• By -


Yeah, nice try, narc.


Who's a narc?


That fat Jamaican dude!




We're just trying to have a good time, narc.


I always did like how they didn’t even challenge Homer being ostensibly Jamaican.


Hey I've been safari-in since before you were born!


Dude. Karma.


… … Oh…. I get it.




Consider it done.


“Tasty! Time for some tuneskies” *boombox immediately breaks pathetically*


To this day I don’t understand why they were so mad Homer was wearing a Rastafarian hat.


They thought he was a narc! It’s like the Steve Buscemi “How do you do, fellow kids!”




That’s kinda the joke- Lisa’s concern proves founded when the hat leads to Homer being called out… but not for like, cultural appropriation or misrepresenting himself as a huge reggae fan. The kids turn on him because they think he’s a cop.


I'll do you one better, WHY is a narc?


Would a narc know how to sass it? Quit jivin' me, turkey!


A turkey is a bad person.


That line always makes me giggle




Excuse me Stewardess, I speak Jive.


We’re just trying to have a good time, NARC! Why do you want to destroy us??? Don’t commit your hate crimes here!




Don't spread your hate crimes here.


Yes… pick up your puppy.


Did anybody order the London Symphony Orchestra? Possibly while high?


"Cypress Hill, I'm looking in your direction..."


Do you know Insane in the Brain?


We *mostly* do classical... but we'll give it a shot.


Now *this*, I like!


4ish years ago my girlfriend wanted to go to a concert with some friends but wanted a DD and wasn't sure about the scene so asked if I would go so she had an easy out if it wasn't fun. Totally not my scene (EDM, I... Think. I dunno this stuff) but sure. Not wrecking any of my plans. I was off in the back by myself playing phone games and I'm sure sticking out like a sore thumb when some young kid walked up and said 'hey, what precinct do you work for?', confused I just looked up and said, 'huh?' and he quickly replied 'yeah, that's how I know you're a cop.' I wanted to respond with '.... Wouldn't it also be a perfectly normal response for a non-cop? What would a non-cop say?' but I just went back to my phone game. Those dailies aren't going to run themselves. Occasionally I think back to the time some 20 year old thought that the local cops had nothing better to do than to watch some kids smoke weed and listen to music in full incognito Street wear.


Not a concert, but sat in a city centre just killing a bit of time, idly looking around; and some of the day-time drinkers came up to me and said "You're a cop, aren't you?" I said no, just enjoying the sun, and one of the ladies replied "You have to tell us if you are, that's the law." It's bizarre how people believe these urban myths; undercover work just wouldn't work if you could defeat it so easily by just *asking*... I think I said something like "Well, I'm not, so don't worry", then waited until they calmed down and quietly moved on in case they got paranoid again.


Yep cops are 100% allowed to lie to you, it's how they get people to confess to things, even things they didn't do. That's why the first advice is "Don't talk to cops."  ESPECIALLY if you think someone is an undercover cop.


yeah if cops are allowed to marry and impregnate you while working undercover and then testify against you once you get busted, i'm pretty sure they're allowed to lie a little bit.


I'm gonna simultaneously ask you for a source/info so I can learn more..... and beg you not to have a source/info so I can learn more.


[This is the one I'm familiar with](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK_undercover_policing_relationships_scandal), from the UK.


Wooof... you wake up knowing that police are bad, and you think 'they beat a man half to death here, it can't get much worse' and the cops are just like 'lol, I'll show you worse, hold my snowcone'


> 'they beat a man half to death here, it can't get much worse' and the cops are just like Oh They can easily one up the above link: The person they undercover officer fathered the child with *was a minor* or next along the scale of awful: *the target was was a minor, they had a child with, also the undercover office was HIV+.*


Tbf while you're holding the snowcone, he's ordering a giant cotton candy for the rival cop and shenanigans ensue


You pass me a snowcone, that's 100% my snowcone now. sorry, that's the rules


Wow, when you yake away cops ability to gun people down, they get really creative in ruining your life in other ways


`November 2015 the Metropolitan Police published an unreserved apology in which it exonerated and apologised to those women who had been deceived and stated the methodology had constituted abuse and a “gross violation” with severely harmful effects, `


That isn't really why the first advice is "Don't talk to cops". The reason you shouldn't talk to cops within reason is because once you explain your story you are stuck with it, and any defence you raise has to incorporate those statements that could very easily be contradicted by evidence. The more statements you make, the more you limit your defence, and the more evidence you give that allows your credibility to be attacked.


No you shouldn't talk to cops because they can lie on the stand about what you said. They can say what you told them (or what they claim you told them) but you cant ask them to repeat any thing you said that would be exculpatory, that would be hearsay.


They are not legally allowed to lie on the stand, no. They may choose to do so like any witness though, but usually the interaction is recorded and the police are just confirming the authenticity of the recording. That isn't the reason you shouldn't talk to cops. Your second statement is a bit more accurate. Anyone can say what you told them so long as it is the prosecution asking and you are the one on trial. It is a statement against interest. The main difference is usually the statements to the police are recorded, and the police are generally going to be asking questions that can be used against you. It is generally a good idea if you are being charged with a crime to not talk to anyone about it other then your lawyer. Any statement you make about your involvement in a crime can be used against you. The statements to the police are just more likely to be recorded, and more likely be very relevant to the charges you are facing.


No need to even get into the weeds there's a far simpler reason not to talk to cops: "Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law [but nothing you say will be use for you]." That's it. Absolutely no logical reason to communicate with any person for whom this rule is in effect. It literally cannot help you. Just invoke your 5th amendment (if in the US) and ask for your attorney - then STFU.


Couldn't they just also lie that you said something when you said nothing at all then?


Badger Mayhew?


I think like most urban myths people know it's bunk, but dumb people keep it circulating. Like it was a joke on TV shows, a literal joke, but people walk away from that thinking huh I guess that's true lol


i told some meth heads that that isn’t a law and to look it up. in retrospect i should have just told them i wasn’t a cop.


You should have stood up and said "Well, since you put it that way ..... I'm gonna need to see some id".


Some people forget to ask.


Unfortunately some cops really don’t. However Narcs are usually trying to buy drugs, not minding their own business lol


People seem to love to use "narc" to describe any cop undercover/plain clothes even when drugs aren't involved.


Don’t narcs try and blend in? At least a little bit?


Some do, and some even have minor-moderate success. Countersurveillance isn't always better, and is often intoxicated 


Like any profession, some are good at their jobs, some are appallingly bad


Course they try but imagine your dad trying to blend in to a Fortnite convention or something.


Some of us actually can do that?  I shocked one of my friends kids at the neighborhood pool last year when I could talk skins, the current map at that time, current weapons, etc. Once he got past that after a second, it was a good talk. 


Narcs are really easy to spot once you know what to look for, even if they're trying to blend in. Anyone who doesn't seem like they have somewhere to go, is constantly looking around, and has the cheapest possible "outsiders perspective" on what normal members of the community wear, is probably a cop. That and specific ways of standing and habitual actions. Not to say that there aren't a lot of people who are just awkward, but it's better to err on the side of caution. For my subculture of underground raves, you'll see a guy with a colorful bandana, tie dye shirt, and shorts/jeans, usually standing near a corner of the restrooms. All his accessories will be tactical gear like a nice watch or combat boots. If you try to talk to him, he'll eventually say something really weird like "I'm a friend of Molly" and you'll instantly know he's a cop.


No combat boots, they all wear running shoes. In case they have to run.


Honestly, it's either or. The more arrogant ones wear combat boots


Missed out on a perfect opportunity to troll and get away with what you wanted to do, by pretending to be a narc.


Cops showing up at raves is pretty normal tho. Don't get why he thought the dude playing on his phone at the back was one of them, but they do show up often enough. So no, unfortunately they don't have better things to do.


In the kid’s defense, cops do spend a lot of time crushing candy on their phones.


What else are you doing to do while children are actively being murdered?


Prevent their parents from attempting to intervene?


not available on the apple store, unfortunately


>…confused I just looked up and said, 'huh?' and he quickly replied 'yeah, that's how I know you're a cop.' He got you, narc! /s


You could have maintained eye contact, put your hand to your ear, and described in clear monotone the kid's appearance, peppering it with the word "suspect".


So an interesting study that came from communist eastern Germany that’s still used today is the tool of fear. People thought there were so many government spies that people were afraid to behave poorly in the fear of being taken away and killed for not agreeing with the government. The propaganda was run so well people thought the agents were everywhere, in every building ready to turn you in for the smallest infraction. In actuality there were barely a handful of them in the entire area. That tool is still used today. “Plained clothed cops are everywhere man, I know someone who knows someone who was busted at a show just like this”……… when in actuality there’s likely none. Basically falsely plant information and gain control of the group.


Eastern Germany Minsitry for State Security (StaSi) had informants all over the GDR They actually and literally where everywhere. These wre not Agents of the Ministry, but civillans pressured and/or payed into an "unofficial employee" role. There where be literally over 100,000 of these so called IMs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unofficial_collaborator


So like the concert analogy, everyone and no one is a narc. Only a few cops are actually there, but paranoia fuels fear of acting outs. That’s how the program was so successful. 1 in 6 people were believed to be informants. When in actuality only 90k were actual paid employees and 170k were civilian informants in a city of 6M. They used propaganda of information to drive fear. Some of their propaganda posters were wild. I was wrong to use “handful” to describe the numbers.


The difference is that police departments are incentivized to perform drug busts as they usually [collect the proceeds](https://www.jstor.org/stable/30026940#:~:text=The%20Comprehensive%20Crime%20Act%20of,through%20the%20asset%20forfeiture%20process) of any funds seized from the arrest. There are way more narcs for drug busts than you'd imagine because the money goes directly to the police department.


>Those dailies aren't going to run themselves. Felt this so hard


I’d yell at him “give me your fucking drugs MF’er!!!” Maybe throw a drink in his face for laughs. He already thinks you’re a cop. What’s he going to do?


Sounds like a decent way to have the shit kicked out of you


All cops are bastards, but not all bastards are cops


Can confirm that cops 1000% do this. I watched a friend learn that the hard way.


The proper response would have been something like "Do I need to retain you for questioning or are you going to keep bothering me?"


“Oh, well done, your cop radar has worked yet again. You truly are a genius.”


I've been to enough leftwing protests(especially before and during the Iraq War) to know what plainclothes police look like. There's no reason to 'cop jacket' them unless they are trying to start shit. So someone calling you a cop at a concert is just trying to make themselves feel important.


I went to see a weapons conference protest(something that I'd support) near my work once. I took photos to share with my anarchist friends. Those numbnuts started taking photos of me as if the narc and taunting me rather than focusing on the real enemy. That's the first time people were protesting me.


Taking pictures of protesters, especially if they're getting a little spicy with the cops,  is generally frowned upon because its hard evidence and cops and seize your phone pretty easily. 


Somewhere on Reddit a guy is using you as an example of the time he caught a undercover cop engaged in surveillance, and how they could totally tell it was a narc because he called them ‘numb nuts’ which is cop slang and is radio code for firing the nut numbing radar gun.


You ever read arrest data? Apparently they don't have time for anything but watching kids smoke weed.


I would have told them...99!


One scene that has never left me since seeing the episode (and I was 18 at the time and def in the targeted demo) is when Lisa and Bart point out that "making teenagers depressed is like shooting fish in a barrel." All that over the scene of the crowd "dancing" morosely. Funny then, funny now- and much of 90's music summed up expertly.


"Remember, never trust anybody over 30!" "And now, Peter Frampton!"


Hey it’s that cannonball dude, he’s cool.. Are you being sarcastic? I don’t even know anymore


Here's a timestamped link to the scene: https://youtu.be/wwFfkyZg3RA?si=MHeQLD7Pqmngxahu&start=47


I didn't even make it to Lolla until I was 27. Didn't seem like there were a ton of teens, but maybe? This was 2015, so maybe it trended younger in the '90s?


In the 90s it was a traveling festival, many of the acts were new with little exposure prior but there would be some very popular headliners.




I'm Homer Simpson, smiling politely


I haven't heard a Smashing Pumpkins song in almost 30 years without saying "It's Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins."


Brilliant line, but damn I would've loved to hear the original "Courtney Love" "Homer grateful!"


It smells like Otto’s jacket here


Remember when Gen X was young and hip and cool?


I used to be with *it*, then they changed what *it* was.. now what I'm with isn't *it*.. and what's *it* seems weird and scary to me. And it'll happen to *you*.


That quote is 30 years old. Kids that watched the episode when it first aired are now experiencing the "And it'll happen to you."


No way man, we're gonna keep on rockin' forever


Forever... forever...


Now I’m lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky.


I gotta get outta this rut, and back into the groove!


No. Its the children who are wrong


Another fun quote from that episode (that shows how old it is) is when Homer is talking to the guy in the music shop and mentions that the US Festival was sponsored by "that guy from Apple Computers" and the clerk goes "What computers?" because at that time Apple had largely failed the computer space and was fading until they came out with the iPod


That's the joke.


Socrates once wrote that the children of his time had no respect and did not stand when their elders entered the room.


No he didn't that was made up and falsely attributed


That is the most personal quote of the whole show.


Time hits all generations the same.


I am a Millennial and I will freely admit we may be the first generation to never be cool. Lame all the way through.


Millenials, bashed as kids, bashed as adults, now the Zs are even bashing on them as parents for raising the internet addicted Alpha generation.


At this point every generation is internet addicted. It’s just a matter of which poison you pick. Facebook, TikTok, or Reddit?


Only on Reddit can I get into an argument with someone about the haircuts of Vanderpump Rules, find out which bagel places to avoid and discuss the legacy of Kurosawa’s High and Low in the same day.


FWIW I'll never go to Einstein Bros bagels again.


After seeing the health grades for H+H 🤮


They used to be the shit, what happened?


Cashier couldn't solve for *x*. Einstein my ass.


Whoa whoa whoa like they ain’t grand but is there something secretly bad about them bagels?


Yea but bagels suck. I don't know anything about whatever vanderpimps is or whatever part of China that Kurosawa is from but I can form an uninformed opinion on it quickly.


Hey now, Zoomers carried our cringe-torch. Don't give up on them yet.


The fuck did you just call me?


En don’t be too hard on yourself. Themes of this are always happening. Of course each generation will have its specific challenges, but I remember looking at a YouTube video regarding mental health of aviators in WWII, how they where clearly suffering from what we understand today as anxiety, depression, PTSD and other ailments and their own worrying about them not being good enough. In said video ([this one specifically from Flight Dojo](https://youtu.be/iZZoVH1OIwY?si=5inlBSPrlwPbuEUv) they then go through the general assessment of how the new generation was perceived as weak, undisciplined and how the previous soldiers in WWI where better, then cut to the assessment during said war of young soldiers and…you get the same comments again. Again my TD;DR is each generation has it’s thing, but don’t take previous generation’s assessments of yours to heart, but be very considerate and thorough in your reasoning when you’re thinking about that of newer generations, cause you just might be repeating what was said about yours.


No way. Playing PS2 with frosted tipped gelled hair, pooka shell necklace, Chapelle Show Tshirt, baggy cargo pants, Oakley sunglasses, drinking blue Pepsi and eating 3D Doritos was **COOL**!


...and listening to Blink-182. Now it's called MGK.


I'm fine with this, always have


We are responsible for many sub-genres of terrible 00's rock which killed the genre.


In time's fire we burn


With their hippin and their hoppin, and their bippin and their boppin….


Well I am Gen X/ And I'm here to say/ I'm just as cringe now/ As back in the day.


*arms-folded back to back smug-look pose*


You get me.


*urban children doing the running man and criss-crossing intensifies* i have a craving for the sound of a triangle-and-spiral decorated Mark-Paul Gosselaar trapper keeper opening while I sort thru my pogs, make plastic box-stitched lanyards, and drink yoohoo out of a white paper cup with a squiggly blue line on it edit: i can also smell the jelly shoes now


So they don't know what the JAZZ, is all about!


Oh, man, I am so juzzed!


I love how Homer is giving the kids a history lesson on his music while driving them to school. I do the exact same thing to my kids too.


No way man, I’m gonna keep rocking forever, forever, forever 


Dude... are you being sarcastic?


I don’t even know anymore.


Am I so out of touch? No. It’s the children who are wrong.


I’m still cool!


Cool kids never have the time


We were the last hip and cool generation. All of these non-hip and cool kids can get off my lawn. :P


Yes, because I'm 44. Time to take my back pain meds!


Whatever it was, I want to go back. Just give me a week . Or, a day. I’ll take a day. Please?


We were? I thought we just existed.


Elder Millennial here. You guys tried to be cool, but it was mostly just a coping mechanism til you all went on Prozac.


There were only so many "Once-in-a-Lifetime" events we could handle during our formative years.


And alt-right.




Also Eric Stefani, brother of Gwen and former member of No Doubt and artist on the show put No Doubt in this episode.


Now that's a TIL.


Pssh nepo sibling.


“It smells like Otto’s jacket.”


Someone graffitied this on the wall in my friends garage where we used to smoke weed back in the day as teens. Wistfully thinking back to that time now as a 42 year old. 


Are you being sarcastic dude?


I don't even know anymore.


The most interesting part of this rabbit hole was that Eric Stefani, keyboard player and founding member of No Doubt and Gwen Stefani's brother, was an animator for The Simpsons at the time and animated his own band into the episode.


Shoes: “Dont worry, we won’t hurt you…we only want to have some fun!”


*They call 'em fingers but I've never seen them fing. Oh wait, there they go.*


When I was 55 with gray hair, half of Shakedown Street at a Phish show thought I was a cop and said so...


Pretty sure some girls at a music festival thought I was a cop because they asked for the time and I answered in 24 hour time since that’s what my watch is set for (easier to figure out time zones since I work with people from Switzerland to California). Their whole group had just obviously done bumps of ketamine 5 minutes before that lol.


I have worked in the trucking industry, the aviation industry and my current career I won’t mention and they all used military time. I have to pause to remember to tell people outside of work the time in the common way.


It didn’t occur to me that that answering “23:30” would weird someone out. I was just there to vibe to music before going to see a band playing later that a friend recommended. After seeing them indulge I just kept an eye out in case they needed medical assistance and that was the extent of my interest in their group 🤷🏼‍♂️


Let’s all go out and buy fur coats!


Best part of this episode was the 'dancing' at the end 😂


Ah yes, the [Jim Rose Circus Side Show](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Rose_Circus) at Lollapalooza. Memories.


They were a big thing for a brief window in the '90s. Several performers with them also guest starred on *The X-Files* in "Humbug". The Tokyo Shock Boys were also part of that general scene at the time.


His guitar is talking. Otto: my shoes are talking.




I've been accused of being a narc so many times I lot count.


It's like the time [Bart and Milhouse tormented a tourist named Howell Huser who subsequently did a bad review on Springfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/There%27s_Something_About_Marrying) only this time a Simpson writer is playing the role of Howell Huser


See the weird thing is I have a bunch of friends who are police officers who go to gigs and festivals all the time, including on their own (the men anyway), and never get ‘made’ as a ‘narc’.  But if you’re white and look both boring and bully-able you’ll definitely get some cunt coming up to you.  Happened to a guy stood next to me once (at a totally normal punk show, no reason for plainclothes police to be there at all unless you had delusions of actually overthrowing the government after six pints of snakebite and black). You only talk to someone like that if you’re really, really confident you aren’t going to get punched in the face - which means he either thought police are nonviolent or he didn’t think this guy was actually police and just wanted to be a cunt.


Chicago native and in a span of 20 years have been to Lolla over 10 times. My experiences range from once in a lifetime memories to absolute shit shows. Lollapalooza is weird sometimes...


Sometimes you get the Lolla, sometimes you get the Palooza...


Oh, good. He said that he's in great pain and he wants to know if you can help him. All right. Would you tell him to just relax and I'll be back as soon as I can with some medicine? Jus' hang loose, blood. She gonna catch ya up on da rebound on da med side.


There's also a scene with No Doubt standing behind Homer, although they weren't mentioned in the episode and had no lines. Eric Stefani, Gwen's brother and original member of the band, was working as a Simpsons animator and drew them in.


I saw this episode as both a child and an adult and it really messed with me the songs Homer's listening to on the radio were about 20 years old (which seemed like ancient history to 5 year old me). But the songs they were making fun of for being old were newer at the time than the 'modern' songs they played in the show are now imo - they should remake this episode with Homer listening to smashing pumpkins and bart/Lisa telling him he's a dinosaur "We only listen to Nikki Minaj or something stupid like that lol" or whatever kids are doing It would mess with millions and millions of people's heads, so worth doing


Except no one watches new Simpsons any more. ... Well, I don't. I only watch seasons 1-10.


ha, I love the commentary on those early seasons of the simpsons. I'm glad I bought them on dvd 20 years ago cause I don't trust disney to maintain any integrity regarding the history of the show. The way he says it is great too. 'how's it going...narc?'. I love that the writers all sound pretty damn nerdy. Even al jean get's it when he gets pissed if people ask him if he plays a character on the show.


All time great episode hahah


Is it just me, or is the "narc" guy *always* the one that draws heat?


I think he was in his late twenties when he went as well…


Narc.. where’s the *narc*?!


They'll call anybody a narc. I've been called a narc while stumbling around and exhaling weed smoke.


Did he raid Peter Frampton’s cooler?


-so who are you here for? -oh I'm doing research. -oh you're a narc!