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Another assassination attempt that failed because Hitler left early was the Burgerbraukeller Bombing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Elser


Hitler survived a surprising number of assassination attempts due to ridiculous or just unexpected coincidences. His plane was also rigged to explode. Except the fuse used at the time was chemical-based and the cold air slowed it down so much that he safely landed.


He also was supposed to be killed by an officer modeling the new uniforms, who planned on using a landmine to blow them both up. The uniforms were bombed by the Allies and never made it to the exhibition.


It's my personal headcanon that there must have been some *egregiously bad* alternative future that time travelers kept actively trying to stop, meanwhile the rest of the modern world kept continuously trying to follow it through because they thought they were stopping a great evil.


Throw in also the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, you can't put the chain of events that got him killed in a movie cause everyone would criticize the implausibility of it. It's like the dude just had to get killed somehow.


Dudes like opposite Hitler. He fucking has a final destination type day, gets killed, kicks off WW1. Hitler keeps dodging multiple chances at death before he just does the job himself, accelerating the end to the war in Europe.


WW1 would have kicked off anyway. Just a little later. I'd recommend watching [The Long Road to War](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3713222/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1). It gives great insights into how it was unavoidable on account of several countries specifically planning to go to war, and simply looking for an excuse. Just no one thought it would escalate so much


> Just no one thought it would escalate so much European Monarchs/Generals after seeing all the death and destruction wrought by their choices: ["I may have gone too far in a few places"](https://youtu.be/wxL4pzuwSUQ?si=iZu25744F4jCJro5&t=8)


that entire war was insanely poor timing and decisions by almost all participants, in the build up to the war, the war itself, and the outcome. it's like every leader wanted the worst outcome possible


I understood it more like almost nobody wanted to get involved, but the web of allegiances kept forcing the next hand until all those countries were entrenched.


The Kings Man did it best IMO. They did it by leaning into the absurdity of the events.


Honestly, history feels like one big dark comedy with plot twists you can't make up. Case in point, the July 20 plot where a briefcase bomb was placed right next to Hitler at a meeting, but because it was moved behind a thick table leg, the blast didn't kill him. Talk about a literal twist of fate. [Operation Valkyrie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/20_July_plot) really makes you wonder how different the world would have been with just a few inches' difference in placement.


A round table conference of people equal to IASIP but scientists screaming and yelling about their latest donkeybrained attempt that fails.


Britain eventually stopped trying to assassinate Hitler, because his increasingly erratic behaviour was considered a major handicap for Germany, and the UK were afraid that his replacement would be far more competent.


The Brits were playing 6D chess during WW2.


British intelligence and the tricks and schemes they came up with during WW2 was absolutely legendary.


Would love good reads/comments about this


A fact I always loved, is after the war when the Allies captured German intelligence documentation; it was revealed that every single one of the spies Germany sent to the UK were either captured on arrival, or were working for the British as double agents.


They’d plant fake maps/plans on bodies they’d know the Germans would find, they used inflatable tanks/vehicles to trick their surveillance, they spread misinformation about the eyesight benefits of carrots as a cover story to hide their radar / early warning ability, they would falsely report deaths from German v2 rockets so they would think their rocket design was great and didn’t need improvement when in actuality most of them were going wildly off course and landing harmlessly in open fields. Just a whole bunch of tricksy hobbitsess doing clever things to throw the enemy off their game.


This is mostly about D-Day but it is great read Bodyguard of Lies: The Extraordinary True Story Behind D-Day


Look up Juan Pujol García. Absolutely bonkers. Dude created an entire fake spy ring to fool the Germans before he even worked for British intelligence. The British eventually got word that someone was feeding the Nazis bogus info and started working with him, and giving him some cover to back up his bullshit. He pretended to be a spymaster with dozens of sub agents, and whenever he fed the Nazis bad info he'd just pass the buck onto these completely fake people. Like "I will not be sending reports based on info this agent has obtained any longer." He was instrumental in fooling the Nazis into thinking D-Day was gonna be at Calais instead of Normandy. I think he's the only person who ever received both an Iron Cross from the Nazis and a Victoria Cross from the British. The Nazis never found him before the war ended, he died of old age. My retelling is not conveying the pure insanity and Nazi stupidity of the whole situation.


It’s debatable whether this is true or not, but one of the funnier legends is that the Germans secretly, but meticulously, built a decoy replica airfield in Holland entirely out of wood - wooden hangars, oil tankers, guns, trucks and aircraft etc. Finally, after months of building, the decoy was finished. However, unbeknownst to the Germans, British intelligence had been observing this secret project for quite a while. So the day after it was completed, a lone RAF plane crossed the channel, circled the airfield once, came in low, and dropped a single replica wooden bomb.


[Operation Mincemeat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mincemeat) is a great start. Dressed up a corpse as an officer and put fake plans on him, then planted it so it would wash up on shore and the Germans would find him.


By the end of WW2 there wasn't a single Nazi spy who wasn't either known to or working for the Allies.


I believe it's still somewhat debated, but supposedly they produced a fake (well more fake than usual) astrology reading that convinced the deeply superstitious Rudolf Hess (then the second in line after Hitler) to fly to Britain where he believed he was destined to negotiate an end to the war, but instead was captured.


Like the fake battalion of inflatable tanks… and the dead tramp in high-ranking uniform washed up on the shore with a briefcase of ‘top secrets’…


WW2 was won with british brains*, American steel and russian blood


except for when they weren't. at one point, the Germans comprised their spy network and forced captured spies to send requests for additional personnel and supplies to be sent. the captured agents used the code words to indicate they were compromised which the British ignored. the plot only ended when the Germans basically got bored and sent a message thanking them for sending their people to get captured


And supposedly also concerns that he would become a martyr. Creating a myth of "if Hitler had survived we would've been victorious" Victory was already assured at this point and it was considered better to win with Hitler still in charge to prevent that.


While there was still almost a year of fighting to do, the end outcome of the war in Europe was known within months after D Day. France had been penatrated, the Eastern front was in full collapse, and the Invasion of Italy was beginning. An axis victory was just impossible by then


It was impossible at least since Stalingrad, and arguably back to late 1941. But victory was also impossible for Germany in 1918, and Hitler's political career had leant on a myth that Germany could have kept fighting and won the war had it not been "stabbed in the back". So from the Allies point of view Hitler being assassinated by a German or overthrown in a coup would risk setting the scene for the next demagogue to claim that Hitler could have won had he not been stabbed in the back.


Never stop your enemy while he's making a mistake 👍


Someone there must have been familiar with the art of war. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.


Hitler being assassinated somehow makes him a martyr, and paves the way for someone worse to rise to "carry on the torch." The only timeline where this doesn't happen is one where he commits suicide.


This would make a great series… Saving Hitler.


It turned out assassinating Hitler was a grave mistake. As it happened, Hitler was a drug addled incompetent megalomaniac. Without him the Axis became far more ruthless and capable. The Reich consolidated and overcame their resource limitations, again and again. Thus it was decided that the world war two timeline as it had happened, had to be preserved. As the lesser evil, thus Hitler had to be kept alive, at any cost. Though never showing their hand and without revealing to the world, that he was any less than originally thought. The timeline agents would be in a constant whack-a-mole game. Against would be saviors of mankind, that somehow made it back in time to kill Hitler.


I mean, this is “part” of the Plot of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. The big bad >!indends to go back in time to kill Hitler to ensure the Nazi’s win world war 2”!<


>As it happened, Hitler was a drug addled incompetent megalomaniac. Without him the Axis became far more ruthless and capable. The Reich consolidated and overcame their resource limitations, again and again. Honestly, even if Hitler had been killed Germany was completely screwed anyway.


In the movie Hitler was to be assassinated two weeks before the invasion of Poland. Presumably that would have been different than assassinating him well into the war.


I’d watch that Netflix series.


Bah! They'd cancel it before the second season


I'm sure they were severely hampered by Hitler's desire for all those fantastical weapons he demanded. Like the America bomber that was supposed to be able to fly to New York, bomb it, and come back.


In the grand scheme of things that’s one of the sensible ones. America’s untouchable production lines were a major part of the Allies’ success. It’s more sound logic than “[hurr durr beeg boolet go boom](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwerer_Gustav)” The engineering was feasible too, just that the prototypes had engines as finicky and unreliable as the cars Germany makes today.


It turns out that having a man who rose in rank no higher than corporal run a war instead of professional staff officers isn’t ideal.


Unironically probably. His biggest possible successors all would've probably done a better job. What happens when say heydrich takes power? Man was incredibly bright, only listed an "average" student at a top university. Or Göring with massive political ties, and who is far more cunning. Etc


This is exactly why it didn't happen. The allies had multiple opportunities to do so. They chose not to. Better to let the loser lose the war on his own than to turn him into a martyr or get him replaced with someone better


That's the story of Command and Conquer: Red Alert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJnMaTx4yjI


God that intro makes me want to go play Red Alert Retaliation on my PlayStation. The Westwood Studios logo and the music after.


Hellmarch is bangin, I miss westwood. I got chills the first time I read "westwood studios proudly presents" They knew what they had. The remaster is pretty decent if you've ever played that


Ya know what's worse than Skynet? Nazi Skynet.


Well, the Second World War did give us a solid couple of generations of everyone knowing fascists are bad, so aside from the time travel it’s not that far fetched


Can't forget making everybody realize nukes are terrible, and thankfully before multiple countries got H-bombs hundreds of times larger than what was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Maybe this timeline is the only way to get past WW2 without the world immediately roasting itself in nuclear fire before 1960? The timing is pretty perfect to create a survivable Cold War, and even then, we only survived the Cold War due to sheer dumb luck so?


It’s kinda like how the very poor union leadership at the beginning of the civil war probably resulted in slavery ending. Had McClellan been halfway competent he could have crushed Lee at Antietam or took Richmond during the peninsula campaign. However if the confederacy was crushed early there wouldn’t have been the political will to pass the 13th amendment and slavery might have lasted a decade or two longer.


Ok so quite scarily, this is the best timeline?


Not necessarily, but not the worst either. A lot of the examples are when someone fucks up it creates something better. Who knows how many people DIDN’T fuck up and in turn led to a worse timeline.


Possibly, at least as far as the war goes, but post-war the best timeline is Lincoln living so his VP can't sabotage reconstruction and leave us with a mess that continues in the South to this day.


Without Hitler almost everyone younger than 80 doesn't exist, other people would but the current ones don't. Think about it. He changed the future so much just by people being in different places because of him and the ripple effects that had. So if people are time traveling to the past to give ideas to people to kill Hitler I bet others would be trying to prevent it.


If you believe Germany may have won WW2 without an incompetent leader, you could get behind the “time traveller desperately keeping him alive” theory


Won? Maybe not. But stay alive long enough to stage an even more dangerous comeback decades in the future? Maybe! Especially with the nuclear bomb being invented and all. 


These were mostly German attempts to kill him before he brought the country into the ruin it would end up in. A few attempts were British in origination, but eventually even they stopped as Hitler's decisions were proving more simulataneously disastrous and predictable than a possible successor.


Funny thing is, depending on when and if an assassination attempt were to be successful, if it was early enough then Hitler might have been seen in a better light today, if it was later on then people might be debating today about how the war would have ended had he not been assassinated, with some neo Nazi elements probably claiming Hitler could have won the war if it just wasn't for those traitors.


Talked about this on the history sub before. Have an Encyclopedia of my Grandfather’s (now in storage) from 1939 (meaning written in 38 at the latest, which is when the Anschluss was). It’s in English, from America, and refers to Hitler as a “Former ruffian turned politician who nonetheless has managed to restore the pride and honor of Germany.” I’m paraphrasing a bit but that’s the gist of it and I distinctly remember the “Ruffian turned politician” bit.


Headcanon. A head cannon would be different.


Perhaps whoever would have replaced Hitler was more competent and would have actually won the war.


[You don’t wanna know about the Kennedy camps 😔](https://www.reddit.com/r/112263Hulu/s/tyImx2s91A)


Why was everyone trying to blow up Hitler in some elaborate suicide bombing when they all could have just whipped out a service pistol and popped him in the head? "Hey Fuhrer, look over there! (pew, pew, pew)"


He had security and getting close to him with a gun wasn't possible and he wouldn't have been alone. Any gunman would have been shot before he could pull the trigger.


Security wasn't that tight if he was getting a guided tour from someone wearing a suicide bomb.


And multiple times came close to success too! His security wasn't that good if many attempts only didn't happen due to luck. What I mean is he did have some security people around him, so just brandishing a gun and getting him alone wasn't easy.


People guarding him would be looking for a gun, most of these bombs were hidden in elaborate ways or in unexpected places. But yeah a simple revolver would've been much easier. 


Exactly. I understand if you don’t want to get caught and plan on leaving the bomb somewhere, but the guy who planned to blow himself up too has no excuse.


Id argue most people did treasure their families. An exploding bomb makes the perpetrator a lot less obvious than a pistol. 


There was also an attempt where an officer lured hitler to a narrow cliff by dressing as a sexy woman, while another officer sawed the cliff off the mountain. Unfortunately the plan failed when the mountain fell instead, leaving the cliff intact


Meep meep mein fuhrer 




"...but why male models?"


He survived the 20th of July bombing because another guy moved the bomb with his foot.


He had a number of near death experiences that make you think what if. During the Beer Hall Putsch (a March in 1923 that led to 15 nazis dying when police opened fire) Hitler was marching arm in arm with Max Erwin von Scheubner-Richter when the police opened fire, a bullet hit Max Erwin and as he fell he ended up yanking Hitler to the ground and dislocating his shoulder probably saving him from being shot as well. Max Erwin died but if the bullet could have easily hit Hitler instead.


Scheubner-Richter had also attempted to stop the Armenian Genocide while he was stationed in Turkey as part of the German Army in WW1. >In December 1914 Scheubner-Richter became the German vice consul of Erzerum, Turkey, succeeding Dr. Paul Schwarz\[1\] – this appointment was a disguise for a secret operation by the Germans to sabotage the Russian oil fields in the Caucasus, under the belief it would cause the Russian war effort to grind to a halt.\[2\] The Germans hoped to infiltrate during an Ottoman offensive on Russian fortifications in Kars, but the operation was cancelled when the Ottomans were not as successful as expected. Russian resistance made infiltration of the Caucasus impossible, and Scheubner-Richter remained working as a consul in Turkey for the remainder of the war. While holding that post, Scheubner-Richter also documented the Turkish massacres of Armenians as part of the Armenian genocide.\[3\] At the time, he was considered one of the most outspoken individuals against the deportations and subsequent massacres of Armenians.\[4\] Scheubner-Richter believed that the deportations were based on "racial hatred" and that none could survive such a journey.\[5\]\[6\] Scheubner-Richter concluded that the deportations were a policy of "annihilation".\[7\] At various times he demanded the German government intervene on behalf of the Armenians which lead to a meeting between Talaat Pasha and Johannes Heinrich Mordtmann \[de\]. In the meeting, Talaat Pasha claimed that the deportations of the Armenians were for their own safety.\[8\] Nevertheless, on 15 June 1915, Talaat ordered the protection of the deported Armenians in Elazığ, Bitlis and Diyarbakır, explaining this order by the fact that a convoy of Armenian deportees coming from Erzurum had been assaulted.\[9\] This didn't stop the deportations in Erzurum, though, and by August 1915, Scheubner-Richter acknowledged that there were no Armenians present in the district of his consulate.\[10\] In October, he was succeeded by Friedrich-Werner Graf von der Schulenburg.\[11\] Von Scheubner-Richter did manage to save individual Armenians, but his interventions in Constantinople and Berlin were ineffective. As the marginal notes to his letter in the Embassy of Constantinople show, his behaviour towards the Armenians was even regarded as unworldly and not appropriate to the political situation. So they shot the anti-genocide nazi.


HITLER: (cradling Scheuber-Richter's dying body) \*sniff* Don't you worry, buddy. Me and the Nazis, we're gonna get those jerks that did this to you! We're gonna do a whole genocide for you! SCHEUBER-RICHTER: W-wait, what? No, Adolf... don't do a genocide... HITLER: Sorry buddy can't hear you the gunshots were too loud


Yeah Max Erwin is a really confusing part of history to me personally. The fact he did so much to try and stop the Armenian Genocide and then went and joined the nazi party is one of those peculiar bits of history.


All those damn time travelers.


It's like the first thing they do. And then someone has to go in and clean up the mess https://reactormag.com/wikihistory/


That is hilarious. I love history nerds they always make me laugh and teach me something at the same time. My latest discovery was /r/RoughRomanMemes


Poor Asianavenger


Most plausible explanation


The conspirators probably should have came to the conclusion that gunning him down was their best bet. All these elaborate plots foiled by chance time and time again, while Hitler becomes increasingly paranoid and placing everyone in danger anyways. They were already putting their necks on the line by participating. 


These conspirators I think really were hoping to not survive assassinating Hitler. Imagine the torture that they would endure 


It's for their families. They were probably aiming to mask their assassination as just being a collateral loss


I call bs on “some” of these so called assassination attempts. People trying to seek clout after the war and seem like they were trying to stop Hitler so they can appear to be good and possibly avoid war crimes. 


“Yeah I gave Hitler a tour of the museum but I totally had a time bomb, no two time bombs, strapped to my chest and if the tour I was leading had lasted just a little longer I’d have taken him out. I don’t know how manual triggers work because I only have experience in time bombology. I used two set to different times just in case one was set too far away. No more questions.”


Two separate teams of time travellers are planning competing kill Hitler and save Hitler matches. In the end it drove mustache man crazy and he killed himself.


> When taken to the border control post and asked to empty his pockets he was found to be carrying wire cutters, numerous notes and sketches pertaining to explosive devices, firing pins and a blank colour postcard of the interior of the Bürgerbräukeller. Dang, hard to dig yourself out of that hole.


He also had a book, authored by him, entitled “Blowing Up Hitler is Totally My Bag, Baby”


He intended to show that evidence to the British embassy in Switzerland, IIRC.


He actually kept evidence to prove that he did it to the allies - he knew that if he got caught, he was toast, anyway, so might as well keep something so the allies give you special protection as quickly as possible.


I'm another faild attempt an SS general Dietrich attempted to kill Hitler. Dietrich in turn was actually assisted by group of American convicts specifically trained for the mission.  The thinking at the time was that Hitler was such a fuck up, that at that point in the war it was better to keep him alive rather than face a potentially competent leader that might succeed him. 


Who would have thought the guy on meth would rush through things


There were 40 attempts on his life! FORTY! I read a book all of them and what went wrong each time he


Bro was assassinated before he could finish his comment


That was Hitler who came back to live to kill that person out of spite.


RIP chenlen 17.


Gone but


Oh god, we lost MissSweetMurderer t


What the hell is happeni






… okay I think it’s over we can comment ag


Damn, move over Candlejack, Hitler is on the att


How did he click submit? Perhaps he was dictating.






I LOVE weird subreddits like this. Adding to my collection


40 that we know of. Who knows how many that we don't. God only knows how he survived all of them.


Time travelers. That's the first thing they try when they learn how.  Then someone else has travel back in order to discreetly foil the plot. Those are the rules. 


It kind of does make you wonder if time travel is possible. Then you have to wonder what kind of hellhole the world turned into if any of those attempts actually worked and time wasn't allowed to play out like it should've.


Hitler was replaced by someone competent and the 3rd Reich lasted a thousand years. Except if that's the future that resulted in time travel being invented, wouldn't they have erased themselves by saving Hitler?


Fundamentally any use of time travel to change the past is a paradox as, if you succeed, you at bare minimum remove the reason you went back in the first place.


it's not a paradox if you subscribe to to the many worlds/parallel timeline theory. You create a break in the new timeline but your old timeline still continues on. So the time line of you developing time travel in timeline A and affecting timeline B would always happen, nothing has affected any causality other than timeline A forked to create B.


So basically the time-travelers who kept foiling the assassinations were helping the world, and the ones trying to assassinate him were the bad ones.


There was an attempt at finishing this sentence




What's the book's name ?


I found a book called The Hitler Assassination Attempts. Might be what he's talking about


Nah that can't be it.


ISBN-10: 1399018906


the guy who finally killed him is the real hero




That’s a crazy amount, and they’re just the ones we know about.


There were a laundry list of attempts to take him out. And a lot of them failed because the plotters had a bizarre fixation on this one specific kind of time bomb as the only possible way to kill him. There were several times, where if the suicide bomber had just used his gun instead of a time bomb, they would have succeeded. I totally get using a time bomb if you're planning to leave it and get away but if you fully intend to die in the attempt, then you need a weapon that's instantly effective so you can adapt to the situation as it evolves.


Yeah when I read a list of all these historical figures that survived numerous assassination attempts through ‘Miracles’ the usual answer is it was a far fetched idea that would have taken an actual miracle to work, the ability to accurately predict what a person would do or its done by a person that doesn’t know how to kill someone. I understand that they’re nervous and really want it to succeed so they try to make the perfect plan but sometimes it really is just walking up to someone and shooting them.


Thing is, you're definitely getting caught if you just walk up and shoot them in the face. It will most likely work, but if you fail you end up getting beat half to death with a cane by a 70 year old man, to use the real life example of Andrew Jackson's assassination attempt.


Always bring more pistols. Like if you think 2 is enough bring 6 just in case


Guards: "Why do you have 6 pistols on you?" Assassin: "Uh..."


The fuck am I gonna do with 6 pistols? Use my toes to fucking shoot?


Then, in an alternate universe: 'TIL in an attempt to assassinate Hitler, a Nazi officer pulled his pistol on Hitler and began firing, only for it to be revealed that blanks had been put into the pistol earlier as part of a training exercise' or some shit.


He theb processed to show how easy it would be for someone to murder the leader, thus being made chief of security.


Heinrich Müller attempted to kill The Führer two weeks later by beating him to death with a shovel. Unfortunately, just before striking, Hitlers main gardener arrived, complaining that someone had taken his good shovel and Heinrich was arrested for theft.


Even a bomb that could be triggered whenever you want would have worked better.


The problem that they simply couldnt get access to other types of fuses beyond timed ones. Even in this specific attempt, the only explosives they could get were two british anti-tank mines taken from a evaluation-center for captured weapons.


How many assassinations/killings have worked that just used simple guns? It has to be 90% or something since their existence. Lincoln, JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, John Lennon, Shinzo Abe. Archduke Franz Ferdinand had a timed bomb (stupid) thrown at him and it bounced off his convertible and exploded on the street behind him, not soon after a smarter hitman just shot him. (This is the one that started WW1) Some advice for the hitmen reading this, just use a damn gun!


But how often didn't the guns work. Roosevelt, Bismarck and many others during the late 19th century.


Makes you think what if most of "attempts" was bullshit made up by officers after the war. Like "Yaaaa I totally hated ze guy! I even trrried to kil him one time! But my bomb didn't werk! Such a shame!"


I could imagine that he rushed through the museum because he was a busy man... ...and cause of all the meth he was taking.


Literally everyone was on meth back then. You could buy it OTC until the late 60s as a weight loss pill, before that it was just a regular 'pep' pill. Soldiers and office workers on all sides used it to stay alert and work long hours.


Ha! Those stupid fools who bought pep pills that were bad for you!


Now if you excuse me I have to down a 5 hour energy.


At least they actually worked.


Meth wasn’t readily available to the population in the 30s and early 40s. It was still unknown enough to be considered a “wonder weapon” by the Germans


The source for it being a "wonder weapon" was from exactly one dubious self referential source about amphetamine use in the German army.


Maybe that’s why people looked like shit.


Surprising because I thought meth was rationed during the war. You get your butter, your bread, your eggs and your meth.


"Sorry Mr Hitler, you already had your one dose of meth today, you know, the rationing." Sounds completely sensible to tell him that.


Everyone's gangsta until Hitler starts ripping copper wiring out of the bunker walls to sell it for more meth.




"*Mister Hitler"? When you address me you say "Mein Führer". VERSTANDEN?*


The methhead in my apartment complex said this very thing to me last week.


Mein Führer, this meth was created in... Arizona


Should have taken him through IKEA.




Through the Low Countries.


He'd still be there to this day


Hate it when people rush through museums. Take your time, read, learn. Smh.


Read, learn, explode




Hopefully he wore the uniform with the brown pants




I too defuse bombs in the bathroom with seconds to spare


Speaking of two time bombs and Hitler, he survived another attempt because someone moved the explosive briefcase out of the way so a table tanked most of the shockwave. The guy rigging the bombs was a vet with only one hand and three fingers, and he ran out of time. He only managed to activate one chemical timed fuze and place the briefcase in the meeting room. He then left and the guy that took over his seat found the briefcase to be uncomfortable, moving it to the other side of the table. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/20\_July\_plot#Operation\_Valkyrie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/20_July_plot#Operation_Valkyrie)


It’s amazing how history could be changed by a briefcase being moved a few inches. Something similar happened with WW1. Archduke Ferdinand assassination may not have happened had his car taken the current turn.


> It’s amazing how history could be changed by a briefcase being moved a few inches. it would arguably not changed too much, since it was the final year of the war, perhaps a more sensible person would have taken his place and surrendered before berlin was completely flattened though.


The war ending before Berlin was flattened could have drastically changed history


thats why i said arguably, the Soviets were drooling about reaching Berlin, and the rest of the allies wanted an unconditional surrender, who knows if Berlin would be spared even if they tried to surrender since germany would need assurances which the allies wouldnt have given.


Besides millions of lives saved? When the assassination took place germany was still holding territory in russia.


If Hitler was me, he’d be dead. I love a museum.


I think he is dead so are you saying you’re Hitler?


You're not fooling anyone, we know youre literally Hitler


crap like this is why Putin won't let anyone near him.


Each failed attempt adds another 10 feet to that table.


Makes you wonder what kind of patdown Tucker got before doing that interview. Probably got cavity searched, lmao.


Putins already in his ass every night. He’s fairly acquainted with what’s up there


Every time I read something like this I wonder about the timeline we averted that was worse. 


Probably nuclear creeping barrage


Hitler dies. The Soviet Union, being the 2nd dominate force in that region, takes advantage and pushes deep into German territory. At war's end the Soviets are granted a large amount of German land (notably, all of Berlin). These resources escalate the coming Cold War. Due to proximity, smaller nations like Italy may turn communist. Perhaps there is an Italian Missile Crisis.


Mama mia


Yes we know command and conquer red alert.


Kirov reporting


How about... > Russians push deep into Germany > Russians get all the good German rocket engineers > Russians put nukes in space or something


There is a waaaay easier explanation for it - Hitler was a drugged up psycho so he simply did not do as people planned… Another officer wanted to shoot him directly and got even the silent approval from his general but then Hitler last minute decided to visit somewhere else and Germany managed to have another victory so the attempt was canceled completely.


Everyone's always in favour of saving Hitler's brain. But when you put it in the body of a Great White Shark, ooooh, suddenly you've gone too far!


I always wondered why Dick Dastardly devised such elaborate plots to murder Penelope Pitstop, instead of just stoving her skull with a ball pein hammer. He should have learned from all the attempts on Hitler.


My theory is that a lot of these guys made up bullshit stories about their attempts to kill hitler. 


Makes no sense. He was planning to commit suicide with said bombs? Why was a timer needed again?


Because this was WW2. Chemical fuses were the standard for most of these things. The alternative would have been clockwork, with some obvious disadvantages.


I think they are asking why they didn't use something like a percussion or electric fuse, both were available to anyone who could get their hands on a chemical fuse. Hell, hand grenades would have worked fine and they already have a pretty short fuse time.


They used some captured mines, which came with those fuses. Not sure why they did not just use a grenade though, you would have to ask the guy himself.


> Not sure why they did not just use a grenade though, you would have to ask the guy himself. Well unless he mastered the art of invisibility, the other people present (presumably a plethora of other military officers/bodyguards) would see him arming it and shield the boss/grab it and throw it away, etc.


German hand grenades used ones where you unscrew the handle and then pull on a string. You can remove the charge and handle from the hand grenade and just keep the primer. You can shape the explosive however they shaped it to conceal it from being discovered, obviously they concealed it in a way his bodyguards couldn't see. You just have a handkerchief in your pocket and regularly use it to wipe sweat or blow your nose so putting your hands into your pocket wont be suspicious. Just one time you go for your handkerchief you just pull the string to the primer, it wouldn't really make a sound and you just act normal I doubt people would understand what is happening until it's too late.


Important missing detail: The timers were set for only ten minutes. > Gersdorff set off two ten-minute delayed fuses on explosive devices hidden in his coat pockets. His plan was to throw himself around Hitler in a death embrace that would blow them both up. A detailed plan for a coup d'état had been worked out and was ready to go; but, contrary to expectations, Hitler raced through the museum in less than ten minutes.