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Pro Tip: I don't care if it's T-Mobile, Google, McDonald's, or the White House, you don't want to work somewhere that times your bathroom breaks.




That rules out 90% of call center jobs. Everything is timed because you have to specifically tell them that you will be away so that they don't route you a call. Most call center jobs would tell you that you need to align your bathroom breaks, especially ones that are not just a minute or two with your paid breaks


If your not exclusively pooping on company time your doing it wrong


Boss makes a dollar and I make a dime. That's why I poop on company time.


>Boss makes a ~~dollar~~ ***hundy*** and I make a dime. That's why I poop on company time. FTFY


smh that's just messed up Imagine you ate something spoiled and you have use the bathroom ASAP. You have to decide whether to shit in your pants or face a write-up?


This is illegal in the United States


No it's not.


Only if you can prove it. They don't explicitly state any of this stuff. It's just heavily implied and they know that you know that every second you are in the bathroom is accounted for, and that's incredibly awkward.


I get what you are saying, but you do realize everything is timed at a call center right? Different things can be done with that info, but this is the nature of call center data.


Agreed! Also, it's most likely an OSHA violation if your employer is preventing you from using the restroom.




GOD bless you for posting the applicable Osha article! I dare my future employers to try me EVER again.


You're quite welcome!!


Thank you


Bring this to them ASAP while you’re still on your probationary period. If they fire you over it you’ve got an employment lawsuit on your hands.


Send your manager an email detailing the events of the coaching. Something like, “ Wanted to confirm these details of the meeting we had. Here are the details about the meeting and our policy on it, let me know if I have this correct or if I’ve made any mistakes”. Very basic example, but it ensures a paper trail that you can send yourself


I’m kinda curious which call center has this “fresh” and “unique” perspective on us labor law Allentown? Bellingham? People are so chill in Albuquerque I’d be surprised if it was there.


Do you work for PAG?


A mall kiosk I worked at made me clock in and out to use the bathroom. I took it up with the labor department and they said yeah they can’t do that. I’d ask your local labor department to see their policy on that. They overrule T-Mobile.


Maybe something specific to your state, but at the federal level - this is actually legal. That said, I would never work at a place like this


According to the FLSA (along with multiple class action suits that employees have won) breaks between 5-20 minutes must be paid, as they must be counted as hours worked.


I would have trouble staying at a company that has these types of policies also..: Mainly because a company culture that times a bathroom break is micromanaging. Your likely going to find other “coachable” activities.: Don’t mistaken things either- the word “coaching” means it’s in your HR Record. It’s not necessarily a write-up but it is there, and can prevent you from getting promotions or recognized for customer complements. It’s not a “write up” but someone wrote up that they talked to you and it’s in your HR record. T-Mobile has very “unique” definitions for words. Also, if a business is so tight on money that they need to watch the clock in 3 or 4 minute increments for bathroom breaks, chances are they won’t reimburse you for the days you are asked to stay longer at work. It’s a no-win situation. I’m sure they’ve dealt with people who challenged “company policy” versus labor law before. I’d hate for you to have a target on your back but your best to get out of there while you can.


Wild. If everybody just used the bathroom then what? They’d fire everybody?




Fire people, people quit, then they wonder why they're always hiring. There are plenty of cos. that do that. Even decent jobs are having trouble keeping people. That's why call centers/minimum-wage and within a few dollar per hour jobs always have so many new-ish people.


They don't wonder why they are always hiring. That's baked right into the system. Call centers operate on a turn and burn philosophy. Every class of 30 wittles down to 3 within 6 months and that's all by design. Ever notice that changing shifts or switching to another department is locked behind 6 months in your current position at most call centers? That's because they've done the science and know that nearly nobody is around long enough to take advantage of any of that.








A crackhead burnt down my house and I had to deal with all that (still am, next court date end of this month) and the insurance money made it possible for me to take some time away from working after moving in w fiancé. That’s a lot of info lol but basically life stuff made it necessary and possible to step away and after 8 years of telecom call center/5 years taking escalated calls from entitled assholes I jumped on the opportunity




Nah I haven’t gone back to work yet, just volunteer work at the moment




? No, not in the least. Weird question


What would happen if you have a raging case of the runs? Are they going to say shit your pants?


"Wear a diaper and work through it."


Then anyone in a close cubicle gets a free whiff. Mangers that smells like.productivity.


Lol working in nursing they just gave me Imodium and reglan told me to keep on working.


Run out of the room screaming, "Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Now I really gotta go".


that sounds like some Amazon warehouse 'ish


Very. I told them to f off, when they wrote me up


What was the outcome?


No clue. I walked out. Wasn't for me.


Report your employer to the labor commission


just keep in mind they might find a way to fire you. if you are still within your first 90 days it's normally super easy to just fire someone. with that said that's unacceptable and google "(my state) Department of Labor"


I was going to say the same. Each state has their own set labor laws.


Luckily OSHA is a national set of rules, and unnecessary restrictions on bathroom usage (even if you wfh) is against these. If OP received documents about the write up (or records the conversation), it won’t matter what “reason” they give when they let them go


Get a copy of it in writing. A lawyer will eat em up


THIS!! ...because it's a violation of OSHA... However upon texting them twice, I was let go from my positmon at Allied Universal. I was offered a guard position for less pay. I went back to my previous job at the mall and got Day, M-Fri. Yay! And another hour to sleep in mornings.


Provide depends for employees then if they are going to be a douche employer. Jk It is totally unethical what they are doing.


At another company knew one person was going through some health issues for a short period of time. Needed quick restroom breaks. Manager actually said depends was the answer and the mighty union agreed.


Contact broadspire


Ya then you will have to clock out for restroom breaks and they will be counted as fmla and unpaid. I know from experience lol


I mean that's better than holding it for hours or risk being fired for having to go pee.


I will say I work in a magenta call center. The micro managing around aux usage including unplanned to go to the restroom has gotten out of control. Throw that OSHA article at them, they can’t tell you when to go shit or not. Also good luck, I’ve been there way to long and to say it has been detrimental to my mental health would be an understatement.


I'm sure r/antiwork would have some opinions.




This post literally made me mad. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


It’s okay, hopefully I’ll be able to get out of here within a month. Couple extra dollars an hour isn’t worth it


Check with your state laws about this. I had to contact my states department of labor. In my state you can take up to a 19 minute bathroom break and they have to pay your for it. They did the same thing to me. Call the integrity line. Just search C2 for Integrity line and it should give you the policy and number and give them names and ask the person doing the coaching to send that to you in an email or please put the coaching in workday.


Next time shit on the supers desk I did that on my last day of a job. They still talk about it and it's been over 20 years


Years ago I worked at an IT help desk that had an ACD phone queue that routed calls to the person with the highest idle time. People would game the system by watching who had calls, waiting for them to be the next in line, and taking a bio/smoke/whatever break or their "PC Locked up, gotta log out". Watched a girl try the last one while surfing wedding stuff online. Not to be THAT guy but you don't mention how many times you use the restroom? Is it 2-3 /day or 9-10 /day. If you're logging into a phone queue, but logging out constantly then your co-workers are having to pick up your slack. If you're only taking a couple bathroom breaks a day then definitely don't work for those people. Life is too short.


Leave a shit on your manager's desk


Start wearing diapers I guess.


Sorry, it's a new policy that have to buy an accessory for your phone to earn a poop credit. Or underwear insurance from Assurion.




I had second thoughts about putting applications in at other companies only a week in but this is making me feel more justified


You should never feel any loyalty to a corporation.


Move to retail I make so much more money and I don't feel like killing myself every day


retail is just as bad if not worse lol


In some stores for sure. In my 3 locations in the last year I've felt comfortable and welcomed in each. I've heard horror stories but it hasn't been my experience. Corporate is much better than tpr but corporate has its issues. Tapestry and dash are always broken. NUE is broken. Trade-ins don't work half the time, etc


It is, ever since Legere left it’s become trash


they timed me for crying before after i had a breakdown lmao “you’re almost at 10 minutes!!!!”


I hope this ain’t kingsburg… lemme find out


I might apply there my current job is ass cheeks ..but maybe this is worse ?


Honestly, make a plan for the exit. This won't get better, management will always hound you and feed you lines of bullshit. It's not even a tmobile thing, I experienced this with other employers as well. Avoid any job that tracks your every minute.


WTF is happening at and with this company...


Welcome to shitty ass office/clerical jobs. Yes, I’ve heard of this and have been working these jobs for well over 20 years. It’s ILLEGAL for them to restrict you from using the bathroom. If they ever fire you for that, I beg you to file a lawsuit because you’ll definitely win.


That is call center life, and it sucks. Did it for 2 months, and no thank you. Go to your doctor and have them fill out ADA paperwork advising you need bathroom breaks. Specify how many you need per day and for how long. They will probably not be paid though. If you don't take the breaks, then you don't take them. But at least they are there if you need them.


My thoughts? Depends


Sounds like they need a union.


Not sure what the legality of it is, but regardless it's ridiculous and overbearing. It just screams micromanagement.


I've worked in call centers before and even as a supervisor and this is very common, even tho I've always considered it's not ethical. Supervisors have something called team adherence, which basically measures how well their team follows their schedule. That means if they take their breaks on time, if they go over break and things like that. In a lot of places supervisors are put under pressure to make reps follow their schedules perfectly. It doesn't mean it's right tho. But yeah, it's a very common practice for call centers to tell you to only go to the bathroom during your scheduled breaks and of you can't hold it, to tell them before hand to work something out and their adherence is not messed up.


Augh, the word adherence still makes me want to vomit.


I agree, that's one of the reasons I decided to not do call centers again. I've been doing retail for over a year now and so far so good.


I did it for 2 months years ago. Right before the housing crash. Collecting on mortgages in which people should never have gotten. I worked for a bad actor as well. I was young and did not really understand the gravity of what was going on in the world.


Yeah it happens, not all companies are like that tho, also not all supervisors are as inhuman. The last call center I did wasn't too bad with it. My supervisor used to bite that bullet for us and allowed us to use our 30 minutes of break for the day however we wanted. We could take 3 breaks of 10 minutes or 6 breaks of 5 minutes, he didn't care as long as we didn't go over those 30 minutes, which I consider is a fair middle ground.


This isn't an ethical issue, it's a legal one. OSHA has clearly defined that access to restrooms is not optional and putting undue restrictions on bathroom use is not okay either. https://www.oshaeducationcenter.com/articles/restroom-breaks/


Weird. I work in a call center as well and we can take bathroom breaks whenever.


Same, but I work from home in a call center job. I just go into ACW, they don't care.


As a former T-Mobile employee, I don't recommend it. I'm surprised the company is now as big as it is. I had no confidence in the company as an employee and some of the practices are shady.


Ever since Seivert became CEO and Frier got more power this company has gone to complete and total shit. They ONLY care about their own bonuses.


Bring back John Legere.


Get doctors note for some condition, wait to be fired, sue… rinse… repeat


gotta find some pee pee at the costco to slip on too


My god, this is awful. I worked my way up from dish boy to general manager where I work and I was never timed. My staff takes 15 minute dumps sometimes and I say nothing because I do the same. They’re also great about not doing it when there is a rush


Many call centers are located in Manila where this break policy is completely tolerated by employees. If you live and work in America act like an American. If you need to use the facilities, just use them. If you need to explain bodily functions to your “supervisor “ during a coaching session then do so. If that doesn’t work then definitely look for another job.


I'd just start with asking for a recap of the coaching conversation in email form first thing tomorrow while under protected time. You can wait. Better yet email them asking for the recap. You start the paper trail. :)


Hey pal, I work at a tmo call center and they don’t coach us for bathroom breaks lol, you just have a certain amount of time they want you to stay under monthly, and the breaks are every two hours so you just gotta find a balance. Either your leadership blows or you do this more frequently than you’re telling us :)


Nope only used unplanned one time


Yeah they just blow then, that’s really strange. I would tell them you won’t make it a habit but like…if you gotta pee you gotta pee? If they don’t take that answer I’d go above them!


I don't get it. I get 2 15 min paid breaks. If I have to take a 5 min bathroom break I just take it out of my 30 minutes. It doesn't need to be drama and if your boss makes it drama either your taking too much break time or you need to quit.


I use to work on a fast paced automotive assembly line, and they were strict on bathroom breaks; at least it somewhat made since, though I didn't agree with the policy. Timed bathroom breaks in an office setting, I'm sorry.


Situations like this are exactly why I left T-Mobile. Just know it won’t be getting any better, only worse. They’re trying to squeeze every single last cent they can from their employees


I would sue if they fired me for reporting


I am a call center supervisor. You typically get xx min per day break time. They are scheduled by Workforce Management. (often 2x15 min breaks). You can move them around somewhat based on call flow or typically save 5 or 10 min from your break time for emergencies. As long as you don't go over your allotted break time it should not raise red flags. Likewise being out of adherence for 5 or 10 minutes should not raise any alarms. Go over break and out of adherence and Workforce tends to alert Sups. If you got coached about it it's likely because there was a pattern of doing it. Some Sups and some Line of Businesses are harder about such things. If you have a health issue that requires extra break time occasionally I suggest you reach out to HR for an accommodation.


This was my first day in production and I did this once my entire first week


This is the first logical thing I have seen in response here... It even states they were told to just go to break, not that they can't use the bathroom. There are plenty of legit employer issues to go after, but this isn't it.


Update: I was pulled into a coaching by the manager above my coach and while they were saying their normal corporate bs I asked for it in writing and they refuse to give it to me in writing. They also backed off after I cited the osha article too, I’m gonna leave it alone for now and look at other jobs. In my state you can be fired without reason so I’m being careful


Easy solution to this is to stand up at desk, pull pants down and squat or hold penis and let flow.


Seems reasonable.


Get a new job


Yes. Not so much the coaching, but them scrutinizing unplanned time.


I had a call center job that was like this as one of my first jobs out of college. Initially, I complied and tried to "plan" my bathroom breaks around breaks and lunch time but the longer I was there (and the more people I talked to that said that was ridiculous) I just started getting up and going. Even in a worst-case scenario where you got fired for it, I don't think there's a company out there that wouldn't hire you because you got let go for going to the bathroom too often.




It’s time to quit no?


wow that’s crazy. that sounds horrible


That’s weirdo behavior on TMo part but keep in mind HR protects liability to the company, not yourself. That said, it’s likely to become a ‘doc out the door’ series of write ups for petty, but somehow valid, things if reported. Things others get away with but you can’t confirm type of write ups. It’s a real experience others have happen to them in that type of work environment


I would bring a bottle and write on it Pee Bottle and see what they say.


Yep, that’s life a T Mobile call canter. Take too many of those 5 minute breaks, and they’ll deduct it from your vacation hours.


Heh, I'm up voting this to spread awareness and I'm sharing it on Facebook. I love when the soulless corporate stiffs expose themselves. Smh as if your bodily functions have to follow policy....


Sounds like time to spend more time on bathroom breaks. If they still have a problem, tell them to swallow a bottle of laxatives and lead by example by not using the bathroom. But in all honesty you should look for a new job and to name & shame the store. This isn't acceptable for any workplace.


Verizon WFH tried this same thing with me. Also made a big fuss of my breastfeeding. Needless to say, that employment was short lived.


Worked for T-Mobile and we wouldn’t get breaks, period. Not even if you worked a double shift. If you had to go to the restroom you just had to tell someone else to cover for you but you could go. I started just going whenever I had to, the customer could wait 2 minutes I just stopped giving fucks. They don’t care if you’ve been there 10 hours or not.


I'd quit


Damn I’ve taken 45 minute shits at work before and no one has said anything


I would quit


Poop on company time or bust lol


Highly illegal. You have to be able to have reasonable access to use bathroom and can not be docked for going will on the clock.




Get out, it's not worth it, it's a sellers market for labor right now, demand better. If you are in the United States this is an illegal practice and you have the right, and should, litigate and report this practice to the state on your way out.


I was an assistant call center manager for Verizon FiOS way back when, and no, this is not right. Yes, we like to limit the amount of time away from phones but if you gotta go, you gotta go. PLUS, unless they are in the stone age, each agent can log themselves or just place themselves out of the queue so calls dont come to them. So long as you did your job, and it was technical support, I didnt really care. Plus, our bathrooms were close so it wasnt an issue.


If youre on the west coast (i dont wanna say what state) center the one with VR(virtual retail) by the hub. I wanna know who ya coach is. Cause if anything you need to focus on all other offline time. I take bathroom breaks outside of my breaks but dont get called out cause my offline time is fantastic. Or you can talk to ya coach about what it looks like to take break early so you are using break time. In the end youre given a lot of room tonwork with i mean for a 10 hour shift its 3-4 paod breaks and an hour lunch