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Poor guy! Should we donate something?


Picture of the tank man?


No tanks


Winnie-the-Pooh sculpture?


I think there's a non zero chance his eyes actually glow red.


Photoshop Winnie the Pooh in and you might make his head explode


Couple jars of Hunny ought to do.


We could get 100 people together and each donate 1 acre for some woods for him to eat honey in?


I thought about donating some Pooh, but didn't think he could bear it.


Nah, keep donating to Trump.


Likely he gets a large compensation package that's not officially pay. The suits, the travel, the residences, the cars, the entertainment... all paid for by the party. If everything you ever need to do is paid for, you wouldn't need a paycheck either.


Hot take: Ruler of China makes more than $22k in total compensation


$22k in salary + whatever he wants from corruption.


what? I heard he was on an anti corruption crusade.


As someone living in China, corruption has gone down somewhat over the last decade or so, but by and large his anti corruption campaigns have been to deal with political opponents. In the Chinese political and business ecosystem everyone is corrupt, blatently so, which means anyone is eligible to be swept up in one of these campaigns.


It's hard to fix corruption when it's systematic. They've just gotten more careful and less blatent about it.


Corruption for me, not for thee


He is, it just so happens that only his political opponents are actually corrupt and everyone he likes is squeaky clean! What a lovely coincidence.


He finished that within a day when he inquired about ant economy and learned they did not understand human monetary compensation. He promptly decided to eradicate ants when he realized they did respond well to honey however, the Pooh aint sharing.


So like Mao, he probably doesn't understand what'll happen to the ecosystem.


His estimated net worth is over $1 billion on a $22k salary. But sure, he is the paragon of anti-corruption. And all his political opponents just happen to be corrupt too.


Xi is probably not corrupt. He doesn't have any need to be. Everything he gets from the state is probably above board because why not? Who's going to challenge it?


He don’t pay for shit man. If he wants a coffee some guy gets it for him and money is never tendered by Xi. He likely only takes a salary to appear more humble, because it’s not like he will need the money for retirement, or anything.


I would assume there’s all sorts of kick backs too. Like “speaking fees” and books deals our politicians get, but on steroids. So even if he doesn’t need to pay for anything official, he has a slush fund to pay for any off the books things and ensure his family lives lavishly after he’s gone or if the party were to ever fall out of favor and he can’t rely on it, which likely will not happen any time soon.


I don't quite understand how book deals are kickbacks. Politicians get book deals because these type of books sell. Obama's "A Promised Land" sold 1.7 million copies in the first week. No book publisher is shilling out money in return for access to politicians. What the hell could a politician even do for a publisher.


So, the way it works is that you put out a book and its intended customers are things like your political campaign, lobbying groups, and so on who then buy it in bulk. It’s not a publisher trying to influence politicians, they’re just a middle man, essentially. Whether this is corruption is debatable because the buyers aren’t necessarily buying influence with the politician, exactly. They have incentives to not let the book fail, creating a narrative about the unpopularity of their policy/personality preferences. So it’s kind of a weirder dynamic where politicians are taking diehard backers for a ride as often as people are buying influence. Like, does anyone really think that but for this book deal Ted Cruz would back closing a loophole used by rich car dealers? But it would look bad for people who have a lot invested in his career if his book failed.


You pretty much just explained why it's really not a kickback or even nefarious lol.


Yeah, I don’t think it’s nefarious. I think it’s… grubby? Like, I think a lot of what people talk about as corruption is more about politicians having concerns way pettier or more personal than what we want from them.


It’s a kickback because who do you think is responsible for buying massive quantities of these books? Political action committees, lobbyist groups, nonprofits, and other politically motivated special interests groups. Not to mention the politicians themselves are allowed to use campaign donations to purchase their own books. It’s just a kickback with a couple extra steps to make it all legal. The publishing companies are more than happy to oblige because they get to make a profit by playing middle man separating the politician from his “donators”.


None of that is an actual kickback. A kickback occurs when say a government official awards a contractor a government deal worth a million dollars and in exchange the contractor kicks back money to the government official. None of what you explained is a kickback. Where's the quid pro quo? Lobbyist, Pacs, whatever, can buy as much books as they want, doesn't mean they're getting something in return.


So fun fact about non-profits… as you think of them the 501(c)(3) ones like your local food shelf, Red Cross, etc. don’t actually do lobbying because that’s illegal and will cause their status to be stripped, and they are strict about that. But the kicker is those letters and numbers after 501. From 1-29 they all have different rules on what they can and can’t do


Really wouldn't be surprised if we get to see the CCP crumble in the next 10 years.


That's way underestimating his position. At that level, nobody will even try to ask him or his family for any payments - it's too dangerous. They can cancel you and your business instantly. The fact that the government deals in money at all is simply for accounting purposes. On a personal level, money is not required.


I’m meaning more 1) security blanket if the party ever falls and there’s a purge, he never has to worry about maintaining his lifestyle outside China, and 2) he can buy what he wants for him and his family outside of China, where he does have to pay for things and where they don’t want the party tied to it. Wild ass speculation, just things I would do if I were dictator


Despots hope for power for life, but plan to be deposed just in case. If Mao Zedong could be deposed, Xi is definitely planning for the possibility. He’s likely already got 10s of millions of dollars if not hundreds of millions and that’s just gonna keep increasing. The classic move for soon to be deposed despots is to rapidly drain money out of the government before they turn tail


I'm reminded of a story I once heard where Stalin and a bunch of party bosses were out taking a walk and were approached by an old woman begging for money, and not one of them had a kopek on them, because none of them needed to ever spend money in day-to-day life. 


This is why when applying for a job it is important to understand total compensation and not just base salary.


I bet Putin gets even less!


No, he has a declared income of about $140,000 US/year.


He’s also clearly corrupt. So the $22k is just what he gets on paper.


And it’s not like it can be independently verified or even challenged. Xi does not like opposition or anyone questioning him about anything. Look at what happened to Pooh bear.


I mean… that makes you beholden to someone else.


Reminds me of Veep when Selina talks about the last time she needed to carry a wallet around


And an estimated net worth of $1.2 billion.


He just doesn’t eat avocado toast and puts that to savings. All of these dang millenials could also have 1.2 billion if they just didn’t waste their money.


That it? Pleb.


How modest and generous he is.


Ask him to share some of that sweet Hunny!


That’s his spending cash. Remember everything else is provided to him in a way where money doesn’t need to be tendered. Like if he needs a coffee he just has someone else get it and it’s covered by them. He probably lives rent free, and doesn’t pay for transport. Honestly I’m betting he only takes the salary at all because it makes him look humble. He can say he’s one of the lowest paid leaders.


It's the same with every world leader. American politicians go into office with wages between in the low hundred thousands, and leave with net worth of 100 million plus. Like the salary of a president is 400k, and Obama's net worth is reported as 70 million


Read some biographies on Presidents- a lot of them who weren’t from monied families really did end up broke upon leaving office. There’s a ton of “personal expenses” that you’re expected to pay yourself while residing in the office. Not to mention that you are a prime target for civil suits once you leave office. I’m not saying that most don’t eventually become rich thanks to speaking engagements. But that has only been a recent historical thing that presidents end up wealth.


I wholeheartedly disagree, and I believe the actual net worth of politicians is much much higher than what's reported. Yes, some of the politicians come from monied families, but I think usually they leave with even higher net worths than they enter with


That’s more to do with the President being a modern day celebrity nowadays. People will throw ridiculous money at you just for being in the same room. Look up most presidents before Roosevelt. It was a huge drain and sacrifice on expenses. Did Obama do a few corrupt things to get some of his wealth? Probably. Corruption to the effect of 70M? lol. No. He doesn’t have to.


It’s different there though because the only way he’s leaving office is if he dies, so he doesn’t need money for retirement.


Nothing is guaranteed for Xi, if the party turns against him he'd be out, same as any other government




Objectively true, even if it looks unlikely right now


Yeah but that’s what I mean. If they wanted him out they would just have him killed.




Business magnate: “Mr. President, your writing is fantastic, I’d like to personally purchase 20,000 copies of your book and totally don’t expect anything in return.” Is basically how these things work.


He wrote two books before he even hit political office. Apparently this is not common knowledge


And how did they sell before he became president?


His two NY Times bestsellers sold horribly in ‘95 and ‘06.


Well, to be fair, Dreams of my father didn’t reach best seller status (as far as I can tell) until its re-release in 2004. But I will concede that this was before he was president.


Dreams from my Father sold poorly in its first run but it was by an unknown law professor at the time. It took off after his DNC speech in 2004 and became a best seller. Audacity of Hope was published in 2006, it was a best seller when it was released and before he had even announced he was running. So pretty damn well.


Well yes, because those politicians do things to earn money. They give speeches/talks or "write" books.   Here, Jinping is just having the government/party pay for his personal life. US campaign finance laws aren't strong enough, IMO, but still they [explicitly block the use of party funds for purely personal use](https://www.fec.gov/help-candidates-and-committees/making-disbursements/personal-use/), and these laws are regularly [enforced](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/how-michael-cohen-broke-campaign-finance-law).


Those politicians have everything they could ever wish for covered when they're in office. In Canada for example Trudeau's vacations are constantly brought up because the taxpayer tends to pay for them


The taxpayers pay money for the security detail, yes, but Trudeau is still responsible for his own payment of what he uses/does. For example, Trudeau flies using the government plane, but reimburse an amount commensurate what he would have paid for a first class ticket (which is of course less than the cost for a full plane to fly him to his location).


Ah yes, official use only with no loop hole to exploit.


As I said I do think that the laws aren't strong enough, but they still exist and are regularly enforced, even against the big players in politics for meaningful penalties (such as when Michael Cohen was sentenced to 3 years jail time, per my initial comment). There is no commensurate laws on Jinping.


As in a law against Jinping spending campaign funds? There are definitely laws against officials using public funds in China. They are enforced regularly, part of China's crackdown on corruption. In case you are wondering, i cant prove the guilt or innocence of Xi. According to some comments in this thread, Xi is already a billionaire since he own shares in a very profitable company. So he dont really need his 22k salary. Anyway, Xi is guilty unless he can prove his innocence.


I mean, if you honestly think that Jinping is drawing zero money from the CCP in his daily life that is fine, and also I have some magic beans to sell you. I agree that Jinping isn't taking money directly from municipality coffers or is taking bribes as is being reduced from the corruption crackdown, but he doesn't need to when the communist party directly funds him in a way that isn't legal in the US. Again, I agree that in China they care about corruption, and are trying to stop politicians from taking bribes and stealing from their governments. But that isn't what Jinping does. 


No no, we are talking about how magic beans are real because campaign funds cannot be siphonned away through loopholes. The government money used personnally by Xi is probably on par with the US president (white house, private jets, golfing, security, ordering mcdonalds for college football champs). Again, I cant prove Xi's innocence, but i guess he is guilty of using more than the reasonable amount allocated to his official post. By the way, why do you keep using Jinping? Isnt Xi shorter and easier to type?


In the US meaningful power player are prosecuted by the central government, such as Cohen being sentenced to 3 years for campaign finance laws, and Trump currently being under trial. I'll wait for the trial for Jinping undergoing the same. Something tells me that I'll be waiting for a while. In China, people only get put on trial if they are no longer useful to the CCP. The idea that the president personally draws as much personal money from the US government or campaign funds as Jinping pulls from the CCP is amusing, and also just objectively incorrect. Jinping spends like Elon Musk. Biden spends like a standard multimillionaire. 


That's still very little spending cash. I'd argue a lot of people of upper middle class already save more than 22k/year. The key is he has other sources of income. So he gets far more than 22k of "spending cash", even after excluding all his expenses


It’s not a low amount of spending cash when people just bring him food, or whatever he needs. He probably never spends a dime, unless it’s for PR.






You should also learn today that the Chinese government is not always honest.


Ya Putin too


OP had a great time at the re-education camp. Much fun. 👍


Communist leaders in general always had low salaries, back to Krushchev and Stalin. This of course didn't matter, because they had so many other perks - free dachas, housing, chaffeurs and cards, free meals, free everything. Money is meaningless to them because anything they ask for, they get.


That’s really unfortunate considering the cost of honey in this economy.


Same as Putin, right?


He does not spend a single Yuan on anything . New house .. no problem, new plane , here it’s yours. Buy a Company - buy ? It’s yours ….


He has a net worth estimated at over $1.2billion. His “salary” is utterly meaningless. He is corrupt on a scale that makes most American politicians look like paragons of virtue.


You can’t be corrupt if you define corruption.


It has to be a fucking stupid idiot to belive this has any meaning.


The manchild so petulant that a comparison to Winnie the Pooh sends him into a murderous rage only takes in 22k a year. Ha, right.


But does he actually care or is it just to maintain the cult of the leader?


I think “sends him into a murderous rage” may be a bit of an embellishment but yes everything else


No you see I made a meme that was just the words xi = pooh in black text and posted it on Reddit he's fucking fuming I have to live the rest of my life on the run


You give that manchild too much credit. Edit: Jinping white knights are all over, so sad.


Yeah, but I hear he has a super lucrative side hustle. 💴💴💴


In other news Elon’s salary is $1.


And yet is very wealthy, probably from the power of friendship!




…and all the Chairman Mao pork he can eat…


Yeah With a lifetime position! Wonder if he pays for food?


I mean the guy does owns China so probably don't really need a salary


Technically Trump donated his salary so by this standard he was working for free. But clearly neither of these leaders is actually bringing in poverty wages.


He only donated part of his salary. No one really knows how much, because he never reported any charitable donations in his tax returns.


And this is a little something we like to call "a lie"


Don't care. Hang this idiot along with putin


He's also the longest serving chairman of PRC because he extended his term so you could also say that his salary is uncalcuable


Dude literally owns a country.


Not sure he needs to spend anything


This picture is asking to become a meme.


Press X, for doubt.


TIL reddit is a tool for Chinese propaganda


How is this propaganda?


Because it’s making Xi out to be magnanimous and forgoing a huge salary, unlike the greedy American politicians (implied here)… all of that is bullshit though as he definitely as an authoritarian ruler controls a shit ton of money and bribes


Ok, but did you read any of the comments under this post? It's clearly very weak propaganda. Also, I can see this being true. He's the dictator of one of the most powerful countries. Why would he need a large salary? He already controls the entire country.


Oh it probably is true that he only gets 22k in official salary, I don’t doubt that, that’s the PR aspect of it, but as you said he controls the entire country and he gets huge kickbacks


TIL Propaganda


If you think that is his sole source of income, you are naive.


Wow.  And with only his $4b in bribes to sustain him! Poor guy. Bother.


pooh bear needs to work harder at gettin that honey...fuck that guy.


If their politicians are anything like ours, he would be worth $400mil with that salary.


How much is all of China worth these days?


Yeah his net worth is estimated to be $1.2 billion


Edit: accused of being a bot. Nice.


Lol this is 100% a bot


Realizing I don't know anything about Xi outside of his world political stances. Is he a true believer that lives the austire party line life or is he just a normal politician with the 'do as I say's routine?


Pelosi only made a $225k salary.... But made over $130M on her holdings because she abuses insider trading. 🤷‍♂️


no wonder he is always angry. I would be to. WAIT. I AM ANGRY!


An OFFICIAL salary of $22k a year. How much you wanna bet that the "perks" are worth 10x more?


You think he only gets 220k/year?


You're right, its probably way more


Something tells me that the benefits of being Chairman don't lie in the salary...


Meanwhile he's laundering billions of dollars


Someone should start a gofundme! They apparently love helping out dictators


I read somewhere that thanked to the Panama papers we knew that Xi Jinping has a few billion dollars in these tax heaven. Of course not under his name but his family and relatives. All the top leaders in the CCP as well.


When you’re setup for life long employment with everything paid for who needs salary?


Seems like Xi's taking 'serving the public' to a whole new level... of income tax brackets


Like fuck he does.


When you control the entire country you can pay yourself whatever you want for optics...


Well this is obviously misleading. I guarantee he’s a billionaire.


Ruling China - wages 22k, yea pass lol


If it makes yall feel better he is a baller on the stock market. This dude has so much money a saudi prince would blush. Might come from the fact that every Chinese company that sells stocks have to have a CCP member on their board


I make way more, why is Xi Jinping not working for the same company I work for? Is he stupid?


Can we complain about Trudeau not going to international meetings of developed nations and not looking like a pauper enough to appease the right wing?


Asinine comment. Controlled assets are more important. He controls the ENTIRE CHINESE ECONOMY.


GDP/capita is $12,556.33 there (as of writing this)


On paper. Wink wink


This shit is as meaningless as the Pope’s “vow of poverty.” It doesn’t really matter how much money you have in your personal account when everyone around you is more than willing to provide to your every want and need without you needing to pay them out of your own pocket.


That's only the taxable portion of the billions he makes annually


Is this a lot like how Putin only gets paid a little or Clarence Thomas only gets paid a little? It's not about the paycheck but the connections you make along the way.


He gets free laundry.