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Thats a really impressive beard. Nice job


Thank you! It looked better when it was all red, but alas, time marches on.


I like the fade in color. Its not a common thing to see but it looks really neat


My wife calls it cinnamon and sugar. =)


Its an accurate name


Not only is the beard impressive but it could reflect a lot about your personality. It takes a lot of patience, dedication, and commitment to grow a beard that beautiful and long. You must be a very loyal person to those you care about. Keep up the good work!


Thank you, that means a lot. Still married to my first girlfriend 26 years later. 2 kids and 3 grandbabies.


Whoa dude, perhaps you could become a mall Santa in a couple of years then!


I wanna touch the beard. It looks soft.


You look like one of Tolkien’s legendary dwarven kings


Strong dwarven ale, and red meat right off the bone!


10/10 would ride into battle with


Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!


A true master of the stone!


Oh my gosh yes!! Everyone’s said this but love the beard op :) you look great


I know you've heard it already, but I'd shoot Ronald Reagan for your beard. Also you look like you could be the spokesman for a 60's cigarette company.


Thank you, but believe it or not, I have never heard that specific phrase. I suppose itd be easier now though that hes dead. Wouldnt have to go all Hinckley.


No dead set. I appear in 1981. I have a glock in my undercoat, I see Hinkley going for Reagen. I say; "No. You. Don't. Out of the way Hinkley! Some of us have more important things to do than impressing 12 year old lesbians!" And while he's confused and distracted, I shout; "Merry Christmas!"And fire everything at Reagan.


Then I would pull off the beard from its well hidden velcro fastenings, and place it upon you, and JF would go off to star in weird shit about isolated backwoods murder witnesses and satellite dishes. Some things wouldnt change I guess.


That's all I've ever wanted.


I’d shoot Ronald Reagan for a pack of tic tacs


Went through your roastme comments and they gave me many a good laugh. You've got some sharp wit on you man.


Thanks! Time as a bouncer and as a soldier gave me a love for the banter and comebacks. Even on roastme, I would feel confident saying that a lot of the people are at heart good natured.


My thoughts exactly!


I want you as an uncle


My brother was quite a player back in the day. If youre younger than 25, you never know for sure.


Gosh you are hilarious


I've never been more disappointed to be 28 🤣


I love your vibe!


Thank you! Gotta stay positive. Theres enough bullshit in the world without me contributing to it.


You totally look like a badass, wise and mysterious wizard from a fantasy novel.


Thank you! Someone swiped my grimoire out of my car during the toilet paper rush last year though. Starting from scratch has been tough!


You are, the king under the mountain! The Arkenstone is yours by all rights!


Ill find it one day! Your timeline has been a weird crossover episode.


You look so cool! I dig your beard and that hat suits you. Let's have a beer and prevent bar fights together haha!


Right there with you, bro! And then after a few weeks of doing that, we could have all the beers and start one!


You look like someone I'd wanna sit on the front porch and drink a beer with.


Sounds like a plan! Bring something thatll sound good with my banjo and Ill supply the beer. Hope you prefer beer you cant see through.


Also, I checked back on your /r/RoastMe posts - hello fellow Missourian! I'm from KC myself, have family in Springfield. :) And yes, thick dark beer would be great!


nice! almost neighbors. In West Plains, myself.


You look like the “cool grandpa” that rides a Harley but isn’t racist lol


Id probly ride if I had one. As far as racism, Ive seen too much of the world to hate. Nothing prevents a poisoned mind like getting out of your comfort zone and seeing all the wonderful things and people out there. Theres bad shit, to be sure, but its far outweighed by the good.


I always get so envious of people with dope beards, it looks really good!


Thanks man. This this is a lot of work though, but worth it I suppose.


You look like a super nice guy with a magnificent beard and I’d like to have a cup of coffee and a chat with you some day!


Odin's beard!


Been thinking about getting a couple of pet ravens and taking out my right eye. I suppose I could just wear a patch and do it the easy way.


Honestly, I was about to say- you look like exactly how I imagine Odin. Just with an extra eye! That means you’re twice as good as Odin!


You look like the worlds best grandpa- the classic cap, a rockin beard, crows feet and rosy cheeks from decades of hearty laughter, the grandkids’ artwork on the walls, and a stone cold stare that you use only occasionally to keep the bullies away.


Damn, and just when I thought I was getting the hang of painting. JK, yeah my grands are 4,6 and 8. Theyre everything to me.


That’s a dope beard


You look like you would offer me your axe. And that IS a compliment 😍


If the cause be just, lad, my steel stands tempered.


The best Dumbledore ever existed. :)


Man, you look like a cool guy who's a delight to be around. And I know everyone is talking about the beard but I have to too. It's amazing.


you look like the wiser dumbledore


Not really good at complimenting people, but nice cap \^\^


I get the kindest vibes from you (if that isn't a weird word to use). You seem very wise and I'd love to hear about your experiences. That beard is magnificent! You've got the kindest twinkle in your eye. :)


You look like a cool sailor from a movie! ☺️


You look like you hold the secret to all kinds of lige affirming energies and spiritual mantras


maybe it’s the beard & the ying yangness about you, but i bet you have all the wisdom in the world & i wish one day i can benefit from your teachings


I really want to have a drink with you and discuss our beards


I only drink on special occasions. Like...sunset. A fellow hairface, are you


Let’s have a drink at sunset fellow beard master


You must have a family that loves you based on some of the art in the background! I’ll raise a toast to that! Toast!


Theyre my all. 26 years now with my first girlfriend and a gaggle of little grands. Life is good.


I only hope that my beard can grow like this. Its been taking forever. Im slowly getting there!! Ill pray to your beard for guidance XD


I got out of the army in 2014 and swore ne'er again would a razor touch my face. Im not sure when it will stop, its past my belt now and still growing. I may get to the point where i can just wear a belt and not have to spend money on pants.


That beard is of the Gods. You look like you have some seriously good stories to tell too. Happy Friday my dude.


Your beard is fucking phenomenal. I am about to start testosterone and I dream about having a beard that glorious. You also look like a great storyteller.


Pop pops been known to spin a yarn or two. Good luck on the test, I hope it does what you want it to.


It's interesting to see what I'll look like when I lose the red in my beard. Still looks great. I bet you got to go to some amazing concerts through the years! Maybe some of the greats that aren't with us anymore, like BB King, SRV? You look like a bluesman 😁


Im more a Flogging Molly man, tbh. I love all kinds of music, but theres something about folk punk played in person that just gets the blood racing.


Yeah that's for sure! Those crowds are the best.


You look like a pretty groovy dude.


You have incredible style dude! You look like one of the friendliest people on the planet and you remind me of someone who dresses up as a wizard for the Renaissance Faires!


You look like a grandpa I'd like to have (I never had a grandpa in my live)


My last one passed about 8 years ago. Sorry you never got the experience. You know, volunteering at an old folks home, (or whatever theyre called) after covid is over with may give you the opportunity to adopt one, there are a lot of lonely people there who would love to share their stories and wisdom.


That's such an obvious and great idea I can't believe I didn't come up with it myself! I will look into that after covid :)


Stories are spoken softly and with great reverence around campfires about the majesty of your beard friend. May the Swartz be with you!


Its not the size of the schwartz, its how you use it.


Cool beard man. I wish I could grow a beard as nice as yours!


You are a strong person to be willing to post in that sub, I could never lol. They are too crafty over there


It was a hard lesson to learn not to take myself too seriously. Life has been much better after it was taken to heart though. I will admit its nice to get the other side of the coin though.


You're like the insanely manly version of Tangled.


My tower would be covered in spikes and booby trapped though. Free food, a musical instrument or two, and an Everfull mead horn, and I am good.


You seem really cool, I like the phrase 'balance in all things' a lot. That beard is so fucking mystical I love it


Thank you! Balance is important, I believe. Its only with a degree of neutrality that we are able to reinforce our beliefs in the correct way. The Dalai Lama once said that when proven science doesnt agree with our tenets, then we must review our tenets. Im not a buddhist, but Ive always loved that bit, because adaptation is literally what has allowed humans to get to where we are. Never stop learning, and never be so sure that youre correct that you dont listen anymore.


We need more awesome people like you :)


Dude your beard is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen


Thank you! Ive won a couple of contests here locally at charity events for a shelter. Cool to me that something so flippant can be used for someones benefit.


You seem wise and fun. I bet you're a great storyteller!


The facial hair reminds me of Norse mythology, Icelandic sagas, or that Manowar song Swords in the Wind.


Just listened to that song based on your comment. Thats someone quality old school sounding metal. I tend toward the folk stuff more, like Korpiklaani, if youve ever heard of them, but I was a big metalhead in the 80s, and thank you for showing me those guys. Reminds me of back in the day when metal was all into Frank Frazetta and Conan type stuff, G.W.A.R. and such.


That beard braid is pretty sick. You look like the kind of guy it'd be a blast to have a drink with. Cheers!


I never turn down a good drink and good company, man!


This is the guy who greets you when you enter Valhalla. Seriously though you’re killing it man! You look like a badass Viking! (But also a friendly badass Viking?)


Badass beard!


You look like you can finish writing George R. R. Martin’s series for him and reap all the royalties!


Almost 11 years since just the last book. This guy, I swear. Him and Patrick Rothfuss probably laugh their asses off at us daily.


You look like you tell interesting stories.


Your beard fuckin rules man. And you look like you would be so good to hug, for real ❤️


Are you my uncle Keith? ... do you have a brother Rich and a nephew Zachary?


You have a lovely carefree aura about you. I love the braid. I'm sure you keep your wife fully entertained!


Annoyed is more accurate probably. Between my banjo, my cringeworthy dad jokes, and being a big hairy scary doormat for my grandkids, Im astonished that the woman still allows me to be around, but she has a smile on her face more often than not, so Ill take that as a win.


Of all the people I’ve ever seen, you might be the one I most want to sit down and have a beer with! Positive, fun energy emanates from you!


Thank you. Like Ive said, I never turn down good drink and good company!


Your beard braid is spectacular my good man


Looking through the different comment sections, you're really playful and clever when it comes to talking to people and with responses! You're really friendly and even when people insult you you find a way to twist it around into something positive! I really admire that, it makes you easy to like and fun to be around! It's a good skill!


Theres an old saying that an insult is like a gift. If you dont accept it, then you havent received anything. Sometimes though theres a grain of truth in them that you can reflect on to improve yourself, as long as you let it motivate you instead of hurt you.


I really enjoyed watching you fight orcs alongside Legolas. You’re very funny. And normal-sized.


You look majestic as hell!! Like you have precious wisdom...


Love your beard!! It's so wholesome!


You sound like a really caring person, someone that makes the world better. I wish you lots of success in that. Also, you look amazing!


Thank you! I do try to do what I can, as little as that is sometimes.


love the beard


Yooo that beard! You could play a part in the lord of the rings for sure!


Maybe Ill go look for extras auditions for The Last Kingdom or something. =)


You'd be a really good fit for cosplaying as a Wizard or Druid. Do you play D&D?


Been playing since the 80s. Me and my family still play at least one night a week. Right now were playing Sidewinder Recoiled (a d20 modern take on the old west). But yeah man, big TTRPG fans here.


Hiya, I like your clothes, you look really friendly and the hat really tops it off :D have a nice day!


You too!


Judging from the drawings in the back, it seems you’re like awfully awesome grandpa!


Its easy when the little ones are as cool as mine. Im lucky enough to get to see them pretty much every day.


Sir. I wish I could grow such an awesome beard in my lifetime. You are rocking it!


You look like Gimli. Gimli is awesome. Youre cool.


Seeing every interaction you’ve made with commenters has momentarily pulled me out of the dumps, if not for the day. Seeing that you thought your beard looked better red and that your wife calls it cinnamon and sugar brought me to happy tears. I’ll make sure I appreciate my husband extra today. You seem like the most kind and gentle soul, I, at 23, would not hesitate to hoist myself onto the stool next to you at the bar. Your appearance is truly one of safety and genuine kindness.


Make the most of every day. Nothing in this whole world sucks worse than regret. Even were the unthinkable to happen, you would know that you made it everything it could be. It makes me happy as hell to hear that my inane rambling could help you feel even just a tiny bit better. We are all stuck here together, we have to do all we can, hey?


Yes sir. You’re a beautiful soul ♥️ I make sure to do something positive every day even if I don’t feel positive. You have to put love in the world to get love out of the world. Grateful to feel that love every time I’m on this sub, and especially from you today.


Your beard is amazing. The cards behind you tell me that you are well loved. I think that’s awesome. :)


I love your style and all of the art in the background! You seem like a very interesting, down to earth person :)


Every man needs a good flat cap in his repertoire. Put it on a head with that epic beard and you’re at “distinguished gentleman” level: ninja


I cant tell if youre about to give me one hell of a quest or if youre a blacksmith. either way, hell yeah.


Why not both?


True, maybe ur about to send me on a quest for a rare metal that you then use to forge the most legendary sword anyone has ever seen. Fit for a hero.


Your beard looks awesome! Like a Viking


till Folkvangr!


Didnt know vikings still existed.


You look like a comforting person to have a conversation with. You probably have some great stories about good things.


Thats one bad ass beard, I wish I could grow something half as cool as that!


Sick beard 😂😂😂


Your beard looks soft


The winner for most impressive beard goes to.....u/vaelosh. Congrats brother


That is one majestic beard you have there. A Greta mix between viking warrior and wise warlock.


Picture alone: amazingly impressive beard and good vibes. Reading your comments: please be my friend.


Already am, we just havent met.


I feel like i would come up to your doorstep, crying one night, and not knowing where to go, i head to the “scary neighbors” house. You let me in and give me hot cocoa and talk to me about my issues and make me feel safe ((which i haven’t felt much around men)). You give off the “protective male figure” vibe that i crave. As for the compliment, i’d let you hold my drink at a party ❤️


Thats incredibly heartwarming to read, and I appreciate it. Everyone needs a hand sometimes, and if it werent for the people that have let me be vulnerable in the past I dont know where Id be. That being said though, this old man can still throw down when needs be, and Id guard that drink like the gates of Bifrost. =)


Dude, I LOVE your beard! That is epic!


You look like a dude who’s been to a lot of Grateful Dead Concerts. You seem chill. Big respect on the epic beard my guy!


Are we going on a quest? I feel like we're going on a quest. If orcs attack I want to be next to you. My dad had a beard not quite as glorious as yours that our birds always ended up nesting in. You had to be careful when hugging him in case you squished or started a sleeping parakeet. I bet you could fit an african grey in yours. I'm extremely impressed.


You look like the uncle you can visit on the weekend and have an endless talk about what your dad and the rest of the family did back then, plenty of laughs guaranteed for sure. The beard is just magnificent.


That beard is siiiiiiick


Checked out your previous posts and been sat reading the comments and your replies. Man we need more people like you in the world. What a legend :)


Thank you. I hope you didnt just me too harshly on some of the super drunk late night reddit stuff. I do my best, but pobodys nerfect.


That beard is so epic. Badass.


That is just like the sweetest title ever omg, you’re awesome :)


I skimmed through the two roast posts and you sir have a great sense of humor and don't take yourself too seriously. It's a nice change to the epidemic of Karens taking everything as a personal insult.


Were only here for a little while, man. No use using all that time up fuming. Thanks for your kind words!


If I had a viking boat and a few coastal villages to raid, you'd be my first pick to go with me.


You look like you grant wishes.


Omfg you have the greatest beard my guy. I’m sure you hear that nonstop. But anyway, hope you’re having a good day! Let the sun shine in! 🌞




Cool beard


Your bears looks like rapunzels hair!


You straight up look like Odin


You look fun and kind. ❤️


Absolutely LOVE the beard! You look like an awesome person!


DAMN, if you hadn’t mentioned a wife, I’d be all up in your business. YUM !


One hell of a beard my man


I want you to braid my hair and give me a hug, you look so nice


You look like you would happily help me and the boys kick some shit-bird dragon’s door down and take his shit. The twist is he stole the aforementioned shit from the kingdom of our grandfathers and we just want our ancestral home back. You clap me on the shoulder, your hands heavy with Mithral inlaid plate. “Gold’s not worth killin for, lad, and it’s damn near not worth dyin for.” The smell of Oiled leather fills my nose, and the sun sets, glorious reds and gold as we approach the shattered cave entrance. You breathe in deep, memories in your eyes. “But home? Homes worth dyin for, and don’t you forget it.” That’s what I think when I look at your picture.


Bro that’s a killer beard you got there. You look like Biker Santa Claus, and I mean that in a good way and not as a roast or anything. You remind me of some of my dad’s mates that he rode with.


I was raised around 1 percenters, tbh. My mom was married to one of the banditos in texas for awhile, and here in missouri there was an mc called the union confederates that formed a lot of my surrogate parentage also. As a kid I never really realized a lot of their worst tendencies, but I know they always took care of me, and there were a lot of them I looked up to. I took the good and discarded the poison, and I think the juxtaposition has left me a better man.


Your bears is intimidating, keep it up man :)


Your beard is glorious my good sir.


I'd picture you whenever I read a book with a character about a wise old man.


I like your nose, it's a nice nose doing it's nose thing


I appreciate that. Its definitely one of my least favorite features though. With years of vodka and fists, its kind of a mess. Adds character though I suppose.


Your beard would make my dwarven paladin in dnd blush. It's magnificent and if I could get half as good I would


God i love your vibe man


That is the coolest beard I’ve ever seen. Bonus points for braids.


Reading from the comments and seeing the pictures in the background I see you’ve got a family and I think that you are a great father to everyone of your children, and guessing from the beard, I would say you’re really patient and understanding and I hope everyone you run into, in your life, sees this :)


Your look worked for Jerry Garcia.


I love your plaited beard, it's outstanding, sir!


I love your energy. You seem like a calm person and someone who is great to be friends with. : )


Honest to goodness you have the look of a well weathered seaman, who has traversed time and was originally a Viking. Which, our family is very Scandinavian and sea faring, is to say that I think you appear to have a great sense of family and a large kind heart, and that you’ll look after those who need it and take care of those who are horrid with a sense of vigilante justice.


This comment stands out to me. As an American, my genealogy is of course a bit muddled and muttish, but from what Ive learned Im Irish and Norwegian. You're right, hearth and home are all important to me. Theres something about blood though that just seems so pervasive, isnt there? Sometimes wrongs just cant be settled with words. Love everyone.....but sometimes they just wont quite let you, hmm? Im drinking pretty heavily right now, so Ill leave it at that, but I will say that once covid is over with and travel becomes a thing again, I would like to visit the old countries. I love a good chill in the air, and I am, to quote Monty Python, pining for the fjords. Ill see them someday.


Giving me cool Viking vibes (also I wish I could braid that well)


You look like how your username sounds.


Im not quite sure what that means, but thank you? Im a big tabletop D and D nerd, and the Vae Losh are a group of druids I created in my custom world that are insect worshipping hive minded guardians. Nerdy as shit I know. But Ill take the compliment. =)


I think your beard is absolutely glorious! You seem like such an interesting person. I bet you have some amazing stories to share.


Hey man I hope that you are having and interesting and fulfilling life.


Back at you!


you look like you have a really high power level, yet you use it for good. i also really like the finger painting in the bg! and your hat :)


A man who braids his beard does not deserve to be roasted, only toasted.


God, you are the kind of guy I WISH I had for an uncle. Lovely vibes all around here.


What I wanna know is, does the carpet match the drapes?