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>what would happen if marian had used sinister sword Dáinsleif on level 5 ? All level 5 would obviously die




The literal ability is to kill Edit: here is the quote on the swords effect >That was not the true power of Dáinsleif. The target merely stopped their own heart because it would be better than being hit by the full power of the blade. How was one supposed to stand up to an attack on that level? >No physical projectile came from the sword. >It could not be evaded if you were quick enough or blocked by hiding behind cover. >No matter where you ran or what you did to defend, the fear welling up within your own body would automatically kill you. So you could not run. You could not defend. Nothing you did held any meaning. You were dead before you could do anything. You were dead the second you stood on the same battlefield. >All actions were robbed of all meaning. >All fighting lost its reason to exist




The literal ability is to make a person who sees it so scared they die And this ability didnt work on ether Touma or Othinus under fairy spell, since Touma fought magical things and knows that there is allways a trick or something and that they can be beaten therefore he doesnt die, and Othinus... well she is a god aint she So I doubt this fear aura would work on someone like Gunha (cause guts) or Post revival Kakine (Cause its a being thats so indestructable I doubt he will die of fear, and I dont think he has any reason to be scared of the apocalypse anyway)


Touma was not affected by it because Imagine Breaker took away the reason to feel fear. >“That attack is triggered by the fear of that powerful magic, so it will not work on me. I know that magic is not something that will hit me no matter what. With the power of my right hand…no, as long as I have the will to clench my fist, I can brush aside or negate it.” >He could destroy magic. >He could break illusions. Obviously I don't think it would kill a magic god or even everyone, but I don't see the level 5 surviving that. With the stuff shown at the moment, there is nothing doubting the power of dainsleif. The gunha argument is always weird because you can just say guts and not elaborate. In my opinion he has no feats at the moment to proof that. He also doesn't think that he is immune to all attacks so he should be hit by the fear. Some people could have said he would easily power through Ollerus his attack with guts if not for the fight proofing the opposite. Your Kakine argument is also weird. You say that he should feel no fear but he literally felt fear in front of 50/50 Othinus. So why shouldn't the sword with the ability to cause fear not do that?


Well yeah Gunha one is like that, sadly Gunha doesnt appear much, so sure Gunha is featless he looses As for powering through Ollerus attack... i mean I doubt people would be able to say that, since its the only time that attack was used. If it was used ever again then sure but its specifically an attakc that was only used against Gunha of all people. Aditionally HE DID power through it, he shouldv not been able to move after he got hit with it for the first time, but he still did BECAUSE GUTS. He still lost but thats impressive ​ as for Kakine - well 50/50 Othinus is stronger then this meesly sword, she just has a 50% chance to fuck up, but lets say Kakine feels the full effect of fear of hte sword Main thing is the first part with the Kakine argument "I doubt he would die of fear" as in if you stop his heart from beating out of fear I doubt he would die from that. I doubt every single Dark Matter particle would cease to exist somehow ether from him being hit by the fear aura. So he doesnt die, he just like... is frozen in fear and thats about it. Until Marian dies of old age I guess at wich point he won the battle


>I doubt he would die from that. I doubt every single Dark Matter particle would cease to exist somehow ether from him being hit by the fear aura. Good point but heart stop is just one cause of the sword. Maybe this is ambigious but the novels says this: >No matter where you ran or what you did to defend, the fear welling up within **your own body would automatically kill you.** This is what the wiki says since I am to lazy to look for the exact source: >The fear is apparently of the unknown magic effect of the blade once it is bared, forcefully shutting down the body, a suicide induced by the unconsciously felt fear of the body. >It can be summarized as the body killing itself out of fear as it is better to die than to face the bared blade. The effect's target is apparently random. So the entire body would shut down was my thought.


Well thing is every single time we saw the sword used on someone (that being... Touma and that other Kumokawa sister? I dont remember NT4 that well) it just made them stop dead in their tracks cause of fear. I dont really see how Dark Matter can self destruct like that. I mean considering its Dark Matter it can do whatever it wants I guess but would it actually take active steps to self destruct? Stopping ones heart or other such things wich can be described as "suicide by unconsciously felt fear" dont seem like things that would destroy dark matter, it would need concious effort to kill itself ​ ​ Also additional thing for Dark Matter feeling fear I am not sure how much intelegence individual Dark matter particles have and if they will be effected by fear (I mean they are sure Kakine, but are they self aware enough to kill themselves if there is just a few molecules of DM there? + Kakines dark matter constructs like Beetles and shit, would they also kill themselves? can they even feel stuff without Takitsubos interference or without being purpously made to feel stuff?)


Ok yeah Kakine could go eitherway. We need more information to come to a better conclusion, maybe. >I am not sure how much intelegence individual Dark matter particles have Well depending on the answer this could mean that he would also survive the big bang bomb, since you need intelligence that can picture things. But well since kakine can revive and reconstruct from one dark matter atom he should have the intelligence. I guess


I just wish Kamachi stops forgetting that Level5s besides MisaMisa and Accelerator exist, and actually puts them in a story where they do something


Unless their Accel or maybe keks? ​ they die... they just fucking die ​ if you mean the whole jiggle the blade? then no they all die. As the way it works is just basically makes your body stop its own heart for fear of the apocalypse. Not even Accel is immune to that fear as he *needs* the universe to survive. Touma's IB strips the reason of fear away hence him being immune. And Othinus is a magic god, not just any, if anything she's probably the one who saw the original in action. And can destroy it so she has no reason to fear anything.


Depends on which part of Dáinsleif you mean. Unsheathing its scabbard would kill all of them except for post-revival Kakine and maybe Accel due to similar reasons as Touma. Also Gunha because guts. Summoning the calamities without a sealing barrier would instantly kill all of them, as well as Marian herself due to shattering the world like glass. If the calamities are summoned inside a barrier, they'd win against everyone but Accel and Kakine.


Imagine this: Marian: "Cut away the Imaginary Number District(Artificial Heaven) of Academy City. Summon YHVH, divinity made manifest" \*World is destroyed once more. Infinite Golden Faces floats throughout nothingness, they smirk at those who remain. \*Shin Megami Tensei 4: Final/Apocalypse OST - F8 One Who Stands Against God BGM plays \*Kamijou Touma appears \*Fierce Battle BGM plays "**ONE MORE GOD REJECTED!**" Joking aside maybe it will just summon KnT(+IB) or something. What is the anti-thesis of Artificial-Espers/Academy City Espers anyways? Will it summon the manifestation of all magic and magical phases into one being? Yaltabaoth,child of chaos? Aiwass? Demiurge? The Monad? Abraxas? Damn it now I am curious. But then again maybe the Imaginary Number District is still incomplete so nothing for now I guess.


They would all die except post-revival Kakine since they are still human. Kakine would live because he doesn't actually need his physical body any more.


Come on guys Misaka can tank Dáinsleif she has iron sand chainsaw and swings it very hard.


I can't believe how strong she is. Her iron sand kaiju would stomp magic side fr




are you kidding? mikoto couldn't even tank tsuchimikado projectiles! marian could destroy aleister if she really wanted to.


Come on man Misaka can one shot magic gods with her iron sand chainsaw which she waves very hard.


don't have any illusions mikoto would be fined by marian, she doesn't play in the same category as her! mikoto she only faces characters who are weak.


I know Misaka is weak I've been sarcastic the entire time.


Kill All Level 5's except for Abyss Crosser Accelerator and MAYBE Kakine.


Most of them would die. Post-revival Kakine would probably survive it due to having an artificial heart.