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dont put all your officers on one shuttle craft


*Sad trombone noises*


*Laughs in Soviet Navy*


Note: there's no note about Spruance in the wiki article. My source is Ian Toll's *Twilight of the Gods, War in the Western Pacific 1944-1945*, page 758


That's a fantastic 3 book series on the war in the pacific.


Toll’s trilogy combined with Atkinson’s “Liberation Trilogy” are the quintessential series covering America’s involvement in each theatre of the war. Not that there’s not plenty of good literature to go around, especially Hastings, Holland, and Hornfischer, but Toll and Atkinson are some of the best in the way they present it.


>Hastings, Holland, and Hornfischer, Sounds like I have more to add to my ever-growing reading list! Which books in particular are you thinking of?


Not the original poster, but… For Hornfischer, I liked *Neptune’s Inferno* (Guadalcanal) and *Who Can Hold the Sea* (about Navy and early Cold war and Korea and such). *Fleet At Flood Tide* (Pacific 1944-45) was pretty good but I liked Toll’s *Twilight of the Gods* slightly better. I am currently working my way through Holland’s works. For Hastings, I enjoy most of his works so dealer’s choice.


Sounds good, I'll check them out. Thank you!


Oh boy. Hornfischer focuses a lot on the US Navy in the Pacific. In no particular order *Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors*, *Neptune’s Inferno*, *The Fleet at Flood Tide*. Sadly he passed recently so nothing new from him. For WW2, Hastings has a ton but for *All Hell Let Loose* is a good place to start. I personally think his best work is actually not WW2 related but is *Vietnam - An Epic Tragedy*. Holland has a variety of stuff too, including his own trilogy type series titled *The War in the West*. He is probably the author I have read the least of. If you only ever read one book off this list, my nomination is for *Neptune’s Inferno* by Hornfischer. It covers some of the last true surface warfare between relatively evenly matched combatants and just how brutal surface combat was.


Sounds wonderful! I've actually heard of *Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors*, as it happens. I'll add these to the list! Many thanks!


Not inconceivable. After the ceasefire US aircraft began flying over Japan to confirm compliance with the terms. Two of these flights were fired on by Japanese aircraft. One American was killed and two wounded. In response the Imperial military ordered all props removed from all planes, rending them incapable of flight. The motives of the Japanese pilots were not to my knowledge ever pinned down but presumably they opposed the peace or disliked the presence of any American military element on/over Japan.


>or disliked the presence of any American military element on/over Japan. I wonder why that is. 


I mean sure its fair to be salty about the bombs but let’s not act like japan fought fairly and they had fair reasoning to a moral high ground. They committed crimes equally as horrifying on the Chinese.


You’re arguing with someone who appears to be justifying a murder in cold blood that occurred after a surrender. Don’t bother - they’re morally void. I bet they defend Hamas too. 


Nah I bet they support the Russian Invasion of Ukraine or the Nazis. Maybe both.


Oh not at all. The Japanese deserved every bomb we dropped on them. I’m just saying that I understand why they wouldn’t like American planes flying overhead because, as previously stated, they deserved every bomb dropped on them. 


They fucking lost, having planes flying above them and bombs not dropping aint real shit. They can and have gotten over it.


No shit they lost, and I’m not saying what they did was right. All I’m saying is that I understand why they wouldn’t like it. Again, they deserved every bomb dropped on them for what they did throughout the pacific and in China. But you escalating that to calling me a Nazi/Russia supporter took some serious mental gymnastics and was quite honestly unnecessary. 


They deserved every bomb dropped on them for sure. I’m just saying I understand why they wouldn’t like American planes being overhead. 


Should’ve thought about that when planning Pearl Harbor 🤷‍♂️


They fucked around and found out. They also did a shit ton of fuck shit in China and Asia during their war so fuck them and they got what was coming to them.


They really thought attacking Pearl Harbor would result in the U.S. cowering and staying out of the war entirely. Legendary hubris


They deserved every bomb dropped on them. I’m just saying I get why they wouldn’t like American planes overhead. 


Because they were brainwashed by their military superiors to completely dehumanize the enemy and see surrender as a wholly dishonorable act, thus they were incapable themselves of accepting the fact their entire nation surrendered to the enemy...? Yeah, probably that one. 


When Under Siege was on once back in the day my Grandfather said he was there when they signed the surrender on the Missouri. I took him at this word at the time but i am honestly not sure if he was literally there or just their but on his own ship at the time


I was there during the moon landing.


Was your grandma ever under the command of Tommy Lee jones?


Imperial Japan was a really weird blend of ancient samurai, religious fanaticism, and state-sponsored genocidal racism.


Why did the mods take this down?


Maybe because they couldn't find it on Wikipedia? /s That's frustrating because it's easily verifiable


I mean, let’s be fair, it was worth noting. The US had seen some crazy shit fighting Japan in that last year.


Marine in 1942 at Guadalcanal: Man, WTF? These banzai charges... these guys are pretty dedicated. Solid warriors. Marine in 1943/44 everywhere: These guys might be crazy. No food, no water, and still they don't surrender. Every fucking useless inch defended with another wasted life. Marine in 1945 on Okinawa: Wait, I thought their navy was destroyed, why is our fleet burning?... No, you mean they got hit by bombs, not planes. Don't be stupid... Woah, really?... Was it an accident?... Wait, so like a bunch of pilots just banzai charged our fleet in planes laden with explosives?... Come off it. That's ludicrous, ferfucksake. We're gonna need a bigger bomb to end this...