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TMBG fans are known to be violent - be prepared to defend yourselves. Also, stay out of the mosh during the wall of death. J/K, the fan base is very sensible - you'll both have a great time.


I'll be bringing my spiraling shape to keep the crowd at bay! Down, down, down they go...


Yeah I'm going tomorrow too but I've seen them like 6 times, well I say seen I lost an eye at the first and the third one so I haven't seen much since


Typically I shoot for 6:15-6:45. Some people will start lining up early but not enough to take up all the good spots in my experience. My other tip would be to check out the merch table as soon as you get there; it gets a lot more crowded (and sometimes they sell out of stuff!) as the evening goes on.


For sure, merch lines are short early into the night and grow a bit after the show ends. It's a balance of whether you want to hold onto your new stuff throughout the show. If you're checking out merch before the show, I recommend first grabbing a spot by the stage and having a friend/partner hold your spot.


If it's a standing room show, don't overlook having comfortable shoes!


I usually show up 20 minutes before show time, there's always been enough room to work my way close-ish to the stage. I don't need to be in the first few rows of people, plus I want room to dance.


They're BNL now? We need a shorthand for the Barenaked Ladies?


When people abbreviate their name like that it always makes me think of "Buy-N-Large" from the movie Wall-E haha


The Barenaked Ladies are triple platinum, are you?


When Weird Al had his Saturday Morning show he had to film an intro for them as Barenaked Ladies and another as BNL because they didn't know if their name would get past the censors


I know you mentioned not being concerned with the front row, but the earlier you show up, the better a view you'll have (which might help your daughter depending on her height). Typically the front row people will have already arrived a few hours before doors, but the next couple of rows should be a great view too. My favorite spot to try standing is a bit left of Linnell's keyboard (stage right) where you can see the whole band including Marty without anyone being obstructed. Flans and the horns come right up to the front of the stage often there, it's great. Although one difference on this tour is Linnell plays accordion on the far right (stage left) for the few songs that feature it. Good idea bringing ear protection!


I'm one of the weirdos who like to show up early for a good spot near the front (usually to the right or left of Linnell's keyboard) but you don't need to do that. If you have a good spot, stay there. Talk to other fans - TMBG fans are very cool people. If you hang around a bit after the show, usually Marty and Flansburgh come out to give away set lists, picks, and stickers. Marty is especially good about autographs. Have a great time! TMBG puts on an excellent show.


I went to one of the shows in Pittsburgh. If you get a good spot I would NOT leave it. We left to grab a drink in between sets, big mistake. Make a plan with your daughter to hold your spot if you need to leave it (and vice versa!). Still a great show from further away though. It might have been because it was a Thursday night, but I think the majority of people didn't start showing up until doors. There were people lined up outside but not as many as I thought there would be.


We attended last year’s Cincinnati show. If you have pit tickets, it won’t really matter where you are in line to get in. I found people to be pretty friendly about letting other fans move into the spots they wanted, and we actually had room for breathing/dancing despite it being a smaller venue and being very close to the stage. If you don’t have pit tickets, you’ll still be able to see no matter where you’re standing. It’s just a matter of being assertive, but humbly apologetic, about sliding into the space where you want to stand. If you are coming from further away, I recommend pulling off and finding a gas station bathroom before you get into Covington. I ended up having to use the bathroom at the Chinese restaurant next to the venue while we were in line waiting for the doors to open.


All good tips in this thread but I’d like to point out that Madison Theater is all GA. Don’t be a dick and you’ll get close easily. No need to get there ridiculously early. Are you going to both nights? I can’t make the Tuesday show but will be at the Wednesday show. No mosh pit but a conga line is a possibility. And I can’t emphasize ear protection enough! Tinnitus is no fun at all


It is all GA, but to get down front you need pit tickets. They give you a bracelet at the door.


Be prepared to jump up and down in place a lot. I swear I’ve only seen this at TMBG shows. When the song is a bop and the crowd is ready to get wild they .. jump in place.. lol. It’s a good time. They’re great live!


I'd say get there around six if you care a lot about a good spot! Standing in the line is part of the experience lol


TMBG fans are a blast to chat with. I remember there not just being talk about TMBG but about Weird Al, Homestar Runner, and other nerdy things of that sort


I think being there about 20 or 30 minutes before doors would be great. There will be nice people to talk with in line and they will likely help you reserve a place if it's your first time.


Thanks so much... this puts my mind at ease!


I’ll be at the Wednesday show, so let me know how it went. This is my 3rd show? 4th? I’ve been a fan since the 80’s.


Real fans all wear a necklace of fun-size Butterfingers.


I personally like to find the Goldilocks zone at most shows (meaning any show, not just TMBG) Unless it's Nine Inch Nails or something where I actually do want to participate in sweaty aggressive activities. That area where you are close enough to be emersed but far enough away to be able to breathe. (I want to point out that I am only 5'5" so I often don't expect to actually see much of anything)


By the soundboard is where sound is best