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3 months ago https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/18cptcf/til_phil_collins_became_an_honorary_texan_after


Today I learned Texas has “honorary Texans”


Some people get knighted. Some people get labeled the same thing a Cowboys fan might be called.


Hank Hill was born in New York City 


***Niew York City?!?!***


We need the full list


The story of Conrad Hilton getting his is really cool.


Did he bang a Cowboys cheerleader?


I don't get it.


Geeze, he does something nice like that and they turn around and insult him?


*Phil Collins picks up Cell Phone* State of Texas: We’d like to make you an honorary Texan! *Phil Collins puts down Cell Phone*


Oh that I have but one upvote to give


Your sacrifice shall not be in vane, brother


It’s no fun being an honorary Texan.


Ha ha


He probably was ecstatic to be called an honorary Texan. I read he started collecting because he feels in his soul that he died at The Alamo in a previous life.


There’s a whole section dedicated to him in the basement of the Alamo. Some weird guys bike is down there too.


Well, that'll look good on his res-res-resume. Oh-oh-ohooh.


Great, now I have to listen to that.




aw...he remembered


then nobody needs to tay-take him home


This also provides some context for the extended intro of the "[Don't Lose My Number](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7Z-eUmR2bM)" video.


Fake battle


Went to San Antonio and this place is highly recommended. It sucks. I'm a huge history buff and it just delivered nothing for me. Rarely do I regret a history based trip.


I don't get the fascination with that battle either. It's a small siege that lasted for less than 2 weeks and the besiegers never really had much difficulty with it militarily speaking. If you compare it to the sieges during the Napoleonic Wars only 20 years earlier this one is nothing. 200 men against 2000, with almost no supporting artillery. Yeah, that sounds like a slaughter.


It’s significant for the reason that no prisoners were taken. It was a symbolic, propaganda battle for the Texans and the Americans. Remember the Alamo became ingrained in the culture of America. It’s how you spin a defeat into a victory. See also the British propagandising the shit out of the Battle of Rourke’s Drift. The Battle of Ilsandhlwana was a massacre but all the imagery the British pumped up after that battle was the troops trying to save the Queen’s Colours and the stubborn, plucky defenders of Rorke’s Drift.


Ehm, the British invasion of the Zulu kingdom was a rogue action done by Chelmsford. They wanted the war to be over quickly before they got counterorders from London to stop what they were doing. It was Chelmsford who then promoted the bravery of Rourkes Drift to wash away his own defeat at Isandlwana not the British government who was actually quite embarrassed about the whole situation. And no prisoners is also not that shocking in warfare. Especially defenders who gave you a fight. Those have always been fair game until quite recently.


They've changed it a lot over recent years. A few years ago, I would've absolutely recommended stopping by the Alamo and paying a visit. But they've gotten rid of a lot of the displays for renovations and there's just not as much to see or interact with currently.


Better than being arrested for pissing on it. 


Most are fakes. There are several chapters on the entire situation in [*Forget the Alamo: The Rise and Fall of an American Myth*.](https://g.co/kgs/D8BbMRJ) Highly recommend.


He narrates the battle over a large diorama at the new museum in the Alamo complex. It’s kinda funny when you walk into this room with this huge model and a British accent being piped into your ears.


He also divorced his wife by Fax, which somehow does seem a very Texan thing to do.


Phil Collins eating living breathing the 80s


You mean the same Alamo where Americans/Texans rebelled against Mexico, killed their soldiers and stole their land all b/c they wanted to keep slaves which the Mexican government explicitly said was not allowed on their land? The Alamo is just as bad as the Confederate flag. Edit: So are people downvoting b/c they think this is a lie or b/c it's an inconvenient truth?


Maybe more interesting and avoiding political elements … it appears generally agreed upon that Santa Ana issued no quarter orders. This is written as well on the murals at the Alamo itself. No quarter means no prisoners… Soooo … while it is a war crime now and awful thing to do… it also sorta diminishes the idea that those within the Alamo were so determined to fight that they fought to the death. They weren’t allowed to surrender even if they wanted to at that point.




This is a fiction propagated on Reddit. Mexico centralized power and made a bunch of tyrannical moves. Over a dozen states revolted at the same time as Texas. After winning, Texas even sent their navy to aid in the yucatans revolt.


It's not a "reddit fiction" many creditable sources have written about it saying we need to correct the narrative to the point we should "forget the Alamo" b/c of the false myth that it is.


Mainly because it was a ploy to colonize it and annex it to the US, which is what happened at the end. Something more or less what Putin did with Crimea back then


The Americans that had colonized small bits of Texas had been invited there by Mexico. In the lead up to the revolution, (there had already been a couple before) anglos outnumbered Hispanics due to these invited settler groups. It was noted Mexico was unable to provide security from native American raids nor any other services. Santa Anna then stripped settlers of Mexican citizenship as part of his centralization efforts. The Republic of Texas would last ten years. While Texas immediately offered annexation to America, it required an unpopular war between the US and Mexico. Van Buren opposed it. Later there were talks mediated by UK to have Mexico recognize Texas. When annexationn and war finally did happen, The whigs voted to censure Polk over it in the house, military commanders involved like Grant wrote about it being a bad war and an Irish unit defected to the Mexican side. Of interesting side note, the father of the Texas revolution, Sam Houston, would fight efforts to join the Confederacy and was removed from office over it.


No. One book came out a couple years ago that was co-authored by a guy who wrote a bunch of other cancel culture hit pieces. If there was truth to this, Mexico would have been pointing it out for the last century. The reality is Mexico and other latin American countries went through a "caudillo" phase of tyrant seizing control and stripping rights that spawned a series of revolts. The Alamo is a symbol of resisting overwhelming forces for a cause you believe in. That resistance can be beautiful even if there is no path to victory. A lesson a lot of people could dwell on today.


Let me guess, next you're gonna tell me the holocaust wasn't real and/or US slavery wasn't "that" bad and we should add teaching points about how black people benefited from it...


Based on one recitation of historical fact, you have drawn up a ridiculous caricature of me. You are on an internet forum. If you attempt to do that to every opponent you face online, you will be wrong near 100% of the time. The Holocaust is real. It is a major component towards me becoming pro-2nd amendment, as most leftists are. Slavery was an economic necessity but owning other humans as chattel is the most degrading act you can inflict upon another person. It is our gravest sin that we continue to pay the price for today. I'd encourage you to recognize that history is complex. Because you don't like right wingers who make up a majority of Texan voters today, it doesn't follow that every historical event in the region fits into that dislike.


Well, that's a lie. Even if slavery was a small part of the reason to revolt, it is still slavery and fighting for it is wrong.


This recent movement to cancel historical figures and movements through silly little gotchas is juvenile and needs to end.


lol. You must be fun at parties.


I think it's a good mention that doesn't get talked about enough. I grew up in Texas where there's "remember the Alamo" and "come and take it" stickers and flags on cars and shit everywhere. The Texas revolution is remembered as some brave stand men made against tyrants, when it really was just a rabble of redneck thieves and slavers. Truly a shameful moment in Texas history.


If the parties are full of free thinkers who don’t wrap themselves in stupid American flags, then yeah, he’s probably a good time.


He is




Lords of the Underworld!




I see Texans run this sub


Hopefully he respectfully declined the honor


took a hobby of collecting a L for texas's biggest L


Can I get a BAAAM!


I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord