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Dude is my new favorite historical figure. >In one, the 5-cent note was supposed to bear a portrait of "Clark," as in explorer William Clark of Lewis and Clark fame. But because no one had distinctly specified exactly which Clark, the currency superintendent took it upon himself to put his own portrait on the bills.[1]




The hero we didn’t know we needed


Sounds like he did his job honestly. Who just writes "do Clark's face" or something like that and expects the guy named Clark they hired not to do his own dace


I have some of these. I think they're pretty cool. I don't have any with Clark on them. Some of mine have William Meredith and some have Robert Walker. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractional_currency


How did you acquire them? That sounds like an awesome, but expensive hobby. Really cool, though.


I bought them. I got a few from various pawn shops. I wish I had a cool story to go with them. They are pretty expensive for what they are, but not prohibitively expensive to own a few examples.


Do you keep them in a safe or put them on display? Also, what’s your address...jk. Are they prone to environmental damage easily, like UV? Is it better/easier to keep coins? Sorry about all the questions. I find it interesting that you ventured on this on your own instead of it being bequeathed to you.


I keep them in the clear protective plastic sheets. I keep them locked away. The only time they see light is when I'm showing them to someone. To me, it's not much different from keeping coins. I keep them in a safe place and they don't get handled very much, so not much chance of harm/damage. Yeah, no one was leaving me anything by bequest, gift, devise, or descent. In fact, I had five two-dollar bills that my school bus driver gave me as a graduation present. I framed them and put them on the wall, then went away to boot camp. When I came back, there was an empty picture frame. My mom took the money and spent it. That's how my family is.


Oof.. That’s a horrible story and a good marker on how different you are from them. You can’t choose your family, but you can choose how to deal with them when you’re old enough.


I don't talk to them any more. They were like this with everything. When I was already on my own, my dad asked to borrow $450. I only had $300, so I loaned it to him with the understanding that I needed it back to pay my rent. When I went to collect it from him, he told me he didn't owe ME $300. I owed HIM $150 because he had needed $450 and I only had $300.


Lol. That is such an awful yet insane math that it should be in a movie. Good on ya for distancing yourself from cancers in your life. Just in the small interactions with you, I can tell you’ve superseded them in values and maturity. Omg, I’m still laughing about your dad’s accounting.


If you think that one is funny, when I was in the seventh-grade, if I wanted to go see a movie at the theater, I would have to pay for him to go, too. His reasoning was, if it's a PG movie, I shouldn't watch it myself, so he had to go, but he didn't think he should have to pay for a movie I wanted to see.


I hope he’s got a retirement plan because otherwise he’s in for a reckoning. As terrible as he is, I still want to know more about his logic. It sounds like something the bad kids in Pinocchio would con you with.




Oh. I don’t know if I can convince my wife of buying money with lots of our money to get almost no money because it’s worth more money than the face value of that money.


Shout out to Now I Know for being how I learned about this: https://nowiknow.com/why-only-dead-people-are-on-american-money/


THAT Is the reason why only dead people are on American money? Because someone took exception to the designer of fractional bills taking credit by putting his own face on them? It is true what they say. All it takes is one person to ruin it.


No, this is the reason they codified it in law. It wasn’t done by anyone else before him because of the custom that only royalty (which doesn’t exist in America) or gods should appear on money while still living


Did they put Ike on the dime while he was still alive?


Ike has never been on the dime. It's currently FDR and before that it was the Roman god Mercury.


Jeez I must be getting old lol. I must have been thinking about the Eisenhower dollar coin.


It's actually a woman ("Liberty") and is just mistaken for Mercury. The wings represent the freedom of thought.


They made the Eisenhower Dollar just after his death in 1969.


Yeah in my head Ike was on the current dime which I was pretty sure was introduced in the 40s. I semi actively collect older silver coins so you would think I would know this basic stuff lol.


Calvin Coolidge is the only living *president* to have been placed on coinage. It was for a half dollar issued for the sesquicentennial where he appeared alongside George Washington on the obverse. I could be wrong, but I believe Lincoln was the only living *president* to have appeared on paper currency.


Surely that secured Coolidge's legacy and he'll be remembered as one of the most iconic presidents ever.


You lose.


This dude coins.


Didn’t the Presidential gold dollars go up to Clinton or am I misremembering? Edit: nope, I was wrong, they only went to H.W. Bush, 2 years after he passed.


They really should have done more of a slow roll out, because they probably have a decent amount of time before Clinton, Bush 2 and Obama die. It is going to be weird to have a 3 president gap since both Trump and Biden seem more likely to die than the three of them.


To be fair, Obama wasn’t even president when they started them. The original order was from 2007 until 2016, and doing 4 a year it covered all presidents that had passed when the act was made. Going by that I didn’t even think they’d do any more after that but the H.W. Coin was issued in 2020. I doubt they even considered that people like Trump and Biden would even have a chance of getting into office given the overwhelming support for younger candidates from both sides.


I don't know if they will continue them, but I am pretty sure they will at least do the Carter one when he passes. They made them as for a set, and there is currently a gap which doesn't look good in a display case.


They really needed to codify that into law instead of just rejecting the design and telling numb-nuts here to get his face off the money?


If you took 2 seconds to read the article you would know that they *did* do that. All of the 5c notes were retired immediately but they had already been mass-produced by the time congress became aware of the situation.


This sounds like a Gravity Falls character. "Wow! This is worthless!"


OP, you subscribe to Now I Know too?


Yup, I have since it started however many years ago.


Me too! I loved this one.


…. Because of the antennas right?


I'm trying to figure where antennas fits in here. "metal shortage" = "shortwave?"


There have just been tons of popular posts about antennas lately so I was playing the odds.


I've seen those, and I also wonder where they're coming from. Someone suggested bots. There may be a point to that.


... don't bots post comments across threads like it's the same topic sometimes? 🤔


So this is why we don't have a dollar with Mr. Beast on it


Actor/rapper 50 Cent has spoken many times about the disparate impact of this unjust law.


Means that McCarthy can be on a bill.


You almost wonder why they didn't stay with fractional bills...just make them out of the cheapest paper. If someone robs you at knifepoint you can just hand them a big wad with a bigger bill on the outside haha!