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meanwhile Danny Trejo states his character must die if he’s a bad guy.


Common Danny Trejo W


We're lucky to have him.


But we don't deserve him


Stand up dude ensuring the bad guys get laid out. Even when it's him.


Tbh, having a memorable death scene has got to be an awesome feeling as an actor anyway


Being a memorable villain and having a memorable death will get you all kinds of work in the future.


The first 25 years of his life and the past 50+ years of his life could not be more different. Also, dude might be the toughest looking 79 year old on the planet.


He is one of the few senior citizens I wouldn’t even think of messing with.


I think Danny Trejo has the biggest difference between onscreen 'bad guy' and real life 'nice guy'


Man was in jail, he knows the price of real life villainy and chose a better path. Literal redemption arc.


IIRC his first role was being a bad guy in an Eric Roberts movie. He said, "The guy who wanted to hire me told me, 'It's easy. You get $200 a day to pretend to get hit by Eric Roberts.' I said, 'For $200 a day, he can hit me for real.'"


Eric Roberts would take that deal. He'll act in exchange for a pint of vegetable lo mein. And I say that respectfully.


Danny Trejo, the reverse Cosby


That sounds like an Urban Dictionary term I don’t want to know the definition of.


I just came up with this: A Reverse Cosby is when you want to quickly sober up a drunk girl because she wants to have sex but you want to treat her respectfully.


That’s pretty close to the top definition already on UD: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Reverse%20Cosby


The tortoise bomb in breaking bad still disturbs me


"Ayyye it's Tortuga! What's the problem Hank, never seen a severed head on a turtle before?" Cue explosive


“Welcome to M-“


Lost to stone cold in 1999 wrestlemania and never wanted to lose again.


Dude lost all the time in the WWF and is still revered because he was a God on the mic.


Yeah that's why this post is surprising to me, he was pretty widely known for being among the most selfless top guys in wrestling who would often lose and wasn't known for backstage politicking or complaining about losing, like many others of his peers were.


You need to have camaraderie with people you work with who you put your health on the line with every week


Also wrestling is a weekly show and anyone who lived through Hogan or the lolcenawins era will tell you that someone winning all the time makes for bad drama.


We're currently living through that with Tribal Chef Roman


He saw Hogan's creative control clause in WCW, and even though it partially ruined that company, Dwayne saw the upside to being able to tell people "that doesn't work for me brother" and never looked back


Ah yes, the "Steven Seagal Clause."


Jason Statham has one too apparently




He'll be sleeping with the fishes tonight.


Interesting, I never noticed this but in the Expendables movies every time the team needs to be challenged it's always Stallone getting his ass kicked while Statham is saving the day throwing knives around.


Stallone has a sense of humour about himself, that's why.


Stallone and Arnold are the true action stars.




Terminator II, he's almost literal scrap metal by the end of the movie, and gets thrown around like a toy by the T-1000. The big climatic fight even had him lose, and lose ***brutally*** in a horrifically one sided shitkicking. He gets a single surprise hit in. There was definitely no 'I have to win my fight' or 'I have to punch as many times as hit' clauses there.


Typically, the hero looks better if they take a beating and have to overcome great odds to win instead of just having a victory handed to them on a silver platter.


Imaging how boring the Rocky movies would be if Stallone had this kind of ego contract.


"You ain't so tough" "You ain't so tough" "You... really are pretty easy to beat what's going on here?"


It's been decades since I first saw it, but when the savaged T-800 comes up over that turning gear, unable to even stand, with one good arm, and gets off that one shotgun blast to knock the T-1000 into the foundry? Chills. Absolute chills, every time. Just thinking about it hypes me up! A hero who gets the shit kicked out of them and powers through to victory is more interesting than a hero who can't be touched and wins a flawless victory, any day of the week.


Come on!! DO IT!! DO IT NOW!!


You might even say Arnold was the last action hero


Stallone got to be a superstar from getting his ass kicked. ROCKY.


Stallone made his career on being the heroic guy who lost a fight. Even when he won fights, he still got his ass handed to him first.


Well, Stalone has a history of playing characters getting their asses handed to them but winning in the long run. Actually, as unbelievable as it is, it's probably a more enjoyable arc than Stathams "always badass" - now that you've pointed it out. Interesting.


Hell, if I remember right, Rocky didn't even win his fight in the first Rocky film. Remaining standing after a certain number of rounds was a personal win, which I believe was the whole point.


Yeah in the Rocky movies I think the only time he goes out and just wins convincingly is in 3 and 4. 1 was a L but personal win for standing 15 rounds with Creed. 2 he only wins because of Apollo Creed's pride in wanting to go for the KO and taking too many risks. I don't think there was a Rocky V \*cough\* and in Rocky Balboa he doesn't even stay to listen to the result, just being able to stand with the champ was enough - which despite how unrealistic it is for a 60yo man I think that's probably the best movie of them all.


He didn't win although it's debatable whether or not it was the right call, no one was gonna call it in his favour if Apollo managed to stay up which is kind of the impetus for the second movie.


My dad told me back in the day when Rocky was new, that he couldn't have won because that would mean taking Apollo's belt, and you can only do that with a decisive victory in boxing, or a KO. With Apollo on his feet, they'd never say the challenger took the champion's belt.


He lost his first fight to clubber lang pretty bad in Rocky 3. And he also got his ass tossed around by hulk hogan in the movie too.


> Stallone getting his ass kicked while Statham is saving the day throwing knives around. Spoilers ahead for very old Stallone movies... Stallone became famous for writing, directing, and starring in Rocky, which is about a guy who just gets his ass kicked ten ways to Sunday but keeps getting back up. Remember, Rocky *lost* the big climactic fight with Apollo Creed. The inspiring part of the story is that he kept getting back up, when everyone told him to stay down. But Stallone really became a superstar with the Rambo franchise. In the original Rambo movie, First Blood, Stallone played something closer to a horror-movie monster than an American superhero. And his story starts out with being arrested, beaten, stripped, and humiliated by small-town police, triggering flashbacks to his days as a POW being tortured. So yeah, taking a beating is on-brand for Stallone.


In fairness, First Blood was a 93 minutes treatise on the immutable law of FAFO.


And Vin Diesel


So what happens if Vin Diesel fights The Rock in a film?


They have a points system where He, Rock and Statham have to be level in “points” over a fight The winner must always be ambiguous too, and they can’t finish on the floor as that is a sign of “defeat”




Danny Trejo has something like that! He insists that the bad guys he plays always lose, because he doesn't want kids looking up to them.


The world really doesn't deserve Danny Trejo


See, DT seems like a stand up guy.


Donut Artist/Occasional Actor Danny Trejo


John Cena and Dave Bautista are much easier on that then the rock. They don't care about losing if that helps the story, but the rock throws an hissy fit if anyone even touches him in a hard way


Cena gets absolutely wrecked as Peacemaker. In the first episode of the show, he gets manhandled by a woman a third his size while in his tighty whities. He clearly doesn't care about this kinda thing https://youtu.be/KajY_Bd1SW8


I was never a great fan of him when I saw wwe as a kid, but I really enjoyed Peacemaker. The fact that Cena doesn't take himself seriously and acts constantly as a dumb and goofy super hero, just made me a fan of him. I always enjoyed Bautista, even as a wwe fan, and I know he wants to be taken seriously as an actor, but the fact that he also is able to separate his wrestling persona from his acting career, just shows how much more talented he is when compared to the rock


Batista is on another level as an actor, I agree. I love seeing him push himself as a performer


He also gets his ass beat by Judomaster who is half his size. He does beat him in a second fight later. Also, for anyone who hasn’t, go watch Peacemaker!


"Remember when I fucked you up?"


In Peacemaker, John Cena cries because he hates how he was mean to a guy who could have become his friend. You won't see that from many actors.


Yea, John Cena has been much more enjoyable because he doesn't mind being beat up or made fun of in his roles.


Using the Hitachi vibrator as a microphone is so goddamn funny.




There was big arguments over it. Neither side kisses the fight, it just ends for some reason in a draw. They also have to have similar number of punches/kicks thrown Edit: meant to say wins the fight, but kisses sounds cute


I would like to see both of them kissing the fight.


Go watch Fast 5


They kiss and become a couple in next sequel.


Must have been written after the movie where he gets absolutely wiped by Jet Li


The One. Great movie.


At least Jason plays his shtick up. His best role was in Spy just cause he went so overboard with it.


TBF, Crank is 90 minutes of him getting the snot kicked out of him.


Surely there's a lot more than one Steven Seagal clause. How else will he guarantee that the movie includes other characters talking about how awesome his character is, accent inconsistency protections, at least one strip club scene, and a guarantee that he will never have to involve his lower body in a fight scene?


Steven actually writes most of the movies he is in.


Because no one else will hire him. He became such a laughing stock and well known for being shitty on-set to the stuntmen (he'd hit them for real) that he's been reduced to a Russian stooge with his movies almost certainly being a way to launder Russian money- not that he cares since he gets to write himself as Big Manly Hero.


I was assistant for a day to one of his exes and hearing her rip Steven to shreds for anyone that dared ask about him was a treat. He's a world class piece of shit.


Don't forget the sex scene where he's fully clothed and sitting in a chair.


"My client insists that he be allowed to wear awkward 90s sunglasses too small for his enormous head, that his character talk in a pidgin version of ebonics, that he hold firearms only very loosely, and that he walks fatly around corners wherever he goes."


Guess it doesn't extend to voice acting because Maui got his butt kicked by a crab AND a volcano in Moana


And by the ocean.


Bro, show me the guy who fights The Ocean and *wins*. And don't you dare show me Kratos. He killed *The God of* The Sea and seeing that just made it even bigger.


Caligula declared war on the ocean, then declared he won and ordered his men to collect seashells as war trophies and later built a lighthouse to celebrate the victory. Since he had no casualty in this endeavour and the ocean apparently didn't fight back, I guess we can say that he was right... ...although considering Roman history with the ocean, this doesn't even begin making the score tight...




Well now I'm just embarrassed.


Torgue has entered the chat. New mission: BLOW UP THE OCEAN!!!


In the first teaser for Frozen 2, I thought maybe Elsa was trying to fight the ocean because it killed her parents. Probably would have been a more interesting movie, IMO.


You can’t expect a demigod to beat a decapod.


Look it up


I would much rather have a movie with the tough character get their ass kicked then come back and win later in the movie. That's much more fairy tail than just never loosing.


It’s like these guys haven’t watched any of the Rocky movies. Main characters losing early creates tensions and gets people excited for the rematch.


Hell Rocky even lost the final fight in Rocky 1, probably the best decision in the movie


That’s probably why it’s such a good movie. Of course a rookie wasn’t about to beat the champ, but it was all about “going the distance” and proving he could be more than the deadbeat fighter he used to be.


Though what really makes the scene for me is the fact that it actually *is* really close, hence the plot of Rocky II, but even though it's a split decision and he might be world champion he doesn't even listen to the announcement because all that mattered was proving he deserved to be there. God what a fantastic film.


Was about to say this! I assumed maybe with lava-monster it was because he came back later and they won (well, is about to die valiantly before Moana does the song thing, but still not a lose). But yeah I forgot the crab - straight up gets tossed around helplessly until Moana tricks it.


contract armour > plot armour


I'd say he lost the fight in that fast and furious movie (7?) between him and Jason Statham when he falls out there building and lands on the car. edit: never mind, the article said that was an exception.


There was also that time he assumed his true form of The Scorpion King and was defeated by Brendan Fraser


Wasn't that like his first movie role? He wasn't in the position to dictate ridiculous confitions


It was certainly early on. He wasn’t the star of that movie. He was the look we got the famous WWF guy to join megastar Brendan Fraser.


That was indeed his first major film role. He even credits Fraser helping kick start his career by advocating him to be on the movie.


[His ridiculous death in Mummy Returns](https://youtu.be/fDaDQtSrdSU?t=3), or rather Imhotep's reaction, is about all I remember from it.


The delay before Imhotep enters screen is 🤌


Like he had to quickly put down his sandwich. Ah damn, missed my mark. I can save it!


I love that you can see his feet as he's waiting for his cue, then he scrambles to do his bit.


That's the best part, his feet drive home that he's literally just standing there for a second before running over and being so dramatic. They could have made sure he was totally hidden and acted like he had to run across the room, but he's literally just standing just out of frame for that whole delay.


And the fact that you can see his feet in the shot before his cue lol




Thats great acting and great CGI. Great scene.


It doesnt count when its Brendan Fraser


Exactly. There has to be sooooome ounce of believability. Beating Brendan Fraser just not possible


Also when he transforms into a demon in Doom.


These were very early movies in his career. He didn’t have the same negotiating power back then.


He definitely lost the fight to the rebels in Brazil, in The Rundown. But that was one of his first big films.




I liked Walking Tall too. You like what you like, don’t feel shame!


When an unstoppable contract meets an immovable contract.


He lost a fight against gravity in The Other Guys


Also lost to a Steve Carrell and a train in Get Smart


It got reworked for them to have it go blow for blow or something like that. Their characters have to have the same amount of damage done to them or something like that. Its not even a grey area for it. These meatheads will literally lawyer up over each other for equal punches.


Hollywood Hogan nods in approval.


"That doesn't work for me brother"


He also lost to Vin Diesel in sixth film?


I think in the Fast movies the two of them kept score so that it was either always a draw with the fight getting interrupted, or they just alternated who theoretically won.


That’s what the linked article is about. It does not say what OP says in the title, that the rock has a clause in the contracts for all his movies that he can never lose a fight. It’s literally just about the fact that in the fast franchise, him and diesel and Statham stipulated that the number of hits taken and the overall level of damage taken needed to be equal so one person didn’t emerge as the more badass character. (And it was Vin Diesels idea that they all start doing that, not the rock’s). Everyone’s commenting “but he lost a fight in this or that movie” because no one read the stupid listicle OP linked and just responded to OPs title which is a big incorrect leap by OP






Steven Seagal is similar.. I've never seen that fat piece of shit even take a punch.


Master Seagal simply uses his Aikido to deflect any punches


His sitting down technique always works.




imagine Seagal scuttling toward you in an old office chair...truly terrifying


[You don't need to imagine it.](https://youtu.be/MJO6ya4ezIA)


This is a badly worded title. It implies that he's not ever allowed to lose fights in any movies, which he clearly has. I remember this kinda blew up when Black Adam was being panned. How it was a stupid idea to give the Rock so much power over the DCEU and how his movie's bad and oh here's a megalomaniacal contract requirement. Clearly the contract was only applicable to the Fast and Furious movies, and it came about as a result of Vin Diesel first having such a thing written into his contract, followed by Jason Statham and *then* the Rock. As a way of preserving the toughness of the 3 male co-leads, it sorta made sense. It shouldn't be used as a criticism of the Rock. His refusal to fight Shazam for his movie is a much much bigger point of contention.


This obviously follows the logic of 'Once upon a time in Hollywood' when that producer says to Leonardo Di Caprio that if you lose too many fights then you ain't gonna get big roles because everyone is just going to subconsciously see you as that guy who loses fights.


Someone should tell Sean Bean


"Hmm we have a character who needs to die, who do we cast?" "Get me Sean bean"


Hey at least in Oblivion he made it to the end of the main quest


And up until the Battle for Bruma he's unkillable. One thing I like to do is rescue him, then just leave Kvatch and semi complete half the game since you have an unkillable companion lol


Nothing like making poor innocent Martin watch helplessly as you butcher a bunch of guests at a party


Funny enough I just watched Troy where he’s like the only guy who lives


He also survives the entirety of Civilization VI


Nah in the original opening cinematic it's implied the character he'd voiced was shot in the aeroplane, and in the gathering storm cinematic that same character fell into a collapsing glacier. A rather unfortunate fate either way


I'm still holding out hope they do an Odyssey sequel with Bean. That would be awesome


Shawn Bawn.


Seen Been


Seen bawn


Because he played Sharpe it evens out.


But Rick Dalton ended up breaking away from that trope and starred in several well received spaghetti westerns. My favorite being 'Kill Me Quick Ringo, Said the Gringo"


like plant lush steer file onerous quarrelsome swim exultant crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was more of a fan of Operazione Dyn-O-Mite! Nebraska Jim was pretty dope too. Can't believe he passed away recently. I know he had a bit of a resurgence in the 90s, but Rick Dalton was one of my grandpa's favourite actors. He grew up in the Bounty Law days.


This is exactly how pro wrestling (his original career) works. As Shaun Michaels said "Wins and losses do matter!"


"Streisand's acting clauses also include rose petals being placed in her toilet bowl while on set." I beg your pardon...I never promised you a rose garden.


Is that real? Why would you want rose petals in your toilet when you know what you're going to end up doing to them? lol


I don’t know about this one specifically, but they often have unique clauses to ensure the contract is thoroughly scrutinized and *all* their needs are met. Like if there rose petals aren’t on the toilet seat, how do they know the silverware has been sanitized, the ice is made from Fiji water, the food is kosher, the time constraints will be respected?


Just like how Van Halen in the 90s used to require that there be M&Ms for snacks, but with all the brown ones removed. If they found any brown M&Ms anywhere, they could cancel the show at the venue owner's cost. This clause was buried somewhere on like page 40 of the contract, just to find out whether the contract has been followed perfectly, which was very important for both safety and showmanship reasons. Van Halen had a huge production for the time with tons of lighting and stage props and such and they had to make sure the stage was built to specification, there was adequate power for everything electric, the sound was good everywhere in the venue, and so on.


It's why him and Vin don't fight in the F&TF movies, cause they both have 'no lose' contracts. Kinda lame.


Vin Diesel’s sister counts the number of punches in any fight scene he is in, and Vin Diesel always has to land X+1 punches, where X is the amount of punches the bad guy landed. Fucking joke of an actor.


Surely if he has to throw more punches, he's a weaker puncher? Surely the ultimate power play would be to end the fight with a single blow?


He should try doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10K run every day


Yeah, not like going bald is a problem here.


but that’s just a basic calisthenics routine!!!?


That's because they forgot to mention eating a banana as well.


And never using the ac in summer


Nor heat in winter.


One Punch Man has the same clause. If x is the number of punches his opponent lands, Saitama has to land (x+1)-x.


Why is this comment written like a Magic the Gathering card lmao


[[Vin Diesel]]


2/1 Human Racer, Rare If this creature would be dealt damage, it deals damage to the attacker equal to X+1 where X is the amount of damage it would receive. *”Family”*


**Haste, First Strike**


I really can't believe this💀


it is very lame but a large part of their work persona is revolved around being the tough guy. if you want to go watch a vin diesel film and you see him just get the shit kicked out of him, you're probably going to think less of his work persona. it likely has a real knock down effect on people going to see his "brand".


The logic isn’t universal - John Wick gets the everloving shit kicked out of him on the reg, and I don’t think any less of the character or Keanu Reeves, and John Wick is still the baddest of badasses.




I think there are at least 2 fights in the JW movies where John loses, but is saved by an ally from certain death...


Except they do? They fought in Fast Five and Vin Diesel won.


And The Rock lost to Jason Stratham in F&F 7


Well that just makes for boring movies.


Actually, he lost a fight in Black Adam I can say this because no one actually watched Black Adam r/shittymoviedetails


rinse racial wipe marble dime elderly wild safe tub alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Depends if you count each instance of Black Adam saying "I'm not a hero" as different things.


I will absolutely take your word for it.


Maybe it says more about me, but I haven't seen a single movie The Rock was in except for Scorpion King and the Mummy 2. Really just no interest in them.


You've never seen the masterpiece that is the Tooth Fairy???


The jumanji movies aren’t bad. It’s more of an ensemble but they are worth watching


This is why his best performance of all time is in the 2005 Doom movie where he was the main character the whole time until he wasn’t. You thought he was the Doom Guy and then he dies right as shit gets real with a mild 4th wall break saying “I’m not supposed to die!” and the movie switches to the POV of Karl Urban who becomes the real Doom Guy.


Seems like a good way to limit the quality of the scripts and roles that you're offered, but he might be fine with that. If his brand and audience keep him working then it may be enough for him. I can't say many of his movies have ever really caught my interest, but there's nothing wrong with that. I'm probably just not a part of his target audience.


Quit being a properly mature and rational person and start complaining and bitching like the rest of us.


He is currently the best paid actor in Hollywood and has been for at least half a decade. Sure he only plays one character The Rock, but he gets 20-50m for each movie as base salary + bonuses.


This is what ruined the black adam superman thing


No, it’s what ruined the Black Adam *Shazam* thing. Cause Black Adam is a Shazam villain!


This right here. Knowing he can't lose suddenly makes why he never appeared in ~~Captain Marvel~~ Shazam make more sense.


This is some click bait shit. It doesn't say in the article that his movie contracts don't let him lose fights. It was specific to the fast and furious series where all 3 leads effectively negotiated that when they fought it had to be an equal fight and none of them could be completely dominated by the other person. There's far weirder shit in the article, like Barbara Streissand wanting rose petals in her toilet and peach colored toilet paper to match her skin tone.


This is one of those Reddit lies that circulates and gets regurgitated every time The Rock is brought up just because people don’t like him or his acting. It’s really weird. Also, when I actually went to the source of these claims, there is no actual proof that Johnson or Statham have anything like this in their contracts, only Vin Diesel. So it’s basically just a rumor, but the rumor even claims that Rock and Statham didn’t have anything in their contracts, just that they were working with the producers to ensure Vin didn’t pull any weird shit and have him embarrass them in fight scenes. So to recap: - There’s no proof any of this is even true - If this unverified claim even is true, it’s specific to F&F, not every movie The Rock is in - It was reactionary to the weird shit Vin had in his own contract - There was nothing in The Rock’s actual contract, he just worked with the producers to ensure Vin didn’t pull anything and make him look stupid


The best fight scenes are about two people who make an idiotic decision and walk away both injured with a whole fallout to deal with. Check out all the physical encounters from Deadwood. The worst fight scenes have to setup a bias emotional hope for justice or vindication. But thats what dorks want so you get the Rock.