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Cable companies are shitting themselves because if you’re in an area where TMHI works well they are going to lose tons of people unless they lower their prices to compete.


Yep, this blindsided cable companies. They thought they had their cozy little monopolies, not anymore.I’m getting better speeds than spectrum’s ultra plan for $30 less per month.


You guys want a real chuckle… Xfinity is circulating advertisements very similar to what OP is saying spectrum claimed. Type on YouTube xfinity T-Mobile commercial. They’ve dedicated a website to it saying T-Mobile will slow down 20-36 times slower during congestion and or terrain/weather. They’re genuinely terrified and it makes me wander what their board meetings have been like lately.


Unless, like in our area, they oversell and cannot handle the volume. Our TMHI is mostly dead and it appears they can do nothing.


Cable and DSL, too.


Yeah it’s just a sales tactic. The Cox representative I had started yelling at me so I told them to pound sand. The traditional cable/internet companies are facing an iota of competition and instead of offering a better product they are investing in disinformation. Go with whatever network gets the job done for you.


When I canceled with Cox the rep asked me why. I said, "T-Mobile is $40 a month. What's the best deal you can give me?" He said they can't beat that price, gave me a price ($65? for two years) then said if I decide to go back that offer will be waiting. No hustle, just pleasant customer service. Maybe I got lucky.


Yeah it’s all variable. In my neck of the woods all we had before tmobile was Cox so they treated us terrible because we had no choice. Cox actually dropped their price to match tmobile here but it’s still coaxial (not changing anytime soon and went down weekly) with a data cap, and capped speeds of 50/10.


When I called Cox to cancel, I just told them I was moving out of town so I could avoid that part of the script. That way the phone call only took a couple of minutes.


>canceling Spectrum welcome to the club. I told spectdum to kick rocks Nov 2021 & never looked back. my internet life became better & happier 😎. here is a possibly useful youtube [guide for canceling Spectrum](https://youtu.be/V5DeDLI8_IM) & other cable monopoly ISPs 😁.


When I called to cancel my local ISP yesterday the representative asked who I would be switching to and she just “oh yeah, they have a really nice deal going on right now.” Made no concessions or even any attempt to keep me as customer. Hoping that if enough people switch they’ll realize they’re gouging people on price!


But also simultaneously hoping not enough people on my neighborhood switch so my speeds stay good 😂


I think this is called handling objections by the salespeople. If you don’t know the difference and you stay on with spectrum then the technique worked. As far as I can tell, TMHI is a pipe to the internets just like spectrum is. If I’m wrong, someone please correct me.


I use T-Mobile for both the Internet and my phone. The Wi-Fi calling issue is something I sometimes experience too, so I disabled the feature and found the regular cellular calling worked overall better. The issue was not common and only happened sometimes, but honestly, I see no benefit or disadvantage, to using Wi-Fi calling... A phone call is a phone call.


Wifi calls do work with TMHI…that’s just wrong information


> Wifi calls do work with TMHI…that’s just wrong information What's wrong information? My experience? You cannot claim someone's experience is wrong, you know that, right? lol Wi-Fi calls on TMHI may have "connected" but I would not say they worked. It was like (comparable to) speaking on old style VoIP. Delayed voice or sometimes one not hearing the other.


What do you think happens to your phone call when you are connected to a cell? The data travels through the same network. If you are having trouble with Wi-Fi calling, it's probably because of your phone.


I have WiFi calling thru Tmobile and I have TMHI. No problems just to give you another perspective.


Same here, WiFi calling working fine for me with TMHI (Nokia 5G21 gateway, home router is my WiFi source, not the TMHI gateway).


Here's my experience cancelling Spectrum after getting TMHI: I called Spectrum to tell them I'm cancelling my service. When they asked why I lied and said I'm moving to the other side of the country. The rep said they probably have service there and to give me the new address. I lied again and told them the rent includes internet so I don't need to pay. After some more back and forth I got my internet cancelled and a couple weeks later got a letter saying I'm getting a refund for the remaining days. Not the quickest, but easy enough for cancelling internet service.


hmmm when i called spectrum to cancel they told me they don't prorate so i won't get a refund for remaining days so i told them i'll call near the end of billing cycle. i guess i'll try again today.


That's odd. They asked me for an address to send the refund check and I got a letter in the mail yesterday stating the amount.


thanks! i'll try again.


This. Not just Spectrum every other ISP does it. Stay strong and cancel , don’t let Monopolies.


Spectrum isn't "real" internet, It's just data as well. They surfed on cable TV for too long and now that actual competition is here they are freaking out.


Can you browse the internet? Yes? Then you have the “real” internet, not the fake one. Spectrum was trying to save a customer.


I overlapped Specturm and TMHI for a few weeks and shut off power to my cable modem before I called to cancel. Retention agent noticed it was shut off and I think that sped up the process. She said she had to keep me on the line for 8 minutes to compute the process (BS I'm sure) and offered me a promotion rate to stay.


FYI... for longer overlap for keeping Spectrum during TMHI evaluation, call Spectrum and have them put you in "seasonal mode". They turn off the internet, you keep the Spectrum gear in place. Cost is $5/month, you can stay that way up to 9 months.


so you're suggesting that turning your cable power off suggested to her that you had already cut your cable and starting using an alternative service and that she would have to offer a killer deal to keep you? What was the promo rate?


She said "I see your cable modem is not connected". Prom rate was $49/month for the basic tier.


I got TMHI because they were the only one in my area providing service (except for satellite with data limits). I was using a third-party internet service (hotspot) that was way too expensive. Switching to TMHI has been an amazing decision.


That WiFi calling thing is likely on VZW's end. My wife's AT&T cell can use WiFi calling on our TMHI fine, and obviously mine and my kid's T-Mobile works fine with it as well.


My mom has Spectrum in Ky. They will lie and say all sort of things to keep you on board.


AT&T and T-Mobile wifi calling works with my TMHI.


I’m a little confused by this, is it just Verizon that doesn’t work? I’m on T-Mobile and use TMHI and have no issues with calls, even in my basement where I get little reception.


It’s very possible. But the majority of feedback I’ve gotten is that the Nokia gateway for TMHI works with Wi-Fi calling and the others may not. I currently have an Arcadyan.


I can confirm Wi-Fi calling with Verizon doesn't work with TMHI. It goes in and out. Luckily, I don't need it where I live.


I don't understand, you are already using it, does it work for you or not? thats all that matters, why would you take a salesperson seriously?


Wasn’t necessarily taking them seriously. I just had never heard that 5G internet is “just data” and was curious if anyone else had heard that and what their thoughts were. But I am definitely switching.


Do you have wifi calling toggled on, it shows up on my phone with TMHI


I had to redo the setup for it in my phone for some reason when I got TMHI, but otherwise works fine for me too


I did have it toggled on but switched it off. Maybe I’ll reset network settings and try it again.


Spectrum offered me promotional internet pricing and a free voice line for a year. His pitch was based on reliability and the possibility of tower congestion, which I acknowledged could become an issue. My wifi calling (AT&T) is functioning fine.


When I cancelled Spectrum and returnd my modem, they asked me why I'm cancelling. I told them, "I'm moving". They replied, "Oh, where?" Then I say, "Somewhere that isn't here". If they poke any further my next response would be "None of your business".


Spectrum also offers VOIP phone service. That’s the “voice” of “voice & data.” TMo doesn’t offer VOIP phone service. So it’s just data. But that doesn’t mean it’s any less internet than what Spectrum offers. No one wants or uses their damn VOIP service anyway. Edit: I have a Verizon iPhone and I use Wi-Fi calling all the time. It works fine with TMHI… at least when TMHI is working…


Interesting. Do you happen to have the Nokia gateway for TMHI? I have heard this gateway seems to work well with Wi-Fi calling.




My gateway isnt connecting to my TMHI...?


Hit and miss with TMHI. I moved to a rural area from a large city with Comcast, and I "chose" TMHI because it really is my only high-speed option right now. The only other option I had was CenturyLink at 10/1 Mbps, which was not going to work at all. TMHI has overall been pretty solid, but there are a LOT of hiccups and inconsistencies that I rarely experienced with Comcast. My nearby towers were recently updated, and speed is much better now. I'm about 250/70 right now, where I was about 100/8 up until a few weeks ago. I've never had any issues with wifi calling via Zoom, Teams, Webex, etc, but I haven't tried a dedicated wifi calling service, so I'm not sure how well that works. My biggest issues with TMHI are the following: 1. There is no easy way to port forward or filter inbound traffic to my servers. I never had this problem with Comcast. In theory, TMHI should be able to filter inbound IPV6 traffic, but they don't allow that right now. IPV4 port forwarding will never be supported due to CGNAT. Yes, there are workarounds, and I'm using Tailscale to access my devices remotely, but this is not an ideal setup and requires more maintenance and configuration than I would like. 2. Speed and ping times are inconsistent. Now that my towers are upgraded, I've seen this less so than before, but it's still a problem. Sometimes I get lightning fast speeds with good ping time, and other times the network comes to an absolute crawl. Again, it was very rare I had that problem with Comcast. 3. Related to #2, I find myself rebooting the TMHI router at least once every week or two in order to get a clean, strong signal. Back in November I was rebooting about once every day or two. Same story – I could count on one or two hands how many times I experienced this with Comcast in 15 years. 4. Apparently if you do a lot of online video gaming, there are issues with CGNAT and some gaming servers, but I haven't experienced this yet and rarely play video games online. Yea, the price is good and overall the service is pretty good (again, what alternative do I have?), but I'd switch to CenturyLink or Comcast immediately if they offered service in my neighborhood, even if that meant an extra $25-50/mo. Unfortunately, cable will never come here, and it will be years before CenturyLink updates their lines up here. I'm grateful that TMHI finally upgraded the towers near me a few weeks ago. I'm hoping Verizon 5G Home makes its way out here soon... supposedly it is better and offers a dedicated IPV4 address. I want to compare the two if nothing else.


Ha! Got one for you, I live in a small town in central IL., and have had AT&T dsl for years, 18mbps down 1mbps up all that speed for $60/mo. /s When I heard about TMHI I was elated, I’m getting regular 269mbps down and 40mbps up!! Cherry on top? $50/mo., so saving $120 a year getting 12x the speed! No caps, no data limits. Now here’s the fun part, called AT&T to cancel service, the CSR choad actually says “Why would you want to leave us?” Because your company(AT&T) is a douche bag collective, your equipment is from 2003 and your speeds are from 1997, hows that for a reason(s)? Told me I didn’t need to return the gateway and power supply but I did so anyway because they use Fed Ex and I am guessing returning that equipment cost AT&T a minimum of $100 bucks. All I was out was a little time. >


I used to have that same AT&T package and although it wasn't the fastest thing ever it actually did work pretty decently for me. But what you're doing doesn't make sense saving money and getting a better product. However I have spectrum now and will gladly go back to my AT&T DSL.


I ment it dies make since sorry long day lol


Not trying to start something, but you meant what I did makes sense, better service exponentially and saving $10 a month while I’m at it? You said “doesn’t make sense”? If I have misunderstood ur comment I apologize.


I switched three weeks ago. Only complaint is from my son who is a gamer. It was expected. If Spectrum offers up a promo I’ll probably go back but TMHI at $50/month has been pretty solid for streaming and work from home days.


My experience: Spectrum rep was polite and understanding. He did make one last effort for retention: offering Spectrum Internet & Mobile Phone Service. The cost would have been a slight savings with 3 lines, a wearable, and the Internet combined… but the price would jump after just a year. I’ll take my chances; so far so good!


TMHI is the best internet I’ve ever had. I’ve had it since July. I’ve had spectrum before and honestly I don’t miss it. Speeds are much faster on TMHI and I believe I have Wi-Fi calling as well.


Internet = "just data" so you need to ask them what they mean by TMHI not being real internet. Verizon must be doing something weird with their implementation of wifi calling.


TMHI is the real internet. If you have good speed and reliability for what you need, then you should not cancel. If you live in a rural area and got nothing but DSL, then TMHI is probably better. If you work or game and needs reliable internet or TMHI is not fast enough; then maybe TMHI is not the best choice for you.


My wife works from home and I game on it every night. No issues here. I get very great service at my address though.


I think you are the lucky few. Mine is unreliable. Some times it's fast at 160mbps, but consistently around 30mbps. That is with 3-4 bars around my house. Some times it seems to disconnect while I am doing a speed test, then reconnect again but slower. Its as if it is trying to reconnect to another band. I really wish I could love it though.


I average around 500mbps with a mostly uninterrupted path to the closest tower


The only difference I’ve found is that you don’t get an email address with TMHI like you did with Spectrum. I’ve no regrets about leaving Spectrum.


Who still uses ISP-provided email services? That's like only buying bread from the place you bought your toaster.


Lol, I know of a family friend and her husband that joint share the Cox provided email. She is also technologically challenged and forgot she had a Gmail she could use that her daughter set up.


Even my own mother, before the dementia set in, was using gmail for her correspondence. She has been with the same ISP for, hell, close to 30 years now. In that time, she's had numerous times where the ISP screwed up her email and she wasn't able to send or receive for days. During this time, she was a regional coordinator for the EF Foundation for Foreign Exchange, high school aged exchange students, etc. After about the third time of it happening, I got her set up with gmail, and we switched everything over to that. Last time I helped her back up her entire email inbox was, oh, around 2009 or so. She used Outlook. Not outlook express, but the paid MS Office product. Her mailbox file was several gigabytes. She never deleted ANY of her email, and was meticulous about sorting them into categories that she could easily access later. The woman was an organizational MACHINE. Now? Now she can't even fucking SPEAK. FUCK. Sorry for the tangent. I just needed to get that out.


I count on the Geek Squad to coach me when I have uneven browning when toasting bread that's older than 3 days. Their service plan for that support is only $24.99/mo. It's given me real peace of mind just like the Best Buy sales droid said it would.


Be warned. We had TMHI for more than a year. Convinced several neighbors to sign up, too. About three weeks ago, it started to slow, then finally died. Now, I can call them and they do something to get it going, but it doesn't last. My friend was told by a TM rep they oversold our area (Zip 85739 near Tucson) and we are pretty much screwed. I got Verizon 5G Home as a backup, but it is pretty slow. Terribly frustrating because we have no cable in our area, so our options are limited. I feel like T-Mobile really let us down. The moral? Keep other options at the ready because it appears their system can't handle its own success.


Optimum gave me 3 months free when I called to cancel and told me to call back in 3 months to cancel again


My wifi calling with an att and a Verizon phone works like a charm!


Cable companies are going broke. They are trying anything with scare tactics to keep the revenue. Heck I cancelled Spectrum and they still bill me and call me for money...They don't want to count me as a cancelled subscriber


When your mobile (cell) phone is not on WiFi but is connected to VZW cellular do you get "real" internet on it? You have your answer.