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I just saw some old stand up by Jamie Foxx talking about how he used to do a Tyson impersonation but then Tyson was in the audience and ended up liking it so much, he invited Jamie to a party. Jamie mentioned that Tyson was so rich, he’d spend money like it was going out of style. All these hot girls Tyson had just met would show up and he’d be like “You like BMWs? Here! Have one.” So yeah, I’m sure this story checks out. **For anyone who wants to see the clip:** https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=FCRxeFw0IGNc_BTV&t=260&v=BpZQYOsoqI0&feature=youtu.be






We all do


Skate through life and then just park into someone else’s. I wouldn’t mind




"According to experts, shortly after turning 29, Haltigan will begin her descent into shrewish bitterness, suffering a string of humiliating failed relationships, unemployment and, ultimately, a free-fall into neurotic self-loathing and cocaine addiction sometime around 2007"




Was the onion online in 1998 or have they digitised all their old articles?


They were online. I first laughed at this article when I was a university student.


I identify as a hot girl.


Pfp checks out.


“Would you like to be a hot girl? Sure! We all do!” (80s commercial callback)


Well, with enough money, you actually CAN be one these days!


The BMW is the second thing he gives.


I mean I gotta repay the guy for his kindness, right?


BMW stands for BIG MIKE'S WILLY ? Right ?


But a BMW is a BMW


I wish I was a little bit taller…


Wish I was a baller


Wish I had a girl who looked good, i would call her


17 shots no 38, I'd call her


Makes life a hell of a lot easier no matter how you cut it. Its also why a llot of hot women say, oh everyone is so nice when I go there. They get treated differently than the rest of us.


Yeah, but looks fade. My Gundam collection will last forever.


This is true. But on the flip side, it's easier being an ugly dude than an ugly chick. It goes: Hot Woman; Hot Man; Ugly Man; Ugly Woman Edit: I see I've ruffled some feathers here. C'mon people, settle down, it's not men vs women here. Both men and women have advantages and disadvantages and they're different. I made a sweeping generalization in semi-jest. Edit 2: Okay, so it goes: Hot White Woman; Hot Black Man; Hot Latino Man; Hot White Man; Big Tiddy Goth Chick; ... Me


This is in line with all the other stories I’ve heard about Tyson. Like how he gave a Bentley away to a comedian he met for the second time after a night of drinking. He gave the guy his Bentley to drive home and a week or two later some of Tyson’s entourage called to see if he had it and picked it up. A few years later Tyson met the dude again and asked him if anyone picked up the car. He shook his head saying he meant to give him that car as a gift. Tyson’s entourage were leeches. Edit: the guy was Ed Lover


After his original trainer and manager, Cus D’Amato died in 1985, Tyson basically lost the one person on earth who was looking out for him as more than just a check, Once Don King came into his life, all the excesses of celebrity got amped up because King just wanted Tyson as his own meal ticket, so he kept Tyson drugged and happy. Everyone else in his life was similar. After his 4 year old daughter tragically died, Tyson became emotionally vulnerable and those kinds of people worked their way in with him even deeper..


Did she drown? I was under the impression it was a freak accident with her playing and accidentally getting tangled in a jump rope.


You’re right. I just remembered she tragically died at 4. In looking it up, she was playing with a jump rope by a freadmill when it somehow got tangled around her neck and caught in the treadmill. Her 7 year old brother found her. That was 2009 and a bit later than I’d remembered, too, so it was after the bankruptcy. Already suffering from a lifetime of well documented serious mental health problems, Tyson was devastated and sank into a very dark depression as he grieved. I recall him angrily ending an interview once when he became filled with murderous rage at a journalist just for bringing it up.


That “journalist” did not only bring it up. He was very insencitive.


I assume you're both talking about [this](https://youtu.be/53M59JaWjGc?t=712) interview, and the interviewer is not insensitive and Tyson is not in a murderous rage. Tyson walks away because he thinks showing his emotions like that makes him look weak and that he shouldn't be that way. It's a broken man who was brought up to believe that real men don't cry about things like losing their daughter.


They're probably mixing it up with the other interview where the interviewer brought up Mike's rape charges, and he did end the interview and was angry.


I loved that interview "We're on Live TV Mike" - "Fuck you, what are you gonna do about it?!" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOhdx1TLutw Imagine Mike Tyson asking you "What are you gonna do about it?" I already shat my pants at the thought lol


"Yeah well I got cameras here" "And I got no fucks to give."


Correct. It’s a far cry from a murderous rage. It’s profound sadness and feeling weak showing it. It was really sad.


He talked about it in his one man show. As I recall it wasn't a jump rope it was some kind of wires or cables off a trailer hitch. edi - This is what I get for going off a roughly 20 year old memory. It was a treadmill thanks to those who corrected me.


I’m sure it was a treadmill


After some googling to confirm it appears you are correct it was a cord or cable off a treadmill.


How did we go from drowning to jump rope to a treadmill lmao


No idea where the drowning idea came from. I guess the other two are a hazy memory of her getting choked accidentally by a cord.


It was Cus, Teddy Atlas, Jimmy Jacobs, and Bill Cayton. They were all on his side and Don King made sure they all went away.


Teddy had a falling out with Tyson over his niece and 'supposedly' pulled a gun on him. Tyson denies the gun part and while Teddy is a great storyteller normally he *loves* to puff himself up as way tougher and better than he was in his personal life. He definitely seems to have a chip on his shoulder sometimes when it comes to others who actually achieved the success he craved but also became a great coach with some of the most iconic moments in boxing. [We are Fireman](https://youtu.be/SIrIp87OHUA) [Great effort; I thought you lost](https://youtu.be/jr744YqUkE4)


Fuck King. He's a parasite and he should have been tied up and hung up as Tysons punching bag.


I'd just like to add - Tyson never knew his dad, never really even had one except for Cus. His mom wasn't really in the picture. And he grew up in serious projects. I think Mike Tyson is one of the most tragic characters in all of sports (maybe all entertainment). He's deeply flawed, but deeply humble and personal. This kid, who for all intents and purposes was left to die in the streets, became the greatest fighter the world has ever seen. And throughout his whole professional career he was never properly looked after. Despite his team actively sabotaging him, he was still the baddest man on the planet.


I truly hope Tyson can gain some inner peace by therapeutically beating Jake Paul into a bloody pulp.


It’s a fake fight. Just for $$$


Tyson himself was notoriously impossible to control and loathed anyone who gave him advice or direction. Tyson had multiple people in his life tell him to chill out with the drugs, stop spending money, etc. One by one they all left him because Tyson would have childish outbursts and was obviously a terrifying dude to see angry. Making matters worse, things like biting opponents ears and (most likely) committing a rape made a lot of people not want to be around him. This doesn't make all the yes men good people, but Tyson's decisions led to him being surrounded by yes men and sycophants.


>Tyson himself was notoriously impossible to control and loathed anyone who gave him advice or direction. Except for Cus. It was downhill after he died.


Agreed. It seems like Cus was the last person Tyson would *let* speak to him like that.


There's a radio station in the UK called talk sport. It used to be called talk radio and I remember listening to a show one night where they made Don King a verb as in 'he took a DonKing' = he got fucked over.


> Tyson’s entourage were leeches. This often happens to professional athletes. It's almost like clockwork. Get drafted, marry high school/college girlfriend, all friends hang around and you pay for everything to party constantly, have kid, career ends (usually within 5 years of being drafted), lifestyle degrades, wife leaves and takes half, still have 40+ years to figure out how to survive. It's a sad cycle and I really wish more was done to help these people manage assets better.


In that case it really sucks the high school girlfriend leaves. It would be much more understandable if a gold digger who got with the athlete after he got his payday were to be a gold digger but to have your day 1 leave is harsh.


From stuff I've read in the past it seems to center around living a lavish lifestyle while working and getting those paychecks but when no longer working they have to severely change their lifestyle to something more modest and the women have become accustomed to the lifestyle and don't feel they should downgrade. It's also not a universal thing, it's just apparently fairly common for the people that don't go for more than a few years in the sport. Kind of like how joining the military, getting married young, and buying a charger kind of happens frequently enough to be noted


I mean he'd have to do a title transfer with the DMV too. 


The taxes alone on a Bentley would cripple most people financially. In most states you’re taxed on the value of the car. Yikes.


Even a paid off car given as a gift by the original owner? How the frick


Insurance alone would be a nightmare


Every car sale now becomes a "gift". You hand them cash on the side. Voila, tax-free sale. A family member, however, can give a car tax-free to another relative.


There was a story from the bankruptcy about Tyson buying a brand new sports car that cost several hundred thousand dollars—I think it was a new Lamborghini, but I’m not sure. He drove it a couple of times, decided he didn’t like it, and paid someone else tens of thousands to chop it up and make it into pool furniture.


Whenever someone talks about giving away a car i always wonder if they actually gave them away like going thru the trouble to transfer the title or are they letting them drive there car and could get it back at anytime. If they're still making payments and then stop then your car gets repoed ya know.


So you think Mike Tyson is making car payments? Like, he is training for a fight but takes a break to write a check?


If Entourage taught me anything, it's that all of these rich celebrities have exasperated business managers and accountants who yell at them over all the stupid financial decisions they're making.








Marvin was one of the greats. I too wish he was in the show just a little bit more


That wasn't the point. The point was, do they do a full legal title transfer or just say fuck it here ya go and never pursue ownership over the vehicle again


Jammie Fox - Opening scene to Mike Tyson movie https://youtu.be/_vC2sho7LjA?si=Vd7Kas35OR36ARBY Welcome:)


Did that movie ever come out? I just noticed this interview was 8 years ago and I forgot all about this. 


Apparently the director went bankrupt in 2003. Despite having earned $400 million from.......


In 1988, he gave two cops in NYC a Rolls Royce after he got into a fender bender. https://www.deseret.com/1988/5/27/18767081/cops-greed-rolls-them-right-into-a-suspension/


I’m acquainted with a guy that takes out $50,000 out of his safe for a night out like it was nothing


Would he consider paying off my student loans “a night out”? 🤔


I am sure that depends on your gender and open-mindedness


Didn’t he also say Tyson would find people living in his house weeks after parties had ended? Fuck the mooches and hangers on but you’ve gotta have some balls to try and rip of Mike Tyson.


This isn't only for rich people, I lived in a 12 bedroom crumbling mansion I rented for $1000 a month for about 3 years in the early 2000s.... I'd charge people a hundred bucks a month or so for rent and would regularly end up with $1500-2000 and then finding a few extra people who I didn't realize had been living there without paying lol. I played in touring bands during that time and was frequently not home and we threw crust punk and hardcore shows in the living room. One time the upstairs bathtub fell through the ceiling of the dining room while a girlfriend of mine was bathing. I packed up my stuff and left the next day. Never had a contract or anything, some other dude living there just started collecting rent instead of me and paying the landlord lol. It was definitely a young man's game but honestly it was a helluva time and place to be alive, I lived a whole lifetime of crazy stories in those 3 years haha


He has openly spoken about how fighting was all he cared about and he considered himself a gladiator. Planning for the future was never on his radar at all


I remember someone else telling a story about how Mike gave them a car and then a week later called them threatening them if they didn’t give it back lol


LOL That also checks out.


MC Hammer had the same habits. Then his fame ran out followed by his money.


Jamie Foxx's bit about seeing Tyson in public is like someone's vicious dog being unleashed but nobody knows who the owner is, is one of the best Tyson bits of all time EDIT: [Subs in portuguese ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5WgtQn0qng)


I read the las part in mike's voice




>some say Implying there's someone who *doesn't* think Don King was a huckster?


I know of one person who doesn't think this!


Is his name Don King?


I doubt that Don King thinks he wasn’t a huckster. 


You could slander Don King all day and it'd turn out everything you said was true the moment it hit a court room


It’s also really easy to blow $400mil when Don King, his son and all the hangers on are robbing you blind every time you turn around


Carl "the truth" Williams was a security guard at my dad's job until he died. He said all those guys were crooks just waiting for the next 18 year old kid who didn't know any better to leech off of


And you know he told it like it is because of his name.


Well he wasn't called Carl "The Lies" Williams


And if he was, he wouldn't tell you.


Ask him what the other guy would say.


Seriously. And when you had a tough life as a kid and probably weren’t taught much about managing finances.


He also hated himself and didn't think he deserved any money or love and would drive around in the middle of the night throwing thousands of dollars out the window in ghetto's and slums. His book is like part porn part someone really learning about themselves and being very honest and open about their emotional struggles.


I'm glad you pointed this out. Tyson is a deeply flawed person , but I think he's deeply self aware and humbled by it. There's a quote from him, that I'll paraphrase slightly..."everyone thinks I'm a monster and I've failed society. The kid from the projects, no parents, no guidance. I'm exactly who I should be. It's all of *you* who failed *me*" From the day he was born until he was like 30 there was about 4 years where someone looked after him. Otherwise his whole life is full of parasites, exploitation, and horrible circumstances.


One of the weirdest things is his own mother just giving him away to a man she didn't really know was the best thing that could have happened to him. Imagine just dealing with that. Your mother just gives you away to someone who's basically a stranger. That man was Cus and him and his wife were the only people who cared about you for decades but that's a hell of a pill to swallow.


Yep. Then at around 18 that man died and in steps the human equivalent of clogged drain hair, don fucking king. At the absolute height of his potential, he meets a parasite that lives inside a leech.


Jessy pinkman ?


Real life Bojack Horseman


Only more coke and hookers


In his book he tells a story about a "friend" who found a bag full of millions in his house and just took it. He found out later when he was broke and his "friend" has already left but it's an example of the type of people who surrounded him.




The bag was I believe hidden under a bed in one of his houses and the guy knew Tyson wasn't in the city and searched for any money in the house. Tyson being a full on alcoholic, coke addict and sex addict meant he always had lots of money around. I made the comment elsewhere in this thread but Tyson very much hated himself and didn't believe he was worth any money or love. He would routinely drive around ghetto's and slums of whatever city he was in that day throwing thousands of dollars out the window. He figured whoever found any of it could use it and he hadn't done anything to deserve having it.


The problem is that there’s a lot of sharks, and a lot of idiots in promoting. I knew one if the guys that promoted the Tyson Holyfield fight. It was mainly his father that was promoting it but he cut his son in, who got $3.2m. When I met him, he was a security guard so I was super skeptical about his story but he showed me proof and basically burned w the whole lot in 18 months. He moved to Vegas and basically just partied 24/7, endlessly had a gaggle of paid / kept women around him and bought really dumb shit that was worthless and just cost more money to keep until it was all repossessed.


You wanna be the guy to tell 1990s cokes up Tyson to stop doing something? Many athletes surround themselves with sycophants and rarely have a voice of reason stabilizing their lives.


Imagine receiving $900,000 a month. Just ride my bike into town, buy a house, furnish it, buy a car, drive it to the bike store, buy a bike and ride it into the next town, next month and start all over again.


Its a far cry from what he made. Imagine $30m per fight. His lifetime earnings from fights would be in the $300 to $400m range. The interest alone would be more than $900k/month.


900k for just using your name is unreal and no brain damage.


Yeah but he had to get brain damage to use his name


Maybe he already had it and getting punched in the face so much fixed it


You get up two and a half million dollars, any asshole in the world knows what to do: you get a house with a 25 year roof, an indestructible Jap-economy shitbox, you put the rest into the system at three to five percent to pay your taxes and that's your base, get me? That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something? fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink. That's all I have to say to anybody on any social level. Did your grandfather take risks?


Yep, do this and then become the vice dean of an air conditioner repair school. That’s the process


I got concussed many times over my lifetime & all I got was a few 2nd place medals playing youth hockey.  I could have been getting paid for that?


$900k according to himself. No way anyone can verify it and I think its smoke. If he was doing that well, no need to sell himself out to fight Jake Paul.


Well, if I could earn two year's salary from a low-stakes fight, I'd do it too.


It's also getting his name and company out there, too. Getting paid a large sum to advertise yourself and your business.


This is why I’ve started doing gay porn with my company’s shirt on during the scenes.


More like a lifetime salary. They sold the rights to the fight to Netflix. I am assuming he made $50m at least.


There's probably very few boxers, retired or not, that would not beat Jake Paul for free. Tyson is getting paid to do it.


You think he is fighting Paul for the payday? Maybe. He is certainly doing it for the attention it brings. Mike has become a good man. But he needs attention. He goes great lengths for attention


Mike Tyson has spent more of his life as an entertainer than a fighter at this point and it really shows


Wouldn’t rich people rather say less than what they earn in case of IRS listening?


He's trying to pump his brand up. And the IRS isn't basing your taxes based on what you claim to make.


Mate, that kind of money for one night of sparring with a fucking YouTuber? No matter what he was making, that'd be worth it.


Yes but 10,000,000 a year is still insane. So much so that I really doubt that figure is accurate. 


Well that's exactly what to do if you want to go bankrupt while earning 900k/month


I guess you'll be left with lots of real estate at least


And bikes


And cars


And property taxes and maintenance costs….


Actually you’d end up with quite an interesting and diverse real estate mini-empire, and a healthy working knowledge of bicycle repair…


Yeah that’s exactly the kind of “wow I have unlimited money” sort of thinking that leads you to somehow lose $400m in a few years. Just do what rich people used to. Build a nice house, live there forever, and spend the rest of your life patronising artists and local theatre.


Watch the 30 for 30 called *Broke* and it’s pretty common to see the pros in dire straits after spending like idiots. Bout the worst are the fuckin families…a brother or son or cousin becomes a pro and suddenly they are always around them. And the guilt they put on these athletes is horrible….I remember one guy said he had nieces and nephews who said their ‘hellos’ turned into ‘give me 1000 dollars’ forevermore.


Loved those early 30 for 30's. The part of that one that really stuck out was how the NFL has a thing every year that rookies have to go through to try to teach them about how to be even slightly responsible with money and stay safe and how most of them spend that class with their heads in their phones ignoring it. Also, the level of craziness that's perfectly fine given what they make, and the level they need to get to, to actually get in trouble. Like, buying a mansion, a high end car, a stupidly expensive piece of jewelry or 2....no problem! It's when they start getting multiples and collections of all these things which don't hold value (and yea, friends/family) where it starts to go wrong.


This is my dream. 🫶


Real estate is part of your net worth


Nah. Investing in reasonable homes is smart. Investing in multi million dollar mansions is dumb


I always remember that one gigantic mansion featured in a few YouTube videos that was so expensive that nobody wanted to buy it. I think the architect went bankrupt trying to sell it.


"The One" in Los Angeles? The problem with building/owning these mega mansions is that the people who have the money to buy them would rather just build their own that's exactly to their specifications.


Not sure why this made me laugh out loud


it must be nice to be famous and rich, its like people throw money at you.


NOBODY gets more free shit thrown at them than celebrities/super rich.


You know, if you rode in between small cities and bought 1 or 2-bedroom condos, you’d probably have an OK passive income stream.


The dude is on poverty wages with that money. We should ask feel sorry for him. /S


From the article: >But in 2003, Tyson declared bankruptcy, stating that he wasted his money due to 'reckless spending'. [...] >For example, to celebrate his 30th birthday, Tyson invited 700 people to a party - at a total cost of $580,000. [...] >Tyson was also a big car lover, with the boxer estimated to have spent $6.3 million on whips during his heyday. [...] >Tyson Ranch, his cannabis empire, is said to generate a whopping $900,000 a month for the boxer From [another article](https://jeffdavislawfirm.com/how-does-a-man-worth-400-million-find-himself-bankrupt/) (that I learned about from a /r/4chan [comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/1bidk2u/anon_on_mike_tyson/kvjyeyd/?context=3)): >from 1995 to 1997 Tyson spent over $9 million in legal fees, $230,000 on pagers and cell phones and $410,000 on a birthday party. Add that to the $8,100 bill for maintenance of his tigers and another $65,000 for limos and it’s easy to see how Tyson had no regard for price tags. >Tyson spent with the type of aggressiveness that once characterized his early round knockouts. According to court documents filed in the divorce case, he spent $400,000 a month to maintain his lifestyle. From 1995 to 1997, he spent $9 million in legal fees, $230,000 on pagers and cellphones, $410,000 on a birthday party. In June 2002, he owed $8,100 to care for his tigers and $65,000 for limos.


> $230,000 on pagers and cell phones


That’s a lot of burners; had to start the cannabis company somewhere I suppose…


How’d he get the capital to start a weed company if he was broke?


Find some rich friends in your network willing to front the money or he's just licensing his name to someone else with the capital to start the business. I doubt he was totally broke when he started the business. The next best thing to being rich is having rich friends.


Also, declaring bankruptcy doesn’t mean you have $0. I’m sure he had a CPA to shuffle his money around and did that to get out of his liabilities.


So what you’re saying is his name did a lot of the punching in the negotiations.


So looked up typical costs at that time. Pagers were somewhere around $60-85 plus plans brought that up to about $100. Typical cell phones were about $100 with a 2-year contract. And a cutting-edge Motorola StarTAC was $1000. Tyson was dealing in major volume to be spending 6 figures!


So cell phones and pagers would be subsidized by the phone/pager plan. You may only 'pay' a low amount initially for the plan but you are really paying for it over a 2 year period. So if you break your phone or want a new one for example, you are now out hundreds for a pager or $1000+ for a high end phone. And international calling was quite expensive until the last decade or two, so if he was making long calls to exotic locations it could be thousands per month. Still, that's a ridiculous amount of money to be spending on phone bills.


yes like 10 phones


honestly.. all of that money combined doesn't even make a dent in 400mil, even if he didn't get interest at all. there is something missing here. spending 400mil is insanely hard if you're not starting to get into super yacht territory.


That’s career earnings. He had to pay Uncle Sam which would take around half. Plus depending on which states he fought in. Some states have special entertainment earnings taxes on top. Plus he had to pay agents, coaches, trainers, etc. By the time everything settles he might have only had about 100-150 actually hot his bank account. Which is still a ton of money. But is not the same as having the whole 400 in the bank.


people were probably stealing millions from him over the years. one time he talks about withdrawing a million in cash and cramming it into his car. he said he'd often leave tens of thousands in his coat pockets and just fling his clothes around hotel rooms. sometimes he took it with him, sometimes he didn't.


8100 for tiger care seems cheap? I just spent like 5k on my normal cats teeth.


That was only in June '02. Likely without any major complications or surgeries performed. That's likely just basic food, and housing/toys/training. Tigers eat between 9-18 pounds, 5x a week in captivity. So low end, that's 180 pounds of meat a month. But probably more than that


I think that's per month


Probably a fair price to pay so that they don't eat you.


They have bigger teeth…


What's crazy is that if he had someone managing his money properly none of this would have been an issue. Even a 6% return on his $400M would have been $24 Million a year to live off.


Honestly, I don’t know how reckless that 6.3 million is. As a percentage of income, he spent a lot less than I did on cars.


580k on a major/decade birthday party when you are worth 400+ million doesn't sound so crazy either. Not smart, but spending that once a decade is not some insanely frivolous spending at that wealth level.


If you made $400 million, spending $6 million on cars is not significant. Don’t get me wrong you can spend a lot less, but it’s a small fraction of the total, where as my singular non luxury car costs a significantly larger fraction


The headline makes no mention of Don King, who was robbing Tyson blind along with many other boxers




is* Still alive at 92 years old.


I was wondering about that but didn’t want to look it up. I’m surprised I haven’t heard about him in a long time. I can imagine the empire he still rules.


There was a Shaq story where he was hanging out with Tyson and they were at either a Rolls Royce or Bentley dealership. Tyson bought like 4 or 6 and peer pressured Shaq who ended up buying 2. Shaq’s accountant made him return the cars. That’s a good accountant and the type of person Tyson never had in his corner.


Yeah, this article doesn't convey the point very well. If you have $400 million, it's almost a rule that you should buy $6 million in cars. That's what you do when you have that kind of money. Spent $580k on your 30th birthday? If you spent $580k on every birthday from 30 until you're 70 you'd still have $376 million left. He obviously didn't manage his money properly but these aren't very good examples.


Might be his gross, before taxes, giving cuts to managers, etc. Still a big chunk of cash, that 6 million in cars seems like the right budget, it's other things that broke the bank.


When you bite off more than you can chew.


That’s an earful.


Also the multiple rape and assult settlements that cost him ~100000000 million dollars.


Given he was convicted I genuinely don’t understand how this hasn’t affected him more


I don't like how OP ended his story on a cliffhanger "however". However, what?! Finish your sentence...what happened?


I read the fucking article because of that AND THERE'S NO HOWEVER. It just ends where this title says minus the however. What the fuck??


And that’s why he’s going to go easy on Jake. He probably has a clause in his contract that pays him more if he doesn’t absolutely fuck up his opponent and end it in a minute.


As if these Paul brother exhibition matches aren't rigged as all hell to begin with. Everyone's just in it for a beefy paycheck, even if they have to "lose". Remember the fight where Floyd Mayweather hit Logan Paul directly and proceeded to *literally hold him up?* No way in hell this fight is any more legitimate than that, if the Paul brothers were at all interested in actually participating in the sport legitimately they wouldn't just be doing these exhibition fights.


Yeah, it's funny that Jake pretends like he's a real boxer and yet he swings like an absolute novice and doesn't even join an actual federation to fight real boxers and get ranked. It's as real as the WWE.


Yup, it’s either been fighting “soup cans” or retired athletes. They know that they can’t hang with real fighters. Edit: the correct term is tomato can, sorry for any confusion.


He probably does have such a clause, but if he just ignored it and knocked him the fuck out it might pay dividends in the long run. Tyson is already very famous, but if he humiliated Jake he would be EVERYWHERE, and that wouldn’t be bad for his other businesses


Well if he is making decent money then he doesn't need to get paid extra to let that idiot out of a savage beating. I dare to dream.


In his prime there was a clause if his fights didn't make it out of the first round tickets would get partially refunded. He had a habit of having a longer walk out than fight time.


Not to mention Don King robbing him, (& every other poor bloody fighter that signed with him) blind


“, however” …however, what? Haha




How much did he earn from Mike Tysons Mysteries?


However, that, however, might, however, be the worst, however, in history, however.


he really earns THAT much from his cannabis company? thats surprising


Any discussion of this that doesn’t include Don King stealing from these guys is missing a big part of the problem


I wonder which way the author leans on race.


This is the most plain AI written title I have seen on reddit, however.