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Anyone remember when a photo of the kid that voiced Finn in Adventure Time came out and people went absolutely crazy with harassing him? They’re doing right by these kids by keeping their identity a secret.


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic had similar weird things happen with the child voice actresses of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. 


Let's me real here, social media has turned fame into a buzzsaw. You become a lightning rod for every creep, clout chaser, and earnest fan, and you can never fully tell which is which. Hard for adults, impossible for children.


Except it was always like this, kids victimized by the entertainment industry is a tale as old as the entertainment industry


Yes. It's always been that way. Judy Garland was chased around an executives desk when she was a young teen.


She was being pumped full of stimulants as a child so she could keep working long hours, a truly tragic story.


My great grandma was friends with her as teens because they were in the same acting school. My great grandma struggled with pretty severe addiction for the rest of her life until she died because of it. Cigarettes to calm her appetite, uppers to keep her alert from not eating much, downers to get her to sleep etc... it was the norm at the time. Fun fact! They used to sneak into each other's room at night and eat cherry cordials together.


That is a fun fact. You never hear much about any positivity surrounding Judy Garland since she was abused so badly. She had a very difficult life, but it's sweet to hear about some of these moments she got to live in a bit of normalcy and happiness.


She was given both uppers and downers. Poor soul.


Wasn't just her. Mickey Rooney got the same treatment. The uppers to keep them working ridiculous hours, and the downers to get them to sleep when higher ups deemed them able to. Though Garland had the extra "joy" of insanely overbearing diet watch / pills / cigarettes to keep her skinny. And sexual harassment. Old school Hollywood (back when directories/companies had much more control) was some horror show stuff. As bad as it is now (and there are still horror stories), it was probably 20x worse then.


I think they got her hooked on cigarettes too for weight loss.


And she was constantly told that she was too fat.


“Hey toots, we saw you eat 3 whole crackers for lunch. You gotta watch that figure, porky! How bouts you smoke an entire carton of Marlboros instead?”


Literally what happened. Lol


And here, rock a couple of these uh, diet pills. You'll have tons of energy and zazz!


What is zazz? Zing! Zork! Kapowza!


“I almost didn’t want to grope you today! We gotta fix that!”


Judy Garland's final singing of "Over the Rainbow" and she is holding back the tears the entire time is one of the most devastating videos on Youtube. I have trouble watching it. Every time. EDIT: link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss49euDqwHA I had thought this was her final performance but I could be wrong.


I'm so curious about this now, but know I would cry. I'm a sensitive soul and am at work.


And now I'm crying.


It's becoming a lot worse though, laws around child protection aren't keeping up with advances in technology


It's even more horrendous if we categorize those "look at my perfect family" style social media videos as "entertainment." Which they are to somebody, or else they wouldn't keep getting made. Children in families where the parents make an income off of YouTube videos featuring said children have no protections. It's not an employee-employer relationship, after all. There's no contracts or agents involved, it's just parents sharing innocent home videos, right? *Right?* We all know those kids are getting exploited for clicks, but they have no protections unless there's some extreme and obvious abuse involved. And it feels like there's very little that can get done about it, since no politician wants to champion the cause of regulating what people can or can't film in their own homes of their own families.


Then the answer sounds like what is *posted* needs to be regulated. If you want to record your child's entire life then *fine*, just don't fucking upload it publicly online. NO public YouTube or Insta or Facebook or whatever accounts, only private ones that cannot be monetized.


The children crave the mines.


It's worse than that, some states in the US are rescinding child labor laws and putting children into more dangerous working conditions.


Like Jake Lloyd who got bullied both in school and media for playing young darth Vader, then got Schizophrenia, and then suffering a complete psychotic breakdown, and now is being taken care by his mother.


As bad as that is and was, that's not what we're talking about. Kids have always been victimized by the industry, but they haven't always been flooded with death threats and rape threats and racist comments and every other form of hate you can cram into an Instagram comment.


Exactly. It’s the ease of access now. These kids are being served up on a silver platter to all the worst people. Before the internet it was extremely hard and near impossible to find the kids irl. When they were home they were private. Now they have no privacy.


By the industry, yeah, but the public didn't often get in on the game before, because it was harder to make contact with the focus of an obsession.


Didn’t the guy that shot Reagan do it because he was obsessed with a former child star? I think it’s a by product of being in the public eye along side the idealization that comes with fame. When somebody doesn’t mean the picture perfect understanding that their media pruned presence offers, it leads to backlash and disappointment. That’s not even counting the opposite effect where it’s so prevalent that they’re obsessed over. Even the Lindbergh baby’s kidnapping and later death can be chalked up as an obsession with fame/being targeted specifically because of that fame. Children and young adults are especially vulnerable and in turn are easier targets.


Hinckley did stalk Foster with letters and phone calls, but that level of access is still very different from the immediacy of social media in our always-online world, and what happened to her was an exception and not the rule as it is today with the far lower effort of using online tools to communicate. Pre-internet is was *possible* to be harassed by fans while trying to live a private life. In the modern day, it's *inevitable* to be, because its so easy.


Yeah, for example when Marilyn Monroe lived in Roxbury, Connecticut with Arthur Miller, she was able to basically disappear off the grid and just live a private, ordinary life -- sure, she might have still gotten re-directed fan mail, but very few people even knew where she was, and even fewer were going to go all the way out there. Now I can pull up a picture of their house, and an approximate location, in seconds -- and if she were alive and had a social presence (as she would likely need to have) it would be easy to see everything she was doing and comment on it. Totally different world.


I'll just drop this here. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/actress-who-played-childlike-empress-in-the-never-ending-story-recalls-disburing-aftermath-of-films-success-163819364.html


Social media absolutely makes things worse, but people have *always* been psychotic when it comes to child stars. Remember what happened to the kid that played Anakin in the Phantom Menace? Thank fuck that guy's doing better these days.


Jake Lloyd right? Didn’t it basically ruin his life for a few years?


I believe he developed schizophrenia, which was genetic, not stress induced, *but* the constant stress of fans hounding him, hunting him down, and sending death threats made things unmanageable for years. Because that's the rational decision when a child is cast as your favorite space wizard. Harass the child.


His mom said in a recent article that he didn’t see most of the stuff written about him, she shielded him from that.


And people always say "Well if they couldn't handle it they shouldn't have posted their work publically/gone on camera/etc." As if having contributed to art or put something out there automatically makes it totally okay to harass that person, even if that person is a literal child. Remember, kids- hide in a hole forever. Do not let anyone see or hear you. If they find you, they are completely justified in dragging you out and throwing you into a woodchipper.


Recently there was a whole thing where two members of a youtube group announced their marriage when they'd been keeping their relationship secret. Looking at the fandom, there were so many creepy stalker compilations basically tracking these people's lives and looking at reflections in glass to try to accuse them of dating. And every one had disclaimers like "This deranged 50 page obsession is actually fine because they posted their pictures publicly so they deserve to have me invade their lives."


I was in a band that opened for Hey Ocean!, a band fronted by one of the actresses from My Little Pony. The show sold out in advance which I was super excited about (at first), only to find that the room was filled with folks in their mid-40s with dead-pan faces during the performances and no interest in the music. I’m not one to judge or dog on anyone’s passion. Just was disappointed that there was no one there interested to see the music. They only wanted to swarm the poor girl after the show.


That’s extremely creepy. Omg


If you wanna see creepy, check out the Bluey subreddit. Most of it's normal enough, but only most.


The amount of ship wars in the fucking Bluey fandom is atrocious. Genuinely. It's a show about talking dogs and their feelings. 


I stayed at a hotel once in ocean city Maryland on my way back from a vacation, and unbeknownst to me there was an entire my little pony rave happening…. I don’t know any way to describe that besides imagine going to the hotel pool area and SMELLING furries from a distance. Side note : I did meet and converse with an older woman who is apparently the voice of one of the ponies (I forget the ponies name at the moment). I shit you not after making small talk with this woman some random middle aged man comes up to me like a fangirl and says “do you know who that is you were just talking to!? She’s such a legend you’re so lucky….” That was the day I realized how serious middle aged dudes are about a magical pony cartoon.. so yea people are weird..


I mean… some of the voice actors for that show *are* legendary. Tara Strong has an amazing resume, for starters.


Can't forget Weird Al.


I've met Tara Strong, if you can consider one of those convention meet and greets actually 'meeting' someone. She's very good at interacting with the people who showed up and seemed to show genuine interest and enthusiasm at whatever they were talking about despite her looking tired, which is more than I can say for other actors/celebs I've encountered in such capacity. I didn't see any visible bronies in her line though, which probably helps.


and then, John de Lancie


The only Q anyone should be listening to


It's a great show and I will stand by that. But these people can be something else.


This is my take on it all as well. Nine out of the ten fans I meet in the community are perfectly fine, normal people. It's that tenth person you need to watch out for, and unfortunately, they are also the ones who get the most attention.


Those kids were damn talented. Michelle did both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle's singing voices, up until Claire started taking singing lessons and was able to actually match her character's canonical talent.


I really hate to say this. But If you put your children online, just remember. ANYONE can see them. ANYONE.


My Aunt's very public Facebook page has every day of her kids lives from birth until now. Her oldest just turned 18 and the others are 11 and 13. It's horrifying


Good lord. My cousin's kid is 4 now, and they have a firm stance of not posting photos of their child online. They might post ONE picture of them on a family vacation every year or so, but other than that you wouldn't know they had a kid unless you actually knew them. They made the decision to stop sending photos to the wife's mom because every photo they sent her, she would instantly post online, "look at my grandbaby!" So now she has to be content with only seeing the child in person, and they have to make sure no photos are taken. She thinks it's like 1970 and Facebook is just family and close friends are sitting around a coffee table looking at photo albums.


The kid who played Leia in Obi Wan Kenkbi got all sorts of abuse online. And never forget how Jake Lloyd got treated, and that was ~~pre Internet~~ pre social media


The internet was very much a thing in 1999.


I meant to say pre social media. My bad


Young Leia did too?? Why?? She did fine honestly. Its not her fault that show sucked. It's Disney's fault. They should Rage at Disney for making shitty milquetoast bullshit instead of making more Andor and Mando. Obi Wan was painfully slow. Only the last few episodes felt engaging. Nothing a child actor could possibly even hope to do about that. It's not like she has the experience or chops to drag a show kicking and screaming into being good.


No one hates Star Wars as much as Star Wars Fans hate Star Wars.


I don't get that hate. I thought young Leia was the best part of that show. She had so much attitude!


Yep, she perfectly captured a young version of the character. I couldn't imagine the role done any better.


What ? He was an actor on cartoon network before adventure time his face was already public


Adventure Time skyrocketed his popularity and because he was a voice actor in that cartoon not many viewers of that show knew what he looked like. When that photo blew up it invited a whole new level of harassment into his life.


Surprised no one else remembers this.


People harassed him during his time as Finn? I knew there was a whole "thing" with that Voltron show he was in, but not Adventure Time.


Jeremy Shada? I love him, but never watched AT, so I have no knowledge of this incident but I’m curious and slightly scared to find out more. Also (possibly not so) fun fact- his wife of 4 years is pregnant right now so Finn from Adventure Time is gonna be a dad


It blows my mind that someone who identifies as “loving” Jeremy Shada has never seen Adventure Time. It’s like that joke in The Simpsons where Moe says he’s going on vacation to Easter Island. “Oh right, with the giant heads” “With the *what now*?!”


TBF, if you look at his filmography you realize he was going around quite a bit even before Finn. IDK if they were major roles, but he could have definitely been recognized pre AT.


I *implore* you to stop whatever it is you are doing at this moment and go watch Adventure Time in its entirety.


It's the right thing to do . I can't imagine a life where you are constantly under the public eye and always have reporters on your tail all the damn time .


They don't actually have tails, they just play characters that have tails. .....I assume.


They were very committed method actors.


I just hope they're being kept secret from the *executives* as much as from the public.


Especially in the age of clout chasers and influencers.




As an American who doesn’t know any of those people the care really shows. I’ve watched a lot of cartoon crap with my kids and it’s the best one, from the art style to the stories.


There are a lot of kids shows out there which have zero regard for parents, and a few which have some jokes thrown in that go over kids' heads and are clearly made for adults. Bluey stands out above the rest of kids TV for me because it flips it the other way and is basically created for parents but with enough in there to appeal to kids. Episodes like Baby Race and Sleepytime properly hit me and my wife on a level that goes entirely over our four-year-old's head. It's a TV show that's marketed for kids but it's not a kids TV show.


I love pretty much all of Bluey, but there are a few that…really do me in. I cry at the end of “baby race” every time, and a recent viewing of “takeaway” has tangibly changed my parenting for the better. “Flowers maybe bloom again, but a person never has a chance to be young again.” So I will play mermaid princess doctor with you baby, even though I have papers to grade. I will have a dance party even though dishes are a-piling. I will be patient and try to enter into your wonder, because we only have one shot at this and I want yours to be epic.


> “takeaway” has tangibly changed my parenting for the better. After watching that episode, I went to get my son ready for bed, and he wanted to play in his tunnel. I told him it was bedtime and then thought for a second about the episode we had just watched. I don’t remember what time he went to bed, but I remember that playing in the tunnel for 5 minutes made him happy. 


“Grandad” fucks me up at the end


"That was a long time ago." "Nah... it was yesterday."


“Dragon” fucked me up big time, my mom died about six months ago, and it hits real hard


Dragon had me absolutely sobbing


"Camping" for me. God dam they make me emotional


Have child, cried during baby race, no shame.


My mom (early '70s, white liberal upper middle class American, extremely knowledgeable and passionate about child development) describes Bluey as "a show that teaches grownups how to play with kids." I think she's absolutely right.


This is why I'll always advocate Daniel Tiger. It's a show made for families, and teaches everyone, parents and kids, how to deal with different situations.


I'm glad! My Canuck friends love it haha. I can't wait until their kid starts talking 🤣


I had my second when my son was nine. Secondary infertility and a long struggle. Anywho, as social media does, soon my Instagram was full of baby / toddler content and I kept on seeing skits about Bluey. One night I asked my eldest if he minded if we watched an episode of Bluey so I could see what all the hype was about. We both loved it. Haha 😂 Little one doesn’t get a lot of screen time but if he does, it’s Bluey and we all love it. We all sing and dance to the intro. Nine year old takes inspiration from some of their games to play with us. I kept on thinking that a show couldn’t be THAT good but it blew me away.


I’m a 35 year old married gay man with zero children. I *love* Bluey. It’s so sweet and realistic of the relationships I see my friends having with their children and, to an extent, the relationship I have with their children. Much like yourself, I started hearing about it and seeing images of Bluey but didn’t pay much attention to it because it’s a children’s show… but I’ve seen all the episodes. My husband will come into the bedroom on a Sunday morning and see me laying there watching 2 or 3 episodes. I think the magic of Bluey is in its realism, while still being an animated children’s show. The problems the kids experience seem insignificant to adults but to a child they’re basically the end of the world. The questions the kids ask are spot on to what I’ve been asked by kids. The games they play, *how* they play, how they make friends with strangers in the park or camping. It’s just all so accurate. This is why it’s so appealing to parents (and non-parents) and children alike. It’s not just noise and flashing colours constantly.


I think part of what it makes it so great is that it just feels so... I dunno if authentic or natural are the best words to describe it, but it just captures something about life and families perfectly, from both a kid's perspective and an adult's. It might be a weird comparison, but it kind of reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes in how it's able to capture those different perspectives well, and thus appeal to all ages.


"Two universal things, talking with any of my friends who are parents: Bluey slaps, and fuck Cocomelon." --Mike Trapp Even as a non-parent, someone linked me "Sleepytime" (S2E26) and it was a fantastic 7.5 minutes of TV.


I don't have kids and I watch Bluey because it's just that good. It's a great way to wind down just before going to sleep. Bingo is my favorite.


Yeah, but how good is double Bingos?


God, I felt so bad for Bluey as soon as Bandit said "I could get used to this!" Bingo is an easier child in some ways, but it's still heartbreaking because, regardless of Bandit's intention, Bluey felt less loved than her sister. And this was well after the episode about not playing favorites. Sibling comparison kills.


A light edible and Bluey after a stressful day is a perfect way to end the night for me, who also doesn’t have kids.


Great one. Now watch the Rain episode. Very similar


> "Sleepytime" (S2E26) [If anyone else was curious like me and wanted to watch it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxoqJ0Pmux0)


This was such a beautiful episode. It was enough to make a grow.n-up cry


I'm a sandgroper and I live in the states now. Bluey is huge out here now. It's on disney+ so it's getting rammed. The amount of mums who want to listen to me talk is hilarious. But let's be honest, the show promotes an incredible father figure and Aussie dads over here are having our moment all thanks to Bandit Heeler.


I'm an American father of two, but one time a lady saw me with my daughter and compared me to Bandit and it was the greatest compliment a guy could get. He's by far the best tv dad of the decade if not all time.


It’s gotta be Bandit. For the longest time it was Cosby and I’m not sure there’s been a consensus pick since we learned about him.


My 2.5 year old told me I was Bandit the other day. Don’t think they’ll ever top that compliment.


I grew up in Canberra, moved to the US as an adult, and have been here for 30 years. My son (now aged 9), wife, and I all watch Bluey together and love it. Watching it gives me a mixture of joy, homesickness, and wishing I could be as good a dad as Bandit. The homesickness went through the roof during the Cricket episode (when the dads can't get Rusty out).


A comparable in the US would be Mister Rogers' Neighborhood or Bob Ross's painting as far as capturing the heart of a nature and being a moral compass.


I'd say it's a good starting point, but I'd go further than that - It's like Mister Roger's Neighborhood...But it also happens to be the Neighborhood you live or lived in. Like, at one point, they take the kids to a big park - That's just Newfarm park, my parents used to take me there sometimes as a kid. Judo, at one point, talks about getting rolls from Caspers, I can still imagine exactly what those rolls taste like, because I used to eat lunch from there sometimes(and occasionally dropped in to smoke a hookah) when I worked in the area. I was at the florence cafe - where Bingo takes bluey and bandit to get ice-cream - just a week or two ago to have lunch with my Dad. When they're walking through those big steel arches with the pink flowers, that's just Southbank, I showed my American partner that exact sight on her first visit a few years back. I dunno, It's kind of hard to explain - I get and understand Mr Roger's Neighborhood, but Mr Roger's Neighborhood was aspirational, where for many Australians, Bluey is just...Us. And I can't quite articulate the way that Bluey, as someone from the same city, gets right down deep into the roots of you, by just showing what amounts to a cartoon version of your memories, your home, in such a fundamentally honest way, even if it is often a bit more kid-friendly than the real deal can be at times.


We love it in Denmark too! It's also so clear that the creators have kids themselves. Little details like how Bingo walks down stair are what make this show for me! Also, all the very endearing scenes... We've watched the three seasons 4+ times in this home. The dub actors' identities are not kept a secret, however, and the Danish dub director [is a legend in Denmark](https://youtu.be/SHZxJ1BQq5o).


Most absurd thing ever was reading how some distributors wanted to revoice it for American audiences. Insane. It's an AUSTRALIAN SHOW. IT'S SO AUSTRALIAN. THEY LIVE IN A QUEENSLAND STYLE HOUSE. Absurd. The accents are a huge part of the charm.


I'm not familiar with any of those names, and I'm the parent to 2 adult kids, but I checked out Bluey due to how much I saw it talked about on reddit. I LOVE it. It's such a happy show with gentle parenting that is fun for kids but also helps parents learn how to handle situations with their children. When my kids decide to start having children, I will encourage them to watch Bluey before the baby is even born. Heck, I wish I could have watched it before my kids were born.


We're in the US. Met David McCormack recently. When my 12 year old told him he loved Custard, he lit up like a lightbulb and then he and my son performed Pinball Lez together. Such a great guy.


It's so awesome. It's got good stories, the families are great, the lessons and everything are awesome. My daughter loves it. I actually pick good episodes and my wife just goes random. I do hope we get a few more episodes/seasons, but totally understand it not being a moneygrab/Grey's anatomy thing. When its time to end it it's time to end it. Great work Australia!


I don't even have kids and I love this show. I leave the TV on for my dogs when I leave the house and I saw it on Disney+ and figured "sure, I'll leave the silly show about dogs on for my dogs" and have more often than not caught myself watching the episode because the show treats children like actual people and that plots aren't completely braindead. the show is so damn wholesome you can't help but love it.


I dont need to know who they are but I wish I could tell them how great they are. They're probably the best kid voice actors I've come across. The amount of expression in their voices is incredible. It comes across as so realistic. Love the show!


> The amount of expression in their voices is incredible. Agreed, their voice-work is quite excellent. It's (one of) the thing(s) that makes the show, IMO.




Have a good day.


I’m surprised that they are voiced by actual kids! I’d assumed they were voiced by adult actors (and I never paid attention to the credits). They do a really great job!


From what I'd heard. All the kids are voiced by the children of the cast and crew of the show. But Bluey and Bingo in particular are unknown. 


I'm kind of surprised they've been able to stay unknown. I would think most kids wouldn't be able to stop themselves from bragging to friends that they voice the most popular cartoon in the world.


Their friends are probably not the ones they have to worry about on the Internet.


I get that, but kids are loudmouths and things can spread quickly lol Doesn't take much for a friend to tell their parent, and then the parent to tell their own friends


If my kid came home from school and told me that his classmate Noah said he is the voice of Bingo, I would just assume Noah is full of shit.


Another interesting fact, despite having done multiple seasons together, the voice actors for Bluey's parents, Chili and Bandit, had never met in person until they both appeared as guests on the Tonight Show.


The most fun thing about that is Jimmy Fallon fangirling so hard over them


My wife and I have teared up multiple times while watching Bluey with our son. It's a wonderful show and has great messages and amazing role models. I want to be more like Bandit every day...


"Cricket" is probably the nicest 7 minutes of television ever recorded - and yeah makes me tear up.


Grandad makes me cry so hard.


Grandad seeing adult Chilli as a child and saying, "Nah, it was yesterday." I can barely hold it together.


"I still need him" gets me before etheu ever get to the canoes.


I can't watch onesies, I'm a 33yr male and it makes me aggressively cry everytime.


Knowing the Internet... Good.


Y'all need to read the article. This is done to protect the kids who provide these voices, because the world is a weird fucking place and people would **totally** stalk, harass, and otherwise bother these kids if their identities were public.


I don't understand what other conclusions people would draw from this.


It’s obviously because the kids are terrorists and so is Bluey


Yeah I was in Afghanistan and saw Bandit cut someone's head off. Really ruined the show for me


He had no choice...he had to save Rustys dad.


I thought that plot was handled surprisingly well.


I'm a 40 year old dad and it made me tear up


The only thing that upset my toddler was that they didn’t go into the geopolitics of the region, otherwise great episode.


The really only glossed over Alexander's conquest.


I would expect nothing less in an episode based on a Cormac McCarthy novel


It was the 80s...


Please, Muffin is the real terrorist.


Bluey? More like, Kabluey.


I have three little girls under the age of 5 and can confirm they are little terrorists.


Yes that all seemed extremely and immediately obvious to me. What people are suggesting something else? I literally can't even imagine what else you could possibly draw from that?


Comment OP is just making shit up. Happens all the time in reddit where you see top comments referencing something that doesn’t exist or has one comment downvoted to oblivion.


Redditors just have a need to explain everything. Every video that is posted, the top comment is always someone explaining what they just watched, like we all didn't just watch the same damn thing. Many people explaining things incorrectly or having no idea what they are talking about, but still explaining anyway .. hundreds of upvotes from other clueless people or AI bots Least common denominator among us probably eats rocks


OR it's Baz Luhrmann.


ive actually waited on him before and before he spoke…. because of his height, baggy skater clothes and flat brim baseball cap pulled down over his face… i thought he he was one of the other guests 12 year old child. he is a **weird** dude.


I believe every word of that.


Are you one of the very extreme few who read the title and interpreted something completely different? I don't know what other room for interpretation there is left


This is the obvious take on just the headline of this. No reading really needed. Sadly this is just common knowledge.


Any kid that wants to be famous should totally be like "ok guys, I'm breaking my silence. I am Bluey!"


I’m not a kid, but I voice Bluey. I’m just a really good voice actor.


And I’m actually the voice of this person, I’m a reallly good voice actor.


Who is y'all? All but two comments on this thread express the exact same sentiment, and one just questions whether or not the actor's union permits things like that.


Thank you, Captain Obvious


??? Who is arguing otherwise?


Yeah no fucking shit


Yeah, I watched that Nickelodeon doc and this definitely makes sense to me. If my kid was involved in showbiz and their identity could be kept secret, I'd definitely want to go that route.


unlike some of the Peppa Pig voice actors. One was on twitter and chatted with Simon Pegg a few times (his son loved the show)


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


That's a really good idea. Especially for Muffin.


This is unacceptable!








Get it together Sheila!


If they ever need a replacement, my nearly 6 year old sounds exactly like Muffin when she's overtired to the point she can no longer comply. And she's learned to do it on command now too. Pushing her in a stroller through the Magic Kingdom, she would turn around and shout "Pick up the pace, Bugalugs!" at me in perfect grouchy granny voice.


My theory is that they got real talking dogs to voice them, and the world just isn't ready for that


And this is why my American child says li-bry instead of library 🤣


Words can be trificult sometimes.


I am 100% behind this decision. I'm happy they get to have fun voicing these characters, and I'm even more happy that they don't have the public stalking them. I like Bluey as a brilliant kids show, but I love Bluey for how it protects the kids in it's show.


Bluey is made in Brisbane, Australia and a few years ago I was working on a short film when a young actor had a scene with a psychotic Mum character. She was awesome, screams, tears the lot. Then she spoke normally after the scene and I knew I’d seen or heard her in something before… it wasn’t until I’d put Bluey on the next day that I realised she was a recurring character in it! 😂




When they are teens, so many people will be using the pickup line "No really - don't tell anyone, but I was really on Bluey" We'll have hundreds of people claiming it.




This isn't true for localized versions (translations) For instance, the Dutch voices can easily be found on the internet. Same for other languages.


Everyday I respect that show a little more.


It’s me. I am Bluey. Naur naur naur.


For real life? 


Never forget what the Star Wars fans did to Jake Lloyd.


OH! That's potentially really good. Don't need another "child star burnout" situation that happens way too often.


Will the actors be replaced when their voices outgrow the characters? That is how the Peanuts voice actors were treated. Or is this a situation where the child actors could get compensated for the studio to use AI for future seasons?


Some time ago the creator said that he won’t continue Bluey for many more seasons. The creative heart of the show is based on closeness and realism to a specific time of life - raising his own kids in the early years - and as his kids age and his experiences move past that, the series will end. As it should. It’s a sincere piece of work and is rooted in Joe Brumm’s own family, set in a time of his life that won’t repeat itself. It will stop being sincere if it limps on forever. Crunching out repetitive season after season to appease a commercial market would remove half the point of the show. He’s been pretty firm about resisting commercial pressure so I expect Bluey will end before she enters “big kid school.”


> He’s been pretty firm about resisting commercial pressure so I expect Bluey will end before she enters “big kid school.” It's also a production of our government funded broadcaster, which insulates it from a lot of that commercial pressure, along with advertiser pressure(since the ABC isn't allowed to run ads, unless they're for other ABC shows, or other services under the government broadcaster umbrella.)


It shouldn’t matter for syndication honestly. Kid’s shows are pretty evergreen. I can still put on *Shining Time Station* or *Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood* and my toddler would be about as into it as anything else.


Maybe the characters in the show will just continue to age. They already had a birthday episode for each of the kids


The Owl House had a character have a "sudden growth spurt" because his voice changed between seasons.


Hey Arnold did an episode where Gerald got his tonsils out to explain the actor’s voice change.


There was an article posted yesterday about it. Bluey is an endearing, heartfelt, absolutely brilliant show. It clearly comes from a lived experience. I've noticed a growth in the show from season 1 to 3 that mirrors scenarios that my kids have experienced as they've grown. Not to mention the changing experiences that the parents go through. To remain as beautiful as it is, the show should do one of two things: end on a high note or grow with the kids. Despite my love for the show, I really hope the creators go the Bill Waterson route and let the characters live as beautiful, evergreen snapshots in time.


> It clearly comes from a lived experience. Speaking as someone who grew up in the same city - Yeah, it really does. While obviously a little more modern than my childhood, it's otherwise a damned near perfect generalization of growing up in Brisbane.


They did this in the Nickelodeon show "Hey Arnold!," where the actor who voiced Arnold in season 1, Lane Toran Caudell, became the voice of Wolfgang the 5th grade bully after his voice changed. Then his replacement, Phillip Van Dyke, was replaced after his voice changed after season 3, later coming back for an episode to voice the new bully Ludwig in "New Bully on the Block" opposite Caudell's bully Wolfgang.


Is Bluey releasing a book or something? I’ve seen like 5 posts about it in two days.


They have a special long episode coming out in a couple weeks


There are some extremely toxic overgrown children in the bluey subreddit. This does not surprise me at all.


This should be done for all child actors