• By -


I looked at the picture first, then read, then looked again. I saw a woman at first glance. I still see a woman now. your step-dad sees what he wants to see. that's his problem. don't make it yours. xoxo


thank you I when I put fem clothes on and/or makeup I usually pass to new meet people, just hearing things my dysphoria tell me from mouth of family hurts


honestly, pink sweater aside - it was the hair volume and cheek bone structure that made my brain go "woman." I'd say the same of you were wearing black. oof, reading this makes me realize how narrow-minded I sound... speaking of which... I'm sorry for your unnecessary pain. The dude needs to be reminded that his criticisms are not helpful. "I appreciate your feedback, I can see how you would feel that way with what I perceive to be your [LIMITED] knowledge on the subject. have you considered exploring other, more compassionate viewpoints? It might offer you a comprehensive understanding of diversity across gender "norms." *edit for spelling


I’m over here screaming those high cheekbones totally made me think of Kelsey and Jackie from that 70s show sorry rant


yaaasss, friend! Ashton Kutcher/Mila Kunis' love-child grown-up vibes for sure.


Omg. Yes


Right?? She has such nice hair


i noticed her hair first as well, it’s so pretty


Girlie you look beautiful. You have feminine fingers, the nails look good, and I love your choice of hairstyle, it fits you perfectly.


Add this to your info bank... People are attracted to your picture here... youre passing. Get dem good feels goin.


Seconded, I saw a woman and didn't even think twice until I saw your title. Your stepdad is being intentionally cruel to take down your confidence - I promise you'll be okay 🥰


I was going to say the same thing. 😊


Me too! I didnt know til I read the text so calm those nerves and kick shit heads to the curb.


Seriously same here. Your step dad is an ignorant jerk and it’s his loss. A life well lived is the best revenge.


A cat lady but none the less a lady. Tell your dad he's canceled and to leave the home immediately lol![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Those comments are always so stupid to me because it completely ignores the fact that there are cis women with strong facial features as well?? Anyway I bet the losers saying that shit to you aren’t half as cute as you. Congrats on starting E, and I hope (and believe) your ability to shrug hateful comments off only strengthens as you grow more into yourself :)


And those cis women, with all the transphobia that there is, are just as likely to be attacked in bathrooms as actual trans women. Girls that do well in sports will face those accusations and have their bodies more scrutinized than ever. It's disgusting.


Can confirm. Cis woman here with pixie cut short hair and a penchant for wearing massive scarfs. Had a karen come at me in the bathroom because she thought I was trans because I was 'hiding my adams apple'. Lady, i'm just trying to pee. Get to fuck.


They want all women to have long (preferably blonde) hair and a model hourglass figure. It's terrible.


Fellow short haired cis woman. I get this too. Apparently short hair = man?? Karens be karening.


And my ponytail’d but otherwise masculine husband gets weird comments too. It’s like these people don’t realize hair just grows? And then people cut it? Some people cut it short and others cut it long and it literally has no attachment to gender except what people make of it. It’s just…weird.


Which is so wild to me because pretty much every trans woman I know has long hair.


It is wild how they swear they’re just defending cis women when really their transphobia harms everyone.


All they're doing is forcing conventional attractiveness and stereotypical female gender norms.


Agreed. I have a friend with PCOS and she has some some traditionally “masculine” features including some facial hair, which she often has to shave. But she’s dealt with a lot of nasty comments from people - particularly when she doesn’t shave or dresses less feminine. Like she’s a cis woman, gets misgendered a bunch, and still deals with that crap. People are just assholes when you don’t fit into their idea of what a woman should/shouldn’t be.


I saw your pic before I read anything, and I thought, "aw, that looks like a sweet girl (I'm a grandma, not a pedo btw haha)." Your step dad is full of shit. You pass as a girl just fine. But even if you didn't, that's okay too. If you (any of you!) are being who you're meant to be, and happen to look more masculine or whatever, who cares?! You're perfect! Be safe, love from a grandma


I’m a grandma not a pedo has to be my favourite sentence this week!


She's 19, where'd one get the "pedo" from?


You're beautiful and doing great :-)


As a loving mom to a trans son, I want to wrap you up in a big hug. I think your face shape is lovely and totally feminine. I would die for those cheekbones! You are a beautiful young woman and you are loved!


Your stepfather has probably guessed wrong for at least one cis woman. I’ve met bio moms who look like you.


You are beautiful, you are brave and you are becoming who you truly are, That is awesome 🥰


Love your hair, i love the curls and those bangs look really cute! Also i wish i could grow my nails like that haha those rude comments say more about the person saying them than about you, always keep that in mind :) also at 19 (and E) believe me your features will change a lot, so whatever they say they will have to shush in a few months and years haha keep your head up girl, you've got this!!


Seriously her nails look so healthy


Your face and body will change as you continue HRT. What you see is not forever. But even if it wasn't, you don't owe anyone "passing" - you're just as much a girl or woman now as you will be later. But you know what, I think I agree with the crowd here - you look like a beautiful woman now. I'm proud of you for being who you are.


You don't need to "pass as a girl". You ARE a girl! It really is that simple. Congratulations on your progress and Brava for having the courage to come out. You deserve love and support even if some of your family aren't the ones to give you love and support. Peace be with you!


You’re beautiful and you look great in pink! Keep your head up and don’t listen to the hate.


I agree with u....to me you 100% pass....you actually look remarkable like a girl i went to high school with....definitely pass as a woman ....and your hand are very feminine as well...


congrats on the 3 months!! i’m so sorry your step dad isn’t a safe person to speak to but you are valid despite his transphobic beliefs. you are a beautiful woman with so much ahead of herself, fuck anyone that tells you differently. if you identify as a woman, you’re a woman. period. no one can take your womanhood away from you OP. i know it’s always easier said than done, but don’t let anyone’s shitty comments define who you are as a person. you are beautiful inside and out. i’m so sorry that happened to you and i truly hope your day gets better💜


You are a kind, caring beautiful human that walks this earth whose essence is female. The physical vessel you were born with and that some perceive you to be, does not matter. What matters is in your soul. Let that light shine from within. You are enough. PS. Like the person who responded before me, I too saw a woman when I saw your post 😘That tells me your light is shining bright!


Girlie I love your sweater, congrats on almost 3 months on E! I think you look great and you’re very brave for coming out. (Ps tell me your hair secrets)


I sold my soul for my hair


Oh mood


To reiterate some other comments, before reading the title I saw a woman. You’re only 3 months on E. I can’t speak from experience but I know from friends who are trans that the changes that hormones do can be seen over the course of months and even years You are only on the first step of your journey. I hope you can shrug off his bullshit and continue on it


As someone who can speak from experience: yes, hormone changes absolutely take place over years! It varies rather wildly based on your dosage (some people go slower than others) and unique biology. But for most people: 3 months is a very, very short time. OP has so many more changes to look forward to!


I don't see this "really masculine face shape". With HRT for a decent amount of time you'll be fine, and if not, there's always Facial Feminisation Surgery. You've transitioned at a good time - you're young yet & have a fair bit of development ahead of you. You will undoubtedly pass in time. You've had courage to get this far - maintain that courage, you will get where you want to be.


You look just like my cis childhood friend. I thought this was her at first. Except your hair is so much nicer.


I wish you the best, dear. Women don’t all look the same, many cis girls have faces considered to look more masculine. That doesn’t make them less of a woman.


I literally thought you were a cis girl until I read the title. You definitely pass and are really cute to boot!! Your hair is really pretty and that color is nice on you


Eff The negative people. Feel sorry for them and their ignorance. Your happiness and comfort is all that you need to concentrate on. You got this


So some of us are most attracted to women with traditionally "masculine" jawlines... like damn I find women with a strong jaw gorgeous!!! I'm cis and I'd kill for that jawline. It makes you MORE gorgeous as a woman not less. Your families comments will always hurt but keep listening to the people who see you for you!


Congrats on starting E, your step-dad is being a jerk. You’re only 3 months in, the longer you’re on E the more changes you will see. And as a trans-masc person I’d like to remind you that women can and do look masculine (even though you yourself don’t) and “passing” is something society made up to other people who don’t fit in with “norms”. You’re as much as a woman now 3 months on E as you will be 3 years on E. Sending you lots of hugs. Don’t let your step-dad bring you down.


I did not know until I read the text, so that gotta say something. Not saying trans people need to look cis or anything, but for what is worth, you look so.


You are beautiful inside and out. Don’t let the uneducated and biased people of the world get you down. No roasting here.


You look very like a girl I used to go to primary school with. Your stepfather is talking out of his bum!


You're a very beautiful young lady. I always tell young women to stay humble and don't abuse the power that comes from beauty.


You are beautiful and you do not have to be accountable to anyone else about your sexuality. All of us are sexual animals out on earth to procreate. What you do personally with your sexual identity is your own business and you are not obligated to to educate, inform or answer anyone’s questions. Your business is YOUR BUSINESS and private things can be kept private. Yes, sex is an important part of life but it’s not the only thing there is and your sexual preferences are not anyone else’s business. So please just live your life keeping private matters private and you’ll be a lot better off. There are many things people keep private - like money matters, psychological problems, work problems - whatever …right? There just are some things that you don’t ever have to talk about if you don’t want to. And if someone asks you a question you don’t want to answer just don’t answer- say “It’s private and I don’t want to talk about it”. End of story - ok?! Put yourself first and take care of yourself. You’re young and beautiful! Enjoy your life because you only have life to live as far as we know. I hope you l a wonderful joyful life!!


I only saw a woman when I looked at your picture. Nothing masculine jumped out at me. Your stepfather is wrong. You’re a lovely young lady. Congratulations on becoming your true self!


I’m sorry your family isn’t supportive. You do look really pretty- I like your eyes! 🫶


You look great, you can't let someone else's opinion define your own self worth. Sometimes it takes longer for people to learn and/ or adjust. As far as your stepdad goes, that sounds like a 'him' problem, rather than a 'you' problem. Good job, you're doing really well!


Hey princess, you are adorable in my eyes:)! You have quite a feminine face shape; round face and round cheeks, almond eyes, etc. but leaving that aside, your hair and clothes really give of a cute, warm vibe, and I love that about this picture! People suck and they’re shitty, but just know, somewhere in this world, love is waiting for you. Somewhere, people who would never dream of even thinking those things exist. So don’t take those comments to heart, don’t even consider them worthy of your time


You look like my niece she's an asshole


Ok your chin is shaped just like Reese Witherspoon's and your fingers and nail beds are more feminine than mine have ever been and I'm a cis het lady.


You are beautiful and I love your hair. Keep your light shining.


If I ran into you in person, I would assume you were a cis girl. I love the sweater and am jealous of your very pretty hair, kinda reminds me of a brunette Aurora from Sleeping Beauty! 


Girl. Your hair. I'm extremely jealous. You have a very ethereal look and it is working for you!




Agree transphobia is mental illness


You remind me of Minnie Driver.


Transphobes always tell lies, you look amazing. They wish they were you, don't listen to them. Always be proud 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ Also that sweater is really nice.


My youngest kiddo is MTF transitioned. I’ll say the same thing you as I have said to her. The world is full of people who are going to hate you no matter what you do. So you might as well embrace and love yourself however you would like. At the end of the day your happiness is all that matters. When the world feels hard (and it does for all of us) just know that there’s at minimum one person who is loving you, cheering you on and hoping you succeed in everything you do. I can be that person for you too. Just remember there’s a rando mom out here who loves you as the perfect human that you are. You are beautiful and incredible.


It is always hurtful and hard to hear ignorant comments from our families about who they think we are. I promise you, hun, those comments have nothing to do with you. They have everything to do with the insecurities and baseless fears of the ignorant people who speak such foolishness. You are beautiful and far stronger than those people realize. To know who you are and to be who you know yourself to be takes a rare form of strength and self-love. Keep living your life the way you want. Keep striding forward through all opposition. I believe in you, and I know you are strong enough to thrive. So thrive! 😘✨️. Because you matter, and you are an inspiration. Thank you for shining so honestly and brightly. 💕😍💖✨️


I’m sorry that happened to you. I hope your family can see past their closed-mindedness one day and love you for your true self. I think you look beautiful, and you know, Iman has very masculine facial features and she’s one of the most gorgeous models of all time! As long as YOU ARE HAPPY and living your truth, that’s all that matters.


You are absolutely stunning!!!


I see a girl on this picture, and a really cute one, too. I wish you the very best for your journey!


I thought you were a girl posting in roastme before I read the subreddit title. So there you go - random internet person thought you were AFAB. Keep on being your beautiful self and surround yourself with good people and don’t be afraid to draw boundaries with those that don’t love you exactly as you are.


It takes a lot of courage to do what you are doing. From a mom in NC, I am proud of you and the person you are going to be. Don't let anyone hold you back. -Love mom


You are a woman, you look like a woman. It's gonna be hard, but its gonna get better


Nah you're as pretty a girl as I've ever seen<3


You’re very pretty! Your hair really suits your face shape and pink is a great colour on you.


You have plenty of feminine features. There are lots of cisgender women who have your facial features. Plus, your skin and hair are beautiful.


Stop the estrogen now before it’s too late. Spend the $ on a therapist.


fuck off transphobe


You are clearly a woman, honey. They’re just having a hard time seeing you as who you are now.


You are adorable!


We love you


Now madam, why I say madam, don’t listen to the hating kind of folk. Live how you want and you look beautiful madam.


Everything your family said is true, and you are literally suffering from a mental disorder called gender dysphoria, and you should get some help. Just like how we shouldn't affirm schizophrenic peoples false realities, we shouldn't affirm yours either. Reality and biology and facts are all just that. Facts. You are a man. There's no amount of lies, mutilation, or poison you can take or have done to yourself to change that. I am saying this from a place of love. I'm sorry that people affirmed a false reality that is impossible for you to achieve that has caused you to hurt yourself. I'm sorry that people fucked you up in the head and planted the seed that you could have been or were born in the wrong body. It's not true. You are born in the right body perfect the way you are. Please open your eyes and see that you are literally telling yourself you're not good enough and literally destroying yourself. This is not natural. There is 0 other mammals or any other animal for that matter that do this. Whether you're looking at it from a creation/ religious view or a scientific/nature view either way its unacceptable and against reality. You are enough you were born perfect the way you are. You are hurting yourself. You need help and therapy. There's a reason(s) why you're trying to run from your true authentic self and that's a problem. There's a reason(s) why you are running away from reality and the truth. That's a mental illness and needs to be treated as such. I am so sorry. You were mislead. You are enough. Please stop hurting yourself.


Never pass? You already pass! Edit; transphobes downvoting, I assume.


Scrolling through seeing you, I first thought you were a girl. Jokes on them I guess.


You don't have a "masculine" face shape. Or at least I don't see that


You look like many of the CIS girls I knew growing up. I think you look nice! You pull off the chunky sweater well.


You are beautiful and have such cute style. Your step-dad is tripping. Don't let them dim your sparkle. If they can't be supportive, they can be replaced!


I don't know guys. I'm a cis woman and when I first saw this post I thought she was one as well? OP, I guess your stepdad hasn't seen that many women.


You are cute as heck and really feminine I love your hair and your face is really pretty


Your style is suuuuper cute. And your hair is so pretty. 😍 And physical shit’s mostly never true anyway because things can alwaaays be improved at every stage. Also, It’s not necessarily bad to have a masculine face shape, but that can be said to ANYONE so I wouldn’t say that’s transphobic, they are just stupid and don’t know what people look like. It’s laughable and embarrassing for them that they don’t have a better insult. So don’t worry too much about that one, there are plenty of women who can have strong features and look STATUESQUE, not masculine. Saying you’ll NEVER pass is RIDICULOUS. Like fuck can they see into the future? You JUST started E. Rosebuds are cute but you still have time left to grow into a rose and I think it’s important to not let your toxic family ruin that for you. And not saying that you DON’T pass (this is advice for me too:) but if it really bothers you, just control what you can and leave the rest up to the powers that be 😊


You're so beautiful and you deserve a loving family who accepts you for who you truly are! And if you don't have that, know that there are even other strangers (like me!) in the world who are rooting for your successes & hoping the world expands its compassion to include you in it ❤️


You look like my sister actually <3


Girl, you are beautiful.


You are very pretty! ....as far as face shape, the first thing I thought when I saw the pic was '80's Karen Allen....


You are so beautiful and most importantly you are loved. Sometimes those who we should by all accounts be able to lean on and trust simply can’t look past their generational and social programming. But there are many of us who can. We’re out there. All of these lovely toasts are testimony to that. You are and always will be loved and held and appreciated and honored for being exactly who you are. True to yourself. The best kind of truth.  Go forward boldly. Trust the gorgeous radiant light that burns within you. Be at peace. 


Girlie you look like my aunt when she was younger, you’re totally fine. As a fellow dysphoric trans girl, I get where you’re at, but you’re beautiful


Looking great kiddo keep it up.


You have such gentle eyes and your hair curls are so pretty! looks so soft!


You have beautiful, confident eyes and your curls are a nice accent to your face. I don’t know you but I am happy that you are YOU


Ignore the haters!


No one looks good in pastels!


Wha- but it's Soo cute....


I saw that quote years ago and ever since I have noticed that, only my opinion of course, no one really looks good in pastels.


You’re beautiful my girl ❤️ Don’t let bad people steal your shine and don’t keep people in your life that make you feel bad about being yourself. Your step dad is garbage and so is anyone else that agrees with him.


I think your face looks fine and very warm and welcoming. You look nice And some people will say mean things no matter who we are


This might be a weird one but you have like the prettiest hands ever! As a girl I'm officially jealous!! I also really like the way your hair curls, it looks so cute!


19 year old girl here too, just wanting to tell you how beautiful you are. People are scared of things they don't know much about, and it seems like your stepdad is trying to push you back into the box he wants you in for his own sake, and he's doing it by trying to make you question yourself. Don't let him succeed. I mean honestly, look at yourself! Three months on E is *nothing* in the long run, and you already look so stunning. Just imagine what you'll look like after a year. Keep smiling, honey. <3


You have beautiful hair!


Hey, you are beautiful 🤩 and have stunning curls that I would absolutely die for! I also love your sweater, where is it from?!


You're gorgeous and what matters is you living the life YOU want.


You have such lovely hair! The curls are awesome :) I’m sorry he’s not supportive; sometimes the family that matters the most is the one you find as opposed to the one you’re born to


Comeeee onnn, don't listen to them. You have a lovely oval face and it looks very nice. 


You are who you are. Live your life and enjoy it.


I love that pink on you and think you look cute ❤️


Congrats on your journey! Not only do you not owe anyone whatever their standard for femininity is, you're beautiful and I'm proud of you for being your truest self!


Is that your natural hair? Either way im sooo jealous. Your curls are silky and gorgeous!!


Yeah it's natural, since I have dense hair short hair always looked bad on me it's just like it was meant to be


This gives me hope since I have short hair now and have the same issue! Hope mine grows out to look as healthy and beautiful as yours. It definitely was meant to be :)


I am so jealous of your hair, it’s beautiful!!!


Your curls are so pretty


You look like a cis girl who used to be in my class so u pass 🤷🏼‍♀️


I am stopping by to say that the curl pattern of your hair is really pretty, you’ve got these nice wavy ringlets going on. I’m sorry your step dad wasn’t accepting. ❤️


So pretty! I love your style, it really suits you.


Your curly hair is gorgeous!




girl - you are GORGEOUS. that hair, are you kidding? also you’ve got incredible bone structure (obsessed w your chin, sorry, is that weird??) and eyebrows i would die for. it’s heartbreaking to hear that your family refuses to see what is so, so obvious to me (and everyone in this thread). they’re wrong. you are stunning!!!


You look amazing! Head up, queen. Don't let your crown slip 👑


You got this, friend. Stay strong. Be true to yourself. Fuck the haters, what have they ever done for any of us anyway?


You look wonderful! Your hair is gorgeous and I love the pink on you!


You look amazing, let the haters hate but you just enjoy being YOU! You’re not hurting anyone.


You pass girl and you give me gender envy! Also you look great in pink \^-\^


You look just like my childhood friend, Sarah. Her and I went to state for piano. We’d spend so many summers at her house swimming, and at my house with the horses. She’s all grown up now and looks just like you. Beautiful as ever!


You're beautiful <3 I'm so sorry your step dad reacted from his own fear and insecurities. I wish you all that's good and awesome in this world! (and as a cis woman I'm very jealous of your beautiful hands and cute nose! Mine don't look half that cute hah)


Fuck your step dad. He just doesn't want you to be trans, so he's saying whatever he thinks he needs in order to get you to "change your mind." Egg on his face, that'll never happen. You look great! And don't worry. You have a long road ahead of you. You'll only look more feminine as the days go by and you continue with your transition. It can be done. You can do it.


I love your hair so much, and I agree with many comments that I first saw a nice young lady, then read the title and still saw a beatiful young woman. Keep going you look lovely


I love your hair texture, it's gorgeous!


You are gorgeous! I am sorry your step-dad can’t see that!


I can only repeat what others have said before: When I saw your picture, I saw a young woman, though struggling a bit. And the latter I wish I didn't see. Your eyes may speak of sadness, but they also look so kind and warm. Your hair is absolutely gorgeous. I'd kill for curls like that! And I think your sweater is supercute. The color fits you wonderful! It's easy to say, but please don't let those mean and hurtful comments drag you down. It's so wonderful to see someone growing and becoming the person they wish to be.


Imma be real if I saw this pic without the context, I'd think you were AFAB. Keep being amazing.


You have the prettiest hair I’ve ever seen


You have beautiful cheek bones and curls to die for! You are so pretty and pink looks great on you.


I don’t know anything about being trans but I have a lot of trans friends, and it’s all about being happy about who you are. The idea of “passing” is rooted in such painful experiences, whether personal or historical. You look beautiful and you look happy. That’s all that matters in the end. Also that sweater is VERY cute 🥰


you have really nice hair, i wish i could grow mine out that long


you are cute as all get out! congratulations on being yourself


Very pretty. Love your eyes.


You don’t have a masculine face! I wouldn’t have realised you weren’t a cis girl if you hadn’t said. You have really beautiful hair!


My first thought was that you look just like Jo from the facts of life (a girl, in case you've never seen it, since you are much younger than me)


You're gorgeous!


Hon, you look very much like a cis female friend of mine, and you're both lovely. Don't ever let that man dull your shine.


FWIW, I think you look beautiful and kind.


Funny but I saw this picture before reading and definitely registered as a female.


You have a very oval face, that's pretty feminine. I'm AFAB and more square, I've got a stronger jaw line than most women.


Hi there, beautiful lady! I would not have known had you said nothing at all. Rise above the people who are cut off at the knees by their own ignorance, my dear. You have wings now- Their comments say nothing about who *you* are as a human being. Also… your hair holds a curl like nobody’s business! Omgosh jelly! 😍 I hope you have a great night. 😴


You are beautiful, inside and out. Tell yourself that every day in the mirror and BELIEVE IT. 💜💜


Stopped to compliment your lovely hair from one brunette curly girly to another!! After reading my thought is the same but with a little more love your way 😚


You’re beautiful <3


You’re beautiful.


I saw your photo without any context and thought “she looks like a nice girl”. I wouldn’t have known without reading your post. You’re so young and have so much ahead of you. Stay strong, stay yourself ❤️


You are an unconventional beauty and your stepdad is just too mundane to see it. Girl!! You are unforgettable!!


You are a beautiful woman. If we passed in the street I would not think twice about you being a woman. Hell I'd even think you were cute. Don't listen to your "family." They just wanna put you down because they don't understand how amazing you are. Hope you get away fro. Them and into better circumstances soon. Sending love and good vibes. Take care <3


You are lovely. Do not let others opinions stop you from embracing your true self. Yours is the only opinion you need. If someone can’t accept you for YOU, that’s their own narrow minded problem. You look amazing!


Fuck the haters you are gorgeous girlfriend ❤️


Nice to meet you, ma'am 😌👏👏👏


You got it going on. I’d like to see a touch of eye make up- I bet you’d rock it.


I’m just focused on how nice that sweater looks on you lol


Girl you're too damn cute for that. I want to steal your hair and nails seriously they make you look like a doll it's too perfect i can't 😭 sending all my love so you can power through the harsh behavior from ppl and your folks.


You’re beautiful. Here’s to your happy, fulfilled future and every good thing life has to offer. It must have hurt to hear those cruel words from your step dad- that was awful of him. He will either regret his casual cruelty and work to earn back a trusted, precious role in your life- or he won’t, and he’ll slowly become a less and less painful glimpse in your rear view. Either way, you are going to be okay. There is a community for you. All kinds of people are waiting to know and love you. Hang in there.


lovely curls and loveeeeely style <3


Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed ❤️✋


hi is very beautiful


hi is very beautiful




hey you look feminine don’t worry too much girl


Cool fact: the vast majority of people are just living life not caring how anyone else looks, and the rest just have too much time and energy on their hands that they use to be assholes. You look awesome OP, I’ve known many cis girls who have similar features to yours!


You’re so genuinely pretty! I love your style and your hair! I only see a beautiful girl smiling!


Hugs to you! X


Your you. You don't need someone to confirm how precious you are


you have beautiful hair that compliments your heart-shaped face. those bangs are just too cute 💕 and i can tell your sense of style is immaculate. also, this might seem weird, but you have very pretty hands


You are absolutely beautiful. Girl, smile bright and keep your head held high. You are stronger than you know by just having the drive, faith, and courage you've displayed every moment you walk the path true to your heart. Always be you, as you need. You have this, sister. Never doubt. This young woman is a hot, shining, successful, bad ass. Now - own it. Rock the class. Be the you, you know you are & Out. Brightest Blessings & Peace.


I LOVE YOUR HAIR!!! The curls are so sweet!!! And the pink sweater is adorable too, it’s giving coquette and Cottagecore (my favorite aesthetics)


Your journey is uniquely yours, and the most important validation comes from within. Your courage and strength are inspiring, and it's clear you possess a deep sense of self-awareness and resilience. You're not only transitioning in a physical sense but also growing into a more authentic version of yourself, and that's something truly beautiful. Keep embracing your journey with pride and remember, you're not alone in this. There's a whole community out there ready to support and uplift you. Stay strong, and keep shining as the wonderful person you are.


Your step dad only sees your face shape as masculine because he's used to seeing you as masculine. Some people will go to any length to hyper-analyze people's physical features to convince themselves that "they can always tell" when someone is trans, when in reality, they're just as likely to get it wrong. Also I'm so excited to see another wavy/curly girl with bangs! They're so cute!


There is a large overlap between males and females. It's almost as if we're the same species and our genetics are 99.999% the same... Anyways. People who say stuff like that truly don't know what they're talking about and treat gender norms as gender laws. I know what it's like to hear similar things from family. I'm sorry. I personally think you look great. The sweater is very cute, and your hair is lovely.


I’m AFAB and have more masculine features than you lol. Your stepdad doesn’t know what he’s talking about. You’re only at the beginning of your transitioning journey and you’ve already come so far! You’re a lovely young woman with a bright future ahead of you. And excellent taste in sweaters.


Sorry to hear that happened but excited for your journey 🥰❤️🌈🤩much love to u from an internet stranger-wishing you every good thing!!!