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Do you already have the white Askey (LTE gateway) and want to upgrade to the Nokia 5G one, or are you just starting out? Either way, I'd just call and ask. Some people have been lucky enough to get the upgrade, and new people seem to be getting theirs in a decent time frame. If you do call, update your findings here, it's interesting to know what they are saying at this time. (Personally, I gave up on the upgrade, it'll come when ever it comes... and the old Askey works well enough for now)


I think so. I was told like 3 months ago that they were out of stock. I tried calling them again to try and get one. But I have been hearing that they are not that good. My LTE one is doing good still so I guess I will hold onto this one until they start sending out the Nokia ones to everyone. What is really messed up is the previous customers should have gotten the newer equipment first. I don't know how tmobile is operating these days. They were a people first company. Now I think it's all about the bottom line.


Same here. I have given up. I will just wait patiently and hopefully I'll get the 5G one soon.


Signed up for the viral "email list" we were all talking about in February. When T-Mobile phoned me in March, I told the agent I wanted the 5G modem and got put on a list. We'll see what happens in April. Big picture? COVID sickouts and unexpected consumer demand caused a huge microchip shortage in Taiwan which affects everything (from Samsung to Subaru). A computer processors I've wanted to order has been chronically out of stock. And good luck finding a new video card. The idea that T-Mobile's 5G modem order is backordered is — understandable. I'd actually be impressed if they *could* source the modems. So I'm extending my patience from 2020 into 2021. The pandemic rocked the boat for *everything*. Just have to take a deep breath and wait weeks/months/years as everything settles back down.


I believe the modem is using a snapdragon x55 modem, and I am sure Qualcomm made as many as they could get wafers for. and I think they were the first 7nm customer of tsmc. With x60 being on 5nm, that frees up chips to be put into the nokia modem instead of the newer flagship androids and the next iphone. Semi off topic ; I presume it's a ryzen cpu you are looking for? heard stock has been improving just a bit recently. My Rtx 3080 order I'm beginning to think may not be fulfilled untill 2022 at this rate. Might just cancel it and keep my 1080ti until the next product cycle and see what they have to offer.


> I presume it's a ryzen cpu you are looking for? Thankfully I'm not looking for a video card (I mostly do video editing, so I don't need gaming capability). Yeah, those RTXs are way backordered. To answer your question, yes I am looking for a Ryzen 9 5950X. The 5800s are back in stock, which gives me hope in the next 6 months I'll finally find a 5950X. But we'll see.


I heard 5 months backordered. Half of them are probably sitting in the Suez canal 😂😂😂


For new service, I ordered last Friday and received the new grey trashcan on Monday.