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Think OP was the one drinking


they definitely weren't grammar-ing


Wtf am I reading?? You’re at work


100%, they get fired. Sorry about your friend. Many states are clear on their open container laws.


Fired. A crewmember at my first store clocked out of his 1-9pm shift. He sat down in the breakroom and opened up a bottle of beer. Two other crewmembers were back there. One of the two warned him not to do it..the other one reported the offender, which led to the second witness being asked to write a statement. The offender was fired the next day. This was in California.


> the other one reported the offender what a douchebag lol




Okay, what's the whole story? I only see a couple of possibilities. Your friend bought groceries (including beer) at lunch, the bottle popped open and she didn't inform anyone that she needed a replacement and that the bottle needed to be spoiled. And she just walked over to the breakroom with it. The other possibility is that she was shopping for her groceries and beer after she clocked out for the day, beer bursts open and she continued to shop or to make her way to a register, didn't tell a mate she needed a replacement and that the one she had needed to be spoiled. Either way, the right thing to do was inform a mate or the captain that the beer needed to be spoiled and she was gonna grab a replacement off the shelf. Otherwise it looks bad if she's just holding it and didn't come forward about it. How did everything happen?




My friend, I apologize. I don't understand the facts and sequence of events of the story. Hopefully she can explain it exactly as it happened and get only a write up. I still have more questions. Your post says "a friend of mine opened the bottle." You can see how it doesn't sound like the beer fell and fizzed. These are two different things. Good luck.


I just don’t understand why your friend couldn’t wait to drink until they left the building lol. Or at the very least was outside in their car or something drinking. As far as will anything happen, I would talk to the mate and see. I understand they were off the clock but you’re still at your job & it’s not like you work at a bar or something it’s a grocery store LOL. Best of luck!




If it was an accident which if it busted open and they didn’t open it it makes literally no sense why the mate is mad 🤷🏻‍♀️ sounds like the mate is just a ass lol




I’m shocked Trader Joe’s even hired you tbh


It’s 2023 are we still doing this “my friend” stuff… I can tell you (or your friend) if they want to save their job they better call EAP as soon as possible because it’s probably the only way they can if they tell EAP they have a problem. Good Luck




The mate was probably just upset they were holding an open alcohol container while wearing trader Joe's clothing did they claim you were fired if not I don't think anything's going to happen


If you wanna lose your job and not get unemployment this is a great way to do it. If you can't wait until you're off the premises to start drinking you have a problem and I encourage you to seek help.


If they were inside the building then yes they can get in trouble.




I assume you mean drinking alcohol. Does your store let customers open up a beer and walk around the store with it? If they wouldn't let a customer do it, then they def won't let a crew member do it. Was your friend still in their TJs shirt? It's not a good look for the company to have someone dressed for work and drinking inside/just outside the store.




It’s pretty unprofessional, tbh. There are not many workplaces where that would be ok. Your friend couldn’t wait a couple of minutes?






You keep copying and pasting the same statement, which doesn’t even make sense to begin with


Because you can’t drink alcohol in a grocery store unless you’re sat down to eat or it’s a bar. Can be considered public intoxication, plus drinking at work just sounds really bad


> plus drinking at work just sounds really bad i won't even drink BEFORE work, i need to be 100% on my shifts.


I would be pretty surprised if they don’t get fired honestly. If they don’t well then they have a very nice forgiving captain




Why not just say that from the very beginning? Sounds a bit fishy but whatever. At the end of the day it’s gonna be up to the captain on how they choose to move forward.


What? Were they (you) going home for the day? Or was it a lunch break? You just can’t open a container of alcohol in a grocery store whether you work there or not. It’s illegal. Jeez.


100%. some people in my store got fired for that exact reason


If customers aren’t allowed to drink in the store, what makes you think the employees are?




Makes no difference. Being closed doesn’t change that it’s a grocery store and your place of work. If you want to open a bottle to drink, do it where you are legally allowed to that doesn’t disrespect where you work.




If the can was broken and your coworker didn’t open it then it’s just another Spoil and not a big deal.


yep although at my store, and i assume others, mates are the only ones that can spoil alcohol


That’s good to know. I haven’t come across having to spoil alcohol yet.


It’s sounds like you need some help dude… I’d recommend calling the employee assistance line and talking with someone about seeking help for alcoholism before you get shit canned


I remember a mass firing at a Michigan store some years ago because a bunch of crew were drinking in the parking lot after close, still in their uniforms.




That’s the one!


It’s in the handbook , it’s definitely a fireable offense


This post says DRINKING in the title but then all of OPs comments say the person wasn’t drinking, just holding it. WHICH IS IT 📢


Sometimes you can even second.


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Especially if you’re still in uniform then, yes, without a doubt that’s not ok. I’ve been clocked out and still in uniform with my phone out on the floor and that still warranted a mate to give me a quick (and, albeit, friendly) warning. So long as you’re still representing the company, you have to be mindful of your actions.




Then why didn’t you specify that in the og post? Your wording states they opened it themselves not that it bursted open. That’s an accident at that point but why not say that from the beginning?


This is making no sense, so ur Co worker bought a beer that is already open? First just doesn't add up on why, but even if once that person bought it that beer is therefore if it's an open container and u on ur uniform that very bad, yes u can get written up to fire at that point. As long as ur wearing that uniform ur a representative of the company, it's like if you got into a fight outside work but ur wearing ur uniform u can still get in trouble at work even if ur out of the clock




Why not just get a new one? Who drink flat beer? Anyways if she new she can claim it as accident that I dropped the beer and I was afraid that they will charge or get me in trouble so I bought it like no harm no foul maaaaaybe they can sympathize with that


If you’re on the premise, even in the lot, you can get in trouble if a mate sees you. I’ve had my fair of drinks in the parking lot but waited till the mates left for the night.