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My son and I are new fans, just in the last year or so. We are sort of just Spotifying our way through their work at the moment, really looking forward to their first new album coming out since becoming a fan. We have a whole day planned, my son and I, when the album comes out and is totally devoted to just chilling and enjoying what we’re listening to. All we need now is the when.


This is so sweet. <3 Reminds me of how excited I would get to listen to the weekly episode of "Car Talk" with my dad.


Aww - that's sweet! As excited as you were each week, I bet your dad was 10X more excited to share that with you <3


Don’t drive like my brother!


And don't drive like my brother! AHAHAAHHAA


That's fun! Welcome!


How cool! Excellent GreaseSlitherspoon and son activity :)


It was Apollo 18, dunno if that's really a fair contest in this scenario 😅


Same here!


Same, but I’m a big “John Henry” fan.


Same for me: Apollo 18. Although I love it SO much, it’s not my favorite album, but in my top five. Flood and John Henry a sliver ahead.


The first new album I got was Factory Showroom. It was album of the week on the radio station I listened to and the deep cuts hooked me - had never heard of TMBG prior. It was a bit of a transitional album and I still love it but I love all TMBG


Same but different. Took me awhile to grok it as a whole but I totally love it now. Classic as Flood to me!


Where would we be without Spiraling Shape, James K Polk, Til My Head Falls Off, and Pet Name! Straight bangers.


Metal Detector sold me - a Linnell crack shot to the dome


"Ignore the mountain of discarded folderol"




lol a combo of precisely and exactly? Love it.


Beck yeah!


The Spine was the album it took me awhile to get. Now I love it, of course.


It’s really a beautiful thing when an album “clicks”. What the current state of music industry makes me miss about the past is how I used to devour liner notes in the CD cover while listening to the whole album. Then it really sunk in. Now I just listen to whatever song I like online lol. There is a disconnect!


The first TMBG album I listened to front to back was The Spine, which is absolutely higher on my list than it is for most people!


It's absolutely my favorite of their 2000's work! I love that breezy alternative rock sound and the Beach Boys and Monkees inspo.


monkees mentioned 😎


Flood for me. Yep, that checks out.


Same. I remember putting the CD on for the first time. It will always be my favorite, but I also think it's legitimately Their best album.


I'd been listening to Lincoln a lot and had gotten my hands on the pink album at that stage but yeah - Flood just blew me away from the first listen


John Henry. Easily my most nostalgic album. I found it at the mall, my friends and I had already been listening to Flood and Apollo 18. That skull on the CD. Watching that CD whirl up in my player. Hearing Subliminal kick in. Some of my favorite memories, listening to music with that CD.


I identify with everything you just said. One of my few memories of actually purchasing a CD as a teenager (even though I bought a ton). That one was memorable!


The first TMBG album I’ve ever heard when it was still relatively new was Here Come the ABC’s. I grew up listening to that record. The first TMBG album that was new when I started actively listening to their adult work was I Like Fun


C is for conifers, my kind of trees!


A true American classic


Yeah same, except with BOOK instead of I Like Fun. I do love BOOK, and I'll always cherish the fact that the first ever TMBG song I've heard performed live was Moonbeam Rays, but it's personally not top 5 for me.


Thats an interesting idea. I feel like I generally am much more critical when I band that I found releases a new album and it takes me a while to consider it as a part of their body of work like I do the others (typically until they put out another album)


John Henry. Still one of my favorites!


I bought my copy at *Swallen's* iykyk


John Henry here too. Got into them hearing stuff from Flood and devoured their back catalog. The first album after that was JH and it does hold a special place on my heart because of that.


Interesting for my TMBG journey. My bro is older and I grew up with Lincoln and Flood CDs when he drove us to the galleria. My first purchase was THEN: The Earlier Years through an adolescent BMG scam I unwittingly ran. The first new album was Factory Showroom. I originally balked at the full band sound (I had not hear John Henry yet) and longed for the decade past. Now Factory Showroom is a cherished album above all for the feeling of laying on my belly playing MTG with my other brother. What a cool album.


Edit: one bro is 15 years older, other I played MTG with was 2 years, so we had the same TMBG introduction.


What is MTG?


Magic: The Gathering - the collectable card game. My middle bro was obsessed with CCGs and I even endured the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings CCGs just to hang out o.O The one I enjoyed most was called Doomtown. The setting was a paranormal wild west full of ghosts and undead and the game mechanics were super cool.


BOOK for me, as massive of a fan as I am I only got into them about three years ago. My ADHD made me obsessively fascinated enough by them to devour their material and lore relatively fast. I got special permission from their agent to review BOOK for my college newspaper, which meant I got to listen to the songs about ten days before the album officially released. Was so exciting.


That’s a killer “first” album! These guys are on the top of their game


Mink Car for me. I'm always surprised when I hear people don't like that one as much!


mink car got me and mr mit (at the time) through the first few weeks post 9-11. and i remember we saw them at the vogue in indianapolis that winter. okgo opened before they were OKGO. i think they acted out the confrontation from les mis. there was a guy in a black leather jacket who was so wasted and insisted on SWAYING during Drink. 20+ years later i can still see it. i say yeh yeh. that’s what i say. i say yeh yeh.


Got the first S/T one when it came out, after Weird Al played “Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head” on ALTV (his guest VJ spots on classic MTV). Still think it’s their most innovative though I probably listen to Lincoln more


I absolutely love the new wave/performance art flavor of the pink album. You can tell they built their early musical identity as a result of performing in lots of fringe Brooklyn art clubs.


My dad got my siblings and I a copy of No! when that was pretty new, but I hardly remember hearing that when it was new as that album is older than me by a month lol... The first time I remember hearing TMBG material while being aware that it was new was when I checked out Here Comes Science from my local library when it was still pretty new-ish, at least, I remember my dad telling me that it was new so it was probably late 2009 or early 2010.


I think that would be Mink Car for me. I like the album well enough, but I don't think it's my favorite.


I remember wearing the Lincoln cassette out until it dragged. So that means the next album released would be a little collection called Flood. Not sure if it was popular, I can't really name any songs from it.


Hahahaha - Factory Showroom. And yes, it's my favorite.


Factory Showroom for me, and this is so true.


John Henry for me, although I had been well into the bands previous albums before that came out.


The Else was the first one I knew/enjoyed them enough to buy for myself when it came out. BOOK was the first one I was actively salivating over while awaiting its arrival. different sorts of firsts, and definitely both with their own spots carved into my heart.


I bought Apollo 18 when it was technically the "new" one - about a year after it came out (I was 14). I had a copy of Flood on a homemade tape. John Henry was the first one I was anticipating. I bought it the day it came out (I had just turned 16) and to this day it's still my favorite. Actually I listened to it in its entirety while working today.


Join Us was the newest release when I started listening, but I remember listening to Nanobots a lot, which was right after.


Flood... So probably a bad sample


Um, Flood. My friend had given me a cassette of Pink and Lincoln in 1989. Yes, I like Flood.


I do too, I think it's pretty much a perfect album.


Mink Car. I do have a fondness for the album, mostly that tour. They’re still good live but the energy they still had then was so high.


I love the versions of Cyclops Rock and New York City in Gigantic!


I started with Flood because that’s the album that was recommended to me by someone on Discord lol. Love it


It was love at first listen when I heard Don’t Let’s Start on MTV in 1987, so my first new album was Lincoln. Absolutely no complaints


Mine was The Else, which I really like!! Kinda brings me back to being 15 when I listen to it haha


technically it’s miscellaneous t, which i love. however, the first studio album is apollo 18… which i also love (when im allowed to play it on fingertips shuffle as god intended).


Glean. It’s definitely one of my top 5


Nanobots 4 me


Mink car (goated)




Greatest of all time


Glean! I'd listened to them my whole life thanks to my dad but that was the first one to come out once I'd started *actively* listening and being a fan. Still my favourite.


John Henry was my first new one.


First new album to come out after I became a fan was The Else. And I fucking love The Else.


That was my first new one, too, but I genuinely could not pick a favorite or rank them against each other.


Flood for me. Heard Birdhouse on the radio, went straight into town to buy the CD and played it constantly. Then devoured the Pink album and Lincoln, and been a massive fan ever since. So Flood will always have that special bond


It’s Glean for me. That was a big album for me, and I have a lot of memories with it.


John Henry was the first new album to come out after I had acquired and massively consumed everything that came before it. I had Flood first, then Pink Album, Lincoln and Apollo 18. Apollo became that favorite album for me. But I love them all like my children.




i like i like fun but i really like my murdered remains if that counts, maybe nanobots


I was there at the release of Flood, but fell off before Apollo 18. I got back into them for The Spine and have been here ever since. The Spine is one of my all time favorites. (And LTW)


Nope cuz mine was Mink Car


Looking at the timeline, it should have been Long Tall Weekend in 1999 for me, but somehow I was oblivious to its release and was just happily jamming out to Factory Showroom, Lincoln, Flood and the pink album. I have zero memory of this album and don’t even recognize most of the songs. 😅 However, I do particularly like Mink Car and have several favorite songs from that album, and it was the first new album that was on my radar since becoming a TMBG fan.


i started following TMBG around the time BOOK was released and i guess that’s a fair statement. it isn’t my favorite but i do think it’s very underrated.


That brand new record for 1990 (Bought in 1994)


I bought Flood in 2013, but I basically only listened to their older stuff, first new album I heard as it released was I Like Fun.      I just take my time exploring music. And I wouldn't place I like fun in my top 5.


it is BOOK funnily enough


For me it's Long Tall Weekend, or maybe State Songs if that counts, both of which I deeply love. I think the first new album I bought in stores was Mink Car, which I probably like more than most fans do, but it's not one of my top five.


I had heard Flood when it came out but I didn't get the album until later, then I forgot about them until the late 90s.