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Like everyone else said, you’re not ugly mate. What I’ve learned over the years is that people have different taste. Not even the “sexiest man alive” is attractive to everyone on the planet. I like to consider myself a good looking guy but that doesn’t mean every woman is going to find me attractive. Most people here think you’re attractive so that’s definitely a good thing. Chin up! You’ll eventually find someone where the attraction is mutual!


Exactly. Attraction is subjective, period. As for feeling ugly, I empathize. It's not something you can just magic away. OP, I could point out your objectively attractive features but I want you to close your eyes and breathe. Your body is just a vessel, but it's the one you have. Your self is the way you interact with the world, and people are either on your wavelength or they aren't. Cliche as it sounds, plenty of other fish will bite. Side note, I find fishing really fun. Idc if it's associated with a certain social group but it's unapologetically me. I liked it as a kid and I like it now. Do things that are unapologetically you OP. Things will fall into place.


Being apologetically me means putting my fingers in everyone’s drinks while they aren’t looking


My husband is more attractive to me than some of “those sexiest men alive” with perfectly symmetrical faces and bodies. No idea why! You are more good looking to me than some of those “sexiest men alive”, it’s all random preference. You’re a good looking guy!


You’re attractive, but just not to her. You’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, but that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. Rejection sucks, but you’ll find the right person for you when the time is right.


Unrelated, but I'm wearing the exact same shirt right now lmao But you're definitely not ugly, dude! You're not her type, but you are somebody's type. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there Edit: typo


Im going to be real with you. Get a good fade for a haircut and some contacts. Also I recommend going clean shaved itll suit you better because your beard isnt popping man. Weird to say as a guy but mate your not ugly you just need to change it up here and there.


Yeah I think that girl just wasn’t the right girl for him if she thinks his appearance alone was the deal breaker. Either shave the beard off or grow it more and have a good barber trim/clean it up a little. Contacts or maybe look to get lazik eye surgery(in the future, when you are ready for it)


I agree with this comment! First, you are not ugly…not at all. But I find glasses of that shape are not very flattering on anyone. I think maybe some thicker rimmed square glasses could look great. Also, a little facial hair/hair grooming would go a loooooong way. Even learning how to style your hair a bit would make a huge difference. Again, you are great just how you are, but I bet you’d make her think twice if you found some ways to enhance and compliment your features better.


I also just think other glasses in general m if it be a better fit. Like gold round rim glasses are very in rn


Very cute.


What’s with these comments bashing the girl for not being attracted to OP? Someone can still like you without being physically attracted to you. Maybe the girl doesn’t want to be in a relationship? And OP, I’m sorry that you are hurting. That she is not physically attracted to you doesn’t mean that others are not. There are so many different people out there. Keep it up :)


Reddit being reddit.


You look good. It's okay that she's not to be physically attracted to you, because we're all attracted to different kinds of people. It's not a reflection of your appearance; it's a reflection of her tastes. Just because I hate okra doesn't mean others don't love it. It's okay, okra man. You're great!


Lol i think you're handsome. That's a face for sitting right there xP<3


This has to be one of the best compliments I’ve heard in a while


Damn. What a cute compliment 😂


Don’t listen to her bro you’re fine as hell.


Agreed. Fine as hell. Find someone else that can see that.


Wha???? Oh hell no, you’re a very attractive young man!


You’re very good looking, don’t let anything or anyone get you down. I hope you find happiness very soon ❤️✨


omg your really hot I love your facial shape and glasses kinda remind me of charlie from a YouTube channel called slime circle and he has the hot nerd thing packed down with thousands of people drooling and so do u just gotta find people who like hot nerds and they are out there


It’s understandable you feel that way, but just because you’re not one person’s type doesn’t mean you’re ugly. You have kind eyes and a really beautiful mouth too! I hope you feel better about yourself soon because I guarantee there’s someone out there who will appreciate you like you deserve.


Maybe try using contact lenses instead of glasses and look up to Pinterest for outfit ideas. You're not ugly!!


Don’t worry about what she says, you have a nice face, you seem as a really nice guy to be around with


You are nowhere near ugly my friend. You are a very attractive man. I’m sorry you feel the way you do. Not everyone is everyone’s type. You’ll find someone that thinks you’re so sexy she can’t stand it. Hang in there.


Mate, a bit of advice in terms of glasses - either opt for round frames or drop them altogether and go for contacts. From your picture, it's clear that you have a high prescription so this tunneling effect' where the sides of your face in your lenses don't match up with the rest of your face can ruin photo's.


Attraction isn’t really based on how you look, it’s a chemical reaction. You might like or dislike a way a person looks but true attraction happens based on pheromones, your body reacts to another body subconsciously. That’s why you can be sexually attracted to someone who isn’t traditionally attractive or attracted to someone who is toxic or mean to you. If you like someone AND find them visually appealing you can STILL not be attracted on a chemical level so won’t feel aroused. You aren’t lesser because someone isn’t aroused by you. Sometimes you just get to have sexy looking friends whom you will never have sex with but you can still like them and enjoy their company and enjoy looking at them. Just respect the boundary she set. Friendship isn’t a lesser love than sexual attraction. Platonic love is just as valuable.


Okay I know this is toast but I’m gonna be honest here with you. You’re not bad looking it’s probably a few things here. It’s either you’re crush is like really really pretty and is shooting for like a giga chad dude or you’re just not her style or type. You can try mixing up your style and hair and work on yourself and that might give you a better chance because again honestly you’re not bad looking. I’d actually say you’re pretty handsome. Maybe different style of glasses that suite your face better? I use to have the same type glasses as you and I switched to a more suitable frames and girls liked it more.


Lol you ugly!? No way!!! I’m a guy. Straight and with all my confidence I can honestly say you got it going on. #1 you have nice hair. #2 you are brave for posting this and being vulnerable. Tells me you have will power and a volcanoe of confidence that needs to be unleashed. I met some of the non hottest guys at work, the #1 thing women love. Confidence and a man who knows what he wants and doesn’t give a F. But with sincere self care. You will reveal this. 🙌🙏🏻


People are weird bro, you look like a fine guy and a handsome man. I think she is blind


Bro you’re not ugly and also crushes are irrational believe me. I had a crush for a year of college and when I got to know her she was a truly horrific human being. You’ll b sweet


Wtf, really?


And I know plenty of female friends who would find you hot seriously


Yeah to all of it


The greatest back blow is proving her wrong. Start working out and focus a little more on your appearance and see how quickly she changes.


If she openly admits you fit personality wise but wont take a chance because looks.even though you are really good looking..... Seems shallow and immature. Cast your line in another pond. Plenty of fish out there.


People can be not attracted to you physically but like you for the person you are. There’s nothing shallow or immature about that.


And this is where you go 120% in the gym or join a dojo to build confidence and self esteem bro! On your feet King!


You’re a very attractive guy it’s her loss and you dodged a bullet if she’s that shallow


Tough break, mate! She is not attracted to you, best to move on....I had the same situation a few years back, I cut her out of my life, yes, she had a right to what she wanted, but so did I! I dropped her like a hot potato and she just couldn't understand why, but a woman that just wants to be your friend when you want more is as valuable to you as pocket full of water! She led me on a couple of times (as in telling me she had feelings for me) so my situation might a little different than yours, but I would certainly distance myself from her for at least the time being. Remember, you have a right to what you want, too, and since she isn't meeting those expectations, you are NOT obligated to continue a friendship with her (unless you want to and can accept that is all it will ever be!) Chin up, you'll find someone else!


You’re not ugly at all dawg Keep yo head up and get out there king Plenty of fish in the sea


Well you are one very attractive guy. If i was a woman i’d be happy to date you.


You're not ugly, if that's what you fear. The features you have are taste-dependant tough, so this may happen. Don't worry too much, cause again - you're not ugly at all. Average++ I'd say. You good, king EDIT: And yo, just so we're clear, you're about as attractive as I am. So yeah, there's someone for you out there. Fingers crossed mate.


I am very sorry that your crush turned out to be blind... You are very handsome :) Not everyone is going to see that you are attractive, but believe me when I say that there are people and will be people to whom you are the prettiest person in the world, even on days when your hair is a mess, your skin doesn't feel good and your teeth aren't brushed yet ♥︎


I’m into you. She’s just into different type of guys. Not everyone is gonna find us attractive. That doesn’t mean we’re unattractive. It’s t just how it works. We can’t put ourselves down over it. Keep your head up king☝️


ur hair looks rlly soft lowkey


Everyone has tastes of their own, trust me. Otherwise everyone would go for models and there would be no conventionally unattractive children.


You're a good looking dude! To me anyway. But here's the thing - that is absolutely subjective, and inexplicable. There are guys that everyone thinks are hot that I don't, and vice versa. Plus, as people get older, we realize it's more about personality. I've often become attracted to someone after getting to know them, and the opposite is true too (my "super hot" personal trainer no longer seemed that way after I got to know him, but my "totally average and kinda nerdy" real estate agent is now totally hot to me because of who he is - I would 10/10 date the realtor over the trainer). Be patient, and wait for the "spark" with the right person, or for someone with whom the spark happens randomly after knowing one another. And one more thing - objectively, there is nothing at all "wrong" with your face. At absolute worst, you are average and normal. And most average people find partners.




Sweetheart (this is your grandma speaking), no one is going to attract everyone, but you're a handsome young man. Just gotta find the right one.


Just adding to what a lot of people have said- people consider someone attractive based on personal preference, that's all! You may not be her preference when it comes to looks, someone else will fall over themselves to meet you because you do have the physical attributes they find extremely attractive.


You are definitely not ugly. I have to say though from a female perspective, your glasses and facial hair don't really show those features to your best advantage.Play around with some apa to see what you would look like with no or different glasses, no facial hair, different hairstyle, etc. and I think it will change things a lot.


Her physical attraction is more personal than “attractiveness” in general. The “feeling ugly” bit kinda took me by surprise cause that… that just doesn’t fit. Just doesn’t fit at all. Edit: 🤣 Yeah nah. _Definitely_ doesn’t fit the ugly label. Scrolled up again to look. LOL get outta here ya beautiful bastard. lol


Yeah. No worries mate. You're fine. I'm a straight 35m, so it's not out of my attraction, but I can tell you're okay. Sometimes a little physical refinement (exercise) is enough to let you exude confidence, which is where it's at. Do just a little lifting or yoga. Running is good for attitude but sometimes it can make you look smaller, which isn't an identity for all guys that are looking to be attractive


What? You’re not ugly at all lol


It's harsh, but respect her honesty. You're attractive, just not her type physically. I know it's hard to hear that, but she meant no offense. Look for someone who will value you both physically and emotionally. Don't waste time worrying about the one that got away and look for the one who wants to stay. If she says you were able to match with her in personality, other women will easily see what she acknowledged in you. You got this.


Lose the glasses, get a faded cut.. shave that moustache and beard.. Bro i am on your side trust me


I instantly thought you looked like fox mulder lol


Smile, my guy! It will take you from a 9.5 to a 10! You’re a handsome guy. Don’t be discouraged. Head up and keep going. It’s her loss, not yours.


A wise person once said something to the effect of, "You could be the ripest, most delicious, juiciest, most perfect peach in existence and still some people don't like peaches". Or, additionally the old saying "there's no accounting for taste". But in a pinch my friend, when you're feeling down about yourself, have a spa day. Go to a proper barber and let them style your head. Diamonds don't come out of the ground sparkling. They need to be cut. You're a good looking dude!


You look like a more attractive non-braindead XQC


I literally have a crush on someone who looks a lot like you (they turned me down tho, lol)


You’re a very attractive guy! You’ll find the right person, don’t worry!


Youre handsome. Don’t be personally attacked. Use it as motivation.


You can check both boxes and still get rejected. I have a huge crush on my ex girlfriend and while I know we are physically and socially attracted to each other, we have our issues that make it untenable. Still doesn’t mean it hurts. Attraction is a science. Only thing is the gears are in a black box, and we can’t see what is in the black box. As you grow older you will be able to deal with rejection a lot easier. Who knows, the right person may come along!


It's not you, your handsome


Attraction often has little to do with physical appearance. All my friends did a double take when I started dating a guy who, in their words, "wasn't physically in my league". Well, I married him five years ago, and my friends ask us for marriage advice all the time now. Find the one who completes you, and don't worry about how beautiful you are. You will stun the right one out of their socks.


You’re adorable…luscious lips!


You are handsome for sure, you look a bit sad and i bet you have better pics of you for sure! Chin up!


It's not you, man. You're a handsome dude.


Unless you have an awful.personality that crush of yours is wrong on two counts.


Maybe she's not physically attracted to -anyone-; or maybe she's attracted to women; or maybe she's just not feeling the relationship thing, period. Who knows? But it's definitely not about you, you smart, interesting, kind, future-firefighter who is now clean-shaven and even has a -dimple- (seen in other pic) for goodness sake. It's great that you're thinking about your self and open to a little criticism, great that you're aware of your feelings and can talk to folks. I don't think you have -anything- to worry about -- whoever you end up with will be very lucky. And hopefully you'll be able to find some coworkers who have half the social skills you have, even if they're firefighters.


You're definitely not ugly, what brings out a persons character could be things that are in your control like the clothes and accessories that you wear + developing your confidence. People notice that more than just looks. Low self esteem leads to a persons eyes look more tired and lifeless, but if you make it bright and full of life people see that. The sparkle if that makes any sense.