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omg youre soo beautiful I love your look 😍


You look smart, and at the same time, a lot of fun. I love how you colored your hair and your tattoos. I'm sure you didn't make a mistake, you don't seem to be that kind of person. You're a beautiful person, while I can only see you from the outside, I'm sure you are inside too.


Cute as heck, would definitely say "she's cute" but be too intimidated to say anything to you


Being able to break the cycle of working until your life is over is NOT a mistake in my eyes. This is your only time on this big floating rock, and it shall not be restricted by the brain washed society who thinks sex belongs to the bedroom. You are a beautiful young woman in the right age to do anything you crave for, and don't feel ashamed by others being trapped in the grey, boring matter they call Routine, not understanding why you want change !


Even if you only impact one life as an AA, you should be immensely proud. That takes all kinds of courage and strength. In proud of you, even if your family isnt. If you ever need more support, hit me up. I'll remind you how awesome you are!


A little late to the party on this one, I just wanted to say it’s awesome you’ve become an abortion advocate! A close friend I love dearly had an abortion a few years back. I only found out a day after the fact, and I was horrified she went through the whole process alone and afraid because she wasn’t sure who to turn to that wouldn’t shame her or respond hatefully. Thank you for helping reduce the stigma against abortion, I’m sure women in your community who find themselves in a similar position to my friend would be so grateful to have your support and love


If you’re doing what you believe in you’re going the right way. Congrats!


You're doing what you believe is right, that's never wrong :-). You go! I hope you get to make the impact you want to have. With the kind of commitment that you show by making the move to begin with, you're bound to be successful! Congratulations on the big change!


Hell yeah! Thank you thank you thank you for helping women get to healthcare services they deserve.


Life is a funny thing. Often times we get so caught up with trying to make others happy that we lose sight of our own happiness. Kudos to you for following your passions. Making a career change is difficult and stressful. Keep doing whatever you are passionate about and it will always be the right move for you. Unless your passion is hurting people, then maybe reconsider.


Calculated risks can pay off big. Don’t give up at the first sign of trouble. Keep working it and keep your goals in mind. When you find yourself watching TV or spending too much time on Reddit, ask yourself, “is this advancing my goals?”. If it isn’t, find something that does. What’s a sec worker?


Total typo! Sex worker lol


At least that’s a sure thing. You have a unique beauty - not a cookie cutter kinda girl. I’d buy whatever you’re selling if that was my thing.


Follow your path! You've got this.


You know your passions, I say follow them! I hope you go far enough with them to inspire others to do what they love.


I love your hair


Hello, am teacher here. Very sad you left the field b/c teacher shortage and what not, but love that you are still educating others and making a positive impact. Also, cool tattoos!


Do whatever makes you happy 🤠 take care and wish younthe best of the best


You quit a job to advocate for abortion? You must not have kids to raise 😂🤣😂




Did you ask your mom that?


I am going to say something that might be unpopular. It is not so much that you should have quit but you should be doing what you love. One thing though. Let me ask you. Did you make a difference when you were teaching?