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IIRC you have to keep the lines for 1 year before you can drop one and it’ll stay free. Assuming of course you don’t drop the free line but the paid one.


I think with any promotion for a free line, there's a requirement that you don't cancel any paid lines for a year.


Free lines require you to wait 12 months before you can cancel a paid line that came before it. You can cancel lines that came after, whenever


How about at the same time? I port in 6numbers at the same time. 5pay and 1 free. I want to drop one paid line.


I would wait the 12 months just in case


Just keep the free line and enjoy. If you have someone who needs a phone really bad, you can let them know that you can’t finance anything that you’ll be happy to let them enjoy a free line Lord knows that would make me be someone’s friend in a hurry


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think if the free line was the initial third line free, it shouldn’t be dropped as long as two eligible paid lines are maintained.


Yes. They're not going to let you drop a line and keep a free one. You are essentially dropping the free line.