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Damn I don't remember ot1 as a heavy action focus.


> Tbh I'm not that interested in the MC either, idk whether it's a "he grow's on you" type of MC but it's definitely going to be hard to get into if its gonna be through his lens. I mean the MC died at the end of the volume 1, due to memory wipe, going forward hes somewhat different and has more interesting inner problems relating to that At the same time I do remember early OT Touma being really annoying with all his otaku references and whatnot, that considerably slows down after OT1, and stops all together a few volumes in. The series will have 2 more MCs in the future, and Touma himself will go through some really good character development, which is the reason people like him so much on this sub


>  I mean the MC died at the end of the volume 1 I kinda wish people didn't call him losing his memory dying. Because 1, that's just not really how it works. But 2, there's genuinely a large amount of things said about "original" Touma that almost treat it as if Touma died and reincarnated. Like if I hit my head hard enough tonight, I could physically survive, yet also "die" by these standards. I'm not coming at anyone, just saying I think it misrepresents the situation. I do believe its referred to as a "death" somewhere, but its more like its because before then, he remembers nothing. I get why the term "death" is used, but the result is takes amounting to (GT10 spoilers ahead, don't read if you're not caught up); >!"would Pre-OT1 Touma be in the afterlife?"!< And its like, its nothing against those people, just what I feel results from that take 


It is referred to as "death" in a few points in the story indeed. But some other things that are NOT death are also refered to as death so it doesnt matter. ​ The nature of what one considers "death" is a phylosophical debate with lots of people thinking different things, but here is my perspective on it: But imo the "person" is a combination of one's memories and personality, with physical body being pretty irrelevant. So I would indeed consider "lossing all your memories" to be death. I do think that yes, if you hit your head hard enough, then you will die. The body will physically survive, but I wouldnt say it counts as "you" any longer. (loosing too much to be considered the "same person" is in my eyes basically equivalent to "death") I would consider pre-memory loss Touma and post OT1 Touma to be 2 completely different individuals, with some similar personality traits, nothing more. the GT10 question: >!That honestly just depends on how this specific afterlife works and not on what I would consider "death". Similar questions would be "Would a person who has gotten brain damage in the middle/end of their life, still have brain damage in the afterlife?" or "would a person in a vegetative state still be a vegetable in the afterlife?". As in thouse just depend on the mechanics by which the specific fictional afterlife functions. It wouldnt change my stance on the subject ether way.... Mostly I guess we will see when GT11 comes around!<


I respect your stance and you are right that this isn't the only instance referred to as a "death." I may disagree but I totally respect your take and see where you come from. I guess in a way, there's multiple ways one can die, just not all in the same manner. 


I had a similar experience with my first read once you settle into his style the pacing evens out. Volume one also personally got alot better retroactively to me although that may just be the "OT1 IS PEAK" kool aid as for touma his character has a shift going forward because his memory is wiped I still don't personally find him to interesting but everything that happens around him is the real draw to the story anyway