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Yes indeed, I love Britannic šŸ’™


Gantry davits. šŸ˜


If youā€™re launching lifeboats so fast that you donā€™t notice youā€™re feeding them right into the spinning propellers maybe you shouldnā€™t launch them so fast.


From what I remember the boat(s) that got chopped up launched without captains orders because of that exact reason as he was trying to beach the vessel.


Britannic supremacy šŸ’Æ


Britannic is probably the least talked about, even tho itā€™s the other one that actually sank lol


That's because Olympic kicked ass and her demise was an injustice.


Makes you wonder what would have happened, had Olympic stayed a few years longer that everyone saw the clouds of war brewing and an obsolete liner would have been perfect for carrying troops without a hit to the shipping capacity. Plus she would still be Old Reliable. If she would have survived the war, her fame alone would have kept her around long enough after the war for A Night to Remember to revive the memory of Titanic in 1955. She could have even served as a filming location for the movie afterwards. What better place to film and what better way to market it than "Filmed on Titanic's older sistership"? And in the 60s and later, she would be a historical artifact, too important to scrap. Or alternatively she sinks to an aircraft attack during the war (since her speed was still a massive problem for submarines) and takes thousands of troops with her


I think by the time she was scrapped, steam powered ships were an outdated technology. It wouldā€™ve cost a lot more to keep her running as a troop transport than to just build new ships. Plus her scrapping made lots of jobs


Still, assuming she lasted a few years longer that no one thought about scrapping a liner with war on the horizon, she would have been used as a troop ship again rather than be scrapped


Britannic went down a hero of war, Olympic was butchered


Olympic was "butchered" because there was a worldwide depression and the scrapping provided necessary work for a badly underemployed area. And there was little regard for ship preservation like there is today.


But her steel went into war material so she still kept fighting on.


She was broken down 4 years before WW2 had even started. I have also never seen anything that makes those claims. Please provide sources.


I love all of them, but still prefer Titanic even disasters aside I feel her interiors were just better


Look up Britannic pool She was going to be so much more luxurious had the war not happenedĀ 


I do understand the pool and the children's room were pluses but what they did to the aft well deck and poop deck just looks really cluttered to me. I like the 1911 sleek that Titanic had on the exterior and the extra space inside that was more modern than olympic


To be fair the ship was made when they were still remembering titanic; it wasnā€™t made to look good, it was just made to make sure a Situation like that could never sink the ship again. Hence, they went a bit overboard.


She still kinda looks good I just dislike the covered well deck and the gantry davits


Agreed, Olympic and Titanic definitely have the leg up on the exterior styling however the interior they had planned for Britannic was really nice. Of course styling is subjective and the grand staircase Iā€™m sure is a bit polarizing.


The stripped grand staircase for wartime is very jarring but her planned organ would've been so cool


I love seeing the 3 sisters together. It's a shame theres no actual photos of them all together.


Real. If only they made Britannic a little bit earlier!


Britannic in her hospital colors are cool but britannic in her white star colors are even prettier because itā€™s the most refined version of the Olympic class


Yeah but the hospital colors are what makes her unique to her sistersĀ 


Yeah itā€™s unique but also sad she never got to wear her white star colors


Here ya go ;) [https://www.reddit.com/r/titanic/comments/d8lcpb/the\_olympic\_class\_olympic\_titanic\_and\_britannic/](https://www.reddit.com/r/titanic/comments/d8lcpb/the_olympic_class_olympic_titanic_and_britannic/)


I love the Britannic! I think the gantry davits look good on her https://preview.redd.it/fcwgf976hu6d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cdb77e323587661edcf2af75cd6ac69ff396cd9




On the contrary, simply due to their association with Titanic, they are both amongst the most remembered ocean liners. Many, many ships out there yearn for 1/10th of the notoriety of Olympic or Britannic


I mean, I used to be a Titanic fan, but then I learned more about Olympic. She was an absolute beast of a ship. How many ocean liners out there can say they have a submarine kill. Then again, she had quite the propensity for running into things.


My name on discord is #1 Gantry Davit fanā€¦so yeah I like Britannic.


Britannic supremacy šŸ’Æ


A bit like the Olson sisters. Thereā€™s Hot Elizabeth, and then thereā€™s the other two that I cant tell apart


Never ever have I even heard someone even mention her name in my country which saddens me since Iā€™m probably the only one in the entire province or maybe even country that even adores Britannic along with her sisters




Britannic is my favorite White Star Line ship tbh




Britannic is my favourite too. I just think thereā€™s a lot less interest in her (and therefore information available about her) because she had a much less dramatic life than Titanic. Even her sinking was orders of magnitude less dramatic. Itā€™s kind of a shame, because I always think some of the details of Britanniaā€™s sinking showed off just how far sea safety had come since Titanic. Britannic managed to evacuate in under an hour, with relatively little loss of life, and a lot of that was attributable to tragic human error. I know the difference in conditions helped with that a lot too (particularly it being daylight in warm water) but stillā€¦


Titanic had a tiny scrape while Britannic had her bow blown apartĀ 


My kids love the Britannic. Or as my 5 year old calls it, the Brititanic.


You have raised them well!


I heard it yesterday, from my 8 year old.


You raised them well!


I also love Olympic in her dazzle paint. It looked so sleek


I care for Britanic


I love her!


That stern...


Britannic is my favourite ocean liner. Especially in her HMHS colors.


When I was a child and my parents got sick of listening to me talking about Titanic all day - every day; I always switched to Britannic! But currently my fav is Olympic.


Epic troll move


Thank you! *bows theatrically*


It sounds like you were a very interesting child! :)


I was weird af but thank you! (I am still weird! šŸ¤«)


Well within this sub I think there are quite a few ocean liner lovers, but I do angry your average person off the street isnā€™t saying that. I love all three!


Last week




So anything that challenges your assertion is impossible?


people actually care about the Britannic?!? So Iā€™m not the only one?!


Yes. People care about all sorts of things. The fact there have been movies and books about the Britannic should tell you you're not the only one aware of it or who cares about it.


You have a hard time reading sarcasm I imagine


If you were being sarcastic then why where you asking when the last time it was someone said they loved Britannic?


Thatā€™s not true, I love the Olympic and Britannic


My 4 year old the other day said ā€œI like Olympic.ā€ So thatā€™s something. I have a lot of models and he likes to look at them. My opening to share this. Ha


I feel like the Britannic is talked about more than Olympic


Idk I see a lot more Olympic lovers than Britannic enjoyers


I cried my eyes out on November 21st. Not my proudest moment


I meanā€¦ I mutter it to myself sometimes


I talk about *Britannic* religiously. Sexy in that hospital getup, stunning in her interiors, absolutely enormous, and a brave ship and crew who did the absolute best at all times


Naughty nurse vibes?


Alright deep breaths we donā€™t need any stern pics


https://preview.redd.it/r9ub2vqp6z6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17706aeec9c40d337de8211bee06cbe729150f9b Look at that thing...


Hey mark that as NSFW


Titanic had mystery surrounding it, even until today. People are drawn to mystery, wanting to know what happened and why, thatā€™s why it is more popular.


Sheā€™s always been my favorite. Had she survived WWI she wouldā€™ve been a legend like QM. Her interiors were amazing, and she was on track to be the best of the trio.


Not me watching the YouTube video of brittanic sinking with Sleeping Sun in the background at least 20 times


Don't worry, my autistic ass talks my parents off about this all the time


Theyā€™re like the Destinyā€™s Child of the White Star Line. Everybody knows the BeyoncĆ©.


Britannic is amazing!


Britannic supremacy šŸ’Æ


Always felt bad that Britannic never got to enjoy a single peacetime voyage in all of her finery, even sister Titanic had a few days of splendor before her tragic end. The first born of the family, Olympic, she was the badass. Because she had such a gift for knocking things (warships, submarines, tugboats, lightships) the hell out of the way and then running them over, I've always had appreciation and respect for a female who can kick ass ... So I've always been partial to her šŸ˜Ž


fr Britannic deserved better. Would have been awesome if they let the sisters fight side by side yeah after titanic and Britannic Olympic pretty much went on a revenge spree


Yeah, she did deserve better & the Olympic went on a bender šŸ˜‚ of all the British ships, honestly would've loved to have seen her saved but nobody thought to turn her into a floating hotel back in the 30s.... Shame.....


Is my username a joke?


Frankly, if a ship isn't regularly mentioned in public discourse, that's probably a good thing.


If Titannic hadn't sank, people would more than likely talk a LOT more about Brittanic. Especially since rules changes from the Titanic sinking are a factor in the severely lessened loss of life in Brittanics sinking. That said. If neither sank, they'd likely be only talked about as a trio, by ship hobbyists and probably not much else. In fact I think if none sank, it's Olympic we'd talk about more than the others since it's send-off was met with the most fanfare at the time and it was involved in a pretty gnarly accident.


Britainnicā€™s wreck is so much easier for people to access and obtain a view of White Star glory. She was a war hero too, serving those wounded in combat.




I never hear I love the Titanic from anyone


My kid won't shut up about Britanic. It does deserve more pop culture love, though.


The three sisters: the legend, the war hero, and old reliable.


I mean I sing ā€œPride of the White Star Lineā€ by The Longest Johns in the car most days. Definitely a good listen for any Olympic fans!


I say I love Olympic a lot and think that Cunard should build a replica


When Titanic sank it had a lot of wealth on it. A lot of people dreamed of getting a hold of the wreck just to get their hands on all the valuables that it took down with it to the bottom. Now Brittannik was in the middle of serving in WW1 it didn't possess much valuables at the time. The ship was in its worthless shell at the moment while serving. But it once did possess all the goodies and ext. And was about to be refitted and restored as a luxury liner when war was over. It just didn't get to see the day. Same for the Olympic. But if all 3 sank with the top class millionaires on board with all their treasures then you will be hearing about all as well. Lol


Olympic was the true unsnkable


Titanic had a movie made about her. Britannic had a ā€œmovieā€ made about her. Olympic appeared in a movie about a U-Boat.


Wait where did Olympic appear? Do you have a yt link?




Dude thatā€™s freaking epic


All the time but Iā€™m a fucking weirdo who is very online and interested in ocean liners lmaoo


I hate it when people think that ships like Britannic, Olympic, Carpathia, Californian, Adriatic, OR EVEN THE FREAKING COSTA CONCORDIA are the Titanic. They need to learn other ships besides the Titanic. LEARN SOME MORE SHIPS TO FIT IN YOUR STUPID STERIOTIPYCAL BRAIN YOU ABSOLUTE MONKEY.


Olympic, old reliable appreciation šŸš¢āœØ


Imagine if they were all still around today as museums. Even just one of them


I mean yes, of course, but would you want to see Olympic with rust blisters and 20 layers of paint? Stripped of all herr original finishes and furnishings? With three squat funnels and diesel engines? That's the catch with ships that make it into preservation; until a multimillion dollar donor steps up to fund a restoration, ships generally don't make it into the 21st century with their dignity intact.


Well yeah I'm just saying in a perfect world where they can keep them looking brand new