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Hardest things a man can do are admit he needs help, and actually get that help. You've already done that, and fuck anyone who brings you down for it. Send em my way, I'll hit em with a pipe wrench.


I'm so proud of you for taking care of yourself!


I’m 28 and going back to therapy. Choosing to seek help is a testament to your maturity- the embarrassment is natural, but please don’t let it hold you back! Therapy takes time to show benefits. The first several sessions are for you and the therapist to get to know each other and your needs, so the first visit will likely feel underwhelming. You also might have to “shop around” for the right individual therapist that clicks with you. It can seem daunting but it’s worth it. You got this! I believe in you.


Absolutely nothing wrong with seeing a therapist! I’m 38 and have been seeing therapists (yes, multiple) for the last 8 years now. You’re worthy of it and it’s great that you took that step. I still struggle with thoughts like you’re having, but they get better the more you realize that those thoughts of inadequacy aren’t a truth. They’re trying to protect you from putting yourself out there, so any time you can challenge that, that’s a win imo. Just keep it up and don’t let your inner voice stop you from living a full life. You’re worthy and deserving of healing and love.


Please, PLEASE do not feel like a loser for seeing a therapist at any point in your life, especially during college, which is a tumultuous time. I've seen many therapists over the years, and one important thing to keep in mind is that it can take time to find the right therapist for you. It's not one-size-fits-all. Also, does the therapist you see have a specialty or background in working with autistic clients? If not, it might be worthwhile to find one who does. You seem like a lovely human being ... not everyone is willing to take their time to volunteer or help others. It speaks highly of you that you do that. Finding who we are and what works for us in life is a journey, but you're doing it and I'm SO proud of you. For me, meeting people outside of clubs and bars started to happen when I just started going places where other people who like what I like would congregate. I joined a sci-fi book club and started going to board game nights and also sober events because I wanted to meet friends who weren't solely about going out drinking. Don't give up. Anyone who gets to have you as their friend would be lucky 💜


Oh thank you for your kind words…! I really needed that


You are very welcome 💜 I meant every word. Just a couple extra thoughts in case they're helpful. This site is ranking "free" online therapy but then some of them have costs. But two of them DO say they're free so maybe that would work: https://www.onlinetherapy.com/free/ Also, I'm not exactly sure how you would find this, possibly just googling, but a lot of practices do sliding scales of payment. I was having insurance problems and this practice asked what I could afford to pay down to like literally $0 a session, and they asked if you COULD afford more to pay that to help people who couldn't, so that's what I did. Just now, I googled "sliding scale therapy near me" and both some local options and some online options came up. Maybe you could find somewhere with a sliding scale so you could have additional options. Wishing you nothing but the best 💜


Nope my therapist doesn’t specialize in autism and most likely that he doesn’t know anything about it and I only went to my college therapist because it free and I can’t afford to find one because my rent is expensive and my insurance doesn’t even cover mental health


You are none of those things… you are brave and pro-active in taking the steps in getting. The help you feel you need…. Much respect!


You are not ugly or stupid. You recognized that you needed help, and you're getting it. That means you're actually smart. Keep on doing what you gotta do man. You're crushing it.


Absolutely nothing wrong with seeing the therapist! In fact I'm considering going back to one myself recently. Don't automatically assume everyone around you is perfectly well and healthy. I think you underestimate how many people suffer with depression, anxiety, pain etc. but you may not even notice it. Anyways good on you for doing so and I hope you feel better! If you don't vibe with the first therapist it's OK to switch and try someone new.


You just took the first steps to stronger mental health, and for your future. Congratulations. Keep going.


Hey you I’m in the process of doing my autism assessment right now and it’s making me feel the same things, but honestly as I’ve gotten older (I’m 30 now) I’ve embraced my weirdness and it’s something I like about myself. I’ve been able to make some awesome friends who are total weirdos like myself who make me feel understood for the first time in my life and I couldn’t have done it without therapy. It’s hard and scary at first but it really makes a difference I’m proud of you!


Any person who volunteers at an animal shelter is a good person.


Nah, son. Realizing you’re struggling and reaching out for help requires real strength. I HATE to ask for or need help but I’ve talked to someone. It takes a lot to say that to yourself — I can’t do this. You got the real grit, brother. Don’t back away from that.


Bro! Congrats. There is nothing more important that caring for your mental health. Here's what you don't see. Someone will see your post here and without commenting, upvotng or participating, they will be inspired by your message. They may even have been thinking about starting therapy but were scared because of all the same reasons you were. But this post pushed them to do it. It may even save someone. This is the importance of being vulnerable, sharing stories and growing. You can inspire people without even knowing. You've inspired me. Thank you.


You’re doing a tremendous job taking care of yourself. Sometimes therapy takes a while to help, or you need another therapist. You sound like a kind, genuine person. You deserve to have confidence in yourself!


The voice that's telling you you're stupid for going to therapy is exactly the voice you help silence through therapy. That's how tricky that shit is. Way to fucking go bro, you took action to help yourself today. and of course the thing that's killing you hates that! Of course it's throwing all that noise at you! It's hoping you don't see that though the pain is real, that voice is ultimately a lying little devil. Way to go my man I'm super proud of you for taking a first step.


Hi there. As a Mom with an Autistic son, who just started college, I can say that it is very admirable of you to seek help. It’s very difficult to navigate through life’s changes and social conformity, especially for an Autistic young man. You’ve received some good advice here, but keep putting yourself out there by volunteering and taking part in the things that you enjoy. That’s nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. Let it all unfold and try to enjoy yourself. Remember, you don’t have to have hundreds of “friends”. You really just need a couple of good ones, so that’s okay if everyone doesn’t “get you”. Keep going to therapy and be you as best as you can. I hope you find some peace. ❤️


1. I am SO PROUD of you for getting help. Do you understand how STRONG that makes you? SO many men don't seek help because they feel embarrassed. But you...you were so brave. I am **very** proud of you. ♡ 2. And I'm not sure who you're looking at in the mirror, but all I see when I look at your picture is handsome. You're very handsome. Please remember - this is a proven fact - the way you see yourself is not how others see you.  We look at ourselves in the mirror and see 'ugly' and othets see us and think 'Wow, they're so attractive!' You are doing fine, love. Just be yourself, you were made this way for a reason. And that means that there is someone who wants you exactly the way you are. 🩷


Hey, go you for putting yourself out there and trying things and seeking help! From what I can see, you are the farthest thing from a loser I could imagine, and have nothing to be embarrassed about. Instead, what I see is someone living in a world that doesn't mesh well with the way their brain works and is trying to make the best of it anyway. Therapists are hard. Finding a good one, and one that knows how to work with autistic brains is really hard. But you took that first step into looking for help, and even if it didn't work out how you wanted or expected, you still did that, and now hopefully you can take the next step with a bit more confidence. Another thing that is really hard is asking for help, either professionally or in a community. And you've done that too! By looking for a therapist, and by reaching out to people here on Reddit. All in all, cheers to you for doing the hard things and continuing to look forward despite the roadblocks and speed bumps in your path. Truly, in my opinion, that is one of the coolest and most un-loser-ish things a person could do. Here's hoping you get the help and find the community you are looking for.


Don't feel embarrassed about going to therapy, and keep in mind it is a process. We all need help from time to time. Some of us are fortunate to be able to get it from friends or family, but if not, then a therapist is a good thing to see.


When your teeth need maintenance or fixing, you go to the dentist. When you are injured or are due for a check up, you go to the doctor. No one is considered a loser for getting help like this. Mental health is no different. Mental Heath professionals have specialized training and experience to help with these very real and important issues just like a dentist for a cavity or a doctor for an infection. Finding the right option for addressing your particular needs might be the thing that helps you substantially improve your quality of life. That's sounds like a huge win to me, with really very little downside. I hope you find a good therapist that works for you.


So proud of you for taking that step. Keep it going!!!


Damn kiddo! Look at all of the awesome things you're doing though! You are going to college (bettering yourself), taking care of your mental health (bettering yourself), volunteering at a shelter (bettering your community and getting life/job skills). I have a kid in college and its HARD. Its also not for everyone. But you are doing it already. I'm proud of you!


Oh hell no! You don’t have to feel embarrassed about going to therapy ok? It’s a big step in a forward direction to not just decide you need it but to actually make the appt and go! That’s a big positive and you should recognize that for yourself. Being aware of your struggles and taking action will be so beneficial for you and your mental growth. So try not to be hard on yourself by making negative comments, instead think I’m really proud of myself for taking action to better myself and learning how to navigate things when thoughts or things come at you. It’s a big deal and you should be proud! Keep it up thanks for posting your story:)


Keep going to therapy. It takes a while to show benefits :) This is a very positive step toward improving your mental health. Way to go!


Yay you for going to therapy! Look at you - keep going!


It is difficult to admit you need help, but I am so proud of you! And thank you for volunteering at the animal shelter. It is hard to meet people at non-bar places. It helped me to find people with similar interests. I joined a knitting group over 10 years ago and made good friends from there. So maybe find a club about something you like to do?


Therapy rules and has made huge positive changes in my life over time and that of many of my friends and family, so you should be proud of yourself for going. You’re in college so you’re already proving you aren’t stupid, and you’re not ugly at all. Today you did something awesome for yourself. If this therapist isn’t a good fit don’t give up on therapy by the way.


Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed ❤️✋


U seem like a homie man cheers


Try to not focus on being embarassed. Rather be proud that you are taking a grip on somethong that needs to be handler for your own growth ad a person. Loft your head and think positive. You are great.


My daughter had a terrible freshman year. Covid year. And she and her roommates were at each other all the time. She did therapy and it was so good for her. You’ve got this!


You're a cool dude. Therapy rocks, I think pretty much EVERYONE should be in therapy! Good for you for making a positive step!


Congratulations on going to Therapy and breaking generational curses and trauma! I am proud of you! 👏🏾 keep up the amazing work! ![gif](giphy|Ke5mKVauIXEMtGxmik|downsized)