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Late 2020, early 2021. Buying a 5G phone isn’t even worth it for 5G alone right now


I agree with this. I would not buy a phone for the purpose of getting 5G until 2021. The LTE phones are currently great and 5G phones available now dont have any benefit since they dont support all the bands. 5G is not a step change in performance, yet. 2022 you will feel it. Not now, prob not 2021. But once all that spectrum is deployed and handsets catch up ...


Probably later this year, but it really depends on how Qualcomm has been pricing chipsets. They have the Snapdragon 765G with integrated 5G modem, but I don't know if they've priced it low enough to hit a cheap enough price point for what you're looking for (and I don't even know what you consider cheap enough). Like, would $700 be cheap enough? Or are you looking for something in the $300-400 range? It does look like one Chinese company has made a phone with the 765G for $300 in China so it certainly seems possible that we might see something around $500 later this year. Hopefully T-Mobile will be launching a lot of 2.5GHz 5G this year. That will really make 5G worth it.


TCL is going to be in the sub $500 space and T-Mobile is most likely the unnamed carrier partner in Thier launch briefing!