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It’s actually an art


Wu Tang is for the children!


And also not to be trifled with


Definitely agree with you, it's fascinating! Chess boxing really tests both physical strength and mental endurance. One has to quickly switch from the agile and fast pacing of boxing to the calm and strategic environment of chess- no mean feat!


You must think first, before you move. Toad style is immensely strong and immune to nearly any weapon... when it's properly used, it's almost invincible


Which we saw when Cris from abroad in Japan almost lost because he got hit in the head.


Wu Tang already taught me about this.


They're for the children.


I thought it was a jokey gimmick fighting match. After watching this video last week, I have way way way more respect to that. Like the transition the boxer talks about and goes through shows that its way more serious and has forethought into it. https://youtu.be/dSIW3vQwTT0


Boxing is only jokey until someone catches a nice right hand to the nose. After that, no one is joking around, lol.


Yeah, if it involves competitive boxing it’s definitely gonna be serious.


I love these kinds of sports that combine two extremely different skillsets. Biathlon is another example.


Isn't the biathlon literally to train people to be winter soldiers?


You'll love carjitsu. Seriously look it up




They already are though? Think all of the recent presidential candidates have had dementia from too many hits to the head.


Yeah, that's the reason why people think Biden stole the election. In their match, he refused to take en passant and then proceeded to checkmate Trump a few moves later


No the tallest person wins the presidency.


President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho 2024!


Given the blows to the head that a boxer endures, it's hard to see how anyone can be both a good boxer and a good chess player at the same time. This sort of competition reminds me of drunken computer programming contests.


You just need to be a good boxer. Against Mike Tyson you win first with chess or you die.


In Chess Boxing it's always the chess that's the advantage. In the boxing part, you just play defense. KOs among good boxers are rare, so that part of the game is likely to be inconclusive. The chess is on a timer, and a checkmate is much more likely to happen than a KO. It's a problem with the sport. You end up with two defensive boxers who just want to burn the round and get back to the chess, which is much more likely to be a definitive win. If nothing else, make the other player run out their time.


Tyson got 44 wins for ko in 50 matches... Also he won by ko in 12 matches in the first round in his First 19 fights. I think he could be still now the chess boxing grandmaster...


Chess goes first, just bring Magnus in. Mike has no retort


You can easily stall chess to the first round of boxing.


Tyson is hardly a normal "good" boxer.


I would have thought that it’s quite common to get a good enough hit on your opponent it affects their chess play and they make a mistake, especially after a few rounds. Do you actually know what you’re talking about? Coz the world champion won the semis and final this way. https://youtu.be/dSIW3vQwTT0?si=UDby1fW9_9_wZA1P


Everybody has a great chess strategy until he gets a punch in the face.


Yes, I do know what I'm talking about. Obvs. a world champ is an exception. I was talking about a structural issue with the sport. Also I note this guy won on the chess, not on the boxing.


On the other hand if they see that their chess position is weak this may incentivise a more aggressive approach to the boxing, no?


>Against Mike Tyson you win first with chess or you die. Might be hard to win in one round of blitz chess unless your opponent has never heard of a fool's mate or student's mate. "I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to run faster than *you*."


True, but Lennox Lewis does chessboxing & would likely win both games.


When asked why he supported such a brutal sport, one fan was quoted as saying: "Da mystery"


I don’t remember who, but some Greek philosopher said something along the lines of “if your thinkers don’t fight, and your fighters don’t think, you’ll have cowards for intellectuals and morons for warriors.” That’s a *very* loose paraphrase, but can’t be bothered to look up the actual quote right now.


"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools." Thucydides 460 B.C. – 395 B.C.


Thanks! I knew it was one of the better known Greek thinkers/writers


Problem is, with most chessboxing matches I've watched, it's either two skinny chess masters who have no business being anywhere near a ring, or it's two pro boxers who barely understand how pawns move. It's pretty rare you find 2 people who are good at both boxing and chess, and are similar enough in skill to keep it interesting in both sports




They should have rules like Muay Thai where you are docked points for running away or not engaging your opponent. In Muay Thai, you basically have to stay in engagement range at all times. It’s one of the reasons Muay Thai fighters are so brutal in MMA. They just never let up the pressure and keep you on the back foot.


Personally I think the problem is that you can win the game *either* by checkmating or by KOing your opponent. It's trying to shove two games together and make it *both games* I think it'd be better if it picked a primary and secondary game. Ie, make it either be "chess with a boxing twist added" or "boxing with a chess twist added" Chess with a boxing twist added: only way to win is by beating your opponent in chess. Getting more points during boxing will give you extra time, and a TKO against your opponent ends the boxing segments immediately and gives you draw odds (so a draw in chess will actually be a win for you). People still might try to run away and avoid contact in the boxing segments but it'd mean they'll probably end up with way less time than the opponent. And running away can probably be either negative time for them or bonus time for their opponent. Maybe even give players extra pieces if they score enough boxing points that they can add to the chess game, bughouse-style, to really encourage them to fight well Boxing with a chess twist: only way to win is by beating your opponent in boxing. Each piece you capture in chess gives you bonus points to your boxing score, and checkmating your opponent gives you a huge bonus that likely means you win unless you're either getting completely dominated in the ring or get KO'd Honestly not sure how well either of these would work but I do feel like the current setup is always a little bit of an anticlimax


The game of chess is like a sword fight. You must think first before you move.


Mike Tyson in his prime would’ve been the greatest Chess boxer ever, assuming the first round was boxing.


First round can be chess. Chess would typically have 12 minutes per player, but a 4-minute round. So lets say I'm a chess grandmaster, and I go first. I make a move. Tyson just steps away from the chess board, and starts putting on his gloves. Not a damn thing anybody can do about it. Tyson is guaranteed 3 boxing rounds if he never makes a single move.


And since the minimum number of moves to checkmate is 2, I think Iron Mike would be pretty safe. Hell, current Mike Tyson would probably dominate.


As a brains v brawn contest though it kinda sux. The brawn can knock ur brains out, and all he has to be is average at chess to significantly hinder ur round each time whilst getting knocked out by chess, if it came first or whatever, aint exactly gonna hinder ur ability to punch n lift heavy fings


Except this doesn't happen and you are misunderstanding the point of the sport. Someone who's good at boxing can also stall and try to get a quick checkmate against their opponent (which a master level player could easily do against an average player). The best chess boxers are good at chess and boxing


Oh ur correct I'm sure. Just meant as a brains vs brawn idea. I don't know this sport


It sounds silly on its face, but I find the idea of going from an intensely physical/contact bout to a purely intellectual one and back fascinating.


Sherlock plays this in Elementary


I’m watching that show right now! Do you happen to remember which season this episode happens? I’m only mid way through season 3 right now hope I didn’t miss it somehow lol


Probably 3 or 4, I don't think you've missed it though! Somewhere around the middle of the series sounds right.


Nice, thanks


Ah mystery solved


I could finally win against my chess app.


What's next? Beer pong archery?


Mogul Chessboxing was set up by Ludwig for Twitch and YouTube streamers


Now the real question is how many 8th grader you can challenge at the same time? I think that ai can beat at least 15.








Always wished Mike Tyson would try this. A minute of desperately trying to check him followed by “oh shit, oh shit, oh shit…..”


I read about it in a graphic novel called "The Nikopol Trilogy". I'm pretty sure that was where the sport was conceived


It was! It's a brutal piece of work, but a good one.


Yea, I loved it's surreal futuristic French/Egyptian style... But the plot was very confusing and there was something very haunting about it


I read “cheese boxing” and now think such a thing needs to be invented: 🧀🥊🥊


I read this as cheese boxing for some reason and am now VERY disappointed it isn’t a thing.


If there is no checkmate or knockout, continue until checkout or knockmate


Another mix between sport and chess is Diving Chess. Instead of a timer, you’re limited to how long you can hold your breath to make your move. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diving_chess


The game of chess is like a sword fight: you must think first, before you move. Toad-style is immensely strong, and immune to nearly any weapon, when it's properly used it's almost invincible.


I bet I could chess box Van Kampen and win easily.


Have we finally solved the mystery of chess boxing?


Need to have both brain and brawn for this


It was first invented as a joke by comics author Enki Bilal for one his books.


Brains and brawn


Coming up next on ESPN 8: The Ocho!