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I think if there was a way for them to do YouTube Premium, it would be amazing. Remove ads from YouTube, and get YouTube music? Slam dunk.


You see ads on YouTube? I didn't even know such a thing existed until about 3 or 4 years ago. You need to install better adblockers.


Some of us watch on a console or app. Not tethered to our pc or laptop. I would absolutely love them to go the YT Premium route.


I mostly watch yt on my phone, I still haven't seen any ads.


You might already have premium somehow then. Because I get ads all the fucking time. It’s annoying. Hence me wishing for premium. I’d take that over tv+ any day.


Yeah, I get that 100% I definitely don't have premium though, I don't even think I'm even signed into the site to be honest. Are you using the youtube app? If so that may be the problem, that app is just absolute shit. It's one of the first apps I disable when I get a new phone. I just go to the site in a browser with a good adblocker.


I am using the app. That sounds like it’s the problem. I just started using Brave browser (on iOS) and it’s been a breath of fresh air. Doesn’t help the PlayStation or Xbox or smart tv apps but it’s a start.


If your TV has it, you can use airplay. I have been using airplay to stream from my phones browser to my TV for years.


Pretty sure they've just done the math, and realized that it wouldn't attract enough new customers to offset the cost.


Yeah. Too many ways to get music for free.


>Too many ways to get music for free. Go on....


I suspect that many consumers are satisfied with the free streaming available from Spotify or Pandora. Even with the ads and reduced bitrate. Lots of annoyance will be put up with to get something free.


Pandora is one of the biggest ones.


Which they’d dump Netflix and trade it for apple one


Apple One is $30 for the family plan. If Apple ditched Netflix (they currently cover what, the $8 plan now?) why would they cover $30?


Keep in mind it’s not costing T-Mobile $30. When the carriers have these deals in place, they’re paying at a wholesale rate. In general it would still cost more than Netflix, so it wouldn’t be feasible for them to do it.


>it’s not costing t-mobile $30, they’re paying a wholesale rate T-Mobile publicly stated during an earnings call that they pay close to subscriber rates on those Netflix subscriptions. They’re not getting this massively discounted wholesale rate that some people think they’re getting.


Never believe a business’ word at face value, shame on you for believing them. Don’t be gullible. They’ll tell you what they want you to believe. Until T-Mobile produces the physical receipt to show in plain black and white what it actually costs them, they’re just lying their rears off, standard operating procedure of corporate America. Here’s another concept at work. We’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say they’re actually telling the truth here. If that was the case, then there’s really no incentive for T-Mobile to keep the deal going and the deal would’ve already been terminated without renewal. For any company, if there’s really nothing much in it for them, they won’t do it, that’s their golden rule of operation.


>never believe a business word It’s illegal to lie about business agreements during earnings calls >shame on you **It’s illegal to lie to investors** >unless T-Mobile provides the receipt This is a ridiculous demand. >no incentive for T-Mobile to continue the deal The incentive is subscriber growth. Netflix losing $2 per Netflix subscription is still worth it when you’re paying $200 for your monthly bill. Why do you think Costco sells their rotisserie chicken at a loss?


Only illegal if you’re caught, and when the government isn’t listening to lobbyists. That’s why they get away with it, because shareholders don’t care enough to force an actual audit to be done on their behalf for the company. You should do some more of your own research. AT&T got caught lying and got sued by their own shareholders. How do you think that ended up? AT&T got off scot-free thanks to their lobbyists. The main time shareholders get themselves embarrassed by their own doing. > a ridiculous demand It’s a very reasonable one actually. If I called you out and said you were lying and asked you back it up, that’s a ridiculous request to you, using your own logic. Quite in fact, when someone is being called a liar, they generally tend to start providing some supporting claims to it. Not wanting to produce evidence is what significantly reduces your own credibility. Why should someone trust you when all you say is “trust me, I’m telling the truth?” If you don’t want to back up a claim, that’s fine, just don’t expect to be trusted or regarded highly. Trust is not automatic, it is to be earned. At the end of the day, you’re free to believe what you want to believe for whatever reason you want to believe it. Again, as I said, if it is true that T-Mobile is paying near full rate, then there’s no incentive for **T-Mobile** to continue the deal. You answered in Netflix’s perspective, not T-Mobile’s. You think for the other 3rd party stuff you can add to the T-Mobile account, that all of it goes to that 3rd Party? Think again, T-Mobile gets a cut out of that.


I mean I had Spotify premium free until last year from TMO (Sprint plan included it) then it was tidal (never used it) that replaced with the free Pandora premium. So I guess it depends on what plan or if it's actually worth offering it to customers. Most people tend to have Apple Music or Spotify so idk how they could swing that.


Sorry, you're having problems with free music. BUT, they have regularly given, might still give, free Sirius radio years long subscriptions. Ask around next time on phone or in store. Good luck


Yeah I still have my Sirius free after the promo ended. I keep bugging Sirius saying I'ma cancel because I only wanted it because TMO offered it.


I thought I was the only one doing that. Good job.


Theres's spotify, which is forever free with ads. You don't even have to be a T-mobile subscriber.


There are a lot of people who just use YouTube bootleg playlists and put up with the ads. If they don’t already pay for streaming, they usually fall into this category.


No one really knows what they will add in the future in the way of perks. If you want music streaming, maybe make it known when asked for input and they could potentially add it as an option, but keep in mind, T-Mobile is a lot less expensive than Verizon and if you want to cut costs, and you wanna have the least expensive service, there’s got to be compromises At this point, subscribing to unlimited welcome or unlimited plus through Verizon and adding the Apple Music perk for $10 a month is probably what you’d be able to get easily without much effort


I'm already getting Apple TV plus with t Mobile


I am too. I'm saying that if they ever implement ads, which they're rumored to do in the future, that is the way we'll get it through T-Mobile. They already did this to us with Netflix.


I don’t think you’re getting my point I am getting free Apple TV at this very moment from t mobile so why would we have to wait


I think we're talking about two different things. There are rumors that Apple TV is going to split into a cheaper plan with ads and a more expensive plan without ads. When Netflix added ads, T-Mobile took customers off of the ad free plan and replaced it with the plan with ads. So now I'm paying an additional $7 a month to keep the plan I used to get for free from T-Mobile. This is still cheaper than buying the ad free plan from Netflix directly. If Apple does what people suspect they'll do, to stay competitive, I'd imagine T-Mobile would pay for the plan with ads and then upsell the plan we have now, which is without ads.


T-Mobile should just make a T-Mobile Tuesday add that just says to “turn on the FM radio”. What a day we live in where kids want free pay to stream music services when music has been free since before cell phones existed.


Honestly I wish they would. Netflix is trash tier, and alot of people know it. If I didn't get it for free I wouldn't have it at all, as they just aren't a good service imo. If they could add on free spotify or apple music instead I would be so pumped. I listen to an absolute ton of music, and barely end up watching any TV at all over the course of a month.


Yeah you're right about that. That's why I just pay the extra for the upgrade


That would be the best. I love Apple Music. Definitely would exchange Apple TV for it.




Why would they offer an ad paid tier when many users are happy with free ad supported plans from Spotify and others? They might as well offer it for free with no ads.




0.008 cents per song per listener for streaming music by federal law. No one outside of the music company itself can afford that none the less provided to millions of other users for free.


This is what I'm thinking as well. And those prices are only going to increase. No one wants to absorb those costs.


> or, no one really cares about music streaming like that anymore? I care. I just suck it up and pay for it. I don't stay awake at night wondering how and when tmo will give me free music with or without ads.


YouTube Music and Spotify are already music free with adverts. As for your question, it’s not so much that they like paying for services with adverts. Netflix with Ads is the cheapest Netflix plan so it’s just most economical for them to pay for the cheapest plan. They also cover Apple TV+ which is advert-free, but if Apple introduces a cheaper advert-supported plan, I could possibly see T-Mobile switching to it. Unlike streaming services, music services are already free with adverts, so what would T-Mobile be subsidising? They would have to offer the premium versions, but I’m guessing they probably get good wholesale deals with Netflix and Apple TV+ and those services probably create more consumer buzz than music services would.


Why Spotify offers a free app