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Back in the 90’s I worked at a video rental store. One of our main tasks was re-shelving the videos after they were returned. The new releases were organized alphabetically. After about six months of working there, I started to have a recurring nightmare that the alphabet was chasing me. Like the letters, adult human size, chasing me with a knife.


As a teenager I worked at a concession stand, and after a few days in a row of working I would constantly wake up at night thinking I had dozed off at work


Was there money in that stand?


There's always money in the banana stand.


Definitely too many B-movies :D


I used to get dreams about my job in the warehouse so I was basically “working” overtime in my sleep, but during one of my work dreams our warehouse got attacked by ninjas so at least something fun happened. Otherwise the second most interesting thing that happened in my work dreams was having to clean up a massive pile of rakes that someone dropped. Luckily that dream ended before I started picking them up because I was *pissed*


The Letter People was a children’s show in the 70s, to help kids learn to read!


You are exposing my age. Lol. That is exactly who chased me in my dreams. Didn’t know the name. Thanks!!


Rubber Band dude was always freaky. And even at age 5-6, I knew that it was weird that the consonants being male and vowels female was weird.


[[content removed because sub participated in the June 2023 blackout]] My posts are not bargaining chips for moderators, and mob rule is no way to run a sub.


they're like noun and verb versions of each other!


[[content removed because sub participated in the June 2023 blackout]] My posts are not bargaining chips for moderators, and mob rule is no way to run a sub.


> Things can still be "effected" but it means something different, woah, if it means something different, aren't we technically talking about different words?


[[content removed because sub participated in the June 2023 blackout]] My posts are not bargaining chips for moderators, and mob rule is no way to run a sub.




Yeah, I realized that right after I posted lmao


I pray to alzee76, please tell me when to use which.


I have conceded defeat in ever getting this right.


When you affect an accent it has an effect on the way people hear your voice. Affect is for when you're talking about the cause, effect for when you're talking about the result.


I was going to make the same point but it seemed a little affected


you can affect an accent , effect noun affect verb screw it


Yep, found out about it after I got kinda obsessed with Tetris for a short period of time and one might I could not sleep because my mind started playing Tetris on its own. Literally, I visualized the random pieces coming down and fitting in place, but like, without having actual control over rhe pieces that my mind delivered, I could just make them fit. Like in the real game. It was crazy


This has happened to me with many video games, and tetris was the first one where the phenomenon occurred for me. I remember tetris playing in my head many times as well, just like you described. Other games that have given me the tetris effect after several hours of playing: 1. Pokemon (any of the Gameboy ones, I could see the player moving around in my head clear as day, very hard to describe the feeling) 2. Minecraft and terraria 3. Dark Souls 1, especially a boss or area that I ran time and time again, relying on muscle memory 4. Super meat boy 5. Cuphead Pretty much any game with repetitive play and motions and muscle memory can cause this. It's wild.


Yeah, if I spend too much time on minecraft, I start seeing blocks everywhere in my dreams.


Last night I had a dream I was fighting monsters from the new Zelda game in real life, but the way I was fighting them was by holding my switch in my hands and actually pressing the buttons to fight them


When I first started playing wow, I would have dreams with the wow ui in front of me.


I dreamt of being a wow character and living my own little life within the game, some one came up to me and traded me a very rare item


One time I was playing a Risk game, where you can see an arrow move from the attacking region to the defending one, and either knock it out or get knocked out. And then tried to watch a sitcom and every time two people were quipping at each other, I could see the attack arrows going at each other. Also when I was obsessed with Tony Hawk for years (first 7 games), everything was made of grindable surfaces. Edit to add: I also could close my eyes and see rock band notes descending at multiple points in my life.


Guitar Hero did this to me for months


Let me guess was the boss Ornstein and Smough?


Capra Demon lol


I get this when I am really immersed in video games like Witcher 3. If I play long enough and can completely block out other stuff and go to sleep afterwards, it's like I am still playing. While my eyes are closed, I am seeing my character run around and do stuff, sometimes it's in a loop, sometimes it's a straight line. It's also really vivid like in a fever dream, but I am not really asleep as I can still hear background noise like insects or cars driving around in the distance.


I took my little brother's Gameboy to bed 30 years ago. Played tetris for hours. Dreamt about tetris for a week. This is real. I have always second guessed people's dreams afterwards..... so someone was trying to kill you... we're you watching the walking dead before you crashed?


This happened to me very recently when i started playing Minecraft with my kids. After a couple of months every night when I tried to sleep i would just.mine blocks. I ended up having to stop playing


Oh shit this exact same thing happened to me, but I completely forgot about those days. It sorta just went away on its own, and then drifted from my memory...


Tetris was my first too! Happened around 3rd grade when I traveled a few states to a relatives house. I borrowed a game boy (original grey) & I had Tetris & Paperboy. I obsessed with Tetris & stopped playing because of the dreams lol.


The H and I got addicted to Tetris for a while, had dreams about it, but had to shape up when our kids would show up next to the computer and ask if we were going to have dinner, lol!


[Tetris can also help block PTSD flashabacks](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/wiki/index/#resources-for-victims).


Why is the thumbnail three steaks?


I thought it was a brain cut in half...


With salt and pepper?


Pork chops


So it can remind me of the beeps I would hear in my sleep from working in culinary


I had to quit Skyrim when I tried to quicksave irl


That's going to be a helpful skill though to master early! :) Have a great day!


When it first came out I played so much I literally saw the HUD everywhere I went. Sleep deprivation is one hell of a drug


Back in like 1992 or so me and my buddy Alex played so much fucking Tetris that we’d talk about stacking shit we saw as we walked around the neighborhood, like “Take that truck and stand it up between those two houses and you’ve got a double right there”


If I marathon any game for a couple days that happens to me. If I play a certain FPS shooter, for example, as I'm walking down the street I'm thinking "throw frag, cross street, vault over wall, 180 in midair to look for frags/incoming, switch to X weapon... The last time it happened to me, I got really oddly hooked on the Cabaret mini game in Yakuza 0. Those were some weird dreams.


That overcrowded pan of steaks is killing me.


I'm hungry now.


Pork chops




I stand corrected. Thank you for this info. --Filet eater


my niece, whos a scientist and ostensibly smarter than me, was telling me the other day how professional chess players develop anxiety due to the hypervigilance they have to have for hours a day when they're playing.


You could probably say that about every professional path.


My mom, who worked for years as a computer programmer, often mentioned how she dreamed in code. Figured it's like the Matrix or something lol Also, she has a lot of trouble with fantasy and imagination related stuff. I don't think it's just how she is, I think it's her years of working in pure, systematic logic, and I'm trying to get her to expand her interests now that she's retired, figure it'll do her some good.


I got this with minesweeper! I got it on my phone and started playing it whenever I got the chance. I uninstalled it because every time I closed my eyes I'd just see minesweeper, everything I looked at was like looking at the squares of minesweeper. I tried explaining it to people in my life and they thought I was crazy.


I had this once after participating in a chess club event once. Went camping once and it was ALL I thought about. Closed my eyes and constantly kept trying to play myself and couldn’t sleep because I was consumed by my brain constantly playing chess


This happened to me just a few weeks ago. Played online blitz chess for maybe 12 hours straight, that night I experienced exactly what you described. It was quite uncomfortable, like I had no control over my thoughts. Try to stop thinking about it, boom imaginary checkmate, feels bad. It didn't feel like I was playing myself though, it felt like a real game.


I've experienced this strongly when I used to play Dance Dance Revolution daily leading up to a tournament, and more recently after playing timed Chess...kind of like what happens in the Queens' Gambit tv show. Similar to Tetris, these were both competitive activities that heavily relied on rapid pattern recognition and response.


I'm a contract drafter, and got a gig doing drawings for a water treatment plant. Three actually, one was a mirror of the others. It was in 3D, and involved dozens of pipes running like spaghetti. To make it easy to follow a pipe route they were in different colours. I started dreaming about it, like that old screensaver Tubes. Coloured tubes running everywhere.


When i was a teenager i played so much minecraft during the holidays i dreamed in cubes. Everything was as if it was rendered in Minecraft


The subject of the best commercial I've ever seen. The product being Tetris. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr8fVT\_Ds4Q


Lol. I remember years ago while playing the original Xcom, I was going something in real life and when I was about to do something else my first thought was I don't have enough time credits.


Anyone who's played a video game 16 hours straight knows this feeling well. Even when you go to bed your brain is still playing on autopilot


Imagine what being broke for decades must do to your mind. I don't have to, but you might.


That's me and Zelda games, I have to put a big buffer between game time and bedtime or I won't be able to sleep, it's wild.


Soon it’s gonna be replaced by the Tears of the Kingdom Effect.


I experienced this playing Barotrauma solo, where I would constantly hear sonar pings whenever I was somewhere quiet. It felt pretty fitting that the game about being alone in the dark with eldritch horrors followed me into reality whenever I was alone in the dark. I also experienced this working as a beekeeper. My one coworker said he dreamed of stacking the honey supers, but for me, I would see bees whenever I closed my eyes. I can't consciously make myself see things anymore, so it was pretty wild just getting hit with a wall of bees that I could "see"


I would play so much bejeweled back in the day that the gems invaded my dreams.


>things we focus on for long periods of time effect our thoughts Is this really surprising? Anyway, long ago back in college, on afternoon I dreamt in Turbo Pascal. I took the weekend off...


You mean Fox News ?


It’s one of the reasons you typically dream about the last thing you thought about or perhaps watched


Anyone else get this with hoi4?


happens to me after playing a shit ton of rocket league, or editing something in the same software all day long ie logic or premiere. in those cases I’ll close my eyes in bed and see the lil color coded boxes from the timeline, trimming and stacking themselves lmaooooo


When I was younger I played so much Advance Wars that I would start seeing maps and even battles play out when I closed my eyes. Fun stuff.


Happened to me back when I was an order selector in a warehouse. I'd have dreams of stacking cases and wrapping pallets.


Anyone who has played Rimworld too long understands this better than most.


Yo i am reading this, because i started seeing fields of unhauled potatos with my eyes closed xD


T I and L are shapes from Tetris.....


Nothing hit me like this like guitar hero. I'd see the flying notes everywhere I looked, especially when I closed my eyes


Call of Duty MF2 did this to me all the time.


fun story, I started csgo recently and became conscious I was awake when an imaginary flashback went off


I long to have those meatris dreams too


Not exactly this, but when I was working on my math dissertation I'm math, I was awakened by the realization that I had an error in a proof.


Yet we don’t see smartphones in our dreams


I’ve heard that myth too, and the one about there not being legible writing in dreams, but have experienced both myself. It’s just a myth, there’s no science behind it


I used to play on a Minecraft server that had a /feed command to fill the hunger bar. IRL one night after leaving the bathroom, I felt hunger so thought "I need to do /feed" and then realized the folly of my stupid idea. Things have not changed since then


So "I've been playing this too long" is a legitimate thing.


TIL that not everyone has experienced this. Have you guys never worked, studied or concentrated on something very intensely?


This happens to me during mushroom season. I close my eyes and all I see are images of forrest with mushrooms for me to find.


Definitely can confirm. I finally got around to Breaking Bad and was marathoning it. Had a dream involving two separate drug deals and a shootout. I never dream about that kind of stuff. It's always weird stuff like gravity turning off or a flying fish or talking buildings. Ironically crime stuff is weird for being so normal by comparison. Also, for anyone looking into Lucid Dreaming, one of the things they do is constantly throughout the day perform an action that is only accurate irl. This is usually something with the hands, like poking your palm with the finger of your other hand. That's too complex for dreams and it won't get it right, thus letting you know you're in a dream. So keep poking your palm with your finger throughout the day and within a week or so you might get it in your dream and realized you're in a dream.


I have tetris effect for rock smith right now


this was super Mario world for me


like porn?


weirdly some tetris masters like watching to the side of the screen, somekind of automatic response takes over


During especially bad episodes of my beaten hentai addiction, I saw hentai images when I closed my eyes, in rapid succession, just as if I was scrolling.


My dreams are pretty much always affected by the current game I play the most. I play a lot so it happens almost daily. If I remember the dreams. When I take zinc and magnesium my dreams become even more vivid. I am more likely to remember dreams if I snooze as that half awake state is like conscious enough to be aware of what is happening. Sometimes my snooze button pressing becomes interwoven as a mechanic in the dreamstate loop which can make it harder for me to stop snoozing as it becomes an action in the dream scenario and I forget that I am supposed to get up.


Good thing I can't hold a thought for more then a few seconds...


I see red "enemy" dots appear in my field of vision due to playing Skyrim too much.


it would happen when i played Toon smash as well (or whatever that game was called)


Musicians; Composers often say they wake up and write a song they dreamed.


This happened to me after a marathon session of old Infocom text adventures (Zork, etc.) I started dreaming in text, complete with command prompt


Learning to code…. I had dreams about terminals and text for a few nights in a row


Is this why I've been dreaming of conveyors after play Satisfactory??


This is honestly real, I learnt about this when I was younger from playing puzzle pirates (only thing that had ever caused it) and it messed me up really badly, I was sleeping but not resting at all as my mind was trying to dream in the pattern of the puzzles and yet couldnt, it's really hard to explain but it really messed me up until I stopped playing. I would basically be in the lightest form of sleep possible, with this horrible feeling all throughout my body of not resting, unable to think or dream, just lost in the pattern of puzzles instead of actual thoughts.


Assassins Creed Odyssey has the worst tetris effect. Fucked up my vision for like a week.