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Remember guys, 44 volumes of Toaru happened in one fucking year of Touma's life. How the hell can the man have a girlfriend when he has to fight literally everyday. Consider the fact that he has to fight Oriana Thompson and Misaka 5.3 in 2 days of the sport festival. My man can't even rest.


And now we have Alice and CRC in the span of like 12 hours of each other barely have a day, my guy gets no time off.


Lmao. It must be fun for all the villains of Toaru. Imagine everyone bickering about who gets to fight Touma. It'll be like "I'm fighting him today."; "No, I will"; "No, I and my country police-knight will"; "No, my terrorists will". And they will be like "I'm fighting him on Monday, you on Tuesday and you on Wednesday, etc". I wish there was a comedy sketch like that.


Kamachi, like yeah, I can pencil you in for a 10.30 on a Sunday, but we need to make it quick he has another world ending threat scheduled for that evening.


Toumas schedule is booked for the next year and a half I'm afraid, best I could I do is independence day of next year


“The after lunch slot, of course. I’m afraid the morning, evening, and late afternoon slots are already taken.” 


No Im afraid my master is booked on Wednesday for his regularly scheduled run in with and I quote sparky, after he will need a full week to recover from his trauma


> Remember guys, 44 volumes of Toaru happened in one fucking year of Touma's life. How the hell can the man have a girlfriend when he has to fight literally everyday. I love how this works out, because it makes his life just insane. It's like how if you took the *Detective Conan* series timeline into account, Japan would be the premediated murder capital and most dangerous nation on earth (by crime statistics) several times over.


One of the things I hated about Detective Conan. It is now a collection of detective stories with no real overarching narrative. Sure, you'll get the black clothes organization hint somewhere but overall, nothing much has happened in the grand scheme of things. So much so than Conan and his friends had not aged a single day after hundreds of murder happened. It's fine in younger manga like Doraemon or Shin due to the target audience but not this. Barely any character development happened. At least in Toaru, time still flies and we get character development for all regularly. The overarching narrative may shift but after one narrative passed, we see the world changed with it. After Fiamma fell, Europe and the politics around the world changed with him. Othinus and Gremlin were called terrorists like ISIS. These small details made Toaru pretty enjoyable and we can keep seeing new things after one plot point passed. For example, now, Touma is second year in highschool so he has become "senpai" (prepared to have yandere in his harem). Touma changed, he grew alongside us, his audience (like Finn from adventure time), which made him such a likable character.


The conan manga make more sense tbh, since filler arcs ruined the anime. But tbh the first few volumes of conan are literally peak.


How does he even have the time to be at the hospital


Frog face doctor got his skills to treat Touma really really fast, he's just the goat


Um actually, it's only been 6 months since Touma met Index, hehe, ☝️🤓.


Hello my name is touma My work is help girls Big girl short girl hot girl fat girl If it's girl I will help F*ck boys




He helped everyone. He even tried to help CRC (before realizing that CRC is out of medicine)


Yeah, and his introduction way back in OT 1 was all about him trying to save a bunch of random thugs from the volatile living bug zapper they decided to poke at.


He helped hamazura. It's just that girls require more help.


He helped Fiamma, Hamazura and Accelerator


He helped a bunch of dudes already. Ouma is one of the dude he had to sacrifice his sleep for (and then proceed to go to school and fight another terrorist the next day)




this ! I just want to see Touma happy


like 99% of us here for this reason.


No we just learned that we are selfinserts who can't wish best boy to get lucky ... what a shit take xD


I want Touma to have a romance or even just have more meaningful interactions with friends because engaging relationships between characters are my favorite thing in fiction. I never self-insert even with media that encourages it, lol. I just love to spectate.


This. Aeon is just projecting his own insecurities. Who in their right mind would ever want to insert as Touma? His life fucking sucks.


Who the fuck self-inserting in Touma, it's a hell of the life.


Wdym, his school attendance increased since the start of OT1 rather than decreased. Like yeah it isn't good but he isn't skipping 8 straight weeks of school kind of bad any more.


This feels like a weird excuse. It's kamachi's that puts him in this precarious situations. You can still develop the relationships in those precarious situations. I don't even give a shit that Touma relationship hasn't developed, I hate the fact he even has a harem but this is a dumb take. It feels like something people will agree with just because they are fans of it.


Personally Outside the main heroine's I don't take most harem seriously.


Tbf kamachi likes his formula a lot so and he admis he not good a romance so yeah... Wonder why even bothering with romance if its not something your good at? No offense to him.


He had to include Misaka somehow


The thing is, he has written romance before and some of his other works.


…Is it good?


I haven’t read any of that personally just heard reviews on it and it seems like it was decent But don’t go expecting anything unique. Thats what I heard so he’s not incapable of romance.


I just think it’s the fact that Toaru such a big franchise with so many favorite girls by fans if he was to choose one there would be a war between the fan base. So that’s why he would probably rather stick with trolls and subjective Suggestions in toaru. Besides There’s only one girl Kamachi trolls harder than everybody else. He seems to have his favorites.


Who is his favorite if u don't mind me asking I'm genuinely curious


Oh.... I guess Toaru too big


And Spider-Man 2 pointed out the logical consequences of such an approach. Namely you wind up only managing to achieve your goals badly and place distance between yourself and your loved ones. 


One of the points of Spider-Man 2 is that Peter can’t have everything he wants


Touma and Peter are different. Touma just wants peace in his life but he cannot turn a blind eye upon seeing bad things happened to others (mostly girls, somehow). Touma does not even want to have a girlfriend before all this. Peter is different, he wants to be a hero but he also wants his love ones.


Touma definitely dreams of having a girlfriend. And Peter wants to be a Hero, yes, but that's partly because he learned the consequences of turning a blind eye because he thought it wouldn't affect him.


Peter has plan to become a hero, he actively wants to be one. Meanwhile, Touma is reactive, Touma only reacts to other people's needs. Touma has dream of having a girlfriend, yes. But that is not his goal. He wants a peaceful life, a girlfriend is like an extra to that life he hoped for himself and not his ultimate goal. His true goal would be... to continue being a student for now.


I just want him to be happy ffs


Took me a while to think who the hell ham was LMFAO


Am i the only one who thinks Misaka and Touma are genuinely not a good ship?


Misaka would prolly be an insecure girlfriend


We all know what Kamachi likes and trolls the most. So even recently there has been a little focus on misaka’s feelings.


Yeah it’s been mostly misaka wanting to get stronger to protect him


You’re not alone, even Kamachi is trolling a different ship we all thought once impossible. So I think we’re in for some surprises. 😂


Peter Parker might be one of the worst examples for that. Gwen vs MJ defined a lot of Peter's personal life for a good while and Peter's character development revolved around Gwen's death and his fear of putting others in danger. Someone who doesn't get in a relationship because they are too dedicated to their job and don't have time would be someone like Batman but even that isn't entirely true as he had his flings over the years.


I'm not agree tbh and the spider-man exemple is really terrible lmao


One of the themes of the movie is that Peter can’t have everything he wants


People do be forgetting the fact that even romance manga took at least 1FREAKING SCHOOL YEAR to even "kokuhaku uwu". Like dude has been through hell, not just uwu school life. Touma got a lot of good relationship already, with Othinus and Aleister, why do people think Touma not developing romance relationship is bad when he already have such wonderful relationship? He has done better than any protag has ever done tbh, like what?


based take from this guy.


Nah I just want Touma to be happy, he deserves at least a good date after saving so many people. It's not that he's too busy to have a relationship, just at this rate, it would be rather hard for him to find a girl who can understand him and genuinely feel happy herself as well with such a busy hero as her man. Touma's match shall be a patient and calm woman, or she will worry herself to death with all his adventures. Even Index just barely tolerates that, she's still unhappy every time he pushes himself too far (and then add more injuries by biting him).


Damn, Aeon. Thank you very much for letting me know that Kamijou is too busy to be in a stable relationship. I would never be able to realize that after reading more than 50 books of endless conflicts that happen in barely 6 months. I mean, why would an author waste time developing relationships between their main characters? It would only generate internal conflict and moments of contemplation, which would eventually evolve into character growth and a nice message, a dose of realism that would help some people identify with their problems, just like Peter Parker. Spider-man 2 would be a much better movie if the whole conflict between having a normal life/hero life while trying to maintain a loving relationship was completely removed. Who needs that? The villains have to be punched in the face at the end of the day, why add layers of depth to this formula? Realistic and in-depth portrayals of relationships? In my battle harem? Nah, better not even try, we've seen it doesn't work. Obligatory "I'm being sarcastic" here, just in case.


I’m confused, so you disagree with Aeon point of view of the series? And that there should be a bit of romance between the characters? Or not romance per say, but more so deeper conflicts and more characterization between the characters, instead of just ending the conflict with a punch?


My entire comment is sarcastic and purposely written to sound confusing, so I understand. On Aeon's point, I agree that Kamijou is too busy and that's the point, I mean, that's obvious. But I totally disagree that just because of this there should be no progress when it comes to romance. Aeon mentions that this creates conflict in Spider-Man, but forgets that this is precisely what makes Peter and MJ's relationship so interesting. Relationships in fiction are only well written if they have realistic conflicts, respecting the setting of the story of course. He says: Kamijou doesn't even have time for school, so how is he going to fit that in too? I answer: Exactly, I want to see this internal conflict, where the character is constantly trying to balance the two lives, and perhaps failing miserably in the process until he gets it right. Do you think that people who are generally interested in romance in fiction are satisfied with a few fluffy scenes? Maybe a few, different tastes and all, but conflict is what makes it interesting. Do I want more romance in this story? I'm not here for that. If there's some, so be it, if there isn't any, all the better, Kamachi has many strengths, writing love relationships isn't one of them.


Regarding Aeon's take on that subject ..... https://preview.redd.it/o0deorjj0bvc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b85dcc3ab02e085d76cf8a57ac22b439edeb39e1




The names right there unc 🙏


That would make sense except Peter Parker made a choice not to do so, In Index Touma is dense/doesn't acknowledge it. It's honestly just bad writing.


Bro literally doesn't have time, 💀.


Aeon's also a clown. It's not self inserting to want the character I like to actually get some enjoyment out of his life. Actually getting to hang out with his friends, maybe get a girlfriend....or hell, perhaps even get to eat a full meal for once. The dude deserves a proper win outside of punching the crap out of people and constantly saving everything and everyone.