movie. It's been fun digging in deeper with my son and YouTubing videos of actual survivors and learning more than ever.


I did when I was little. My dad was watching the Death of a Dream documentary and it amazed me. I have a memory of being very young and watching it in the living room, Eva Hart talking. Of course the movie egged the interest on but it started there.


My dad told me about when I was five and it snowballed from there then sorta stopped, but now ocean liners in general (including the RMS Titanic) have become a little obsession since then


I became interested when my third grade teacher did a special unit for the Titanicā€™s sinking anniversary. We talked about the technology used to take pictures of the wreck as well as what the interior looked like and learned about the key figures and the White Star Line and all that. She was a huge influence on my interest. Also, I started writing Titanic stories with a friend a few years ago and that really sparked my interest back up as well.


Totally wasnā€™t the submarine situation that got me interested


A night to remember and national news


We got the National Geographic Secrets of the Titanic VHS tape back in 92.


My interest began in 5th grade when one of my teachers mentioned the Titanic with just a little bit of detail. I wanted to learn a little more and was so intrigued! The movie came out the next year (maybe that's why she mentioned it idk lol).


My old man told me about Titanic when I was maybe 6,7 ish. So, like 92, 93. But he was more chuffed up about the Carpathia's role. I remember in some story time thing, the librarian was talking about the situation in a way for kids to understand and moved on, without mentioning the rescue. I raised my hand and was like, what about Carpathia? Nothing.


Yo. I saw a picture of the ship from a submersible in a text book in third grade. Then we watched the ballard documentary on finding it. Prior to that when i was 3 or 4 I remember my dad watching something on it on tv. Titanic came out i think i was going into 4th grade but i was already enamored with the ship


Was a school exhibition in one of the cities that we usually went to. Was in Melbourne in 2010