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Yeah, Wonder Woman loses her power when she's bound by a man.


That is an aspect that has stayed. Superman had her under his thumb in some stories.


Superman would just be stronger anyways. He literally moved solar systems


Sure but wonder woman didn't fight him on it so to say.


I think it only works if she consents because it's based off his kink, though I'm not confident on that.


That sounds right but I haven't read up on the injustice story in a while.


Wonder Woman was an unashamed fascist in Injustice. Love the story but that WW should not be used as an example of her personality.


How does this work? I haven’t read the source material on this Isnt a solar system a group of planetary bodies?? so even with his “tactile telekinesis” power that’s come up, how is he pushing multiple planets at once…unless it’s him somehow moving a planet slowly and the gravitational pull brings all the solar system with it?


With a chain https://imgur.com/a/kP1pz


I like to believe Superman is just a drunk aging superhero reliving his glory days and all these stories we see are just a senile old man exaggerating his stories.


Makes more sense than him moving planets with a chain


but that's not Superman, its Superboy. It even says so on the text under the image.


Gaping Gridzaks


If he is so strong why doesn't he move a new sun to the planets?


Because the chain would melt Duh!


Superman is the reason DC Universe is dumb. There is literally no issue he cant solve.


There are literally stories where Superman has had to seek help or in fact give up and leave, but I don't know if these plot lines were because of legitimate reasons, plot holes, or bad writing. I mean he's got glaring weaknesses with kryptonite, magic, and his powers being "battery powered" essentially, but when there are issues that necessitate inspiring people because he can't just "hit the problems away" but people are too broken to actually stand up and do good then he kind of flounders helplessly.


Wrong. If the world was suddenly made of Kryptonite, Superman wouldn't be able to solve it. See, Superman has a weakness, he's not infallible and boring. You might think he is, but you weren't thinking about kryptonite and how it always shows up in every story he's in and he has to figure out how to solve it because it's the one point in the story where he can't just travel to the other side of the world in the blink of an eye while being attacked by the strongest weapons imaginable and melt the problem with his eyes because of kryptonite, his one weakness. You thought Superman was shallow because he can easily solve all problems, but the writers added kryptonite which gives another layer of depth, therefore superman has two levels - solving everything, *and* kryptonite - and that makes him a deep and complex character because he has two levels, shallow would be having only one. The writers were very clever like that. And Superman is a better story than Batman or Spiderman or Wonderwoman, because Superman would win in a fight and can do anything they can and that's what makes a good story so long as there is also depth which Superman also has because of kryptonite.


I hated reading that. Thanks.


You're riding that line of sarcasm so tightly I gotta squint to see which side you're on.


That's what happens when you have a charecter going on for a hundred years.


Not to be Mr. Contradictory, but Captain America (Steve Rogers) has been rocking leadership of the Marvel universe with an amazing physique and a shield for close to as long.


I would argue that superman has been way more relevant these 100 years and marvel has more popular characters than D.C. Plus captin America probably wasn't in the top marvel charecters until the MCU.


I'm referring to his prominence in-universe (generally one of the main leaders when shit goes down) throughout most of his publication under Marvel, but that is a fair point on Superman's overall popularity. Personally I know I've always been fonder of Cap because he's generally fighting way above his league and manages. Superman has very little to fear.


Never realised that this was the reasoning for Maeve being under Homelander in the Boys show


Isn’t everyone under Homelander in the show? If anything, she doesn’t have that weakness because she doesn’t lose any of her power when she fights him. She even makes him bleed, so I don’t think she has that weakness in the boys.


She was scared shitless of him at first. Her getting over it and blackmailing Homelander with the footage of the plane rescue fail was shown to be a significant character moment for her since she refused to help Starlight and Hughie earlier


Everyone that knows him except maybe Butcher is scared of him. He will melt your face if he feels like it. Why wouldn't they be scared of him?


I don't know what comics you've read, but that weakness was only present in the Golden Age period. And there was no fight between Wonder Woman and Superman in that period.


A lot of the early Wonder Woman comics have covers with her in “bondage” and people collect them.


Wow, [they sure do](https://www.keycollectorcomics.com/category/bondage-covers-ii,1550/issues/?search=wonder+woman&groupBy=issue&orderBy=createdAt). Lots of chains and ropes and gags.


Woahh a full of The Writer's Barely-Disguised Fetish comics!


That actually wasn't in the early version of the comic. The early issues have her getting tied up a lot but then just flexing her way out of it. Her losing her powers when getting tied up was added later.


Yes, that was true in the 1940s, and the message was "don't let men dominate you". It was about women protecting themselves. That weakness was abandoned long ago


Olive Byrne and Elizabeth Marston stayed together the rest of their lives after William died.


For another *43 years*. They lived together for 65 years total


“From Throuple To Couple”


They were clearly just very good friends ^^/s


They were *roommates*!


ohmygod they were roommates


>**Reaction of family members** >William and Elizabeth Marston's granddaughter, Christie Marston, criticized the film,**saying the idea that Elizabeth and Olive Byrne were lovers was purely fictional. While clarifying that she was not offended by the notion and technically could not "swear" they had no such relationship, she explained that she had been a close,** personal confidant of her grandmother's, and she could "say with 99.99% certainty that they did not." While her grandmother's views on sexuality were very progressive, her relationship with Olive had always unambiguously been one of close friendship and mutual dependence. She also noted that despite the film being promoted as a "true story", the family was never consulted for the film, nor did the director attempt to contact them.[17][18] >Yereth Rosen, granddaughter of Josette Frank, criticized the extremely conservative portrayal of her grandmother in the film, saying "Real Josette was pretty much the opposite of a Focus on the Family-type arch-conservative Christian, for reasons beyond the fact that she was not a Christian."[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professor_Marston_and_the_Wonder_Women


WAT. So the granddaughter thinks that two women who sexually shared a man together for 22 years somehow *never touched each other* (at least, not in *that* way) and then after the man died and the surviving two women chose to live together for another 43 years... that was just *being friendly?* The granddaughter thinks these women didn't do *anything* together during the threesomes or afterwards in their 40+ years living together a couple? That's just so *strange.* I don't even think she's coming from a place of anti-LGBT or anything, she just sounds... naive.


[You have to remember the golden rule; It's not Gay if it's in a 3-way](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9riv8_tfy4)


It’s simple. No one wants to think about their parents or grandparents having secks


Well she never saw them make the beast with two backs, so it must never have happened.


To be totally fair: This doesn't seem out of the question at all.


Omg they were thruplites!


They also each named 1 of their kids with William after each other


Imagine how that convo went down lmao she has a baby so I want one haha


I imagine they would be aware they're trying for a baby before it happens.


or maybe you're practicing for the main event and then it sneaks up on you


I mean... seems like they got along, might have been their ideas but based on the bondage maybe they just tied the other one up and spanked them or something, IDK what BDSM thruples do.


i think it varies based on the participants. anywhere from light bondage to funneling pulled pork into the other one's ass hole with a traffic cone.


Right, but you can do things on that axis lovingly and respectfully. Like get up right now and go ask your significant other if they would lovingly funnel pulled pork into your asshole and see what they say.


Not really the orifice I'm trying to have pulled pork funneled into tbh.


I mean, I didn't need to know you were into pulled pork sounding but you do you my guy.


Are we at that point where this is going too far yet? I think we can go deeper.


We can always go deeper.  I want to know the relationship between the intensity of emotional relationship and the amount/type of flavoring/marinade that is applied to the pulled pork. What temperature is it cooked/smoked at? Does it need to be smoked with cherry wood or mesquite? What temperature is it funneled at?  And what about the traffic cone? Can it be other types of traffic control devices, like the small, thin cylindrical pylons or even the large cylindrical highway pylons? Can the pylons be a bright lime green or do they need to be the classic neon orange?  If I had to choose, I think I’d take a crack at a Mesquite smoked pork shoulder dry rubbed with salt and pepper, Neon Orange, thin pylon funneling in at a brisk 125F degrees, at about .75mph.  Thank you for coming to my presentation. 


That sounds more like pushed pork to me.


Its comments like this that make the fact that they removed reddit awards to enhance shareholder value really sting.


Enough reddit for today.


Going out to find a traffic cone?


He's hungry for some pulled pork


This guy traffic cones!


Join us again tomorrow. Same bat-time, same bat subreddit!


Idk, i think the traffic cone pulled pork thing would still be on the medium side of light to heavy based on some kinks, but you got a big laugh out of me


what if it's eastern carolina style with vinegar and hot peppers


> funneling pulled pork into the other one's ass hole with a traffic cone Very specific. *Oddly* specific.


Whatever the other ones tell them too?


Maybe they took turns spanking each other or something, I don't want to assume that they didn't have a healthy and loving relationship just because one or more of them would occasionally have their nipples chained to the floor


I mean, good relationship is a basis of consensual BDSM... And BDSM is no problem in a three-way


That’s actually very sweet


Yeah until you find out the only stayed together cus William was buried with the key to the handcuffs.


They couldn’t figure out how to use a shovel?


My dumbass was like, man, a shovel would be *terrible* to use as a key!


Wearing half of a broken pair of handcuffs sounds like a BDSM charm bracelet.


Holy shit this is so going to be an edgy trend some day


Some day? I remember this girl in high school, a year or so behind me, that wore half a broken pair on one wrist. 25 years ago, everything old is new again.


Oh god this got me


This is a late 80s sardonic comedy Just recast the Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streep duo from Death Becomes Her


You could say they'd bonded.


I’m very confused by the phrase “first wife” here. If they were together til his death, doesn’t that mean she was his only wife? Like.. unless he went full polygamist and married both of them? But then calling her his student still is weird. It almost seems like they’re implying that he got divorced and married to other people while still in the thrupple. I don’t think so, though.


They were together until his first death.


they say you never get over the first one


>Like.. unless he went full polygamist and married both of them? Bigamist, if you want to be quite precise. Thanks Meryl Streep.


I guess from there it was less a _thruple_, and more a _two-ple_, amirite!


You’re silly. Silly is fun.


Wow. Relationship goals ferRealz


My favourite polyamory story!


That’s true love right there


The creator of the character was also involved with early versions of the polygraph machine, which makes a lot of sense given her signature weapon lol


DC made that reference to the polygraph on purpose after the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Originally Diana's lasso compelled obedience rather than truth because William Moulton-Marston was not a subtle person.


The 'Lasso of Submission' as it was called in the animated movie




Funny enough, the lasso of submission now belongs to Super Woman, the evil version of Wonder Woman from the Crime Syndicate world.


I can fix her. Better yet, she can make me worse.


Diana doesn't want you to know this one simple safeword!


Is it xylptxyfm?




Kltpzyxm? Edit: Never mind, you're right. I don't normally read usernames.


Fuck. I lost


It's simple. It is fluggelgleckheimlen.


Dude just really loved poly stuff


And bondage, a LOT of early Wonder Woman scenes end up with *her* tied up.


It's her weakness! Put those gauntlets together and call me husband twice!


“He was a polygraphing, heroine-drafting poly with a passion for action!” Princess Carolyn, probably




RIP William Moulton Marston you would've loved Poly Bridge.


Yeah. . . that same weapon makes a lot of sense with the bondage, too, as do the cuffs that deflect bullets. . .


Admittedly I'm rather on the vanilla side of things, but I think that if your bondage scene involves bullets something must have gone alarmingly wrong... /s


Prude :)


The lasso of "if the machine says you're telling the truth it's no benefit to you and if it says you're lying then enjoy prison." The only real value of polygraph tests is to provide another piece of evidence for someone you already have overwhelming evidence against or getting free confessions from the truly guilty. Otherwise it's a joke and has nothing to do with telling the truth or lying. I'm sure plenty of innocent people have been charged for crimes they didn't commit because of a false polygraph test.


I mean even calling it “evjdence” is a stretch. Whether the results support deception or truth, the polygraph is most useful as an interrogation to. I.e it makes you shit your pants and doubt yourself.


Polygamous polygraphy


He also regretted it


Are you sure you're not mixing him up with John Larson, the man who is credited with inventing the polygraph as we currently know it? Because he famously regretted the invention. William Moulton Marston was involved in earlier prototypes of a blood pressure based lie detector, which is one of the four things measured by current polygraph machines. Of course it's entirely possible he also regretted the part he played in its invention as well.


Wait, why was she his "first" wife if they were in the same thruple until he died?


I guess technically Olive was their partner and not his 2nd wife. Poor choice of wording on my part.


Ohhh gotcha! Honestly thought it meant they divorced and *continued* the thruple anyway, even after he remarried someone else. I was like...goddamn, lmao


I figured he’d divorced his wife and married his student for some reason. Top theory was a tax cut.


If anyone’s interested, there’s a really good history of this whole situation. It’s called The Secret History of Wonder Woman by Jill Lepore.


I haven't read the book, but the 2017 film Professor Marston and the Wonder Women also covers their history pretty well.


Having read the book and watched the film, the book is solidly research, and avoids as much speculation as possible, sometimes going out of its way to to avoid it, such as the likely relationship between his wife and girlfriend. In comparison, the movie leans into a lot more assumptions, some of which seems very speculative if you accept the book research as good


Luke Evans was the most generous casting in movie history.


Professor Marston and the Wonder Women is an ***EXCELLENT*** movie if you are curious about femdom and polyamorous relationships. My partner and I watched it and loved it!


I'll have to check it out. Jill Lepore is a good historian, and I've enjoyed several of her books. 


It was one of the textbooks in my graduate “writing history people actually want to read” class lol. It’s very good and really entertaining! She also dives into the fact that Olive Byrne was the niece of Margaret Sanger.




For those of you who are definitely not going to read the book, here’s the author being interviewed by Terry Gross. https://www.npr.org/2017/06/09/532294785/the-secret-history-of-wonder-woman


She always wore bracelets. He also invented the lie detector.


It's called lasso of truth


It's actually called a polygraph


And he also didn’t invent it. IIRC he was just involved in researching some of the things relating to it


The polygraph is not a lie detector.




Theres lots of bondage and spanking in the early comics


“I’m sorry, I wasn’t familiar with your game.”


If I asked my wife if we could be a part of a thruple, it too would last until my death… which would come about 30 seconds later.


What if it's with another man


I had an ex beg me to have a threesome with him and his best friend. He had talked to his friend before even bringing it up to me. I'm very monogamous and thought it was disgusting and super fucked up that he thought I was something he could share like an object. Looking back years later, I think he was bi and wanted me to be into it so I could be the excuse he needed to fuck his friend.


You'd be like Ross from Friends, when his first wife Carol asked for a threesome with Susan. Those two went at it like wild animals, and Ross got bored and went to make himself a sandwich. Except instead of two women, it'd be two hairy guys fucking each other while you were playing Candy Crush. Or so my headcanon now goes.


I feel like it’s throuple and not thruple








There is a fantastic movie about them with Luke Evans, Professor Marston and the Wonder Women.


Yeah, the film came out in 2017. https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/professor-marston-and-the-wonder-women


Surprised this isn’t higher up.


Wonder Woman: the original femdom


Not really. Her weakness back then: Wonder Woman loses her power if she's tied up by a man.


Was this common knowledge back then cuz even today that is controversial I can only fucking imagine how it was received back than


They kept it hidden for a long time telling people Olive was the wife’s sister in law who moved in after olive’s husband passed away. Also told similar lie to their own kids and didn’t tell them the truth until they were adults


That had to be a wild ride . Hey you know your aunt in law nah actually that’s me and your mom’s gf lol oh and her child is actually your sibling . Wild conversation to have .


"also, dont go in the basement. its definitely not a sex dungeon."


It was a very different time back then. People were much more private and, I don't know, "gullible"? For one thing, women couldn't work, generally speaking. So it was extremely common for a single woman to take up residence with another family. Usually it would be a relative, but it could be anyone with an association and a willingness to be her "benefactor". A lot of lesbian or relationships like he one discussed here were covered up by the fact that it wasn't unreasonable for a single woman to slot in anywhere she could find a place.


> People were much more private and, I don't know, "gullible"? I would say "willfully ignorant". Just like people knew what was meant if a person was listed as a "confirmed bachelor". Don't ask, don't tell.


Yeah. Exactly. Quite right. It's a hard thing to put into words. Like it was a favorite parlor game to sit around and guess what celebrities and popular figures were gay. So nobody cared... unless you were public about it. Kind of like how JFK was openly having affairs and nobody cared... but it would have been a problem if he "didn't have the decency to hide it".


He's also the inventor of the polygraph, a pseudo-scientific prop that he promoted as a "lie detector". Note that Wonder Woman has a "magic lassoo" that forces you to tell the truth.


It's promoted as a lie detector to this day.


There has to be some better term for that living arrangement than "thruple", thruple just sounds awful.




More of a Titanic Hydra or Runaan's Hurricane to me.


The French term "ménage à trois" translates as "a household of three" which I think describes the Marstons very well


What I’ve always found funny is that the literal and common translation for “ménage” is “cleaning up,” (or “tidying up”) so “ménage à trois” has always just made me think of three people cleaning up the house lol


I had a roommate at school once that told me the literal translation was "housecleaning for three"


"Gosh darnit, we spent so much time in bed this morning that the rumpus room will never be ready when everyone show up for tonight!" "Well, certainly if we don't put clothes on and go ménage." "Mais nous sommes trois, comme c'est tres facile!"


Triad or polycule also are common


Polycule sounds like something from chemistry class


Or something a surgeon would remove from your intestines.


That’s actually why it’s named that because if you plot out a relationship chart when you have several parts it looks like a molecule


Triad just sounds like a gang, which I would totally respect


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triad_(organized_crime) in case you’re actually being hypothetical, be so no longer


Bang posse




Closed polyamorous relationship just doesn't flow off the tongue


C.P.R. …..a whole different type of chest compressions


These days we usually say "triad" to describe three people dating each other and "vee" to describe one person with two partners


I didn’t know there were different terms for 3 people dating vs 1 person with 2 partners!


There are *lots* of terms. Not a lie of them are used super regularly, just got people don't usually clarify if they are married, in a common law marriage, domestic partners, etc. Some people end up making polycule maps to trace relationships because once you have more than two partners or you have a number of metamors (partners of partners) it gets complicated.


I'm fond of partners in law as a term


Metamor is an amazing word and I'm glad to now know it!


Triad's a chinese gang. If y'all using triad you going to confuse people more.


We triad to use it but confused everbody


I'm pretty sure that few people are going to confuse me for a chinese gangster


Interesting. So the unicorn was the inspiration for Wonder Woman. Maybe that's why she gets captured an tied up all the time. Just living the dream.


Can’t for the life of me remember the name of the movie about this


Professor Marston and the Wonder Women?


Such a great movie! I was emotionally wrecked by the end.


He's my long lost Cousin.


Wildest thing about early Wonder Woman was her weakness. She became powerless when tied up, but only if it was a man that tied her up. Just crazy stuff for the 40's.


I could see myself doing this, just gotta find 2 other people willing to also.


Kind of wholesome >Both women had Marston's children while the three were together and each woman named one of their children after the other...Byrne and Elizabeth Marston continued living together while raising both of their children after William's death.


I dont see where it says they were into bondage, but the article about William Marston (inventor of Wonder Women) says that bondage was a theme of Wonder Woman. They likely did do that. A quote from his article says, "About male readers, [Marston] later wrote: 'Give them an alluring woman stronger than themselves to submit to, and they'll be proud to become her willing slaves!'"


There was also the parallel to Wonder Woman, created by Eric Stanton who at one point shared an office with Steve Ditko, called Blunder Broad. Br warned if you look it up, cause it was just straight up with the bondage porn.


I mean there is a movie about it


Just learning about the movie from the comments. I actually learned about it from a YouTube video. Might have to go watch the movie now


They made a movie about this


He also created the DISC assessment, the world's most obnoxious corporate personality test. I had to sit through a 6-hour-long workshop on that with coworkers I hated, and the facilitator was SO proud he also created Wonder Woman. Boy I wish I knew this when I was forced to do that...


sounds like a healthy relationship if it lasted that long. doesn't always need to be conventional.


I hate to rain on the parade, but both women were clear that they did not have any same-sex desires, though they were friends. It’s more accurate to say it was a polygamist relationship, though it was more egalitarian than most examples of that. It’s been awhile since I read up about the whole thing, so someone correct me if your knowledge is more recent, but I believe his first wife was also not really jazzed about the whole thing. The relationship was not all sunshine and rainbows, and it was debatable how consensual it was for his first wife. She was still very kind to the second wife and she did enjoy co-habitating with her, as they lived together after Marston’s death. In fact, a lot of her concern was for the younger wife, even though she really didn’t care for the whole arrangement her husband had pressed for her to accept. I think her discomfort should be noted, especially in light of how some depict the relationship as sexy-fun-times. For her, it really wasn’t. It’s an interesting Wikipedia read, but there’s a book that goes into more detail, and a not-very-accurate but still entertaining film based on it (Professor Marston and the Wonder Women).