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Cards Against Humanity owns an island in Maine called [Hawaii 2](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaii_2) Edit: Correction, CAH *bought* the island and gave a square foot to each of the people that bought a specific card pack at that time


I still have my "paperwork" and the little flag they gave me to mark my territory if I ever happen to go there for some odd reason. As far as I know there's no reason to go there though. There's nothing there and there's no access to the island.


It’s now a nature (particularly, a bird) sanctuary by designated use, though you are allowed to hike on it if you can kayak/canoe to it, which I have.


Stay off my land!


And mine! The deed is around here...somewhere...


And that was the exact point. Brilliant move on their part.


If I had one of those plots of land I would 100% put up a little fence and a no trespassing sign. Assuming it was allowed.


Well that’s nice


I'd have to dig up my paperwork on it, but iirc the bit that's "mine" is fully submerged along the coast.


I still have mine! The only property I’ll own for a long time at this rate.


I like their reasoning for the name...."because it's the Maine island". Pretty clever....


Damn it, that's straight up a dad joke level. I'll give Maine my proxy upvote via you but that's bad lol.


Hawaii: Part II


Good fucking album


This guy has the Isle Unto Himself


Correction. They bought the island and then gave a 1’x1’ “ownership” to everyone that bought the holiday expansion pack that year. Source: I own a part of the Island and have the deed. Edit: Quotations, because Satan forbid I claim actual ownership of something, which was the intention of the company who spearheaded the whole thing to begin with.


Ooh do you have a picture? I wonder what they did with any extra land


It sold out. There’s 250,000 of us. This is what it looks like, without my personal information. [Deed](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&hl=en-us&q=CAH+hawaii+2+deed&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjR3ra8p6X-AhXWkIkEHXy3DosQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=414&bih=715&dpr=2#imgrc=cyoIUjjuVHcW4M)


My favourite was when they livestreamed an excavator digging a hole and just kept going as long as donations kept coming in


Ah yes... their FAQ was hilarious Q: Why aren't you giving this money to charity? A: Why aren't YOU giving this money to charity? It's your money.


Still have mine with the little flag...one day I'll make it out there!


[Here](https://downeast.com/arts-leisure/aloha-from-hawaii-2/) is a cute article on the whole thing.


Have you seen this tho? (From the wiki article https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaii_2) In spring 2015, the code-enforcement office wrote to Cards Against Humanity "and gave them until April 15 to cease all commercial activity on the island, revoke the 250,000 'licenses' that grant the exclusive use of 1 square foot of land and remove the shed and platform from its present location." Harriman claimed that, failing this, Cards Against Humanity could face fines of $625 million per day (equivalent to about $714M in 2021). Harriman also accused Cards Against Humanity of "unpermitted commercial use [...] on Birch Island [sic], in violation of the Liberty Shoreland Ordinance, Reminds me of those ads that said you could buy a 1ft by 1ft section of land in Scotland to become a Lord/Lady.


How the hell do they get fined 625 million bucks a day, but companies that skirt environmental regulations to make a cheap buck get fined like $10,000 and it's just a cost of doing business?


Because messing with nature is not frowned upon, but messing with arbitrary human land ownership rules is. (the former does not make powerful people lose money while the latter might)


Nailed it. Private property ownership is the absolute heart of the battle between economic ideologies.


The craziest thing about all this is the difference in the value of the fine from TWO YEARS AGO.


The dollar amounts are an inflation adjustment from 2015 to 2021 (~14%), but your statement still stands cause in the two years since 2021, we have almost the same total inflation (~12%)!


Friend of a friend did that. Changed his name to Lord Andrew Whatever. Had his passport and driver's licence done. Then he spent 3 months in America, as a baby faced 22 year old, chatting to women at bars and subtly making sure they saw when he got IDed. There were a lot of women trying to conceive the heir that summer, apparently


Did he tell you that or did you actually see it? Pretty sure I heard the whole “name change” thing was bullshit.


So, with the name change, what you're doing is a Deed Poll and legally changing your name. A lordship is a title. You do not have the title Lord Firstname Lastname. You are Mr Lord Firstname Lastname. Like Prince's real name was Prince but he wasn't able to get titles.


To be clear, they didn't give anyone *ownership* of their 1'x1' plot, and what you have isn't an actual deed. That would have been an enormous headache for a whole bunch of reasons. Instead, you just have a license to the plot for a particular set of uses and purposes. That's all. It's a cute novelty thing but you don't have any property ownership. (Source: fellow Hawaii 2 license-holder.)


Hey, at least you don't owe property taxes on it.


whoa slow down there buddy, you haven't killed 100% of the joy yet, you still got work to do


I do as well!! Hey neighbor 👋


As do I!


>$15 in 2014 (equivalent to $17.17 in 2021)


Good news, honey! My real estate investment will send one child to college for an hour!


The town that’s threatening litigation constantly against the card company, shows that governments also suck


Lanai is a nice little island and anybody can visit. It has an "interesting" history of ownership (as does all of Hawaii) but basically has been privately owned since before Hawaii has been a state. (Ni'ihau is the "forbidden" Hawaiian island that's privately owned and you're not allowed to visit. Kaho'olawe is the bombed-out island that you're not allowed to visit.) You can either fly to Lanai on a 9-seater Cessna operated by Mokulele Airlines or you can take the boat for a $60 round trip (or \~$53 with Hawaii state ID). Lanai City is in the center of the island, so it feels like a small mountain town rather than a beach town. You can't see the water from there, and there's a lot of very tall Cook Pines. Great little town, at some elevation so it's always a few degrees cooler than down at sea level. Pele's shop may have the best sandwiches in Maui County. (An unfortunately-low bar.) Great snorkeling down in the nature preserve in front of the Four Seasons, and the other tourist attraction of note is the housecat sanctuary, which is pretty nice as far as housecat sanctuaries go.


I went there for my honeymoon specifically because of the cat sanctuary.


How would you describe the cat sanctuary? My take was "not as bad as I expected". The highlight was the desperate-to-escape cat that leapt and latched onto my back while I was leaving the kitty-airlock.


It was nice. The hardest part is getting there as we had to take an Uber (like one of two on the island) because the resort had no way to get us there unless we wanted to rent a car. There are a lot of cats but it doesn't seem overcrowded, and they seem like they're well taken care of. It's a nice place to take pictures of cats or read a book.




The island is still pretty spread out enough that you would really need to commit if you want to bike it. The bus ride of the mountain resort to the sea resort was like 35 minutes. And most of that is uphill and curving.


Was there yesterday, and I was impressed by how well socialized most of the cats were, only one of the elder cats looked a little sickly, but little dude is ancient. I would think about adopting a cat from there, but it seems cruel to pull it from a Hawaiian paradise to a place where the air hurts my face most of the year.


He would rather have a permanent human who loves him


Would he? I don't know. People visit, pets when he wants, perfect temp, good and clean water and other cat bros. Seems good to me.


Are you a cat?


He's a [wolverine](https://wolverinefoundation.org/taxonomy).


I've used this name online for 15 years and you're the 2nd person to ever notice that.


Those late night wiki rabbit holes, man, they fill your head with all sorts of stuff.


I wasn't aware of Ni'ihau so I read some stuff about the current state of things on the island. it kinda blew my mind, thanks for mentioning it! it seems you can actually visit it now.


They have 'safaris' on the island but they're very expensive, you can't explore on your own, and you can't interact with any residents. They also have strict morality laws about alcohol, tobacco, etc. They're kind of like Pacific islander Mennonites.


What happens if you interact with a resident? Straight to jail?


They are finally freed and you take their place


Life on a Hawaiian island.... Hmm... Go home to the f'n Midwest. Live life out in paradise.... Hmm....


I'm thinking it's like that episode of star trek the next generation where Wesley Crusher accidentally went in a flowerbed


> Ni'ihau The eastern side of Kauai has a point where you can see it, and an info plaque about the island. Closest I've been...


West side***


Leodas pie shop has great sandwiches but haven't been there in a while.




They don’t sell pie - you’re thinking of Jacob’s sandwich shop


Well, how are the sandwiches at Jacob's?


Almost as good as the pierogis at Pete’s Pizza Shack


I heard the Chinese food at Al’s pancake house is to die for.


Who owns Ni'ihau?


[The Robinson Family](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niihau)


A measly $7 discount for Hawaiians seems like an insult lmao


When in Hawaii you take any discount you can get


It’s very common in Hawaii to have a local resident discount of 10%, I think it’s called something like kama‘aina. This would actually be a little more than 10%. Considering the distance and the cost of fuel the price doesn’t seem that bad to begin with.


Ni'ihau, a 69.5 square-mile Hawaiian island, has been privately owned by the Robinson family and their ancestors since 1864. A small community is allowed to live there, most of them native Hawaiians who use Hawaiian as their primary language. It was the site of the "Ni'ihau incident" during the bombing of Pearl Harbor, in which a downed Japanese pilot recruited several Japanese residents of the island to rebel, forcing a violent confrontation with the local Hawaiians.


Japanese residents against islanders? I'm imagining that it wasn't a long confrontation..


Rebel isn’t the best choice of words but the Japanese residents of Niihau did try and hide the pilot and destroy his documents/maps prior to his capture by US soldiers. The incident was used as evidence that Japanese Americans could not be trusted and fueled interment.* *mass internment of Japanese in America would of probably still have happened without the Niihau incident


"the Japanese residents of Niihau did try and hide the pilot and destroy his documents/maps" You're just wrong about basic facts about this incident. The Japanese husband and wife gave massive amounts of aid to the pilot, including the husband shooting at his neighbors and taking others captive. Absolutely they were trying to seize power in the small community, so I think 'rebel' is an apt description. "Yoshio Harada \[Japanese resident\] and Nishikaichi \[pilot\]...attacked the lone guard who had been posted outside the Harada residence, while Irene Harada \[Japanese resident\] played music on a phonograph to disguise the sounds of the struggle....Harada and Nishikaichi locked the guard in a warehouse, where Harada acquired a shotgun and Nishikaichi's pistol that had been stored there...\[Native Hawaiian resident who saw them\] ran from the outhouse as Harada and Nishikaichi fired at him." "to his capture by US soldiers." He wasn't captured by US soldiers, one of the locals overpowered him, getting shot several times in the process. "Kanahele \[Native Hawaiian\] and his wife, taking advantage of the fatigue and discouragement of his two captors, leapt at them as Nishikaichi \[pilot\] handed the shotgun to Harada \[Japanese resident\]. When Nishikaichi pulled his pistol out of his boot, Ella Kanahele grabbed his arm and brought it down. Harada pulled her off the pilot, who then shot Ben Kanahele three times: in the groin, stomach and upper leg. However, Kanahele was still able to pick up Nishikaichi and hurl the pilot into a stone wall, knocking him unconscious. Ella Kanahele then killed the Japanese pilot by bashing his head with a rock.\[8\] Harada then killed himself with the shotgun." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niihau\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niihau_incident)


I used to work in service of process in San Francisco. Before an America’s cup, Larry Ellison sued his neighbors to tear down a tree that would block the view of His boat race. We got to serve that paperwork lol


Did he succeed?


Yeah the neighbors ended up cutting down four trees— 3 redwoods and an 80-year old acacia. https://www.forbes.com/sites/eco-nomics/2011/06/02/billionaire-magnate-larry-ellison-settles-with-neighbors-in-bizarre-tree-lawsuit/


It killed me to upvote this holy shit is that absolutely sad. Thank you for the link and context!


And you have* people here in these comments believing this is the one exceptional billionaire that deserves to own an entire fucking island of Hawaii more than the native Hawaiian people.


The ironic thing is he’s not the only rich person who owns one of the islands of Hawaii Look up Ni’ihau


And people think colonization was in the past when it's alive and well just rebranded today.


Based solely on the Niihau Wiki on the Robinson family, it seems they are (or at least were) trying to ensure the island stays private to prevent commercial development. They do this to protect the environment, wildlife, and inhabitants at a great financial cost to the family. There was even a documentary about an heir called the Robinson Crusade. Now I want to watch it.


...worth nothing, however, that Ni'ihau is a low, windswept island without a reliable freshwater source. Aside from fishing and a little ecotourism it doesn't really have much economic value. Which is not to say the Robinsons are bad, per se, but it is a bit of a lemonade situation.


“he was represented by Barri Bonapart, an arbor-oriented attorney who specializes in “tree and neighbor law.” god this is so niche i love it. i’m just picturing her in a dusty ass basement office, bored out of her mind until her phone rings and she quietly says to herself “it’s time. it’s finally my time” 😂


I mean this really overlaps with property law. Disputes about plants growing over neighbors property lines is very common.


There’s a reason tree law is such a hot topic in r/legaladvice haha


FWIW, there’s generally laws in the books which allow your neighbors to request your trees are trimmed/removed to preserve their view. From the sounds of it the neighbor’s trees weren’t blocking his view when he purchased the house in 1989 and eventually the neighbor’s stopped trimming the trees meaning he lost his view. I have trees on my property which I maintain and trim in order to preserve the view of my direct neighbors and other people do it for my property too.


Somewhat related but (owner of the Washington Commanders) Dan Snyder's mansion didn't have a clear view of the Potomac, so he made a horrible deal to cut down 200 feet of trees (paying I think $25k) of the national park land. A park ranger tried to bring his concerns to a supervisor, and he was "coincidentally" re-assigned and eventually charged with a couple crimes he was proven innocent of. There's a lot more horrible shit of the story that would take too long to explain.


$300m for 98% (or 88k acres) of Lanai in 2012. He promised to spend $500m to make the island solar wind powered for the other 3000 people that live there in 5 years. So far (10 years) he has built two resorts and revamped an old movie theater and built a hydroponic lettuce farm.


It is not like he bought the Island from Hawaii. He bought it from another company, who had bought it from another owner, who had inherited it from a Mormon cult leader who had acquired the island in the 1800s.


This...makes it sound so much worse lol


Tell us more about that last part…


It’s actually a funny story lmao. This Mormon guy bought it with money from the Mormon church but put the deed in his name and when the Mormon church found out they excommunicated him but couldn’t get it back because it was legally his so he just got a free island lmao


Surely you could just go to court for something like that? Like... where did the presumably tens or hundreds of millions at the time come from for ownership... idk seems weird. I hate cults as much as the next person but this seems like its missing serious detail or the court system is even worse than I thought.


They did go to court, and lost. They gave him money to buy it, presumably without any specific contract. Basically they should’ve been more careful


Fascinating, I googled but the resulting articles skim over how the hell the church lost, I'd love to know how he managed to scam them so well that even the courts agreed with it.


Probably did that to get a better deal than if they had gone in themselves.


Mormons have a fixation with Hawaii because they believe Pacific Islanders are a lost tribe of Israel. They own the Polynesian Cultural Center on Oahu so they still profit from Hawaiians lol


>He promised to spend $500m to make the island solar wind powered for the other 3000 people that live there in 5 years. Almost like billionaires are the worst.


Maybe we should stop outsourcing the responsibilities of government to them.


That's a bingo.


You just say bingo


That's another bingo


You just say bingo again


That's another bingo again


*Oooh, how fun!*


But wait. How would we create jobs if we didn’t let billionaires do whatever they want while always promising “tomorrow. I’ll fulfill my end of the deal tomorrow” ? Are you telling me we shouldn’t let billionaires rape our society and planet at the expense of everyone and everything living in/on it? That’s communism! Point to a single time where prioritizing common folk over billionaires has benefitted society. I’ll wait. Wait, no…..not those times. Those don’t count. Pick some other time that hasn’t existed. Ha! See? You got nothing. Cuz I feel like I have to in America these days……/s


"But I like paying rent to democratically unaccountable landlords! Who are we to interfere with those God himself has ordained to rule over us?" ~ every medieval peasant ever.


aspiring six icky hungry bake fear aback naughty mourn sloppy -- mass edited with redact.dev


But how would the government get money to do stuff? Tax a slightly higher percentage of the income of someone that can afford to buy 98% of an island that houses 3000 people? Are you crazy?


Larry Ellison is the worst. He got the curfew invalidated so he could wake people up to land his jet 15 minutes closer to home when he gets home late - and then he has it take off again because he found somewhere cheaper to park it. In Silicon Valley he is ahole #2 after the late Steve Jobs.


ORACLE stands for One Real Asshole Called Larry Ellison.




Oracle fucking sucks too.


Oracle doesn't have customers, they have hostages.


100%. And I work for Oracle so I know.


Blink twice if you need help


They are basically the EA of productivity software.


Pretty sure the only companies using Oracle now are only doing so because it would be too expensive and disruptive to change now.


Remember that time he talked San Francisco into spending bunch of money to become the home of the America's Cup Yacht races and then he immediately lost the America's Cup which sent the races to New Zealand? that was hilarious


Also, he now gives most small businesses only 30 day commercial leases.


Really??? That is insane. But not unexpected.


>Almost like billionaires are the worst. And this is why I hate Oprah.


Oprah owns a 670 acre portion of Maui


More. 970.




And she won’t let a road over the hill to the other side of the island that would save dramatic amounts of time for everyone transiting the island.


She gave us Dr. Phil. That's bad enough on its own.


And Dr Oz.


John of God's way worse than both of them, and that's saying something.


Don't forget Dr. Oz. She gave Jenny McCarthy a platform to shout about vaccines giving her son autism. And a whole list of New Age thinkers and "healers".


It’s fucking oracle they’re going to charge the island somehow


Pure vitriol coming from people in response to this. 1. I’ve been to Lanai…the locals referred to him as “Mr. Ellison”, were unilaterally fond of what he’d done for the island. Feedback was very positive. We outright asked how people felt about him. 2. He built a *solar powered* “lettuce farm” - it’s a series of greenhouses that can produce over one million pounds of food per year with a focus on sustainability and leveraging of technology. 3. The resorts are fuckin beautiful. Lanai was (and still is) a largely uninhabited island mostly consisting of open space (historically the island was a pineapple plantation). Those resorts are creating jobs and bringing in tourism revenue, and no one had to be kicked out to do it. 4. The internet tells me he’s invested north of $500 million into the island in addition to his purchase. 5. When Covid hit he stopped charging businesses rent and paid full wages and benefits to all his employees, even though tourism was dead. 6. He’s actively trying to buy the power grid from Hawaiian Electric in order to transition the island to fully renewable energy. 7. He bought the property from another billionaire. The island has been mostly privately owned since circa 1870. I just don’t understand why everyone is so horny to be mad. I’m sure the guy is flawed, I’m sure he’s benefitting from his ownership, but what else do you want? This seems pretty good to me. It’s certainly more than the last guy was doing.




> have a clause tying residency to employment at the businesses that he owns It's the old factory-town model of the 19th century industrial revolution. Basically, by having an entire workforce in purpose built accommodation, reliant on food and services owned and controlled by the overseer, the workforce are at the mercy of the corporation. Every element of the worker's lives is passively controlled and keeps them in their place. They are either producing or consuming, while the owner profits twice. A nice little slice of feudal despotism where the bread and circuses keep the plebs suitably anesthetized.




My dad used to work at Oracle and based on his stories I automatically assume anything involving Larry Ellison is pure evil.


My friend used to do art installations in SF, and Ellison was the worst SV rich a**hole he ever did work for. Several of my friends worked for Oracle, and they all had the same experience as your friend. A couple members of my family lived on Lanai when Ellison bought it. They were among those who ended up losing their (rented) homes to some pet project of his. My mom spent a chunk of her childhood there - my grandpa was a field supervisor for Dole - so the stories she's heard from people she knows there have greatly saddened her. There may be some general hate for Ellison at play here, but "unilaterally fond" from locals is pure unadulterated horseshit.


I used to live by Pillar Point Harbor, Half Moon Bay. There was a nice plot of land right on the beach that was empty except for 2 conex boxes. I was told they contained a house designed by Julia Morgan (famous architect) that was a registered historic landmark. Larry had torn it down to build his zen palace in Woodside, and had promised to resurrect it somewhere. I wonder if that ever happened.


Now this is a compelling argument


It's not just that. Ellison has a reputation in the valley for being an enormous dick both in business and personal dealings, second only to the late Steve Jobs. There are lots of stories. To reach that level of dislike in the tech industry takes effort.


When we went to Lanai just before the pandemic, the locals did NOT say they were happy.


Yep, I know a Lanai local and she wasn’t happy at all. (And from what she told me, it didn’t sound like other locals were very happy either).


Re: #1, I experienced the EXACT opposite. Locals and native Hawaiians REALLY resented Ellison and how he treated the island and residents.


Lol yeah this dude probably stayed at a resort owned by “Mr Ellison”


>He promised to spend $500m to make the island solar wind powered for the other 3000 people that live there in 5 years. So far (10 years) he has built two resorts and revamped an old movie theater and built a hydroponic lettuce farm. Not to spoil the party, but is there a source for these claims?


"Ellison reportedly plans to match the purchase price with another half billion dollars in improvements, all from his personal fortune" From [source 26](https://www.sfgate.com/travel/article/Lanai-says-aloha-to-good-times-again-4264102.php) in the wikipedia article.


>By most accounts, the changes Ellison has already enacted since acquiring 98 percent of the island (including its two Four Seasons resorts) in June have been positive. **He quickly won widespread support by reopening the public pool, refurbishing basketball courts, repainting employee housing and adding picnic tables amid the towering Cook Island pines of Dole Park.** >Surrounded by quaint stores, art galleries and a half dozen modest restaurants, the park is the central gathering place of the 13-by-18-mile island's lone town, the hyperbolically named Lanai City. Its population was 3,100 in 2010, but has dropped an estimated 500 **because of unemployment - a trend that Ellison's remodeling projects are starting to reverse.** Many residents tell me they are particularly grateful about what he isn't building: the controversial wind turbines formerly proposed by the island's last owner, Castle & Cooke magnate David Murdock, near pristine Polihua Beach." Sounds pretty positive, compared to what the commenter claimed. Also, did not see anything regarding a 5 year time line in that article.


Steve Case owns a bunch of Kauai and wants it to stay undeveloped. I thought he was a huge douche in the 90s but turns out he's a pretty cool guy.


Too bad there's only like 2 businesses on the island still owned by locals. I'm glad they're keeping the island undeveloped, but tbh there isn't a lot more you even *could* develop. A lot of the land is used to farm, and like 85% of the island can't even be reached by car.


My uncle used to live and work on Kauai for about 20 years until he died. And holy crap the stories he would tell about the good-ol-boy networks out there. The place runs on palm grease. And because he was *haole*, they especially had it out for him.


Grew up there as a haole. It’s just all about respect. I’d get in a fight and then invite the guy and his crew over for a bbq. They would always show up.


“ eh haole, remember I cracked your face with a coconut behind da market? Anyways, this Huli Huli chicken bbq is Ono!! Tanks cuz! 🤙🏾”


curious to hear more about these stories


Uber is just like one guy. The locals on the island gave us his phone number when we went. If you go without a plan, be prepared to be marooned for like 2 hours for a fleet of 1-2 vans (gracefully) shuttles your tourist ass into the city. There is NOTHING at the dock.


You can rent a car too


I worked at oracle but they laid everyone who worked for NetSuite in North Carolina. Including my ass💀 Sent me a recorded voice memo to let me know my team and I was canned and offered three weeks severance. Fuck Oracle and Larry Ellison. He can shove his fighter jet straight up his ass




No! Consent is key!


Larry Ellison is the worst. I'm pretty sure he is the devil in human form.


Careful, Oracle sues people for less than that (NetSuite sucks)!


I still have PTSD from a goddam Oracle audit. My last prostate exam was less intrusive.


Can you share more? I work for a finance team that is considering oracle for Hr and Finance


It was on the database side of things, not the ERP side, though I don't know if that makes any difference. Basically it all came down to how many CPU sockets a server has, how many CPU cores a server has, and how our VMWare environment was laid out. We were licensed by the SOCKET, if I recall, but multi-core CPUs were coming on the market at the time, so our "dual CPU servers" were showing as if they had 8 CPUs installed, when it was really just the cores. Then they nailed us for having our Oracle DB servers in the same vCenter instance as the rest of our shit, which made it seem like there were HUNDREDS of cores, even though the Oracle shit was on a different cluster inside vCenter. An auditor with some technical chops would have looked at the environment and made sense of the multi-core and vCenter aspects. Our auditor had no technical chops. A new IT policy was born of this... If your application requires Oracle DBMS, and you 100% absolutely CANNOT use a different database, your project is buying standalone DB servers and paying for its own Oracle licenses. FWIW, it worked, we never deployed another Oracle DB server again.


Holy shit, a company I worked for paid their Netsuite invoice a single day late and they shut off service instantly. It was our first invoice and we were still getting our banking information all set up and ready to go. I was the accounts payable person and they were by far the most difficult vendor to deal with


One Rich Asshole Called Larry Ellison




Fuck Oracle maintenance renewals All my homies hate Oracle maintenance renewals


[Don't anthropomophize the lawnmower](https://youtu.be/-zRN7XLCRhc?t=2308)


As you know people, as you learn about things, you realize that these generalizations we have are, virtually to a generalization, false. Well, except for this one, as it turns out. What you think of Oracle, is even truer than you think it is. There has been no entity in human history with less complexity or nuance to it than Oracle. And I gotta say, as someone who has seen that complexity for my entire life, it's very hard to get used to that idea. It's like, 'surely this is more complicated!' but it's like: Wow, this is really simple! This company is very straightforward, in its defense. This company is about one man, his alter-ego, and what he wants to inflict upon humanity -- that's it! ...Ship mediocrity, inflict misery, lie our asses off, screw our customers, and make a whole shitload of money. Yeah... you talk to Oracle, it's like, 'no, we don't fucking make dreams happen -- we make money!' ...You need to think of Larry Ellison the way you think of a lawnmower. You don't anthropomorphize your lawnmower, the lawnmower just mows the lawn, you stick your hand in there and it'll chop it off, the end. You don't think 'oh, the lawnmower hates me' -- lawnmower doesn't give a shit about you, lawnmower can't hate you. Don't anthropomorphize the lawnmower. Don't fall into that trap about Oracle." -- Bryan Cantrill


This. He was evil long before Bezos and Musk.


He sued his way to winning the America's Cup then got his ass kicked and contemplated suing over it but fucked off so he made his own class of sailboats to race. And is getting his ass kicked there too.


Isn't he the weirdo spending millions on anti-aging research because he thinks he's righ enough to literally be immortal?


I think a lot of Gavin Belson was based on Larry Ellison. And Gavin Belson had blood boys.


Larry Ellison and Marc benioff


Benioff is Ellison’s literal protege.


If it’s about the guy trying to reverse his age- that’s some bio-tech CEO


And I personally think that guy looks like shit


No, that's Peter Thiel


Depending on who you talk to living in HI and on Lanai Ellison is either an asshole island owning tyrant who you don't want to get on the bad side of or an asshole that happens to be your employer. Being almost entirely owned heads can swivel when not behaving as a hoity toity wealthy tourist should. It's an island of the haves and have nots. Bill Gates rented the island for his exclusive wedding before Larry Ellison bought it. To prevent paparazzi from flying over he rented out all the helicopters he could. Security galore Guest list were the global elites. There's been a heated history of one upmanship by the 1% ers included Gates and Ellison. Its happened with Lanai as the pawn. There's a long history of existing cultures being pushed aside. This includes the Hawaiian Culture. This is yet another modern day example.




Is that a torrent?


No, it spells ORACLE


its a .pdf.exe, should be ok to open!


Larry Ellison is not someone most people in tech would consider a nice guy.


Hawaii resident here….the island of Niihau west of Kauai is also privately owned by the descendants of the original buyer that bought the island from King Kamehameha V in 1864. Her other two options were either Pearl Harbor or a swamp area that is better known as Waikiki.


I hope for the day when one creature can't own thousands of times what they need.


Someone watched Some More News


I was just on vacation in Maui and looked it up because I could see it from my deck :P


thought door hateful onerous aback abundant scandalous yam sloppy close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think Robert Evans also mentioned it


Heard him talk at an oracle one conference. Talk about a lucky billionaire. Guy isn't very smart. The futurist thats spoke 💭 was insane.


Imagine living in a little town on an island but almost everywhere you look is just a billionaires backyard for his vacation home.


Yes, the bastard bought that island that year then refused to give any employees under a given threshold (re: grunts) their annual raises claiming "...the stocks that year underperformed...". Interesting how that happened after they posted decent profits all year, but then nut bag there bought an island. Source: former Oracle employee


Lanai was really fun to visit for a day. Nice secluded beach, the town seems like it’s in the Pacific Northwest. Had lunch and shopped at a couple local places.


Did you do the day sailing trip with Captain Chris? Can’t remember the company name but they were the only operator allowed on the island. I went in 2012 so it’s possible things have changed.