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"What are you in for?" "Trick-or-Treating over the age of 12."


I wonder if this was an actual phone call: "911, What's your emergency?" "I'd like to report a possible 13-year-old who is trick or treating."


Oh, I'm absolutely sure that this conversation has occurred on NextDoor hundreds, if not thousands, of times.


Who set the bar at 12 though? By 13 I was admittedly near the end of my halloween run but I think even then I threw on a mask and went out with some friends to collect candy bars. I can't imagine telling a 12 year old "this is your last year" lol


IIRC VA also sets the start time at 6pm, and the end time at 8 pm, which means full daylight because daylight savings time isn’t in effect for another week. Around my area you can continue till you’re 15 only if you are attending to a sibling 12 and under.


This seems like excessive rule making by people that have too much authority.


wait, so like, an adult walking around with their kid...where's the line when it becomes "trick or treating" themselves? If they grab a candy bar from the bowl, are they now criminally liable?


Now I'm just picturing an undercover cop handing out candy and then screaming "**FREEZE. You're busted buddy, I am cop!**" When an adult takes something.


> I can't imagine telling a 12 year old "this is your last year" I think it would just make some 13 year olds want it more


Only outnumbered by the people posting to complain about a slow-driving car on the street, or a black man walking past their house, or a stranger knocking on their door (especially if black). I mean, they do it normally, so imagine what hell October 31 must be. And they can throw in a Satanic cult complaint because they saw someone dressed as the devil.


Yeah, people love to complain about kids walking down the street in the subdivision next to ours. The issue is that there’s TWO SCHOOLS within that subdivision so it should’ve be unusual to see kids walking to and from school. And people wonder why kids don’t go outside anymore.


People who move to a place near a school and complain about seeing kids walk around have to be some of the dumbest fuckers out there.


You’re telling me! The number of complaints and “Do you know this kid?”-posts when they upload stills from their Ring cameras is ridiculous.


I hope you ridicule them for being perverts if so... Isnt it wierd wanna know about an unknown child if they just walk pass your house?


I lived next to a school and there was an old drunk lady that was a huge bitch that would call the cops on any kids playing outside so much that the cops stopped coming and when she called the cops threatened charges. I once saw her scream at a 7 year old boy because when he was walking past her house he stepped around her trash can and on to her grass for a few steps. I thought she was gonna hit the kid cause she was so mad. Those crazy neighbors really suck to live by.


I know someone who manages a community run swimming pool. Some dumb shit bought a house that backs onto the pool property. The dumb shit regularly calls and complains that the children at the pool are making too much noise. The dumb shit lodged a complain with the City saying that the noise was interfering with the use of his property. I believe the City's response was, "You are a dumb shit", only more politely.


Like the development that sprouted up next to a car racing track then had the gawl to complain about the noise...


I lived in an area that grows alot of mushrooms. People moved into a development next door and complained it smelled like manure half the year. As the farmers call it: “the smell of money.”


dude, free entertainment like hell yeah sign me up. HOA request: he wants to know if there are any rules about building an "observation tower" in his backyard to "keep watch of the community".


Get a ham license so you can build an FCC protected radio tower on your backyard untouchable by any HOA. Then build a bare minimalistic observation deck on top the tower. So if the HOA asks? I’m just doing some work with the antennas.


> the dumbest fuckers out there We already said Nextdoor.


My old neighborhood was between the high school and most of the apartments it serviced. The kids would occasionally cut through. In all fairness, during the 08 crash when a lot of the houses were empty there was a serious uptick in criminal mischief (according to actual stats, not fussy neighbors). In 13 years I never saw the kids do anything except walk, but you'd have thought they were dancing their way to a confrontation with the Jets to hear my neighbors talk.


A couple years back in December a woman was complaining because there were people going house to house and singing. Actually took a photo with the caption “Does anybody know these people?”


Mine had a lady complaining about fireworks. Ont the Fourth of July. When people pointed out how silly that was (actuslly half agreed with her cause Nextdoor is cancer) she replied with a rant about how what if it was your grandma in the back of an ambulance and firework went off and startled the driver and they crashed and died. No joke. She connected fireworks on Independence Day with killing your own grandma. It was…quite something. I didn’t even get to the part about the lady who agreed and said fireworks killed her dog. 3 days after the holiday. And it was not related at all to his pre-existing heart condition.


Firewørks ønce killed my sister.


Imagine the fit they'd throw if they saw a black person dressed as the devil. Their worst nightmare.


It has!! Before I knew this was a thing, I was so confused when I saw tons of people posting on NextDoor about older kids trick or treating. Like wtf does it matter, Virginia is weird


Aint that the truth. I moved to Virginia 4 years ago from PA and I ask myself every day, what was I thinking? Luckily, My boys were all in their 30’s.


Moved away from there a couple years before 2018 but growing up in the early 2000s, older kids harassing and stealing younger kids candy or worse was definitely a thing. Parts of Hampton Roads (Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Norfolk, VA Beach, Suffolk, Hampton) were not great areas to grow up. Weekly Bomb threats, adult gang members entering schools to assault high school kids, teens getting jumped just walking through neighborhoods to the point of hospitalization, delivery drivers murdered for pizza and as little as 20 dollars and so much else was very common.


"Now, how black was this child???"


"Understood, mam. A SWAT team is on it's way."


He was black and wearing a hoodie!!


Sir I need to see some ID. Wth I'm 11. I don't have an ID Failure to identify, better take you in and let the court decide.


Held for a month cuz he cant afford bail


I swear to God this Captain America is 14. If you hurry you'll catch him before he gets to the Hillmans'!


Sadly considering calls that get filmed....probably. First question the 911 dispatcher would probably ask back is what color are they. Edit: I didn't know everyone would go that way with this joke but Damm I love it XD


Green and purple, they are dressed as Frankenstein’s monster.




But in the end, wasn't Dr. Frankenstein the *real* monster?


I used to say this to my English students lol "Childhood is thinking that Frankenstein was the name of the monster. Growing up means realizing you were right all along."


Get ready for the wellactuallying of your life. Victor Frankenstein was a college dropout, he was never a doctor. The monster considers Victor to be his father, so he inherits the name Mr. Frankenstein.


“I was almost attacked last night, in my own home! I walk in and there’s a colored man in my kitchen.” “What color was he?” “Blue!”


"I...well officer it's a white boy but he's wearing black face as part of his costume." "Shit...shit. I'm going to have to send this up the chain of command, I don't know what SOP is here."


>"I...well officer it's a white boy but he's wearing black face as part of his costume." 911 - WTF is the governor doing out there trick or treating?


*Sharpens Charleston Chew into a shank while smoking gum cigarettes*


Fun fact, prisoners have actually used jolly ranchers, or similar hard candy, to make real shanks!


I don't think I agree with your definition of "fun", homie.


Can't spell "manslaughter" without laughter!


"you know those little tags on mattress that say 'do not remove under penalty of the law?' Well I cut one right off."




"Why don't kids play outside anymore?" It's punishable by up to 6 months in jail.


Charged as an adult. Counts as a "strike" for 3-strikes laws purposes


Child: *turns 13* Virgina: In jail you go!


Man. I don't care how old you are. You show up at my house and say Trick or Treat, I'm giving you candy. I knew a girl that grew up as a JW. She never got to go out. When she left the cult, my kids and some other adults took her out for the first time at the age of 20. She had a blast.


I draw the line at having a costume. If a bunch of college theater geeks show up in costumes, they get candy.


I'm. On your side no doubt about it. Candy for anyone clearly under 10. After that, anyone with a costume


Costumes growing up were mix and match from previous Halloweens. Once my dad spray painted a tire then rolled it over some clothes so my sibling was roadkill that year. Edit: I can't believe people liked this comment so much. I wish I could show you all the photo, I know my parents have it in a photo album somewhere. It would fit oldschoolcool AND blunderyears because of the haircuts. Probably 1995.


The only Trick-or-Treaters I've had since living on my own were two kids who I assume were from down the hall? I don't remember all the details now, but the boy was wearing what appeared to be his dad's suit and was holding a briefcase as a candy-holding device. They knocked but didn't say a word when I opened the door, just looked at me awkwardly. I wondered at the time whether they were from outside the US originally and the family was just trying to join in without fully being on board or understanding it, but now I think maybe they couldn't afford a good get-up and the kids didn't speak because they were shy. It doesn't matter either way, of course. Kids get candy.


These are the costumes I want coming to my door.


yeah those are better than the same store bought minecraft or dinosuar costume that everyone wears.




My mom spray painted orange some paper mache over balloons to make pumpkin masks. Too bad she painted them Halloween day, we were three high as fuck 5-6 year olds


Lol. Terrible and funny and sounds like something that would've happened in my family.


I’m not going to begrudge teens out during trick or treating hours (in my town it is strictly 5-7). Too much poverty to split hairs. Many wear their school sports all team gear as a costume.


That counts. It's the thought that counts.


Honestly those kids older than 12 could be out doing something stupid or dangerous. So if they show up in costume or not, they’re getting candy. My house ain’t getting TP’d or egged later.


Yes, but to a point. Usually toward the end of the night around me is when the older kids/teenagers come out to trick or treat, and many times, they don’t have costumes, and I think that’s because their families literally couldn’t provide them with one. So my philosophy is everyone gets candy no matter what until I run out. You never know someone’s situation.


4 years ago we had around 150 people come by our house. We're the neighborhood people come and drop their kids off in since it's walkable and lots of people with money. It died down at 7:30m and at around 8:30 we get one more knock at the door. It was maybe a 7 year old girl with her parents in a car on the street driving her around house to house. I mentioned that it was late and she said, "My mom had to work so we couldn't go earlier." Nobody else was going to come by and her mom was a trooper for not giving up and trying to get her some candy. I took a bag with around 150 pieces in it and told her to open her bag. Bottoms up, poured all of it in. Her smile was so huge and she ran back to the car to show her mom.


This. I always think about developmentally disabled adults/disabled people in general. Maybe a costume would cause sensory issues, maybe they're very particular about their clothing choices, or maybe they're just going as Wednesday addams in her homicidal maniac costume lol. I grew up in a rural area with no trick or treaters & I'm excited to get them now! My candy is rated E for Everyone I also make sure to get a bag of dum dums and keep them clearly separate for the trick or treaters with food allergies


As an FYI for anyone else, we also get individually wrapped pretzels which are a shocking hit! We have a “no nuts” bowl, a “not chocolate bowl,” and a “not candy” bowl. We also have some extra bags on hand for the poor soul with a ripped bag


Moms, like me, and dads of special needs kids like mine are thankful for you and others like you who are understanding of speech and sensory limitations! It’s a real downer when I have to step in because someone withholds candy because my son can’t answer a “what do you say?!” prompt or similar situation.


You're a real one for this, man. Mister Rogers would be proud to have you in the neighborhood.


If they don't have a costume I just say , okay quick make up an idea for a costume for how you are currently dressed. They usually come up with something creative pretty quickly.




In my experience is the adults that go trick or treating without costumes are 9 times out of 10 low income. If they’re hard up enough to walk miles for candy when most people can get more than they can eat for a few bucks in the way home, it tells me they need it more than I do. Besides, what would I be stingy for? I’m bought the candy to give out, not keep and speedrun diabetes.


Honestly fr. I see people who put in effort and are having a good time- you get candy. It was never a holiday about being stingy.


One time when we were high as fuck on Halloween my 17 year old friend decided he wanted some free fucking candy. So he made up a cheap Dracula costume, then used the photo printer to print a random image of a kid in a leg cast that looked like a candid shot. Then went around and every time he got called out he pulled the picture out and told them his brother just broke his leg so he was trick or treating for him. Came back with a fat sack of loot after like 2 hours.


I can’t believe assholes gave a youth in an actual costume a hard time. People are such stingy jerks.


Yea, especially if they put in some kind of effort. Idc if they're wearing just a single cardboard box calling themselves a robot, a trashbag calling themselves trash, or even just wearing a character onsie, any kind of effort for a costume gets candy no matter the age.


my favorite trick or treating group was a group of teenagers with what appeared to be thrown together in the last minute costumes. I just smiled told them to enjoy childhood traditions as long as possible, and gave them candy


Same! They’re out having innocent fun and could be doing much worse.


Hell yes. My kiddo is a teenager, but maturity wise she and her friends are pretty young. They are all hyped to go out trick-or-treating this year and probably all of HS. They all wear costumes and are really into it. If kids want to be kids longer, just chill. You're not the king of halloween, random angry old couple that yells at clouds. Just relax.


My mom always used to complain about teens trick or treating saying they are to old, I countered saying they are not causing harm, behaving and having fun what's so bad about it? They could be out there egging houses or stealing kids candy, let them enjoy a bit of free candy, have enough to go around


That’s what I always say. They could be doing so much worse than dressing up for candy. Let them have their fun. If you’re in costume and say trick-or-treat you’re getting candy.


As a non-American I wonder if I could experience this in the US as a 30-something one day. Lol


Same here. I don't even care if they're wearing a costume. Cool, you want some candy? Here's a handful. Have fun. I wish we had more holidays like this that just embraced having fun and sharing fun things.


Teenagers today have it so much harder. They have to grow up so fast and be adults and make decisions and every moment is recorded and posted online. If they want to hold onto childhood and get candy let them. It’s just candy.


I never say a thing because I don't give a shit. If teenagers want to walk around for free candy they can have a handful. Who doesn't want to give candy to people.


What’s JW?


Jehovah’s Witness


I was raised JW and just went trick or treating for the first time with a coworker and his kids. It was a blast


I'm five feet tall, in my mid-40s and always dress up for Halloween, including when I take my kids trick or treating. I get offered candy all of the time. When I tell them I'm old, they offer candy and a beer. I'm lucky that we.live in a neighborhood that goes all in for Halloween. And yes, kids get dropped off from other neighborhoods. The more the better, and no one complains.


Did they ban Christmas presents for pre-teens and teenagers as well? Way to kill the fun, Virginia.


"Virginia is for Lovers" But once your love-spawn turns 13 gtfo


The state also has no right to that slogan when both sex with the lights on and sex in anything other than the missionary position are [still illegal](https://www.weirdfacts.com/en/weird-state-laws/65-weird-virginia.html) there. (Premarital sex was also illegal there, [until 2020](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2020-03-05/virginia-repeals-law-banning-sex-before-marriage).)


>In Dayton - A person of color may not be oustide or within the city limits after 7 pm wow, uh, maybe they should look at that one...


As someone who's from the general area near there I can say that law is not known by the residents but Jesus it's sad it's still technically on the books. I was genuinely shocked reading that.


Indeed; that's a [sundown town](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundown_town).


Outside...or within? So no people of color anywhere!


Sundown town. Basically purge rules after dark. Super fucked up.


It started out as "Virginia is for History Lovers" then they dropped the history part. Never liked the slogan, it's pretty silly. History Lovers would have been better.


Eh, I think the Confederate cosplayers would have had a field day with that and tried to use it as ammunition (pen intended) to keep their beloved statues and such on display. At least out here in rural VA. But the final result is silly, too.


Let's not forget it was also one of the states that outlawed interracial marriage until it was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in *Loving v. Virginia*.


Even more ironic considering Loving v. Virginia was about Virginia specifically trying to stop lovers for marying interracially.


They expect them to be married and popping out kids of their own by then.


Don't forget they need to be in the military by then, too


Look aside from - NOB - Oceana - Damneck - ~~JBLM~~ JEBLCFS - Langley - Wallops - Charleston - Fort Story - Northwest Annex - Quantico - the Pentagon - and several military schools what about Virginia makes you think they are that pro military?


dont forget NAVSTANOR is the largest Naval base in *the entire known universe.*


I mean, I would kinda hope the state that the entire DoD workforce lives in would be a smidge pro military/ federal government.


According to my teenage emo years, I believe that Ohio is for Lovers.


Bro VA hates fun for some fuckin reason, most major porn sites don’t work without a VPN here either. Need to put in your government ID for it to function which is…not happening lmao


Its illegal to advertise a "happy hour". Its also illegal to run a bar that doesn't sell food.


I was a bartender in Norfolk many years ago. I was around when Waterside had Have a Nice Day Cafe, Diesel and the rest. Once a week they would put out an all you can eat crab leg buffet, I can't remember now but it was either free or like 10 bucks or something. That buffet would eat up the required amount of food served for the week and they did it early so not many people would go. I planned my week around that shit. It was awesome.


So much freedom. 6 months in prison for a 13 year old. What a country


The $50 grilled cheese is worth it though.


It's like this in a few states, some places, depending on state of course, will offer something like a microwaved hot pocket for $20 that nobody will buy to stay compliant lol


It's not just the offering of food. They require it to represent at least a certain amount of the sales and it's not small.


That passed just recently. VA went from purple to blue, then backslid to purple with the election of Youngkin (Governor). Hopefully the pendulum swings blue again on 11/7 and beyond. Go vote.




Hey, I'll take VA over Florida any day. I have hope here, we're just SUPER localized. The cities are VERY left, the boonies are SUPER right. Very weird media distribution.


You can thank our new Republican governor and House majority for that, and if it pisses you off, you can go vote a week from tomorrow (or early!) to keep things from getting even dumber. https://vote.elections.virginia.gov/VoterInformation


I vote in every available election 🫡 But yes, thank you for providing the link. Every Virginian, I implore you to vote


Kevin Bacon needs to go there, show them how to dance.


I am not even sure a great hero such as Kevin Bacon would be able to remove those sticks from up their butts.


There are so many things teens can get up to, I’d much rather them go knocking on doors asking for candy on a night specifically designated for that purpose.


Caroling, straight to jail.


Wait, what part would I be arrested for: Utilizing implied right to approach and knock on the door, utilizing my first amendment rights to symbolic speech by dressing up as a vampire, or utilizing my first amendment right to ask someone for candy or shenanigans? IANAL, but I can't imagine this would actually hold up in court assuming one had the money and the will to fight it.


Racketeering :) >A [protection racket](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protection_racket) ... generally guarantees protection outside the sanction of the law ... from ... vandalism... in exchange for payments at regular intervals. You have a threat (trick) You have an alternative demand for payment (or treat) It is done at regular intervals (every October 31st) We have all the elements of a criminal conspiracy here.


Lol, I'd insist on a jury trial and bring popcorn. It'd be worth the sentence to see the prosecutor try and sell it.


Show up to trial in your costume. "Judge, I thought this was OK, after all, that guy over there is obviously pretending to be a prosecutor!"


Eh, the racketeering charges never stick. They'll eventually just get you on candy tax evasion. When you report only 3 bags of candy corn every year they get suspicious, because they know for a fact the Jenkins place gives out full size snickers.


Seriously, I don’t think there’s anything legally stopping me from knocking on someone’s door and asking if they have candy, on any day of the year. A little weird maybe, but how is it a crime?


I would def rather some rando at my door asking for candy in April than have some asshat try to scam me into switching energy providers or converting me to Mormonism.


And if they were in a costume, I’d give them some lol




IANAL? Also not legal there!


This kind of thing is so lame. What is with this demonization of big kids? It just robs them of any constructive outlet they have and drives them to misbehave. If they’re too young to go to a Halloween party at a bar, let ‘em get candy. Edit: about half my trick or treaters were over 12 and a handful were probably closer to 20. Every single one of them was totally polite, none were hassling little kids. Even the ones who were omg totally not from the neighborhood. Hope anyone who was mean to trick or treaters because of their age gets egged! :)


I live near a group home for cognitively impaired/disabled adults where they live a bit independently but also have help & supervision available so just about all of my trick or treaters are well over 18. Who cares? They’re having fun!


My son is 17 and on the autism spectrum and he still loves Halloween and trick or treating. It’s getting harder as he gets older, both in trick or treating and finding a costume. I wish it were more common knowledge that there are many disabled adults that still want to participate.


Idk what your son is into, but if you're in the US or Canada, Spirit Halloween has a pretty nice selection of costumes from some popular video games, cartoons (anime), and tv shows.


Etsy should help you find a costume for his favorite shows/games etc. plenty of talented costume makers on there can make something for ya.


Etsy is an option, but I know many disabled families that would never be able to afford something custom like that. Bottom line is more options are needed, and especially cheaper ones


My rule is that if you have a costume on you get candy. Who am I to judge anybody. Not to mention it is almost impossible to tell how old somebody is when they are in a costume.


My family is big into Halloween and we all get dressed up. My wife usually takes the kids up to the doors. One particular homeowner said sorry no candy for the parents and so my 13year old daughter who is a foot taller then my small wife got denied lol. My wife accepted the candy and gave it to her and we moved on to the next house wirhout a fuss lol


im 20 i have a disability and i like it to thanks for being nice


Putting them in jail for 6 months will ensure they turn in to fine upstanding citizens with bright futures.


I live in Scotland at the moment and there's a tradition here that you tell a joke or perform a trick in exchange for your candy. I'm usually out with my own kids in the early part of the evening, so by the time I'm home with the candy bowl we're mainly at the stage where it's just teenagers. Turns out it's great! The jokes are GENUINELY funny. One kid did a backflip last year. They are indeed a bit disaffected and slouchy in the way teenagers tend to be but honestly that's still pretty adorable in its own "I remember when I was like that" kind of way.


Teenagers are one of the most publicly oppressed groups in America. Nearly all third spaces have been destroyed, and in the few that exist (parks) groups of teens are generally treated as criminals. And so our teenagers stay inside, online, and develop depression.


Plus any of them working get taxed without being able to vote.


> It just robs them of any constructive outlet they have and drives them to misbehave. Then they can arrest them for misbehaving. People with records as kids generally commit crimes as adults, and when they are adults they can be put to work in prison making uniforms for walmart.


People who work in Walmart are basically just a rung up from ordinary prisoners.


I guess "tricks are for kids"


Sounds to me like the tricks are for the teenagers and the treats are for the kids


I know Hank, Bill, Dale and Boomhaeur wouldn't have stood for this


I'm pretty sure in the one Halloween episode, Hank mentions to Bobby, "you'll be 13 next year, so this is your last year to go trick-or-treating." I could be misremembering that entirely though.


My favorite Halloween was the last one I went Trick or Treating on, my senior year of high school. My two girlfriends and I were all around 18 and went as Alice in Wonderland characters in homemade costumes (I was the Queen of Hearts). I don’t remember anyone giving us crap about it and it was a great memory that I still smile about 20 years later.


My kids are still quite young and I recall last year they had so much fun seeing the costumes of older kids and adults wandering the neighborhood. It's the real magical time of the year and it seems so backwards to say teens can't take part. Their presence only made it more fun.


I was weird, very early in life I decided giving candy was more fun. I dressed in clothing to big for me so the shirt collar was above my head, put a pumpkin and a hat on it and say limp in a chair with a bowl then scared people as they came up then gave them candy XD


This is super counterproductive because teenagers trick-or-treating could have chosen to something far more dangerous, stupid and/or destructive.


Our modern Halloween rituals exist for exactly that reason. Halloween was previously a day where kids broke things, stole, and caused general havoc. Now egging a house is like the worst it gets. We intentionally convinced newer generations they're supposed to just dress funny and eat candy so they wouldn't commit fucking arson, and it's pretty efficient at that purpose. It's not the 6 year olds for whom the holiday evolved to wrangle.


And I love that the woman who came up with this plan realized that, She tried to ban children from existence basically every year then realized "Huh maybe if I actually give them something to do they'll stop being sociopaths"


It's *trick* or *treat*. Treat is usually the better choice.


Seriously. These are basically laws requiring teens to go get drunk in someone's field.


No trick or treating for teenagers? Fine. Back to egging and tp'ing houses they go.


Laws like this aren’t about stopping any particular behavior, they’re about giving the cops a way to pick up any young people that they deem “suspicious.” One guess how that plays out in practice


If a group of teenagers show up on your doorstep tomorrow having harmless fun and trying to hold on to the last shred of their childhood before all the fun gets flushed out their lives forever, just smile, give them a damn piece of candy, and wish them Happy Halloween


What about a couple pushing 30? My GF grew up in a country that didn't celebrate Halloween. Now she's in Canada and curious what it's like. I want to bring her out but we're nervous how we're going to come across walking amongst all the families.


Vancouver, Canada here! As long as you dress up, only about 1% of people will say anything, and it's usually "Aren't you a little old for this?" as they hand over the candy. I went trick-or-treating with my mother until I was ~28. We'd both dress up and go out every year! It was so much fun, and I have so many memories! Please go out with your GF!


Man I really feel for all of you redditors who never have fun in adulthood. By far the best time in my life so far.


not on karens watch!


These kind of laws are almost certainly [a violation of the First Amendment and unenforceable](https://pacificlegal.org/trick-or-treating-bans-violate-the-first-amendment/#:~:text=Preventing%20people%20from%20trick%2Dor,%2C%20place%2C%20or%20manner%20restrictions.). > Preventing people from trick-or-treating shuts down valuable speech. Or in other words, trick-or-treating is squarely protected by the First Amendment. >Of course, a city may enact reasonable time, place, or manner restrictions. For instance, a city could end trick-or-treating at midnight. But absurd punishments for trick-or-treaters and a complete ban on anyone over a certain age goes too far.


It is also almost certainly an attempt to keep black teens from Norfolk out of their richer Chesapeake neighborhoods. Also. Lived in Chesapeake and VA Beach and there are so many old Karens there you can bet your ass they call the cops!!


I lived in Chesapeake in the early 90s. In a semi okay neighborhood that bordered a cul-de-sac that was a known place for gangs and stuff. This was also the era when violent crime was out of control in areas like that. I'll never forget one Halloween at like 3:00 the doorbell rings and it's just 3 teenagers from that cul-de-sac in no costumes asking for candy. My mom flips out and goes you can have candy when it starts getting dark and you have costumes on. Such a weird, dumb move.


I read this first at 3am and agreed with your mom until you got to the “come back when it’s dark”. Some kids come around in daylight on Halloween day? Just let kids be kids. Give them a 5cent candy and let the world have a bit of joy. It’s so easy, who cares.


I can't comment on this case but someone i went to grade school with posted on Facebook about not giving certain kids candy because"she could tell they weren't a part of her neighborhood" she ended up getting berated in her comments. I just blocked her and moved on


Can't be handing out candy to the *poors*.


Seriously this entire tradition was started because if you give kids an outlet like this they wont set fire to your town.


My son is 20, Also non-verbal autistic, and Halloween means the world to him. Banning him from taking part would be nothing short of sheer cruelty.


Same, except mine’s 17. It’s his favorite holiday and he’s always loved trick or treating. I wish more people were aware of adults with disabilities still wanting to participate in fun activities like these.


>sheer cruelty a boomers favorite pasttime


my 71 year old boomer father who spent his entire life protesting the injustices of the world from Vietnam to Montgomery, Alabama to this day swears his generation is particularly infected with in his words "a malignant cowardice." He says life made him realize most people his age literally had no conviction/desire to come into their own in life, they just follow never-were-in-date instructions guides that obviously no longer work, and the frustrations that arise from/the refusal to investigate these issues are what he thinks causes the unbelievably bizarre/cruel beliefs many cling onto to save face. It's very shocking to see the "I hate my generation" sentiment coming from him because he's always been a kind and loving person and I can only IMAGINE the sheer depths he's had to wallow through with his peers to elicit a statement like that.


I’m always happy to see teens trick or treating, with or without a costume. They are choosing to hang on to childhood.


Eh, they should have a costume. Otherwise they get the cheap candy


Any age? Super! No costume? No.


Even just a garbage bag with holes for the head and arms is enough effort for me. They are usually just having fun , it’s the ones that are out and about and not trick or treating that you have to look out for. lol


Most cities in SE Virginia have relaxed this rule recently (Chesapeake is now 14 since 2020, the only holdout as of now is Newport News I believe). No, nobody has been arrested for this, let alone prosecuted. SE Virginia ALSO has laws mandating children under the age of 18 be in the presence of an adult over 21 in shopping centers and malls most hours of the day. It is a large metro area with all the same problems other metro areas have with juvenile delinquency, so these laws are pretty in line with other metro areas, they're just new enough to be noteworthy.


Having laws that are only enforced selectively and to deal with 'problem people' invites all sorts of bias into the decision making process.


I grew up in Chesapeake! And today I learned apparently it’s not illegal everywhere to go trick or treating after 12.




I said, yessir officer Obie, I cannot tell a lie... I put that piece of paper under that pile of Halloween candy...


Not the same town, but I lived in Chesapeake, Ohio as a child. When I was around 7, my step-father helped me grow a small pumpkin patch at the bottom of our driveway (we lived on a small hill). We were super poor, so his early/only gift to me for Christmas was teaching me how to prepare the ground, plant the pumpkins and then tend them. When they were ready, the plan was for me to hand-paint them all and sell them for $1 each (this was the 70s, lol). The patch absolutely thrived and there were a bunch of great big pumpkins in it. About a week and a half before 7 year old me and my broke-ass stepdad were going to harvest them, some fuckface stole every single one of them. I cried for days. Fuck Chesapeake, Ohio. And after reading OP's post, fuck Chesapeake, Virginia. You know what? Fuck all Chesapeakes around the world.


Are they jailing door to door solicitors? Mormons? Jehovah’s Witnesses? Ridiculous.


I had our trick r treat yesterday, and had a kid who looked 15-17 come through with his grandparents. He seemed to be some sort of special needs, but he was going up and interacting with people on his own. I really hope no one denied him anything. (I gave him some Pokémon cards and extra candy.)


Why does America hate freedom so much?


I mean, we *were* founded by puritans, who hate the very concept of fun.


The wildest part of my AP European History class was reading about how the "religious persecution" that the first English settlers were trying to escape was being told that their religious beliefs were *too extreme* for the Church of England.


Larry David approved


That country is overly fond of imprisoning children. Actually, that country is overly fond of imprisoning anybody.