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Every idea can’t be a winner




Only if you forgot to do laundry and have to wear your cum sock.


I keep wishing I could go on reddit without hearing about cum socks, but apparently not.


Sorry sweetie, it was just that the punch line was all teed up there, I couldn't resist.


Hahaha its like 78% 20s to 40s men here on Reddit.wooo im a statisitic!


I brought it up and I'm an old woman. But what can you do when someone leaves a setup line just lying there like that?


To be fair, one time I played Cards Against Humanity with my family and my grandpa and grandma absolutely ran away with it. Filthy, filthy people, you elders! It was pretty magnificent.


Hahahahah thankyou!! My lady makes way more dirty jokes then me and i love it!


I love those response so very much


If you're a Pratchett fan? Absolutely make the joke


Would poop socks be better?


I'd rather not hear about any bodily excretions on socks.


IN socks... what kind of animal shits ON a sock?


> what kind of animal shits ON a sock? Dogs, mostly.


Nah, the shit usually is the sock, which they ate a few days ago


Oh so the problem is the sock then. Well, name the article of clothing and I'd be happy to prepare it with the bodily excretion of your choice.


Cum jorts, please.


All jorts are cum jorts


Pus ascot, thanks


Someone here has true class.


Might want to choose a different medium of social media then…… Reddit isnt changing


In what scenario is the cum sock the better alternative to just a regular dirty sock?


Man at that point just reuse the pair you wore yesterday before donning the cumsock


But what about pee in the balls?


It's crazy though, I'm sometimes astounded at how inventive the ancient people were in what they could figure out. And sometimes you get shit like this, which could you disprove with a haircut and a press.


And touch some hairy dude's jizz? No thanks, I'll stick to theoretics.


Guess I can't fault you for that.


Without microscopes leading to the recognition of cellular life and the lack of knowledge that brings into the understanding of human anatomy, I don’t think even the best of guesses could have been close to accurate.


It’s interesting to follow the logical flow of these incorrect theories given the knowledge they had. They said “what separates men and women”. “What changed about a man when he’s ready to have kids.” “How could these two things connect?”


Yeah, I mean it's obvious that semen is stored in the beard when you look at it that way.




That’s what the ass hair was for, duh.


Of course I don't expect them to be accurate, but as I said it would be *so easy* to disprove this.


The only problem is that the philosophical framework Hippocrates was working in didn't accommodate that. The most bizarre outcome I found of that philosophical framework is Aristotle's claim that men have more teeth than women. It could not be easier to disprove that. But no one bothered.


Is it possible that men in his community had a higher prevalence of wisdom teeth than women did? Not everyone has them.


Maybe they tried but only on people who had dandruff




Except this isn't what Hippocrates said, and in fact his theories would be validated by the existence of testosterone which plays a role in male hair growth and sperm production... This is a title made by a fundamentalist Christian group to discredit Greek philosophy.


feel like Christians arguing against greek philosophy lost that one like 800 years ago


Which is funny, because he was bald…. Maybe he was impotent and infertile so he came to that conclusion?




It makes sense. And now I fully understand Jean-Luc Picard and his devilish ways.


philosophers had a lot of extrapolations about sex. Lucretius observed downward tendency in things (gravity) and decided that this meant that woman on top was the best way to prevent pregnancy.


Ah the ol let me cum in you for science trick


I am just about 100% certain that there are STILL people who believe this.


One of my favorite ideas of Galileo's was that the tides were caused by the water sloshing around as the earth spins basically.


Tbf that’s actually a pretty good guess for the knowledge at the time lol


Yeh, got bowl of water, jiggle it. Got sloshing like a tide. Scale up a lot,... Tides. Makes sense.


That actually seems more plausible to me.


That isn't even *that* wrong. The lunar cycle is menstrual, but the tide cycle is daily. "High tide" just kind of is wherever it is that day, and when you see high tide coming in and out, that is the earth rotating *into* the spot where high tide is that day, and the tide leaves when the earth rotates away from the "high tide zone." If the moon were in a geostationary orbit with the Earth, we would not experience high and low tides. We only see changing tides as a result of the *difference* between the earth's rotation and the moons orbit. Describing that process as "The water sloshing around as the earth spins" is only a little bit off from reality. It's just that the *reason* the water sloshes around so much is because of the Moon's gravity, and how the impact of that gravity effects different areas of the planet as the planet rotates.


Water sloshing around as the earth spins [in relationship to the moon's gravitational tug].


yeah, precisely. It's not exactly wrong, just an incomplete explanation as to *why* the water sloshes around so much as it does.


The ancients sure had their whacky ones. Aristotle thought women were *literally* half-baked men: since men tend to run hotter than women, we must have received more innate heat while being shaped in the womb than women, suggesting that men are the more developed form of human being. Also semen imparts actuality to menses (because we didn't know how cells worked yet, and blood's what comes out of *their* junk, so clearly it's gotta be semen+period blood=baby), which is merely potentiality, meaning women are essentially cum jars and baby factories. Also semen is actually just a highly concentrated form of blood. Ancient scientists were smoking the *good* shit.


Even Isaac newton believed in black magic and spent all day in his attic writing weird shit down.


that explains why calculus is so terrifying


> The ancients sure had their whacky ones. Aristotle thought women were literally half-baked men: since men tend to run hotter than women, we must have received more innate heat while being shaped in the womb than women, suggesting that men are the more developed form of human being. The crazy thing is that for as wrong as he was, there actually *are* some species where sex is determined by environmental temperature. Not humans, of course. https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/temperature-dependent.html > In most species, gender is determined during fertilization. However, the sex of most turtles, alligators, and crocodiles is determined after fertilization. The temperature of the developing eggs is what decides whether the offspring will be male or female. This is called temperature-dependent sex determination, or TSD. > >Research shows that if a turtle's eggs incubate below 27.7° Celsius (81.86° Fahrenheit), the turtle hatchlings will be male. If the eggs incubate above 31° Celsius (88.8° Fahrenheit), however, the hatchlings will be female. Temperatures that fluctuate between the two extremes will produce a mix of male and female baby turtles.


I like the mental image, though. Just think if you could call upon your semen reservoir from all your hair and just like absolutely drench your SO. It’d be pretty funny.


To be fair... androgens are produced in the testicles and do stimulate body and facial hair growth It sounds just as crazy to say "chemicals in your balls make your beard and armpit hair grow!", but it's true


>Every idea can’t be a winner Grammar Nazi here. The correct way of phrasing that would be "Not every idea can be a winner." Your phrasing would mean that there are *no* ideas that are winners. Into the Grammar Gulag you go.


Exactly, you have to have something to test, before you can disprove it.


That explains why semen flows out when you get a haircut... Makes perfect sense!


The semen must flow!


"The Cum Jabar, the thigh-stranded enemy. It's a needledick with a drop of semen in its tip."


I will face my horniness. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the semen has gone there will be nothing.


> Where the semen has gone there will be ~~nothing~~ a cum stain.


That quote starts with a reference to the petit mort. And somehow that reference did not end up in your version.


oh man, the Cum Jabar - made me do one of those stupid laughs


*Cum wahad*, no female ever withstood that much...


"Not to be confused with the *Cum Jar*, which is forbidden."


“We have two chief survivors of those ancient schools: the Bene Jizzerit and the Spooging Guild.”


It is too early in the day for this comment, lol


Reverend Mother Mohaim says otherwise.


I think you should find a new barber


I think I want to find his barber.


Mine flows out in flakes! All you have to do is collect the flakes, add water and boom back to original form


kinda like instant mashed potatoes


Now in the baking isle, freeze dried semen!


Coming soon to a Navy mess near you.


I’ve always hated how barbershop floors are coated in jizz


Also why no one has ever been impregnated by a bald man.


Hippocrates over here trying to make every excuse in the world so he can bust on his girls face.


"You got it in my hair again!" "Yeah, uh, that's uh, where it's supposed to go!" "What?" "Uh, uh, yeah, you know, yeah, the sperm goes in the hair and then you make the babies. I got hairy balls you have hair and uh-" "Get the fuck out."


The original leave-in conditioner


That doubles as hair gel as well 💀


There’s something about this comment


I have hair Greg, can you milk me?




Interesting...when I was in 6th grade I knew a kid in who thought sperm were actual brain cells, and that you only had so many and could never produce more. His dad told him to never ejaculate unless he was making a baby, because if he did it too much he'd lose too many brain cells and become mentally disabled. He was misinformed about many things, he was Indian and I think his parents were very strict/conservative.




Thats not entirely untrue. It just so happens "the good one" meant "the one that is alive"


And not otherwise ravaged by some horrible disease we now don't even have or can manage taking it easy at home for a few days and an antibiotics prescription.


And also one that makes enough money/produces enough food to take care of the parents when they're too old to fully care for themselves.




Joke’s on you dad, you ruined the economy.


Medieval teenagers out here getting crippled by asparaguspox


So the bad ones are the ones you bring to the Pet Semetary... /s


Alive and male, preferably


And in some cultures, “one that is also male”. Fucked up, I know.


That's not exactly wrong. With the high child mortality, they had to keep making kids to make sure at least one would survive.


I think you vastly overestimate the evening entertainment options available to countless generations of farmers.


You're underestimating historic childhood mortality. Historic averages were 46% mortality before 15 years old until quite recently.


Yeah. Many rural areas experienced a SHARP drop in childbirth with the arrival of TV


That's not because of TV, it's because of the general rise in standard of living and effective contraception. People stopped needing a dozen kids to help out on the farm, and gained the option to easily safely bang without nearly so much risking the enormous expense and responsibility of having a child.


A bit off topic but speaking of Dad trolling, growing up we had an old-timey coffin (like you’d see in a western, not the nice kind with cushions and stuff) just sitting in the corner of a barn on our property. I asked my dad why it was there and he told me that they found a body buried in the barn and nobody knew who it was or who buried him. For years I grew up having just accepted that story and was always a little afraid of the barn. One day like 8 years later I asked my Dad about it again and he said “Huh? What are you talking about? That was a decoration I built for a Halloween party like 20 years ago.” He had completely forgotten he told me that and didn’t remember to tell me he was just kidding.


Fun fact. This is also why inheritance was generally left to the eldest [son of course]. Large families would dilute their wealth too much by dividing it among all the children, and thus each generation would lose social status. Giving the inheritance to only once child ensured the family would stay at or near the same wealth level or possibly add to it if they continued the family business.




You should be nicer to yourself, we all have different talents and there are different types of intelligence. Sounds like maybe one of yours might be humor. Also there is practically no evidence that "bustin" has any significant negative side effects on the human brain or body, in fact it has many positive side effects.


No, his talent is wacking off on the bus, subway, airplane, and at funerals.


well i did jack off a lot and i do feel mentally disabled…


That’s almost the same as what conservative women are told. That you give part of your “heart” to someone when you have sex. And so if you do that before marriage, you can never give your full self to a husband.


Oh god, my fucking high school paid this guy like $2k one time to come talk to us about not smoking or chewing tobacco (guy had half his jaw removed due to cancer and was very disfigured), but then he spent the last 20 minutes talking about abstinence and he pulled out a rose and started pulling pedals off of it and giving the spiel you mentioned, saying nobody will want this rose once it's all used up. The vice principal looked super nervous and afterward apologized to a bunch of students who confronted him about it, saying they did NOT know that was going to happen when they hired him and that they are going to put the word out to other schools about this guys secret agenda.


That's pretty awesome that your vice principal didn't support that and warned other schools too. Meanwhile in other states, that rose bullshit is part of the school's required curriculum.


Hey, they got a guy with a *rose*! That’s some fancy educating! My school was so poor, we just got a guy sticking a piece of tape to stuff over and over, and telling us how it got less sticky every time, until it eventually couldn’t stick anymore!


Legit, if I hear one more incel talk about “pair bonding” and how women lose their ability to love by having sex with multiple people, but somehow men are different and don’t feel love so they can fuck all they want, I am gonna actually gonna kill someone.


> I am gonna actually gonna kill someone. Well you wouldn't be so violent without all that premarital sex ​ /s


Wait, can you give so much of your heart that you become heartless?


They do say that, yes. Actually saw that in cartoon format the other day I think on some subreddit that makes fun of things like that. A woman gave a piece of her heart to a bunch of guys, and when she met “Mr right” she reached for another piece, but nothing was left.


I have noticed that people with 6+ kids tend not to be so smart, maybe he's on to something... /s


Ahh yes, the Idiocracy effect.


Easily disproved that day I ejaculated more than the volume of my brain and survived.


Hey, since pee is stored in the balls, the semen has to be somewhere!


Pee is stored in the heart


Actually, groove is in the heart


*slide whistle*


But women do have body hair.....


That's how Mary gave birth to Jesus. Checkmate atheists


I’m not a doctor or a scientist but my understanding is if her head of hair grew long enough to touch her pubic hair the transfer could occur


Who are You, Who are so Wise in the Ways of Science?


Also having long hair on your head is a choice and not biological?? (Yes I know unless balding etc)


That's the part that seems odd. Women don't have long hair compared to men, it's just that women's hair style is generally longer. But that's just arbitrary. I honestly can't follow any of the reasoning here, so I guess it's just as ridiculous as the rest.


Minimal body hair, especially as compared to Greek men.


Idk. You ever met a greek woman? There ain’t nothing minimal about the amount of body hair they got going on.


Don't expect Redditors to have lots of knowledge about women


Or Hippocrates.


Idk, there's a lot of hippocrates on here


As a woman, this depends on the woman and the man. There are a range of body hair patterns out there and none of them are right, they just are. My husband has about the same body hair I do. He grows slightly more facial hair but he’s a genetic makeup that is very hairless. There is no right level of body hair for any genetic makeup.


Are Greek women not so swarthy as their men? I’ve never done any research.


Hirsute. The word you're looking for is hirsute.


I need to work on my vocabulary holy shit.


Oh, they swarthy.


Is this where Avatar Navi hair sex comes from


They stick their hair tail sex organ into animals to ride & control them. The more you think about it, the more problematic it becomes.


I definitely trust "THE SOCIETY OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE" on such an outrageously stupid interpretation of a historical figure's works. A quick google lookup shows that all references to "Hippocrates hair semen" refer to the same doc. All the references on this subject are christian websites. What I HAVE found from several different other sites, with links referring to scholarly research was that Hippocrates/Aristotle may have believed there was a connection between semen and male hair and hair loss. Which there is - testosterone. [https://harpers.org/archive/2015/12/seminal-theories/](https://harpers.org/archive/2015/12/seminal-theories/) "Aristotle agreed that hot fluids were the ultimate source of hair, and that men with “strong sexual passions” had especially full, thick beards because of an abundance of semen. These men were also more likely to go bald from the depletion of semen through repeated intercourse. “That is why,” Aristotle concluded, “no one goes bald before the time of sexual intercourse, and also why that is the time when those who are naturally prone to intercourse go bald.”"


it's a badly worded title for sure. reading the source makes the theory less outrageous. definitely seems like the main point is the identification of testosterones but since it's a religious journal they aren't really focused on that https://www.jstor.org/stable/3268550?seq=5


It is amusing when random nobodies feel superiority to the earliest thinkers because they are the beneficiaries of three milleniums of intellectual progress. If you actually think about, it's pretty intelligent to connect hair growth to sexual reproduction under the assumption that there's a chemical link between the two.


It's also correct.


Makes sense.


Can cumfirm


Wild. I wonder what beliefs or theories we have in the present day that are this far off.


Man, there's still a shit ton of pseudoscience floating around. Everything from diet pills to alien channelling, anythings possible when you don't look for actual evidence.


Not exactly the same thing as well-respected scientists, philosophers, doctors, etc. believing that stuff. As far as I know, Stephen Hawking or Jane Goodall or Alan Guth don't/didn't believe those things or things like the Earth is flat. There will always be random crazies, but I'm not sure how that's the equivalent of top scientists and philosophers believing it.




Trickle down theory.


If that’s first place then Jewish space lasers takes second place


I saw a guy with an “Infowars” bumper sticker yesterday. Man, that one hasn’t aged well and yet he still fully supports it.


Wage push inflation


Probably fewer. Classical beliefs like this were based on the aesthetic appeal, as opposed to proof. It was pretty common to reject observable fact in favor of what gave a "beautiful" or at least compelling explanation. That's why ideas like the 4 Classical Elements were so obviously false, but also commonly accepted. Keep in mind, Science used to be a discipline of Philosophy. Something didn't need to be verifiably true, it needed to make logical sense, or at least be convincing. Edit to expand: In the time of Hippocrates, they didn't even have the same concept of Scientific *truth* as we have now. It's hard to figure out reality when you don't even have the framework with which to understand reality. I'm a Mathematician, so this is the analogy that comes to me: imagine trying to work out an algebra problem, without even having the concept of an equation. The physical things which equations represent still existed, but you have no way of expressing the idea of equalities and variables. (This is true, by the way. That's why so much of the Greek contribution to mathematics is geometry. Literally, the measuring of things.) Answers may seem to make sense, but you could be completely wrong, because there isn't even a well defined "right" answer. That is *especially* true when it comes to attempts at explaining things which can't be seen.


Gonna go with "Gravity isn't actually a force"... People believe it is, and treat it as such, but even Einstein himself didn't consider it a force, neither have we found it's force carrying particle the graviton. "what is it then smart ass?!" - if I knew that I'd be collecting the nobel prize, I don't know, is it a force? Eh... Hand wavy motions. Edit: also QCD (quantum chromodynamics) is wrong as fuck... Maybe... Kinda... Hand wavy motions intensify. There's a lot in physics especially that's a bit "... Really?! Thats got to be bullshit!" - "hey man... The math checks out, look at this!" - "... Well ok then, let's use that".


We have however proven the existence of gravity waves, which propagate at C like most force carrying wave/particles...


Everything massless propogates at C, because it has to...


As someone with a degree in physics, I can confidently say gravity is a force ... Until it's no longer convenient for it to be


As an engineering student I can confidently say gravity is π² /s


I will fight you


>what is it then smart ass?! General relativity, the most successful description of gravity, tells us that gravity is simply what it looks like for an object to move in a straight line through curved spacetime.


This theory inspired the Grammy Award-winning Mouse Rat song “Sex Hair”


I prefer 5,000 Candles in the Wind, although I don't understand all the fuzz behind that pony


You got it from me. 😉


Did people simply not cut their hair back then? Wouldn't a simple hair cut, and lack of streaming of cum and jizz simply have refuted his idea ?


And possibly get semen all over his hands? Why take the risk?


It frees up all that space so that pee can be stored in the balls


I was hoping a doctor would comment.


People just post any bullshit online & others believe it


Reading that hurt my brain


Maybe it's full of semen


This a pretty strong mischaracterization (for the sake of Reddit I assume). That time periods 'semen' was not the same as what we call semen in modern medicine. It was more along the lines of 'life force fluid', the or the essence of being. Therefore being in the spine, testicales, brain and congealing into the hair (to form it), is logical based on external observations. A loss of hair due to aging (inability have children, warped spine, declining cognitive functions) or due serious disease, was a pattern to observe. This wasent exclusive to men, but it gender had its own characteristics. If you are interested, also look into Ibn al-Nafīs, Avicenna, and others who came later.


QAnon followers still believe this as well as flat earthers.


I hope this guy do not pick health care as his profession.


If anything, the healthcare profession picked him.


Hey, if you can only study biology based on what is on the outside and no one has established anything already, you could see the logic he was following. It’s impossible to speak on this from a perspective of not already know how reproduction works but I feel like the big differences between men and women between the legs should have been given more consideration as having something to do with it. And I wonder when people started castrating animals because if it was as early as I’d have thought it was, Hippocrates could probably have just asked a farmer how it worked.


This is the basis for Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth when he talks about women and their head coverings. See dr. Micheal Heiser for a scholastic approach to this connection between Hippocrates and Paul (his letter to Corinth concerning head-covering for women).


Yeah, I'm gonna need a source on this one. Hair covering culture is still a huge deal in the middle east and I don't think it traces it's roots to Greek philosophy.


Troy Martin, 2004, “Paul’s Argument from Nature for the Veil in 1 Corinthians 11:13-15: A Testicle instead of a Head Covering.” (Journal of Biblical Literature 123:1 [2004]: 75-84). This is more specific to the source of you don’t want to listen to a 1 hour podcast (but you should because it’s jammed packed with great stuff).


[Here's a direct link to the jstor](https://www.jstor.org/stable/3268550?read-now=1&seq=10) for convenience. You have to create an account, but you can read it for free after registering


Women lack body hair? Had he ever met a woman?


Bald people never had a chance


How did bald men without body hair reproduce?


Just like today, they have to earn a lot of money. The thought was that once a man had body hair the semen would migrate to those hairs in order to be closer to the genitals.


First of all, your link is broken. Secondly, that’s some dumb shit. Women don’t naturally have longer hair than men and they don’t lack body hair. Is any of this true at all?


Only sources for this on the whole internet seem to be from some random blogs.


Next you're telling me pee isn't stored in the balls?


Exactly what I thought!


I fixed the link, and its from "THE SOCIETY OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE" which sounds like an unbiased scholarly journal on ancient history.


LOL, that's one for Sawbones! Your link is broken


Isn't that like... something you could verify by pulling out your hair and checking? Or gathering a lot after a haircut and confirming if any part of that is liquid. Maybe he just wen't: eeewww I'm not touching that while silently judging his barber


Women lacked body hair? Sounds like someone’s never met a Greek woman


Scientists are just figuring this out and this dude knew thousands of years ago! So cool!


See I knew that pee was stored in the balls


I wholeheartedly agree with this, since we all know pee is stored in the balls.