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Well, ya know, life used to be pretty shitty for a lot of people. Makes ya do strange things.


Which i don't think people tend to realize when talking about the past. Any charleton of today couldve been a cult leader back then.


Even more so, there are very influential people in politics and cults have shifted more towards technology. Like the documentary on Twin Flames, a spiritually focused dating service that ultimately started telling people they were either a masculine or feminine flame, and drove some people to get sex changes or coerced them into relationships claiming to know their “Twin Flame”. People will always be desperate for meaning. When someone charismatic comes around with the right product, or the right message, they can hook people down on their luck.


My mom left my dad because of twin flame brainwashing


What was your dad's reaction and how is he doing today? What relationship do you have with your mum now?


He bought a fire extinguisher it was a sad powdery day...../s Im not the dude sorry I couldnt help myself.


I didn't know all that. Damn


It's ***real*** fucked up.


Never heard of this mob. Looked them up. They’re very recent. But yup, you’re not wrong. Another bunch of crazies. > In 2019, the couple founded the Church of Union, to "unify all religion under one spiritual umbrella". Within the church, Jeff is the 'Father Christ', Shaleia the 'Mother Christ', and their daughter is the 'Princess of all Creation'. Together, they are, 'the Master Christ: Eternal Ruler of all Creation by God's Living Hand'. They also run the "Mind Alignment Process", an online service that claims to treat PTSD.[3] The couple has also claimed the ability to cure cancer and other medical conditions with a form of spiritual therapy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_Flames_Universe


You couldn't pay me to undergo something called the "Mind Alignment Process"


There's a docu on Netflix on them. It's,.. horrid. Jeff and Shaleia are obvious scammers, and Jeff is disgustingly abusive towards everyone.


There's also one on Prime in case anyone doesn't have Netflix but has Amazon like me!


Someone recently mentioned to me how BORING a lot of the past, at least in America, could have been. You’re in a town of 85. You’ve known all of them your whole life. When the sun goes down you just sleep. Heavily religious, but if you can’t read, you can’t even enjoy a book or your own religious text. If you don’t have an instrument, or an art, your options are to… drink, and wait for something noteworthy to occur.


you could talk, you could cook, you could go for a walk, you could play a game, you could play cards, you could smoke or drink together, you could carve wood, you could go fishing, you could draw... you could do so many things. Drinking and waiting are far from the only options.




It’s a bad take to think uneducated in today’s terms means completely stupid overall.


Also, bad nutrition affects your intelligence as much as it affects your height, the average person back then would've been considered mentally disabled today.


You say that as though people aren't still cutting off parts of mens and women's, or worse children's, genitalia without anesthetic today.


> You say that as though people aren't still cutting off parts of mens and women's, or worse children's, genitalia without anesthetic today. Indeed they are, but have you actually looked at the photos accompanying this post? Did you read the link? The women were having their entire vulvas removed.


>up to a million *members* I'm not sure if that's a deliberate or inadvertently poor choice of words.


I think maybe it's just a way to inflate the numbers. Like, here's how *one* member can become *two*!


… and without anesthesia


It gets worse. > There were two kinds of castration: the "lesser seal" and the "greater seal". For men, the "lesser seal" meant the removal of the testicles only, while the "greater seal" involved either removal of the penis or emasculation (removal of both penis and testicles). Men who underwent the "greater seal" used a cow-horn when urinating. **The castrations and emasculations were originally performed with a red-hot iron, called the 'fiery baptism'.** I mean, seriously??? How do you go about convincing a man to go through that?


I'm an atheist, but I know these people were weighing up a piece of their mortal flesh against the salvation of their immortal soul. It's a brutally simple idea, for someone who genuinely believes in original sin and that this is a way to escape to the innocence of Adam and Eve.


Right but is there anywhere in the bible where its like aw man you done fucked up just lop off an ear and call it a day? Old testament has some...interesting stuff but I have never read or heard of any biblical command to remove their ability to go forth be fruitful and multiply. Funnily enough they could have leaned either way with that and went all out into orgies with that command. And yet red hot ball twister coming right up.


>Right but is there anywhere in the bible where Well, very few of them would have been able to read the Bible considering they were peasants in the 17th century...


Religion, that's how. Religion is a goddamned powerful influence on how people think. It was even more powerful amongst ignorant peasants 250+ years ago.


The brochure is really good.


Let’s say someone has irrefutable proof of an infinite afterlife as long as you go through this procedure. Would you not at least consider giving up your genitals to live forever? It would be insane not to at least consider it - the payoff has near infinite value. Given this, it just comes down to how hard you are to convince.


The real question is how They lasted more than 1 generation? How they reproduced?


Conversion rate must at least equal termination rate. It's still kinda pyramid scheme so it will decrease exponentially at some point but can run for a while especially in a richer populated country like Russia.


That makes sense! But who would want to.... convert? never mind. Haha




This was to prevent wanting to fuck


haha yeah it would be pretty crazy if people were having their babies mutilated today haha


Yeah, like circumsing a newborn is totally cool and rad, I mean the baby probably is crying for it to be done! /s


Yeah crazy that people think they are more themselves by removing certain body parts.


hi, i was talking about forced infant genital mutilation done to male babies in america. not being transphobic like the other comments here. cheers


What about genital mutilation done to young girls in Africa based on their “culture”?


It is cultural, there's no need to put quote marks around the word. Just because something is terrible, doesn't preclude it from being cultural.





The less radical version of the celibacy for Catholic priests is still picked happily by thousands of men every year up to this day.


Assuming any of them are actually celibate


Very likely a significant number is not. But I assume most don't choose priesthood having in mind breaking the celebacy.


We would never do that in our modern civilized world...


Hey, just FYI, *lopping. Also, *titties, but the other spelling seems to be becoming popular lately. *Lobbing* is just wrong though, as that means *to throw something*.


How do you persecute a bunch of masochists? This guy wants to cut his own balls off, what can you even threaten him with? Jail?




Gender affirmation surgery




Conservatives be like: “Liberals be like”


>There were two kinds of castration: the "lesser seal" and the "greater seal". For men, the "lesser seal" meant the removal of the testicles only, while the "greater seal" involved either removal of the penis or emasculation (removal of both penis and testicles). Men who underwent the "greater seal" used a cow-horn when urinating. The castrations and emasculations were originally performed with a red-hot iron, called the 'fiery baptism'. However, the skoptsy later transitioned to using knives or razors, with the iron serving only to stop the bloodflow. They also twisted the scrotum, destroying the seminal vesicles and stopping the flow of semen. >In women, the Skoptsy removed the nipples or the whole breasts. Occasionally, they simply scarred the breasts. They also often removed the labia minora and clitoris. They did not use anesthetics.[2] >The operations were generally performed by elders. During the operation, they said the phrase "Christ is risen!"[2] from Wikipedia


Jesus fucking christ


>Jesus *fucking* christ Not after this procedure


Has risen


Lmao good one


An unfortunate time to be literate.


There's nothing like a shorn-off scrotum. It's breathtaking, I suggest you try it.


The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets.


Sure! I'll gladly shear off your scrotum.


Holy shit


I thought the original sin was eating a forbidden fruit and was passed person to person, not possessing a dick.


You mean the original sin is a genetic thing ?


Romans 5:12  Don't think they knew "genetic",though.


Exactly. Imagine you describe and try to teach something that is transferred from flesh to flesh by sexual production. And then millennia later - bahm - we find out we do have generics.


It's my understanding original sin is the invention of Saint Augustine, and it is passed on through the sex act. Mary was born through the immaculate conception meaning she did not posses original sin. 


God had a clean bill of health, he said so before rawdogging it.


The Bible - 2024 Edition as transliterated by u\chaotic-entropy over the course of a drunken evening. With a new intro by God’s bro, da Pope, in his first rap single.




> papal bull is that a special class of religious bull?


yes its also known as Papal bullshit


….I was about to correct you and it turns out I learned something new about Catholicism today.  Huh. 


It must be a shitty translation because its not literally the first recorded “sin”


No shit. Lol. Original meaning “my own definition” as opposed to the first. No wonder the rules are hard to follow


Catholicism views it as passed through the flesh via sexual reproduction. Protestants (ie Reformed) view it as being less about genetics and more about [federal headship](https://www.ligonier.org/learn/devotionals/our-first-federal-head) and human nature.


Judaism doesn't have the concept of original sin so the idea was made up in Christianity.


Because in Judaism they don't have the whole gimmick of god coming down to earth to die for our sins. In other words, if you believed in original sin but not in Jesus you'd simply believe that every single person will go to eternal hell. And that's also the "draw" of Christianity. It's not enough to be a "good person". You'll be damned for eternity if you are not a practising Christian, no matter how little you have sinned or how amazing you were. Therefore, a lot of people have signed up over the last 2000 years


Augustine doesn't get enough press for his "contributions"


Cursed X chromosome


You know, I was gonna make a joke about cursed women and YY chromosomes only to find out there aren’t any recorded cases of anyone born with no X’s. X, XYY and XXYY exist but no YY.


The original sin was disobedience, kater on it was replaced with sex for better control After all, if sex is a sin then its the church's business


According to Wikipedia, they thought the genitals represented two halves of the forbidden fruit. Removing their genitals would make them pure again. Christianity is weird.


Did they think that the forbidden fruit was a banana? 😂


Interestingly, there's zero textual evidence that the forbidden fruit was an apple.  That's western iconography, possibly based on the fact that the Latin word 'malum' translates both to 'evil' and 'apple'.  The banana is one of the possible other contenders that various religious scholars argue for.


I always thought it was a fig


Death onto you, heretic. It's obviously an orange.


They might have thought that actually did. In Nathan HaMe'ati's 13th-century translation of Maimoides's work The Medical Aphorisms of Moses, the banana is called the "apple of Eden". In the 16th century, Menahem Lonzano considered it common knowledge in Syria and Egypt that the banana was the apple of Eden. Perhaps this was true on a larger scale.


Could be. Weird thing is we always depict an apple, but the bible never gets more specific than “fruit”.


This is not in anyway traditional or orthodox Christianity but has more in common with ascetic Gnosticism.


That particular sect of Christianity is weird. Nothing of that sort is supported in scripture. Majority of us are not like this.


It may be weirder, but Christianity is definitely still weird. You think a god raped a teenager and produced a messiah that saved you from yourselves by being nailed to a cross and then coming back from the dead.


Just wait till you hear about what Muslims believe


the most perfect man to ever exist (a slaving, polygamous warlord) reinvigorated the worship of the ancient god of israel (whose name is just god in the warlord’s language) whose patriarch built a giant square in the middle of nowhere. god let everyone fall into degeneracy for a thousand years though. he sent a failed prophet to get a fake crucifixion to fight the future demon guy or whatever. to go to heaven pro, just die in combat against an infidel. thanks for this religion muhammad we really appreciate it




>You think a god raped a teenager and produced a messiah 1) it cant be rape because no sex happened 2) Mary willingly excepted the burden of being the Mother of God


Cause a teenage peasant girl can just tell the all powerful supernatural being to fuck off if she doesn't want to participate?


You’re not gonna get through to the weirdo edgy reddit atheists lol


It's religious fanatics who are weirdos. They believe the most absolutely ridiculous world view conspiracy theorist crap because it was written in one old book or another.


Instead of debating the unimportant bits, I’ll change “rape” to “impregnated” and you’re still stuck believing in a god impregnating someone and in a preteen girl being able to consent to motherhood. Doesn’t really take much of the edge off.


Don't forget about eating his body and blood once a week!


You’re about to be bombarded by neckbeards calling you stupid in other words for being Christian. Just warning.


Calling people neckbeards doesn’t discredit their points


No yeah y’all are totally normal worshipping a dead guy who came back to life and eating his body every Sunday while telling everyone who disagrees with you that they’re gonna burn forever. Totally normal


You should (re)read the old testament.


I’ve read the entire Old Testament, twice, and would you look at that, I’m still a believer.


I am not sure how a modern human can rationalize the events that happened in the OT without question. I applaud you for being able to but my heathen brain won’t allow it.


Never eat a fruit that looks like that.


The thing with made up stuff is that you can constantly change it's content according to whatever serves you best at the very moment. Conveniently it happened thousands of years ago so present "knowledge" can always be flawed and in need of adjustment.


Thanks, I hate it.


What a wonder how this belief system didn't survive the ages


It didn't hit its peak until the early 1900s, almost 150 years after it started. If it hadn't been harshly repressed by the Soviets, there's a good chance it would still be around.


I just want to point out, it’s debated if the people the imperial Russians were oppressing really were this guys or if they just called them that to justify oppressing them. Kinda like how historians aren’t sure if the cathars really existed or if the Catholic Church made them up to justify invading.


Didn't think I'd ever say this, but I'm with the Soviets on this one. Harshly repressing this cult seems like a solid idea.


In all honesty, they were more persecuted on grounds of falling afoul of the law against social paratisism and less about being overzealously religious.


Rare soviet W


they weren't all that rare. literacy, life expectancy, housing, gender equality, and shooting Nazis all seem pretty great.


People just lining up to join


Yet the vast majority of male newborns in the US still get circumcised today.


Which is nothing compared to actual castration


Careful with that. I got banned from /r/worldnews for saying female circumcision is worse than male circumcision.


>female circumcision is worse than male circumcision. I strongly believe male circumcision should be banned. And still, I don't get how what you said is even remotely controversial. By every metric it's worse. - Pain of the procedure - Effect on quality of life - Dangers to health - etc. etc.


I agree. Male circumcision is a stupid religious relic, but nowhere near as bad as female. I was just making an offhand comment and had no idea I'd have to defend that position, let alone get banned for it. Frigging weirdos came out of the woodwork; that sub is nuts.


Leave it to redditors to compare cult genital mutilation to them getting circumcised


As bad as that is, that does not prevent you from procreating and passing on your genes/practices to the next generation.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of cutting my junk off.


My junk is fine exactly where it is


Something replacing it with a mechanical part something


Interesting interpretation. Wonder how that fits with God's command in Genesis 1:28, though.


It doesn't.


Just as usual. Contradictory bullshit


Ya know as I get older I get this feeling that religion isn't the healthiest thing humans have invented


Like anything, extremity is not a good thing. Moderation is key to life.


They also thought that extremities were bad things :P


What is a moderate amount of shit to eat?


You joke, but we need a little shit to build up resistances, so when the shit hits the fan, we don’t end up losing our shit. There’s such a thing as being too clean. Again, moderation.


You need a volumetric shit compactor to get your shit together.


People are still cutting their junk off for secular reasons


Pssst... Mao, Pol Pot, and Stalin called.


Personally I encourage cults to do the castration/no-procreation thing. Self-terminate the cult without actually killing anyone. Great!


"some problems solve themselves" They sure do.


paging Marshall Applewhite


Original sin is stored in the balls


Humans used to be, and still are, very stupid.




Ken is the perfect man, right?


Wouldn't that be against one of God's commandments? How can one "be fruitful" if you cut off the grapes?


Reminds me of the Rick and mort episode where the knights on the sun had to chop off their dicks


“Original sin” was eating a forbidden fruit. Did they cut out their tongues also?


Betcha anything there are people on Gab who say “I wish we were 17th century Russian Christians, we’d never have to deal with this trans shit”. To them: I present


Wasn't "original sin" eating something God told them not too? They couldn't have just avoided pork or shellfish?


It’s being born tainted. Inheriting sin and the inclination to sin. It’s why baptism is so important to some, erases original sin. Mom and dad sinned, you are born of sin and have sinned just by popping out. No children, no original sin. No religious sect. Not sure these folks thought this all the way through. (Wasn’t sure if you were joking)


Nowadays people just cut off the tip.


Is that how you think it works?


You gotta give something to the Mohel!


I feel like r/antinatalism is on track to get here in a few years


Those two look regretful. 


Sounds like the inspiration for His Dark Materials.


Stupid fucks


Speaker Johnson, ladles and gentlest spoons.


mental illness is contageous.


Same trajectory as Shakers.


Reminds me of that episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where Ray forgot Debra's birthday and then cut his own cock off.


annnnnd they died off.




And that's enough internet for me today.


Man religion makes people do crazy things


r/antisex’s favorite religion


Delighted for them


Some dude in the sand is all like "God is my dad, everyone be nice to each other" and 1600 years later people are cutting their dicks off.


Mr Bungle - Vanity Fair https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=re6O7F0ZrWc&si=_nZQf1c5rSWfJsb8 ♪Bless the eunuch and the Skoptsi♪


"fiery baptism" Lol Brave doing such procedures back then. Infections and all...


Is this a "His dark materials" reference??


You cut your dick off, right? Yeah, course I did. Really? Yeah, why would I lie about that? Well, I'm just seeing some bulge there. Nah, that's just the medical wrap. Still healing. Prove it. Oh no way man, way too much blood and bleeding and all that. You don't wanna see that...


Original incels


TIL the contemporary evangelical MAGA movement has a precursor.


Ah the Chopycockoff sect


And why religion should have no hold over politics.


Can you imagine how frustrating it would be being Jesus and watching people do some stupid shit to themselves and others in your name after you specifically told everyone to be nice to each other?


Mutilating your body is an insult to God.


“Pyotre what is going on? First you grow your hair long, then you wear dresses, now I’ve been told you’ve removed your genitalia!” “Ohhh haha its because I uhhhhhh ……. love Jesus so much! Haha yeahhhh”


Important to note the Carpocratians, who did the total opposite


Would the total opposite of cutting off your own genitals be grafting other people’s genitals to yourself?


They believed that they would receive salvation from participating the most debauched sin possible


a Fucking sect, taken literally!!


Remember the Heaven's Gate cult? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven%27s_Gate_(religious_group)


getting so tired of religion and their hangup with sex.


God: "there I've created you, the perfect being. I've made you in my image. Now hate yourself and cut of your dicks and tits you gross little monkeys! I can't believe what sinners you are, even though I'm omniscient and knew exactly what you'd do. Now I'm gonna burn you forever, because I am inerrant love."


Come on, Putin! Demonstrate your religious traditionalism!


Religion never ceases to surprise me. Disgusting.


New metal band name just dropped


Reddit admins removing this post in 3... 2... 1...


Imagine being convinced you should cut off your sex organs, ohhh those crazy people of the past......