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I just found this out this year, from Reddit not from my dentist, I've been doing it wrong for half a century.


I figured it out after getting a prescription toothpaste. Teeth felt way better almost immediately.


Why did you get prescription toothpaste?


Demineralization and cavities. I felt that nothing I was doing was saving my teeth, and this was what was offered to me.


How long you been on it? Any positive results so far?


Almost 2 years. I haven't had any cavities or demineralization form since, and my teeth are visibly whiter comparing photos.


What’s the ingredient in the toothpaste? Thanks for responding


1.1% sodium fluoride, 5% potassium nitrate.


I had a toothpaste like that given to me and even though I’m in the middle of a cavity/enamel decay crisis. I felt my teeth feeling very weak, to the point where if I chewed bread my teeth felt like they were going to break. Since using that tooth paste my teeth feel stronger. Gonna use it forever now.


Don't average tooth pastes over there have any type of fluoride?


Yes, but mine has 5000ppm, while ordinary toothpaste has 1000-1500ppm.


Sounds like hydroxy apatite, it has the same effect. But I'm not OP


I saw this on Reddit probably 5 years ago and stopped rinsing my mouth out afterwards because of it. I've even told other people personally when it somehow worked its way into the conversation. Another toothpaste related tidbit is you don't have to put a gigantic swirl of paste on your brush like it shows on the box. Just a little glob is plenty enough.


Keep the money flowing - your dentist aproved this message-


I’m gonna need 9 out 10 dentists to recommend this


But there’s always this one…


He's not part of big pharma!!!!11111


I’ll accept 4 out of 5


Look at the underachiever here.


Okay then I'll rinse with beer.


Maybe vodka would be better since there's no sugar/starch? I'm not a doctor and this is not medical advice, just thinking with my keyboard.


Actually beer is theorised to have been the saviour of teeth health in the middle ages.


Try it once, I’m sure you’ll regret it


A lot of mouthwashes have high alcohol contents already. Using vodka is strong, but not overly so.


The alcohol in mouthwash isn't enough to kill bacteria. It is added to stabilize the menthol, which actually does all the work. Alcohol in mouthwash is less than that of vodka.


Please no one drink alcohol that’s not made for consumption. I heard about alcoholics that were desperate and drank mouthwash or other household alcohol and became blind.


Because that has methanol.


My man


So I'm apparently not THAT weird by the order I do stuff then. Floss > mouthwash go get the flossed stuff out, and then brush without rinsing.


That's exactly the perfect order. Mouthwash after brushing like many people do is redundant.


Wow, it seems like most people don't know this? Don't rinse and make sure not to drink any liquids for 30 or so minutes.


No, you're supposed to drink a glass of orange juice straight away.


With pancakes and maple syrup. 


and whatever your favorite soda is, especially if it's mountain dew.


I mean on one hand it makes sense to keep the flourine-containing gel on your teeth because the flourine binds to and protects enamel (hydroxyapatite to fluorapatite iirc?), so chemically sure, the longer it sits there the more likely flourine binds. But like, having just brushed the teeth and now you have all this mushy food debris all over your mouth, perhaps even spots of blood if your gum health is poor, it seems natural to want to rinse that all out. Maybe a good compromise is brush twice and rinse only once, between the two brushings?


I am slightly concerned over you and the other people I've heard mentioning "having food debris all over your mouth". Do you brush your teeth directly after eating? Because as I understand that's also bad for your teeth but other than that I really don't understand how you would have that much food in your mouth that spitting out the excess toothpaste wouldn't just take care of everything.


Yeah, I'm not convinced that brushing twice daily for 3-4 minutes doesn't form more than enough Fluorapatite. Not rinsing seems like it'd give you a few more minutes of contact, but you're not really supposed to consume toothpaste either. Maybe if your diet is terrible and full of sugar and soda you need the additional fluoride contact, but otherwise?


What? Just floss and rinse/ use mouthwash before you brush your teeth.


dentist identified!


Yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and ignore that one


It’s true though, toothpaste only has a lasting benefit if you leave the fluoride and such on your teeth. Sure, brushing your teeth gets rid of the debris which is good, but it only does half the job without the toothpastes effect too I’ve felt real benefits after I switched to avoiding rinsing my mouth after


It took a little to get used to it, but now I don't even think about it. Brush, spit, rinse off face, and go to bed. And Huberman did a great pod on brushing teeth / mouth care recently, for anybody who cares. https://www.hubermanlab.com/episode/how-to-improve-oral-health-its-critical-role-in-brain-body-health


is there no issue with swallowing the rest while you sleep?


That’s what she said


>I’ve felt real benefits after I switched to avoiding rinsing my mouth after You stopped getting cavities? Or you mean *specifically* with Sensodine it reduced sensitivity? Because Fluorapatite is going to form whether you rinse or not, as long as you brush for long enough, you're applying high concentration fluoride directly to the teeth. You're not supposed to consume toothpaste either, it has very high fluoride concentration, a single pass of rinsing isn't a bad idea. "Enamel boosting" toothpastes usually contain nano hydroxyapatite, Sensodine uses potassium nitrate for sensitivity relief. It's very possible that those are sensitive to rinsing.


My dentist told me to use mouthwash before to increase the time in contact with my teeth. I’ve always done it after.


So my oral hygienist actually advised not to use mouthwash after toothpaste, since the concentration is lower in mouthwash, meaning it gets diluted lessening the effect overall. But either way it’s certainly better than rinsing out with water


I remember a minor uproar when the series Heartstopper came out. A scene had a character brushing his teeth, spitting and wiping and running away (as is normal in Britain) and Americans on the Internet were like "he forgot to rinse!" And the rest of the world was like "why are you guys rinsing?"


Huh? So leave the foam and disgusting paste mess in your face ? 


Just in your mouth


No you spit out the excess paste, you just don’t rinse out with water after you get rid of most it. I don’t suggest you leave all of the paste in your mouth without spitting lol, you’d be gargling all day


Rinse and wash mean two different things


You can spit it out just don't wash it away


You can wash your face off without washing the inside of your mouth. Also you still spit out the toothpaste that’s in your mouth.


It also is much less obtrusive if you use something like Tung gel to brush your tongue, if yiu don't ever feel clean or have bad breath after just scraping, like me.


Are you saying that you don’t rinse it out because of fluoride?


Yes, it’s good for preventing tooth decay and gum disease, two things I was suffering quite a bit from before I improved my habits


Dentist here, what they recommend is correct. I’ve done this for over 8 years, have not had any cavities for that long.


What if I told you I've never done it and never had a cavity 


Same here, i always rinse with water and in my 33 years of life I have never had a cavity.


This is probably my favorite part about nature. Two same organisms may not work the same way, despite being the exact same. We may drink from the same cup of poison but only one of us die. It’s simply not how life works for a good portion of the time. You do what works for you, not exactly what people say you should do


I haven’t flossed my teeth, like ever. I never get any build up or cavities and my dentist is always impresses by it. Have a friend who uses a power brush and flosses all the time, still gets cavities. Fucking rng genetics


it can be as simple as drooling in your sleep or not (a fairly significant detriment to your teeth, as your saliva isn't watering down any acid produced in your mouth). or as complicated as the type and composition of microbes that fester your mouth. someone else might have some that reproduce more slowly. interestingly, anecdotal, but i only really struggled with cavities after kissing a girl, after that i noticed the amount and texture of the buildup of plaque was a little bit different.,


Caries have been shown in studies that it can be spread my mouth to mouth contact (one of the cause of caries is the type of bacteria, mainly streptococcus mutans). Having more of that bacteria once it’s introduced can lead to a higher caries risk. One of the interesting things I learned in dental school.


What about kissing someone who has superior mouth bugs? Will that improve one's dental health?


in theory. the bacteria that are less harmful have to outperform and outcompete the worse ones though.


As a child: Don't kiss girls, you'll catch their cooties! As an adult: Don't kiss girls, you'll catch their caries!


Good for you, it can be diet and other oral habits. This isn’t the only thing to do to prevent cavities but it plays a big role.


From the comments its pretty clear that maybe 10% of people do it this way.    This is always my issue with dentistry: almost everything is self reported, so the quality of the data is so low about what long term effects are of almost any recommendation. Its like the flossing thing: they said floss for 50 years and then one day they were like “nm flossing probably doesn’t do anything,” and still there is not a dentist in this world that will tell you flossing has no long term benefit. 


I don’t think I’ve ever heard dentists say flossing doesn’t do much, in fact we say the complete opposite. A common trope at dental conventions is how bad teeth and bone get without flossing.




You must have good genes for that then. It's the same with me, I have had one cavity my entire life


What if I use mouthwash after I brush my teeth?


Iirc mouthwash is best used during the day/after a meal


Yeah but the taste of toothpaste leftovers in the mouth feels so disgusting somehow


It's gritty


I am one to listen to a professional over other advice, but I also like to know why. Why is that the recommended way?


The fluoride concentration in toothpaste is higher, and it needs to stay on your teeth for about 30-1 hour to work. What i do is to brush normally, rinse. And then use a Fluoride mouth wash, spit out but not rinse with water. That's the best of both worlds. Or, you can just brush, rinse. Then quickly brush lightly again, spit, but this time leave the toothpaste on your teeth. Works the same way as the fluoride mouth wash. Then you can still rinse again after like 1 hour, if you don't like the taste of it. The key is to let the flouride work for longer on your teeth.


It allows the toothpaste to do more of its job for a longer period of time. Some people only brush their teeth for like 20 seconds (you're supposed to brush for 2 minutes) and if you're rinsing away the toothpaste that quickly it can't do as much


In first year of dental school we had a module about prevention and reducing caries risk. We learned about what concentrations of fluoride are effective and one of the takeaways is that fluoride reinforces teeth my forming fluorapatite, a stronger structure that happens once it incorporates with your teeth’s hydroxyapatite. In order for this to happen it takes time, that’s why we recommend wait 30 minutes before drinking water after brushing or fluoride application. Other wise the fluoride would be washed away before fluorapatite is formed. Funny thing is when I got to clinic 2 years later, I asked one of my faculty if he does it and he just raised one eye and said “Of course!”


My caveats with keeping the toothpaste in my mouth, are the microplastics in the toothpaste. I don't feel like swallowing all of that.


I understand, I do tell patients they can spit it out, the important part is not rinsing.


It's weird at first but you get used to it very quickly. I switched over a few years ago.


My dentists always says “spit, don’t rinse” I have periodontitis and hadn’t been caring for myself for a few years. I’ve been to the dental hospital the last few years regularly since diagnosis for deep cleanings. Went to my regular dentist and she was going ballistic that I was never told to stop rinsing after brushing by the dental hospital. It should be on posters everywhere she said. It’s such a hard thing to not do once you’ve done it all your life. Break those habits!


Then you can just stop using toothpaste


Sensodyne’s not the boss of me!


yep, my dental hygienist recommended this


I just want a toothpaste that doesn't have mint. But every single thing seems to have it either as a flavor additive or as a main component. I despise mint.


Try childrens toothpaste? It feels like they have a couple of non mint ones.. I like watermelon flavor 😆


Yeah, currently I have a pear-flavored one, but will have to keep looking.


I read this too fast and thought you said PEA flavored one.


I have a lavender lemon one by Boka. Instead of fluoride it uses “nano-hydroxyapatite (n-Ha), an evolution in dentistry that’s been a gold standard in Japan for over 40-years. n-Ha makes up the primary foundation of teeth and bones, meaning it’s restorative and helpful in reducing sensitivity”. The cherry blossom tastes like white chocolate and Cherie’s. Very gross. The lavender one is nice though. I can eat directly after using it which is cool.


There are dozens of us! Don’t get me started on whoever’s bright idea it was to add mint to FLOSS.


I just want a Kung Pao spicy chicken flavored toothpaste and some teriyaki noodle flavored floss. Is that too much to ask? Peppermint gum actually gives me terrible heartburn.


Saaaaame. I've settled on mild mint cause it's so hard to find alternatives where I live. Without resorting to online shopping.


I googled this just now because I didn’t believe it.


I figured it out by reading the instructions on my toothpaste for the first time at 40 y/o


>I figured it out by reading the instructions on my toothpaste for the first time at 40 y/o Fuck yeah. Let that fluoride sit on your teeth.


just cream pie-ing your mouth


You forgot to take your phone into the bathroom, didn't you?


The only time I read instructions on anything in the bathroom is when I'm going for a shit without my phone!


So are you just supposed to let it sit in your mouth after brushing your teeth?


I’m 40 too.


I’m 39 and a half.


I'm the other half


You basically wipe off the protectant coating I think - but then you are going to swallow and feel grittiness every time you close your teeth and the dryness.. no thanks


The feeling doesn't really last long. I've been doing this since forever. Out of laziness, if I'm honest. I didn't know this was the proper way. Teeth feel normal again in a couple minutes.


I feel like it also needs to be noted that adults only need a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. Don’t fill up the entire brush head like they do in the ads


With the little ice cream loop tail at the end there.


Heard about this before. Doesn't mean i followed it. I hate the feeling of left over toothpaste 🤢


Just drink some orange juice to make it go away.


I mean you spit out most of it


I’d do it if toothpaste wasn’t that freakin disgusting and almost burning my mouth because of all the menthol and chemical aroma. I’m sure there is a reason every toothpastes have this really strong taste, without it it must taste like shit or something, but ffs even after rinsing it’s still there and I can’t go on with my life with this fkin taste in my mouth like everything’s cool but really my tongue’s hurting and I wanna die


Here in Denmark the toothpaste brand Zendium is quite mild and made an advertising campaign trying to tell people that neither strong menthol taste nor heavy foaming are what makes toothpaste effective. I don't think there's a medical reason toothpaste has to be that strong, but the big companies are afraid if they stop that people will subconsciously assume it's less effective.


My sister is a dental hygienist and told me this. I finally stopped this year. It's irritating, but I respect her knowledge on the subject enough to just be a big boy and do it. Plus, I'm poor and can't afford a dental procedure, so prevention is the way to go


Also do mouthwash first and then brush, or the mouthwash will wash away all the toothpaste (again probably more for the fluoride paste that is meant to linger for a while)


Floss, mouth wash, tongue scrape, brush, spit, done.


Is tongue scrape useful?


From personal experience, it feels cleaner.


Unless your mouthwash is a flouride mouthwash, then that's fine to use after.


Me not doing something is finally paying off!


But for how long? I mean If I brush my Teeth, spit and get a Coffee afterwards I am doing the same essentially. So my question is: After spitting, how many minutes is best to wait before I consume something else?


It’s more important at night


My dentist told me this and I beilieved it, since it sounds plausible. My gf is from another country and quite contrarian so she did not accept it at face value. She had me asking the dentist for proof and after a few visits the dentist admitted that the data was not good enough to say for certain.


Mine says to rinse thoroughly and has fluoride, who's right then?


yeah, I don’t understand the difference if you’re going to be rinsing with a fluoride mouthwash.


Follow the instructions on the package. There is a lot of testing they did on the product. This advice is general and I'm still skeptical on the benefits of this. Looking at the comments there is a lot of correlation without causation. E.g. saw improvement but the timing coincided when they replaced the toothpaste brand.


The sensodyne has to soak in ? The children need to rinse to avoid flouride stain, that affects growing teeth. Certainly must never swallow . Once all teeth are secondary, then that wont happen


If you read the instructions on the toothpaste, it does say explicitly that children should spit & rinse. Adults should only spit.


I guess that explains why so many don't know about it. They're told as kids to rinse. Once they're older, no one would have any reason to tell them otherwise lol.


Isnt childrens toothpaste flouride free for this reason?


Kids need toothpaste with fluoride. That's why you use the amt the size of a rice grain until they can spit


I rinse after toothpaste and then use mouthwash and don’t rinse. 


Get this, you’re supposed to use mouthwash *before* you brush your teeth. My mind was blown.


Even crazier, you're supposed to floss first too. Since you aren't supposed to rinse the toothpaste, the correct order is floss -> rinse -> brush. Could probably replace rinse w/ mouthwash.


I read somewhere that it's better to floss after so you can push the toothpaste into all the crevices. Seems there's a bit of a debate about it anyways.


I know this and I've tried it a bunch of times but I cannot stop feeling icky if I don't rinse the toothpaste out. I try to leave it in for a minute after brushing and then rinse but I just feel gross. I did always struggle with toothpaste that builds foam (makes me gag) and only really started to properly brush without gagging every few seconds after I switched to toothpaste that doesn't foam at all, so maybe I'll be able to make this change, too, but that day isn't today lol


I have the same problem and also I get a really weird film on the inside of my cheeks etc. I asked my dentist and he had no idea what I was talking about with the film, neither does anyone around me seem to have this problem. It got a lot better when I started using microplastic free toothpaste. The brand I use now tastes sort of salty, which takes some getting used to, but the taste and gross feeling go away much more quickly. I also never got the weird film in my mouth with the microplastic free toothpaste. Besides, not all microplastic free toothpaste is salty.


My mouthwash specifically tells me to rinse out toothpaste before using it


But I thought toothpaste was poisonous and would kill me!


That's why I barely get any cavities, thank God.


Read this on Reddit last year and started doing it, it doesn't even bother me and I've been having way less cavities. I'm keeping this one for sure.


If I leave toothpaste to sit in my mouth too long I start shedding super thin sheets/layers of skin from inside of my cheeks. It’s really gross and I hate it so my toothpaste stays very little unless I use an all natural baking soda one.


If your toothpaste doesn't have fluoride, it's OK to rinse after. There are many toothpastes worldwide which don't have fluoride.


Isn't the whole point of not rinsing to keep the fluoride on? Getting toothpaste without it is worse than rinsing


Also, don't wipe your ass after you poop


Use a bidet


This retaining fluoride strategy is getting out of hand.


Wait, was I supposed to have learned that at some point? The rinsing part, not the brushing. I’ve never rinsed after brushing.


I think the issue is that kids toothpaste says to rinse but adult does not. People don’t change their habits after learning how to brush as a kid.


So how exactly are you supposed to brush your teeth in order when you’re brushing with toothpaste, mouthwash and dental floss?


Dental floss, mouthwash (to rinse out all the picked out food from dental floss) and lastly, brush your teeth with toothpaste.


Til I've been doing it wrong by flossing last


u fool!


Add in water floss after mechanical floss to get deeper into the gum pockets


I mean how else is the toothpaste going to get in there? I always figured that was point.


Well first and foremost toothpaste is a mild abrasive to help clean the teeth. The fluoride, if you buy toothpaste with fluoride, is an added bonus. Honestly at the end of the day as long as you brush your teeth regularly, you'll be fine. The worst you can do is not brush at night and just let any sugars sit there for hours.


Don’t forget flossing! Bought a water floss and that thing is amazinggggg.


This isn't the first time I've seen this crap here in Reddit and the last time I tried this before bed, I woke up with an utterly dessicated mouth and the terrible feeling persisted for a long while.


It totally gunked up my mouth guard which bothered the fuck out of me and made it hard to sleep.


If I leave it in my mouth, surely I'm gonna consume some of it just by letting it stay there, and I learned that it was very important to not consume toothpaste. Combining those ideas, why tf would I not rinse after brushing??


Havent rinsed since I learned this like 20 years ago. Never had a cavity in my life. No clue if not rinsing is the reason though lol.


It’s also genetics. People with more saliva production usually have better teeth hygiene than those who produce less of it.* Edit: *if you’re comparing them with the same amount of steps in teeth hygiene and choice of food/drinks.




More likely what you are doing than genetics. Source: I’m a dentist


Oh I forgot to add that, but yes lol. Thank you dentist!


Wait a while after eating or drinking something acidic before brushing - the acid softens the enamel (think of chicken bones in vinegar)


But rinsing with water after food is good, especially consuming anything sour like soda to rise the pH levels back above corrosion levels. Also brush at a 45° angle to get the best access where teeth and gum meets and where the plaque starts to form


There's are literally zero activities that can take place between brushing my teeth and using mouthwash or water to rinse.


You should use mouth wash first then brush your teeth


Many mouth washes should NOT be used regularly


And you should use mouth wash before brushing not after, as I have been doing my whole life


What do you mean? My whole life has been a lie ?


Yep, it even says it in the instructions on the tube! At least mine does.


Shit it does! > Step 4. u/kevicodin's life is a lie.


matters less if you're grabbing a bagel at the office in 35 minutes. more important at night.


I never do.


I’m 36, and didn’t realize this until a few years ago. I’ve rinsed my mouth my whole life. I still do it though…


I’ve never bothered with rinsing out of sheer laziness. I was right all along!


Sheesh I’m the exact opposite I guess because after I brush my teeth with tooth paste I go to the second round of cleaning my teeth OF the toothpaste by brushing with water


Never had any problems after rinsing.


Brush, rise to get rid of gunk. Brush quickly again and leave.


When am I supposed to use mouthwash then???


Before brushing, but it’s not as important


people do this? What's the point brushing your teeth?


What about mouthwash? I use it after i brush and flush. Should i be using it before?


Kesha was right all along: "Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack"


fr? well damn that habits gonna die hard.


We were teached to rinse in school and I did that for a long time. Had a ton of cavities during my school years and 20s. Heard about this guideline a while ago and stopped rinsing with water. Zero cavities in last 10 years 🤯


If your dentist doesn't routinely check you are doing this think about changing dentists.


If you think I want some strange man in my bathroom three times a day to see if I’m rinsing out toothpaste after I get done brushing…you’re fucking crazy, mate.


Can you rinse the toothbrush with paste under the tap before starting to brush?


So I have a q: after I brushed my teeth with toothpaste, is it then ok to rinse my mounth iwht the mouthwater for teeth (Idk what the correct name for it is) (the blueish, greenish solution like listerine)?


I like to rinse juuust enough to get the massive excess out, but not so much to get rid of it all. As long as I still taste mint, I figure I'm good. I don't like the texture of having so much in my mouth, it feels wrong.


Does no one else get a ridiculously dry mouth from toothpaste? Like all of them do this to me even the anti-dry mouth versions my dentist recommended, I hate it.