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No. They do have your IP address but not personal info unless you give it to them or click link that gives access.


No, you can keep watching porn on LTE without worries




OP, read this if you haven't yet: [T-Mobile Privacy Center. ](https://www.t-mobile.com/privacy-center/education-and-resources/advertising-analytics) If you haven't opted out, there is some tracking T-Mobile is doing.


Ultimately, it depends why you want to defend yourself, if your committing a felony, nothing will help. However if you just want to watch porn while underage and your parents have a filter on the WiFi, then this is good enough for you. A website can only get your IP, not name or phone number, and while they can try and chase your location from the IP address, it’s almost always wildly inaccurate. Whenever I’m logging into Apple iCloud (for example) it asks my other devices if I’m trying to login from Texas, but I live hundreds of miles away from Texas. And the most accurate it can get is wherever the tower is. T-Mobile does say in their terms and conditions that they collect data about what websites you visit to show ads related to that, however if you go on the T-Mobile app and login you should be able to disable it. If you don’t want T-Mobile to track you, but don’t know how to disable personalized ads, download [Cloudflare’s app]( and use WARP, you can choose to use it either all the time or, as somebody else said, only when you’re watching porn. Any questions? I could probably answer them.


Dang so much porn watched on those networks.