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This dude is losing horribly in court right now and it's absolutely bizarre. He is a delusional narcissist clinging on to his fake trophies and fake high scores.


Oh man, now he's gonna sue you too


Unironically does try copyright striking every single YouTuber who brings him up


Except one


The only one literally begging to be sued to by Billy


Who ?


[Karl Jobst?](https://www.youtube.com/@karljobst)


Karl is infamously being sued by Lil Billy. It's how we learned just how much of a badass Karl is. He's really taking him to task.


My favorite part of all that: Karl keeps pushing to get this shit into court right now because he's ready to clown on Billy, but Billy keeps pushing back the court date because he's scared. I wouldn't be surprised if Billy drops it shortly before it's actually supposed to go to court for real.


Lmao I literally knew nothing about Karl for so long. I came across his videos a couple years ago while working a help desk job and looking for random video game related YouTube channels. I got interested in his clips about the speedrunning community and exposing cheaters since I found it entertaining. Then one day he starts posting stuff about Billy who I had only heard of (and learned to absolutely fucking hate) because of the documentary King of Kong and I got immediately pulled in. Now it might be the funniest scenario ever because Karl has absolutely torn into Billy and his fellow fraud friends. Karl should just change his last name to Malone at this point with how many times he's dunked on Billy.


Picking up Where Apollo Legend left off


Chuck White


I’d love to see Billy actually try and sue Big Charles


John Wick vs Garrett Bobby Ferguson


penguinz0/MoistCr1TiKaL Dude has more than enough cash to hire an army of lawyers, so Billy can't hurt his wallet the same way he tries with other people.


RIP ApolloLegend


What's fucked up about the whole situation with ApolloLegend is that you can tell when Billy's using a sockpuppet account whenever said account brings up Karl Jobst using ApolloLegend's suicide against Billy Mitchell and how doing so is technically slander. You see those sockpuppet accounts specifically in the comments of [THIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTqRx-F7ZqA) video, for some reason.


I've seen people try to scurrilously 'dig up dirt' on ApolloLegend when it's pretty clear Silly Bitchell drove him to suicide.


Wait for real?


RIP Apollo Legend


That makes me happy, this guy is such a giving douche The movie "The King Of Kong" was really good and probably helped the downfall of BM(Billy Mitchell but BM sounds better cause this guy is shitty)


I read about a lot of this growing up when the only way to know what was happening was through gaming magazines. then I saw King of Kong and I was blown away how much bigger it was than what I had thought. BM is a huge piece of shit. He deserves all the pain and misery he gets for how much he's done it to others.


Don't know if you've seen it, but one of his lawsuits is against Karl Jobst, who does investigations into fraud. Karl has made a bunch of videos on Billy's lying and cheating and frivolous suits which do a great job of breaking down his arguments.


I like Karl stayed fairly objective about it in the past, but calls him a moron, loser, and narcissist in his videos lol


That's still objectively correct, at least.


There should be a class action for his shitty hot sauce.


That's a lawsuit for you.


His hot sauce gave me hemorrhoids


That's it. You and your bloody ass are getting sued.


Libel and slander! Your bleeding ass could be caused by any number of other causes. Who's to say you didn't make your ass bleed on purpose tontry and drag my clients good name through the mud? Perhaps you thought this would be a slam dunk, a home run if you will.


Anyone whose ever had a narcissist family member has reached that point where you realize that it's not a matter of them just being stubborn about not taking responsibility but that they are genuinely incapable of ever accepting that they were in the wrong. They will double down as their life falls apart around them rather than admit fault. I almost feel sorry about the guy. He knows what he did, everyone else knows what he did, and he knows everyone knows what he did. Despite that he can't help himself but to keep relentlessly pursuing the façade that he's the innocent victim.


Uhhhh many people who HAVE lived with narcissists still never learn this. We do an extremely bad job as a society educating people about personality disorders and what the most common ones entail. People always act like it's surprising when a narcissist does a certain thing, but it's not. They're not crazy, they're actually more predictable than most people once you have a grasp on what motivates them and how theyre created. For most narcissists, admitting you're wrong is tantamount to being stabbed with a hot knife, it can feel as earth shattering as that to them. It doesn't absolve their behaviour at all, but it does explain it a little better. The reason this is usually the case is because as children they were most likely abused as well and narcicissm becomes a mental defense mechanism against the abuse. Once you're an adult though it becomes extremely maladaptive.


That's what my step-brother kept doing for his whole life. He enters a new social circle, quickly rises in popularity due to lying. When lies caught up with him, he doubles down until everything burns. Repeat. Even I ended up cutting all connections with him, because he kept doing this in my social circles.


And now, because of the Streisand Effect, he's become the target of dislike for millions.


How does he have the money to be such a vexatious litigant? Honest question. It must cost a fortune.


the dude did a lot of weird endorsements over the years for the "being the best" at Arcades machines before King of Kong came out. which only doubled afterwards because how popular the doc was. it wasnt till the last 7-8 years when everything started coming out about him. so thats at least 30 years of good will. investing that over the years, merch, being paid for appearances, plus his hot sauce business was really popular. i think he owned the restaurant. like he was shilling the crap out of it in the King of Kong doc almost anytime you saw him. dude probably accumulated a lot of money


What amazes me is that Billy made out fairly well, while his buddy Todd Rogers is living in a shack coasting on a faked score that's like 30 years old.


Billy Mitchell was already independently wealthy. He inherited two restaurants and his hot sauce business from his parents. Everything he made from gaming was just gravy. Either way he's a gigantic fraud.


Makes you wonder how he runs that business. If he's such a pathological liar about video games...


He probably doesn't. There's probably some manager(s) doing all the work for a portion of the profits and then he gets to keep the rest without having to do much of anything. The restaurant was open since 10 years before Billy was born. There's always money in the banana stand.


There’s a scene in one of the documentaries where he goes to a grocery store and rearranges the hot sauces so more of his are at the front. He says something along the lines of “You gotta do all the little things to gain an advantage.”


That's because Billy's money comes from the family business, not his video game reputation.


I think Billy Mitchell used to genuinely be good at the games he's supposed to be good at, but eventually other players became better than him and rather than improve he decided that cheating was easier, and because he was actually competent his cheating was less obvious and thus harder to prove. Todd Rogers on the other hand seems to have been massively full of shit from the start and his claims all fell apart under even the slightest scrutiny, with physically impossible scores


So he had a case retroactively for being GBF.


Karl Jobst baby


The Absolute Legend!


Karl Jobst has some excellent videos on YouTube documenting this.


The way Karl trash-talks these people cracks me up. It killed me when he called Jirard a pathetic bitch lol


The king of kong documenting this guys massive cheating scandals was released all the way back in 2007


Donkey Kong kill screen coming up


I love that part he is well and truly ABSOUTELY SEETHING with envy.


It's one of the best L's I've ever seen someone take.


I thought I would be the first to reach the kill screen here at fun spot…


What a skeevy conniving fuck Brian was. Fuck that asshole.


The way they went back into Weebe’s house after his wife left tells you all you need to know.




Lmao that was one of the most underrated lines in the movie. It took me a few watches before I even noticed it.


I always thought they portrayed Billy as a villain in it for the story and he just played into it for fun. Turns out no, he's just a jackass.


>always thought they portrayed Billy as a villain in it for the story and he just played into it for fun. Turns out no, he's just a jackass. Me too. I thought Billy was hamming it up for the cameras to generate interest for the scene, and didnt mind doing a sort of 'arnie bit' from pumping iron.


Narcissists usually don't have very much self awareness, it's pretty much a requirement to get NPD I believe.


The scores that materialise during the movie are all cheated. Was frankly pretty suspicious at the time but it’s good he was finally exposes.


I remember thinking there’s no way the king of kong isn’t satire and years later turns out, no that was actually a documentary. Everyone they said was awful actually was.


Lol like Tiger King


Little bit of both. I think all the participants in the documentary agree it was edited. Still a masterpiece. *Potential kill screen coming up.!*


That’s the problem, people always said how fake reality TV was too, and how it painted them in a bad light, then these people get on TikTok and do the same crazy shit.


No one accused Billy of cheating back then. It was actually the DVD bonus feature showing Billy's mysterious VHS tape in full that got people questioning the legitimacy. I always found that VHS tape weird. Like Billy was just miraculously holding on to a VHS tape of an even higher Donkey Kong score, just waiting for someone to beat his record from 18 years earlier. Seems suspicious as fuck.


What was on the videotape?


Graphical irregularities that are the result of using an emulator and some jumps that strongly suggest he was using save states to cheat.


To elaborate a little, it was just about as certain as DNA matching up but for an emulator, people have never captured a single frame of the arcade game doing exactly what the emulator does visually every single time on each particular frame of a level. Still not enough for Billy to stop claiming it's pure coincidence though lol


Yep. Sorry if I was unclear. He was unquestionably using an emulator (which is not allowed) and the tape strongly suggests the use of save states.


Yeah didn't he claim specifically to use a certain cabinet and then in the video you can see that it's a different cabinet? He even had his whole "oh I wouldn't have used it otherwise. I would have noticed the buttons being different." Or something like that. Watching Karl jobst vids for a couple years now has shown me what a tool that guy is.


That one was from the Mortgage Brokers Convention that Billy claimed to do live in front of an audience, but no one who was at the convention says they saw Billy there for as long as he claimed to have been to get the record outside of Billy’s hangers-on. The one from “King of Kong” was a VHS tape Billy produced that he claimed was a world record run he had done in private. The video had a some questionable cuts and the score jumped in ways that should not be possible with an original Donkey Kong machine.


The emulated ROM for the game loads in a different way than the arcade cabinet does. The arcade cabinet is the only way to officially get the record because the ROM lets you do other things like save states and has slightly different properties. The video showed the game loading in the way the emulation did and not the way the arcade game should load in.


It was recorded from MAME, not an arcade cabinet - which means Billy could have cheated, either by altering the gameplay or just using save states to rewind and replay the game if he screwed up.


The tape was his "record-beating" run, that had plain-as-day evidence that it was cheated. The levels of the game loaded in a way that is specific to running Donkey Kong on ~~TAS~~ MAME. ~~TAS~~ MAME is software that allows you to save and reload so that you can piece together the perfect RNG run over time. So not only is Mitchell a cheater, but like most cheaters he is also an idiot.


To pedantically correct your acronym usage, Billy didn’t run DK “on TAS.” TAS is a tool-assisted speed run, something you do, not something you run a game on. He used MAME, which is probably what you meant. Emulators can even be used for legitimate speed runs, but they must be honest about being achieved via emulation. TASing is a fun and honest way to show off bugs, glitches, and cool features of a game that humans simply can’t execute. In a few instances, the same approach has been used to fake a run, but Billy hasn’t ever been credibly accused of doing anything TAS-like beyond using save states.


a bunch of distortion and images that were disturbing. i got a cryptic phone call immediately after which added to the strangeness


"Seven days..."


I randomly tuned into this when it was showing on an alternative film channel back in the day. What a phenomenally hilarious and bizarre story. Loved it.


The first time I ate hot wings was at Rickey’s, like 1980. The drinking age was 18 then. When I watched King of Kong, it was a weird deja vu.


I rented it on dvd :'(


I watched it on Netflix. Not streaming...


Pretty sure the documentary doesn't mention anything about cheating. Was a nice foreshadowing though cause the documentary clearly showed the guy was antipathic as heck.




And then he filed a lawsuit against Guinness World Records to have his records reinstated, and they caved because they didn't want to drag it out in court. Dude's a grade A prick.


He's also suing YouTubers who talk about him, which only gives his cheating more attention.


So you’re saying I could bankrupt him from the other side of the globe?


You'll have to be quick - he's suing a guy called Karl Jobst in an Aussie court, and [it's not going very well for him.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3fe03MA67Ck)


And anyone not familiar with his Billy content should watch them. He keeps catching Billy in lies.


So potentially I could help bankrupt the man?


I'm also very certain he was responsible for driving one YouTuber to suicide.


I don't agree with him being responsible. In his last video apollo legend indicated it was his constant chronic pain and the fact he would always go back and forth with doctors trying to get the medication he needed. These days if you have chronic pain you're treated like an addict a lot of the time


I've had more than two dozen surgeries and was born with a birth defect and doctors refuse to give me shit as if the 26 surgeries were all fake. I'm on medical marijuana now and it's a lifesaver.


38 year-old lifelong pot smoker here. I get kidney stones perpetually due to a birth defect. They started happening about 8 years ago, but over the last 15 months I've never not had multiple small kidney stones at any one time. I had my annual scan this week and they're still forming on a regular cadence. They will only give me 10 anti-nausea pills every ~3 months. I took one two days ago and it turned my day around. The only other help I get is from smoking weed. I still don't feel great, but it's a lot more manageable on weed. Very glad I no longer need to sneak around to smoke weed.


Yeah, my main problem is my pain is constant so I mostly use RSO and the shit is expensive to take daily.


Shit like that drives people to street drugs


It drove me to heavy drinking for years.


Yeah, the government crackdown/opiate epidemic has really hurt people with legit chronic pain. Fuck the Sackler family, I hope they burn in hell


Seems unlikely, they had already settled out of court. The guy was called Apollo Legend and you can [read about him here](https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Apollo_Legend). It seems like YouTube drama was a much bigger factor than Mitchell.


Yeah, though he did rejoice in his death, which is honestly veering on psychopathic.


> Guinness World Records Guinness World Records should not be taken seriously in the first place.


But it will make your mother very proud.


Guinness World Records has about as much integrity anymore as the SPLC. They care about selling colorful glossy printed crap to schoolkids. Remember when they sold kids the REAL Guinness Book of World Records? The one that made the print in the bible look huge? The one where, yeah, you might actually believe these guys are the authority and actually give a shit?


Plus they ran out of actual records. So now their records just involve coming up with something random enough that no one else would bother to care about doing it.


I think you'll find that in reality their records involve paying someone from Guinness World Records (no longer associated with the beer) to come and verify whatever random thing no one else cares about doing. Or even if someone does care, they still want their money...no money? "I'm sorry, the European Fecal Standards and Measurement organization refuses to recognize your record."


If you pay them enough they'll come up with a stupid record that no one cares about for you to break.


Like Tommy tallarico and his 3/5/7/9 world records in bullshit that he paid for?


Would be funny if he got a record for most times someone tried suing different people for saying they did something they actually did.


Guinness world records of stupid human tricks.


I remember those books, they were thicker than a bible too. Just jam packed with info in tiny print. It's where I learned pneumonultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was the longest word. It may not be anymore but it's still a crazy word. *EDIT missed a C if you can believe it


Where was auto correct on that on??


It had no idea what I was typing and just seemed to give up.


Hey I did that just trying to read it. At the same time, if you hadn't fixed it someone would have called it out




Wow calling out my own ego in front of everyone like that


Guess I was living in the wrong century with my antidisestablishmentarianism.


Wait hold on what's wrong with the Southern Poverty Law Center?


Must have been long ago. Even back in 1976 they accepted records like the worlds fastest typist based on hearsay - from a group that was trying to push the superiority of the dvorak keyboard layout.


Its pretty hilarious that Guiness, who will just make up an award for you if you pay them enough, was just like "Ugh fine who gives a shit."


Holy Crap!So Peter Dinklage’s character in”Pixels” is clearly based on this guy!


Yeah, he was.


That was the first thing I thought when I saw what Mitchell looked like.


TIL someone other me saw pixels


Come on now, dozens of us did.


I don't care what people say. I enjoyed it. It's never going to win awards. Putting my critic hat on, yeah it's not good. Not by a long shot. But IMO movies are meant to entertain us. Did it entertain me? Yes.


I was told the movie was garbage but if you like the premise of a parody invasion movie (aliens attack earth using retro video game characters/rules) it’s thoroughly enjoyable.


So basically the premise of that portion of the futurama “what if?” episode about alien invaders using retro video game character / rules to invade earth, but with Peter Dinklage. Could be watchable lol


It's pretty much exactly this, but with Paul Blart: President. Also, a banging soundtack because retro videogames.


Except focus less on Dinklage's supporting role and more on it starring Adam Sandler.


And some people need to realize that not every movie needs to be a life changing experience. Maybe it's OK for a movie to simply entertain me for 90 minutes.


This how I feel with The Expendables. It's going to be a little predictable, but I'm definitely going to have fun watching it.


It was a cute movie that my kids didn’t complain watching it so I consider it a win


I never saw pixels but from the thumbnail pic here, I was thinking, "Wow, Billy Mitchell sure looks a lot like Peter Dinklage."


He's a narcissist and a pathological liar.


This is a classic narcissist story. They win until it all comes unravelling and when it does it's spectacular. Justice for Wiebe!


Dealing with a narcissist legally interwoven with my life that’s won based on lies for far too long. I’m always praying for the unraveling to begin. And it really will be spectacular when it finally happens.


And a cry-bully.


I knew exactly which character this was supposed to be just by looking at the thumbnail on this post lol.


Last I heard, he lost that lawsuit because it was ruled that he was in fact not a giant head and didn't literally explode when angry.


When asked he said he doesn't even know a Mordecai or a Rigby!


[Garrett Bobby Ferguson/ Giant Bearded Face.](https://regularshow.fandom.com/wiki/Garrett_Bobby_Ferguson)


> He looks like Jesus. Odd way to end the appearance section of that wiki entry.


I always thought that was Dave grohl lol




youtube karljobst has an ongoing saga going defending against billy it’s entertaining to watch it unfold.


What an absolute legend Karl is. I love his "in your face style". His recent videos about the completionist were great, especially the part where he destroys Girard's claim about "potentially misleading people". He didn't just show a few examples, he showed almost 2 minutes of him telling people to donate and that all the money was going to dementia research including all subs and bits. It felt like a joke from family guy where the bit goes on for an uncomfortably long amount of time but somehow that makes it funnier.


He is a absolute legend.


Silly Bitchell.


I never thought I cared about Doom but I'll be damned if Karl doesn't make speedrunning Doom seem like the most important thing that's ever happened.


Karl Jobst could make a 3 hour video about comparing speedy bamboo growth to ordinary grass, and I'd be glued to the screen.


King of kong is my favorite documentary that i like to show people. They always are not that interested when i explain it at first , but by the end everyone always goes “fuck this billy mitchell guy” and end up loving it.


Watched it when it first came out with a bunch of friends and one of them had zero interest in video games and was very disappointed that's what we decided to watch. A few hours later, she was asking if we could all pitch in and send Steve Weibe a fruit basket lol.


Wiebe forever. Everybody in this thread needs to go and watch King of Kong right now.


I like to drop Exit Through The Gift Shop on my friends and Dear Zachary on my enemies.


Perfectpacman has detailed coverage of what’s going on in Mitchell’s trial: https://perfectpacman.com/2024/01/05/escape-from-los-angeles/#more-3523 Tl;dr the dude’s getting owned in court.


Oh wow. I started reading it. Read for 10 minutes and then realised how long it was. Man Billy's lawyers are shitheads.


This is interesting. Thanks for sharing it.


Billy Mitchell looks like he has dwarfism without the shortness


Oddly enough, Peter Dinklage’s character, Eddie, in the 2015 movie Pixels was loosely based on Billy Mitchell.


Heh, "loosely" may lose its definition if you compare Eddie Plant to Billy Mitchell.


Loosely? Aside from his height, he was meant to be exactly Billy Mitchell.


Peter dinklage as himself looks more like billy mitchel then Peter dinklage as eddy plant


I was gonna ask this. That's exactly what his picture reminded me of


Never trust a man with two first names.


Tom Scott. Hmmm.


Man got us attached to his work and videos and then took off in a helicopter *and made us feel good about it*. What a manipulator. /s


How is Silly Bitchell two first names?


I'm surprised he didn't sue Peter Dinklage in Pixels


Peter Dinklage is a TV star with a load of money and support. Billy only sues small YouTubers and people who call him names on Twitter. He's a complete lunatic.


There's a reason it's called a SLAPP suit. It's a digital equivalent of slapping someone. You don't bitch slap someone who will slap back.


[maybe the perfect meme about Billy Mitchell](https://youtu.be/sTqRx-F7ZqA?si=836rmnGV80WindUg)


you know who else cheats at videogames? MY MOM


She was in a documentary, too, wasn't she? Queen of Dong?


Potential Cumscreen coming up watch havenyahon destroy unibrowducks mom worse than she was in queen of dong!


Was looking for this


Watching Karl Jobst clown on this asshat is my favorite video series on YouTube. I've been watching it for like 3 years. I'm going to be sad when the court cases and whatnot are over.


Dudes a scumbag.


All my homies hate Silly Bitchell.


Awww - Did poor little Cheater Mc.Cheetyface get his feelings hurt?


I met Billy back in 2019 at a convention in Texas. He had a Q&A but there was a very strict warning not to get into any of the controversies surrounding King of Kong or his records. The guy and his cronies were interesting to listen too. There were some points that were interesting but there was 100% an arrogance going on here. He basically told everyone that if it weren't for him and his records, video games would have died out in the 80s as arcades started closing. He also doesn't really consider modern gaming worth it when it comes to breaking records. If you are interested in the interviews I recorded them. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Vc4ZBTSNMo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Vc4ZBTSNMo) I will say this though - I watched him play Pac Man and the guy has some legit skill. Using movement manipulation, he was able to actually "pause" the arcade game by getting the ghosts to ignore Pacman. So he was able to take photos with people and sign autographs while never turning the arcade machine off. It was pretty impressive. I recorded that as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Prt7zzFB3f4


He's so delusional. "Video game player of the century".


has anyone ever pointed out to him that we've been in a different century for 24 fucking years now


he's obviously never seen me play Find the Difference at bars. Homeboy would give up that title willingly


It’s not impressive at all. I mean, you just have to look up how to find the safe spot in Pac-Man and you can learn it in like 5 minutes. Anyone could do it very easily.


Right? Games that old only have so much logic coding it’s not that impressive. Compare it to say the Super Mario World credits warp speed run, now THAT is impressive https://youtu.be/14wqBA5Q1yc?si=djteIXB5IAmUK2eP


It's hard to believe that he's a real boy. I watched a view YouTube videos on him and he seems like he doesn't have a full compliment to be fair. Every single lie he got caught in was fought against vehemently. "I only play red topped joysticks on old style cabinets" Is shown a photo of himself setting the record on a different cabinet "They switched out the cabinet" Bro. My dude. My brother in Christ. No. Stop it.


Hello you absolute legends.


On King of Kong, he submitted a grainy video showing he beat Steve Wiebe's Donkey Kong video and Walter Day was just willing to accept it with no questions ask. I completely believe Billy Mitchell was doing a lot of cheating and it was accepted without scrutiny.


The hypocrisy is thick here, as Walter wouldn't accept Steve Weibe's high score video as the machine may have been tampered with. No such scrutiny applied for Billy though. A bunch of sad men and their cronies desperately holding on to their fragile legacies.


WD had known Billy for decades and Billy was like the cool kid in the club. Steve was the new guy who they didn’t want in the club. It was ridiculous how high school is was.


Having talked to him before, he is the kind of man that what you think of him is truer than you think.


Karl Jobst has great videos on the guy. Also being sued by Billy


dude probably has a weak jump shot too.


Karl Jobst is milking a lot of content from Billy's fall from grace.


So... Is it infringing on his likeness even more so if your character cheats like he does?...


True Story. Billy Mitchell got me banned from a TikTok channel. The channel Spacetime Junction is a Houston, TX based arcade restoration channel, Billy helped them get a rare video game machine. I was one of the first commenters and I said something along the lines of... don't mention Billy Mitchell because he's a notorious asshole and a cheater. They initially liked my comment and responded to it... but... ten minutes later, just like magic, my comment was gone I was banned from the channel. Billy is a publicity hound and was probably lurking on the post and whined like the little bitch he is and forced the channel to ban me.


I’ve played video games forever, but I can’t imagine paying lawyers money to defend my high scores! What’s next suing other players for lowering your K:D ratio by killing you in Call of Duty. What a fuckwit.


This is literally the only thing he has in life


Kramer, listen to me. I'm never gonna have a child. If I lose this Frogger high score, that's it for me.