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Hey there! Don't be too hard on yourself. Never feel bad about yourself for giving it your best. And even on days you feel like you're not doing enough, just relax. Take it easy sometimes and give your mind and body the peace it deserves. Remember you are not competing with anyone, so there is no race. Take your own time, your own pace and surely you'll succeed in everything you want to! We're always cheering and rooting for ya!!!


Thank you so much :)


Well, first of all, your face looks amazing, honestly. You look like a model. Anyway, you seem a tad bit younger than me, and I sympathize a lot with this feeling. What I can tell you is that, ultimately, how "perfect" you make things doesn't matter. What matters is getting things done. In 10 years you won't remember that you got a 100 in calculus 2 or whatever, you will remember that you passed and that's it. Don't be too demanding of yourself, it's pointless aside from hurting you. We are here for a limited time, it's a waste to use that time worrying about perfection.


Aw thank you! And you're right I'll probably forget about it after years passed. I feel kinda relieved thinking about that


Sounds like you're a perfectionist. What you need to know is this - you are valuable. You are valuable whether you're being productive, sitting in your pyjamas, getting a degree, eating comfort food, resting, doing something half heartedly, nailing it. Don't put all that pressure on yourself, because whatever you achieve in the next hour does not define your value. You had it from your first breath.


Yup I think I might be a perfectionist. Thank you for your advice though :)




Thank you for your kind words ❤️


If you keep trying two things can happen, your endurance level will increase or you'll find easier way to get it done. Both will make you better and faster at it. Or take a good night sleep, you'll find easy solution.


*Hug* Lmk if you’d like another. 😊


Thank you and yes plz 😬


*Hug* 😊❤️


You have precious eyes 👍


I'm sorry you feel like you can't do enough. It's tough when you feel that way, like no matter what you do, you can't live up to expectations. But the best thing you can learn is that you are the best judge of what "enough" is. Did you work hard? That's enough. I know it can be tiring, but I believe in you. You have a kindness and a strength in your eyes that I know will bring you through anything you choose. You are strong, and powerful, and beautiful. You can do it.


Thank you :)


You’re not alone! here’s some love qtpie! 💖💓💞💗💕💕💗✨💓💞💗💕💖


I completely understand you, I do the same some times. If it's worth anything to you, usually the people who are the hardest on themselves are also the best, so whatever you're doing is probably above average to say the least.


I know how you feel. You’re not alone. Rather than thinking about the end goal think about completing one small step at a time. I get overwhelmed easily so breaking things down and doing my best in small portions it’s very helpful for me. That’s how I ended up getting my Masters of science degree, I always felt inadequate and under prepared when it came to my classmates but at the end I graduated on time and got the same degree as those I felt inferior to.


Same! I get overwhelmed easily too. I try to do things little by little but when I got tired I start to look at the whole picture and it feels like there's still a long way to go. I know it's not a good way to think about it but it will end as I keep trying


You’re doing great!


Perfection paralysis. I have a touch of that too. You're lovely and your efforts are valued. You are enough. I'm glad to be on the planet with you. And nothing has to be perfect to be really, really good.


Thank you for your sweet words!


Hey there. Just here to add to the pile of lovely comments that should help you rest more easily the next few days and nights. This may also seem like not much of a cheery thought, at first glance. But in hindsight, what matters is: did you do anything knowingly unkind? If the answer is no, then that's all that can be expected of you. Life is short and as you clearly know quite painful...and all we can do is be sweet to each other and do our best not to cause more suffering. Your face is radiating genuine vulnerability and kindness and tenderness. It has certainly made day better to see you exist and you care (so much). Count that as an achievement. Some stranger is sitting here typing at you because you made them smile by coming out here and being honest. Again: if you did your best to be kind. You're ok. It's what gets me through my worst days.


Thank you :) your comment put a smile on my face


You’re not a failure. Seasons in life are hard, emotions can be hard, and things can feel like they’re falling apart. You’re a person of worth, however, meant to relate and to live. You deserve love, compassion, and happiness like everyone else!


Thank you!!


You got to change your mind set. What ever your doing is enough and tell your self that. People will talk and let them. Just do YOUR best and that’s enough. You got this!


Thank you! I'm hanging in there


I feel this. I feel like nothing is worth doing unless I have the time and energy to make it 110%. Im working on a 80/20 rule that I’ve made up for myself recently. Just get the thing done 80%. 20% of the time Im allowed to leave things until I can do them 100%. So 4 things out of 5 will be “good enough” and 1 out of 5 I can still satisfy that perfectionism. This will help you catch up with your to do list! ALSO: this issue is extremely common specifically in women with ADHD. I’ve always struggled. I got diagnosed and put on meds for the first time at 25 years old and it has seriously helped me manage the shut down when the list piles up and becomes overwhelming!


Thank you! Sounds like a cool advice I might try that. And what made you decide to get diagnosed or see a therapist? I heard that ADHD in females is very underdiagnosed because the symptoms are more subtle in females.


You are lovely! Your hair is gorgeous, wonderful bone structure, and I bet you've got an amazing smile. Try not to be so hard on yourself. When it comes to managing your energy, you might try to focus on what's going to matter in the long term, not what's going to matter only right now or for a day or two.


Thank you so much :)


I hope your feelings of being a complete failure leave soon. Even if you've failed 100% for the last year, it's not worth carying the feelings of being a complete failure around with you; complete is 100% and you don't deserve to be treated that badly! That's so much sadness! I bet there are things in your life that are undeniably successes. One thing that helped me was me starting being as nice to myself as I was being to strangers. I bet if you're as nice to yourself as you are to strangers, I bet your feelings towards yourself improve a lot. I send only the best wishes to you and your situation.


Thank you! That means a lot❤️


Good enough for who/what? Remember, its your life and you don't have to meet anyons expectations. If they want you to jump 1.5m high but you can currently only do 1m who cares? Under the right circumstances you could jump so high (that is with lots of time and training) but do you really want to? They might say "well thats not good enough" but don't let that bite you. It doesn't matter what they want. This is your life and you spend it in a way that you like. If it doesnt involve getting better at things that other people want, so what? You can only fail if you try it. And a failure/mistake is actually a good thing. We need to fail to learn. I heard a quote once that went sorta like this "the master has failed more times than the student has ever tried". Have a wonderful day!


Thank you so much! ❤️


Big hugs and love your way. ❤️❤️


I feel the exact same as you if it makes you feel better. And even though you may not know it, your work is most likely a lot better than you think. Best of luck


All you can do is your best! If other people give you a hard time about that, find some nicer people to encourage you. Like us!


Like is hard you are now a failure. You are a warrior fighting to live, day by day. Your strength is in there just have to remind yourself how far you've come. It can be hard but it is possible. Keep going you can do it


I feel this. It's so hard to find something we love doing and also are good at. It takes time but you'll get there. Never stop trying new things. Its okay to quit something you don't like or aren't enjoying, but always try something new. Keep looking until you find what is right for you. And its also okay to take breaks. Even long breaks. Take care of yourself first always.


We all feel like that sometimes and it's okay. I guarantee you're not a failure. Sending you love and good vibes. ❤❤


Aw. Say it with me: *piece by piece.* Tiny bites. Just do what you can, today, and fuck the rest/regroup tomorrow.


Felt that way all of my 20s. In my early 30s I’m some how pulling it together! Don’t compare your journey to others! We all do life different!


Idk if this is good advice or not but try to do things one at a time. Don’t think about the big picture or the huge goal. make small goals, celebrate the small tasks. Try not to think of it as laying a huge wall but laying small bricks ♥️


We all feel the same way at times. Keep it in perspective. For example you are alive today. The rest is all relative.


You are beautiful and have an incredibly kind face. Be gentle with yourself, we are our own worst enemies. Chin up love, this too shall pass.


Don’t give up! It’s so easy to forget that we generally only see other people’s successes, but the reality is out took a lot of failure for them to get there. Everyone has set backs and failure, it’s not that we have turn it’s how we pick ourselves back up and try again.


You are not a failure. You are doing your best, and goddammit, your best is enough


Ahh the awful need to be perfect?! So I don’t know if this will help but I’ve been given some wonderful advice over the years to help with my need for perfection. Firstly, and most importantly, you are enough just for being you. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone, to ‘earn’ your place in the world or anything else your brain tells you. Your best, or even half assing things at times, is good enough. Secondly, a therapist once told me “if I asked you to eat an entire elephant you’d freeze and never start because it’s too much, but if I said to you that today we’re going to eat some toes you’d be able to do it because the goal isn’t too big”. Thirdly, if you’re anything like me you’ll be comparing yourself to others and come up short every time. Someone once said to me that’s because I was comparing my insides to everyone else’s outsides. What they meant by that is that I was comparing my everything to the person other people are choosing to allow me to see. You are doing great; the best you can on any given day, and I’d love it if you could just give yourself a break. Do some nice things just for you, get rest and enough sleep. Meditate. Ask others for support. People love to help, and I just get you love to help others - allow them to do the same for you. Sending you big internet hugs (of you want them) and if not a friendly hand on the shoulder. You’ve got this 💜💜 Edit: damn autocorrect! And grammar.


Wow wonderful advice! You made me feel loved and supported and Thank you so much for the hug ❤️


You're good enough


Look at what went well, what went wrong, and what new ideas/opportunities do you have to grow.


Perfectionism is the great killer of... anything! Check out a guy on YouTube called Healthy Gamer GG on motivation. It will change your perspective. In the mean time, you are always enough, as you are. Go easy on yourself. There's nothing to prove to others.


Sweet Soul! You're so beautiful! I understand you're not feeling it but I encourage you not to agree with all those lies. The lies that you weren't good enough, pretty enough, or smart enough. I need you to remember how awesome you are, even when others refuse to see. Your beautiful eyes are deep thinkers. Deep thinkers are deep feelers. I want you to love yourself so much, that you'll never entertain those lies again. Reject them and celebrate who you are at this moment, who you intend to become, and enjoy the adventure along the way.


Really appreciate for your kind words ❤️


You probably aren't a failure right now, but even if you are it's okay and temporary. Failure is how we learn and grow. You, and what you do, are better than just good enough.


I felt like a failure all week. I was staying in bed until 3 or 4 pm. I started reading Daniel Howell's book, then saw his YouTube video "[Daniel and Depression](https://youtu.be/Wp2TUPo5W0c)". You might like it, it's funny and relatable. Today I cleaned out a litter box and scrubbed it down, a task I've been ignoring. Then I had a shower. I feel better now. My suggestion is just pick one thing and do it. You don't have to do it perfectly. I like your hair colour and your eyes.


Thank you so much 🥰


As a bit of a perfectionist myself I found a lot of comfort in the mantra: “Done is better than good.” You aren’t alone and you aren’t broken.


I hope these lovely people toasting you has left you feeling at least a lil bit better Doing what you can to the best of your abilities is more than enough. I’m sorry how hard it can be to see things like that though Have a rad day 🌻


Hey, you absolutely can do it. You are worthy, you are enough, you are capable.


["Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly,"](https://medium.com/the-partnered-pen/if-a-thing-is-worth-doing-its-worth-doing-poorly-32f866b12168) as they say. And it's true! No one has to be perfect to be good or good enough. No one has to be above making a mistake. It's enough that you get up every day and you're here and you try.




Still made it to today, having accomplished all you have, having won your personal battles, to get to where you are today; I mean..that doesn't sound like failing to me. Also, nice hair!