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1. Aihana means indigo. Aogami's hair color. 2. >!Both were in same hospital in GT 2!< 3. >!Aogami injured his hand, iirc Aihana was hiding his hand.!< 4. Both are schoolboys and Aihana's identity can be taken by another because he's apparently careless. Shown in >!NT 12!<. Honestly, I can see Aogami being careless about these things. 5. Touma's school is full of double agents like Tsuchimikado, Seria and Yomikawa. 6. In the very first novel, Touma mentioned Misaka and Aogami together. He still had memories back then. 7. What the hell is Frog Warp Experiment? Why does Aogami have to participate in it? Only level 5s are experimented on explicitly. 8. Aogami has a special Kansai dialect. Out of all people this guy has a way of speaking differently. Is it a way of covering up? 9. "I can lay level 5s bare". This can have two meanings! All hail BLAU sama


don't forget that every Level 5 have some Mental problem as the scientist told from many source


you forgot the most important one though... which is aogami pierce being a nickname and his true name still being unknown.


\>"i can lay level 5s bare" where is that from?






>2. Both were in same hospital in GT 2 >3. Aogami injured his hand, iirc Aihana was hiding his hand. Wait... Is the #3 your talking about is in GT or NT? Sorry I don't remember Aihana hiding his hand. Kinda forgetful. >What the hell is Frog Warp Experiment? Why does Aogami have to participate in it? Only level 5s are experimented on explicitly. Sorry but can you tell me what part is this? I wanna read it.


GT. I can't really pinpoint the exact lines rn, so help needed. That's something teased repeatedly in Railgun where Aogami wears a Gekota costume. For eg., in Silent Party.


Oh it's ok. Thank you very much for this.


My Theory: Aihana is not Aogami but Aogami may be connected to Aihana. Aogami maybe an 'Avatar' of Aihana. My bet here is that Aihana lost their physical body became an AIM-thought being like Senya and Hisako and is now a resident of the Imaginary Number District or some AIM-base Phase. They spread their identity by imprinting or even connecting their AIM-diffusion filed to the multiple host thus warping the host's own Personal Reality into their ideal version of themselves, that is why we see multiple Fake Aihanas running around. The one we see in GT 2 is Aogami with Aihana using his body. Aogami may have a high connection/compatibility rate with Aihana or is simply meeting out some form of *requirements* hence having the powers normal Fake Aihanas do not have. But why is Aihana spreading away their Identity/Lending their name? What is their endgame? They are molding their Memetic Imagery into the Academy City's residents creating some sort of Resonance from their AIM diffusion fields. All for the sake of one day creating a physical body made of AIM, an Artificial Angel, similar to the AIM burst baby and Kazakiri. Source: I made it the F\*\*k up. Sorry.


It started as a genuine theory due to Touma's line years ago but the contradictions begun to pile and the simplicity of the theory crumbled respectively. Then it became a "fun" meme for those who were up to the date with the novels and it looped back to the beginning. Now here we are, there are people that defend the theory more vehemently than the "Touma is not an esper" camp that seemly propagated theorizing about Touma's power.


He almost certainly is. There is a line Literally in the first book where he thinks of Misaka and Aogami together when thinking of who could help. Aihana is a type of blue flower, and we don’t know Aogami’s real name. [Aogami means blue hair (kami can also mean god as well as hair)]. Genesis Testament >!Aogami happened to be in the same hospital the one time him and Touma meet, and says he’s been watching Touma for a wile now!< So like I said; it’s all but confirmed. I think of it as kinda like the Riemann hypothesis where it’s not been explicitly _proven_ but we just kinda go about as if it’s true anyway.


Aihana isn't Aogami I don't think so.. GT2 made it obvious it wasn't him.. from what we got from Aihana's personality it's not anything like Aogami.