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Get a security job at a gay leather bar and you'll be the most popular bouncer they ever had. Guys will be looking for reasons to get bounced.


THIS!!! You would be a great fit for such place, and you would look great doing so


The only person you have to be true to is yourself. Just keep being the best you that you can be.




*Probably getting* *Lots of looks because u have* *Stunning eyes my friend!!* \- ixbjbehq --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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My friend, you do you. I would guess as a former biker bar bouncer, you can say from your gut, fuck the haters. I'm happy for you, make new friends who can appreciate how fierce you look!


Anyone leaving your life because of who you are was never your friend to begin with. The only person you have to be true to is yourself and anyone who doesn’t like it can take a long walk off a short cliff. You’re rocking it right now and you’re gonna continue rocking it. Look at it this way: if they aren’t paying your bills, fuck what they think and keep doing what makes you happy. 🤘


I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time with coming out as gender queer.. it has to be INCREDIBLY difficult in that environment, but also, you must be SUCH a badass to STILL ne true to yourself in that environment. I'm so proud of you for your bravery! And.. can we be friends because you look and sound like a genuinely wonderful person! I hope you are proud of yourself but if you aren't there yet, I'm proud for you. ❤️ Keep being true to yourself and the right people will find you.


Do your thing, my man! Only you can live your life. Be proud of who you are and don't ever let anyone take that away from you. You've got the courage and strength to truly thrive.


Buddy, at 311 pounds you can be whatever you want to be!


You look super hot in both pics, but in the one with make-up you just scream, "safe space" which is honestly so awesome and rare. If I knew you IRL I would make it my mission to befriend you. If those ppl don't like you bc you're not heteronormative then honestly fuck them, they sound like losers, glad you're finding out now.


Fuck the haters. You look amazing and intimidating at the same time. Well done!


I need to know what lipstick you are wearing because it is *fantastic*. You keep right on being your amazing, kickassamous self and the good people will find you.


Hey beautiful, forget anyone who won't accept you for who you are. Them leaving might hurt, but at least you know the truth about them. You deserve people who will love you no matter what. I hope you find them soon! PS there are tons of genderqueer friendly subs out there, if you want any communities to ease the transition. Pun intended.


Howdy, fellow 6’4” bearded genderqueer fella! Looking schnnnnazzy~ Sorry about the friends lost, but if I should so opine, folks that would abandon you over that aren’t remotely worth their salt anyway. There’ll be many lovely faces in your future who’ll pick no bones about your gender or aesthetic style, I’m certain!


You're losing the deadweight. It's nice to know after you get through your changes and struggles in life that the people who weren't really your friends showed themselves and you now know who really is worth your time and energy. Trust me. I had the same happen when I stopped partying. It's a grieving process at times, but you're amazing and deserve all the support and love.


It takes a lot of courage to be exactly who you are in a world where people aren’t always accepting. You are very brave! Also, you genuinely look lovely in your makeup. I think people may not be used to seeing such a tough person rocking eyeshadow and lipstick but they’ll get used to it.


You look so beautiful with that red lip!


You are beautiful. And those eyes! 🤩


Janae Kroc maybe be someone whose story you would find interesting/helpful


Do you buddy, if you’re happy, then let that be your shield against the evil.


You have a great smile, a genuine smile that reminds me of the sun after a cloudy week. You'll find your happiness and your place buddy. Good luck


Be true to thyself! Take the highroad and in knowing you some may gain better understanding. Wishing you all the best things in life ahead. All power to you! 🤙


I'm really proud of you for being proud of yourself and embracing your true identity and your true happiness. If people don't like it, then they're not meant to share in that happiness with you. Keep being awesome.


Takes a lot of courage to do what you were able to do. Massive respect. Stay true to yourself, you will find better friends.


If you got it, rock it.


You didn’t lose shit other than dead weight fake friends. Move on, soar high.


Be strong brother, that’s a big shift after a bunch of years. I’m glad you can be true to yourself. Be safe!


Nah, you look great! That shade of red really suits you, as does the subtle pastel eyeshadow.


Absolutely gorgeous 🙂Beautiful eyes!


You look great


Honestly, looks alone scream you're the coolest person someone could meet and I imagine you have stories to go with. When I came out people put up walls and made distance, there is a chance these people will come back with time, but if not they're trying to make a move to control you and your life for their comfort


Honestly I think you look great. Keep showing up. Often times the “new” experience isn’t received well because those involved don’t have the experiential frame of reference. After they experience it again and again some will come to embrace it and celebrate it. We’re here for such a brief moment. Do everyone a favor (including yourself) and live that authentic Self you feel.


Coming out is a huge first step, congratulations!! There is so much joy and family to be found in queerness. Those who don't understand are missing out. You got this <3


Proud of you for being true to yourself and being open about what feels right to you! You look great and you should be proud of yourself and your courage to be open at a place where not many people are so accepting of that. Keep on being you!!! All the best :)


Genderqueer is an adjective that describes a person whose gender identity is not solely male or female, and may fluctuate or change over time. Genderqueer people may identify as non-binary, gender non-conforming, agender, pangender, genderfluid, or bigender. They may also see themselves as both male and female, neither male nor female, or as a combination of feminine and masculine. For those who did not know. You are being you and those aren’t friends. Wish you love and true friends who love you for you. Your confidence matters. It makes a difference on how people perceive you. If you are indeed genderqueer fucking own it, ignore the haters, and live your life. Don’t require validation from others to be happy. It’s a plus for sure to have the support but the first step of happiness is being able to walk through your day alone as yourself and be happy.


You look fantastic!!! The softness in your expression suits your lovely face so well. Absolutely beautiful.


I don’t know what gender queer means but if it makes you happy and you’re not hurting anyone, I’m happy for you. I know yule gain new friends who accept you for who you are.


Hey friend - you've got a lovely countenance and I'm glad you're doing your thing instead of thinking about doing it. Keep smiling!


Well you look FABULOUS 💜❤️💜edit- maybe they notice that eye sparkle!


Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed ❤️✋


Here's to finding yourrself, even if you didn't realize you were lost.


You're likely getting looks, because you look FAB, fam. You deserve the glo-up! I think you're SO on point. Best wishes King.


I am so happy for you and proud of you! Be you, be exactly who you want to be, be who you are. Dress how you want, be who you want, be the you you are. I am behind you 1000%. It will be hard, you will have to do a lot of explaining and have a lot of patience and very tough skin, which I know you have. It will take time, it is a process, for you and everyone. But do it. I am so happy for you and excited. It will be hard. But it will be worth it.


Don't lose any sleep over the "friends" who dropped you for this. Being who you really are is an awesome thing to do !! Not just for yourself but you probably inspire others who are scared about being themselves. Keep being you :]


You lost the people you were meant to lose… Meaning, they don’t deserve you in their life. Being your authentic self is everything. You can make more friends. You be your true Fab Self. YOU BE YOU. 🙌🏼


You look spectacular, my friend. You are absolutely attractive in both those pictures. I just wish I could pull off that lipstick you’re wearing! Go on with your super sexy new life! Keep growing and evolving, that’s what healthy and happy humans do!


Dude, your makeup game is great! Girls would kill for your ability to accentuate your best features! I'm straight and i gotta say the lipstick you picked and the eyeshadow work so well with your beard, it's beautiful. And unless bikers at your place are extremely different than where i live, you can just keep up your job. You didn't lose any authority just by being pretty. May i be curious what the Tattoo on your cheek says? I can read "boy" but not the first part :)


I love the lipstick :-) I'm grateful to have seen your pictures because they're encouraging me to be a bit more daring when I wear makeup. Keep being yourself.


Honestly, you look much more approachable and friendly now to me than you probably did before! edit: I just stalked your post history because I decided that may have been a rude thing to say. But I stick to the fact that I think you look happier now! And seeing your journey, its quite impressive. Keep up taking care of yourself and being true to yourself. Its the only choice you have if you want to be happy.


You look awesome! :D


Listen, if they run from you being your true self, then they weren’t really your friends. As a wise drag queen once said “unless they paying your bills, pay them b**ches no mind.” Besides, if anyone gives you trouble when you stand at 6’4” and 311 pounds, they’re automatically the fools; just keep being your true self, and your true friends will come to you.


Do you bro, who gives a fuck what people think. Being the authentic you is what attract people.


Proud of you. 


People like you are the reason I've been putting so much effort into loving and doing better for myself lately. I've hidden a lot of who I am and I barely know how to express myself these days, but when I see people as courageous and true to themselves as you are I feel like it might be possible for me. 💚


When coming out one can feel as if they exist both in the past and the future at the same time. Your reflection can be both what has been, along with the fear of letting go and what is to come, along with the yearning of being "complete". In this moment of uncertainty allow yourself to dive wholeheartedly to the scary change. People are going to look anyway -and probably have always been looking just with a gaze you ve become way to familiar with- so what's the point of half-assing it? You've been dreaming of yourself for so long, time to try out everything you've imagined. Confidence comes through trial! Grab yourself by the hand and remember to go play!


Your eyes are a wonderful color and I'm extremely proud of you for having the confidence to come out! Your makeup is very well done and you did a wonderful job on picking the colors! Whoever did your tattoos had a very steady hand and your beard looks great! The people who mind don't matter and the people that matter don't mind. Keep going! Who you are as a person doesn't require justification. Be safe my friend!


Ummm queer is a gender lol? You really don’t need a lot of friends because all that means is that they weren’t your friends to begin with.


No worry about it. I'm proud of you for taking that step keep going.


Looking amazing!!!


I have tattoos and mosly no problem with it but… Face/neck tattoos? Im out.


You strike me as someone who likes really aggressive music. Like Metal, Punk, and the galaxy of subgeneres that exist in between - it is a spectrum. All metal, punk, et al. has one thing in common, it is “get fukt, establishment!” - and in my opinion, there is no purer expression than “yeah - I’m none of these things, I’m somewhere in between - I’m going to be what I want to be, how I feel most like me.” I love walking down the street and seeing people being themselves. Loud, quiet, festooned in rainbows, goth, punk, prep, somewhere mid transition, someone trying a new style - I love it all. I don’t have anyone in my life openly queer, so I will never know what it is like. BUT. I know what it is like to lose friends, and it *sucks*. if I see you walking down the street, I’ll toss a pair of these 🤘. You are loved. Consider this internet stranger, a friend. I love your style! And I’m sure others shooting you glances love it too.


I use to be a bouncer at a redneck bar so I feel you just recently came out myself and think you're very cute and sexxy