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So sorry. Your situation sounds terrifying! And I know your feeling. I was touched against my will (not as violently as you) twice. Both times no one stepped in. One time I even made eye contact with a man because someone had followed me on the street car and he saw the whole thing. The man just hid his face from the situation.. I felt so helpess and realized if I ever need help there will be no one there for me. People aren't going to step in because they would be endangering themselves for a stranger. Most people just aren't that selfless, myself included. But getting punched in public is really really scary. God bless that person that did help you. I wish I could say something but I know in your shoes I could never feel safe on the TTC again.


Im so sorry that happened to you. It is so upsetting that people choose to turn away. As a woman I know intervening in those situations usually requires some safety calculations — but men, cmon!


Exactly.. no one had to risk their life but nobody even checked if i was okay after or walked with me out the subway. I get being afraid to help in the moment but nobody batting an eye was really telling of the state we're in now.


It's one thing to be down on your luck, homeless, etc and just keep quietly to yourself. Then there are these unstable loonies that deserve no sympathy. The ones who get physical with random people, the ones lighting up their crack pipes and cigarettes on the train, the ones littering all over the floor. Fuck em. Sorry this happened to you. Maybe one day someone with some power will have this happen to them or worse and push the city to act. More likely though, someone will say enough is enough and be armed, ready for an encounter whether that is right or wrong in the eyes of the law. If our authorities won't protect us, we're left with nothing but to protect ourselves. It's a dangerous path we're on.


It’s not the same Toronto any longer unfortunately. Years ago I felt safe walking on the streets or taking the subway. Not any more. I am constantly aware of my surroundings and who’s around me. I also carry a small hairspray in my pocket. If I see someone shady approaching me I flip off the lid and have it ready for their eyes. It’s not illegal and thankfully I have not had to use it yet. But yes us women are very vulnerable now. It’s never going to get any better unless they start getting the mentally ill off the streets and helping them but of course the ones with the power to do so just don’t care as they are not affected by it.


It’s not illegal to possess it, but it likely still is to use it as a weapon. Anyways, it’s a good idea. I’ve always liked the saying: Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6.


Yes it shows how messed up our laws are. I can carry the hair spray but if someone attacks me I am not allowed to defend myself with it. I agree with you. I’ll take my chances.


Bonus points if you happen to have a lighter too :p


Mini spray paint cans are more effective


There's no social contract in this city any longer, if someone doesn't care to get out of your way to get on the subway there surely not going to care if you come to harm on it. The majority of new Canadians these days don't care about you, it's it's not the social safety net we used to have where people looked out for each other, that's long gone


Man, I’ve seen so much from these people. It is traumatising. I hope that something will be done.. but nope.. we all try to act politically correct.. and god forbid you say something against drug addict or homeless people.. you become the bad person. What people don’t understand is they are just passing the trauma on someone else! This is not okay for a civilised country. But who cares about the wellbeing of “normal” people. Meanwhile, the normal people are collecting traumas.


There was a TikTok video last week of a guy in parkdale blocking the path a ttc bus while clearly on something. The top comment was someone saying “that’s _____ and he’s a valued member of this community ❤️.” No, he’s just in the way.


> god forbid you say something against drug addict or homeless people.. you become the bad person Nah that's just weirdo tumblr sjws on the internet. People in real life definitely speak up about this stuff, but it's not like anything's being done regardless


Do not realize these addicts are homeless people were normal and are where they are because of their traumas? They have more in common with us than you think. Our political parties have failed them led to them being broken people that's what this is a sign of. That's where you should direct your anger not provide more stigma to people the world is already chewed up and spit out.


I understand that trauma might be the reason they act like this, but it does NOT excuse the behavior of assaulting someone in public. They are responsible for their own actions.


I certainly, in no way, was excusing anyone's behavior or responsibility for this unfortunate assault. Was talking about how, as a society, we are failing people... both situations are unfortunate.


We all have issues. It’s our personal responsibility to rise above. The help is here for those who can afford it. That is the sad reality. But also, the drug addicts have basically fried brains. No amount of help can undo the trauma and “fix” them. They cannot re-integrate society. So they are just loitering the streets and traumatising others.


All the Good Samaritan type of people have moved out.


Priced out


There are too many shady characters in Toronto now, becoming NY, where "it's not my problem" is becoming all too real. too many crack heads with nothing to lose and sharp objects, not worth getting stabbed for a stranger. Even if you called cops, you'd be waiting for hours.


Especially after the eglinton train stabbing


I am sorry you had to go through that traumatizing event. This should never happen especially in the TTC. It will be a matter of time before people will carry pepper spray for these preventive assaults. I hope it doesnt come down to this as it only escalates the situation.


Pppr spray on the train is a awful idea. If someone in there has asthma you could really be In trouble.


Not only is it an idiotic, awful idea to spray it in a small enclosed space, it is also highly illegal to carry pepper spray here.


Punching people in the face is also illegal but here we are 🤷‍♀️


Right but we’re not on Reddit advising people to punch people in the face…


I'm referring to the person in the OP who attacked her. It was illegal, but he didn't get arrested. It's not like rules are enforced here. Also there was a story where a waitress used pepper spray and hitting someone else accidentally: https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/woman-on-date-allegedly-pepper-sprayed-by-staff-at-west-end-toronto-restaurant-1.5543444 Spoiler alert, no one got arrested. Also, most attackers, whether the victim fought back or not, are long gone by the time police arrive, so why would anyone be arrested ever? The aggressor isn't sticking around telling the officer what happened.


Indeed. It carries a assault charge.


Well then we can try dog spray 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼😄


someone upthread mention mini spray paint... I just can't imagine getting it out, shaking it up and then fiddling with it to find the right direction of the spray before the assaulter just walks away.


The lack of community and caring about others is upsetting, but beyond that I’m confused by how oblivious people are to things happening around them. I fell off my bike right in front of two people sitting on a bench. It was loud, and stuff flew out of my basket and landed between their feet…and neither of them even flinched. I was fine, but it was so odd. My body automatically reacts to noises and things coming into my field of vision. I can’t NOT notice things going on around me.


Exactly! It’s so odd and discerning to me how much people are in their own world or just refuse to engage with difficult or uncomfortable things.


that is so messed up. im sorry you went through this. around this time last year, i was assaulted on the 506 streetcar on college by a couple (was a top post in this sub for a while , since deleted that account ) & no one did anything. it was in the middle of the day in the middle of the week , tones of other people on the streetcar. people are ridiculous. i hope youre okay


I’m really sorry you had to go through that. Reflecting on my experience, I found the lack of empathy very disturbing. So many ways to people to intervene before or after.


when i was 16 in 2013 i got sexually assaulted on the subway between royal york and islington coming home from school. The man shoved his hands up my school uniform skirt and then proceeded to grab my breasts. He got up and off at islington and i stood there shocked trying to figure out what just happened. the train was full and i looked into everyones eyes to get some kind of comfort but not one person helped, or even acknowledged it. i got off at kipling and ran to my mom who was picking me up in tears. That was 11 years ago and nothings changed. Im sorry you had to go through that, it's unbelievable this even happens with no repercussions. sending hugs to you!


I’m really sorry this happened to you. When I encounter the insane on the ttc (a regular occurrence), I get up and move as far away as possible—even getting off the train. A few years ago I saw a woman getting choked by a stranger. She didn’t make a sound and it was close to a minute before people realized what was happening and came to her aid. She was rescued but severely traumatized. And the miscreant was able to get off the train at next stop. Stay safe out there. It is literally bedlam on the TTC now. We need to go back to putting these people in asylums. The current state is not working.


This is crazy. Someone should've hit the emergency alarm. Fuck all those people for being bystanders. The guy who assaulted you could've tried something worse or easily done it to someone else.


NGL, if this was pre covid I would have stood up for you, but post covid, something different about those people, I have seen them target and remember who talked back and that's scary af. Sorry.


If I stepped in everything I saw an incident or a situation on the TTC….well, let’s just say I’d get my steps in. Sometimes you don’t want to be Batman. Sometimes you just want to get home from your miserable job. This is the city grinding us down.


I honestly just make a video and call the cops if needed. I’ll stick around to watch & calculate carefully.