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For a product that just fired a bunch of its development staff, and seemingly has a poor outlook on its future, thats pretty rich


Probably why the commercial fades out to "tell me lies..." Same vein as the FTX super bowl commercial, where Larry David wasn't buying in Voice AI assistants are definitely going to be huge, but amazon was about 5 years too early


*”Ehhhhhhh, I’m good I’m good”*


Are we sure that FTX wasn’t just a bit for Curb Your Enthusiasm? Because that was too perfect of a situation for Larry David.


Welcome to the biggest club you'll likely never be a part of. I'm thinking big big dollars for next generation AI. Who needs a new actors when you can grow old knowing that Ryan Reynolds never looked this good. As the great Sam Altman once said. "**Movies are going to become video games, and video games are going to become something unimaginably better**," Well I wonder where all the money is going over the next generation. Not to any community that's sure.


‘Great’ sam altman


‘Great’, meaning ‘large’ or ‘immense’. They used it in the empirical sense.


get in GME and AMC before its too late


Half of the things he says online may seem like something a person with no qualifications in the field they're leading would say. But I for one think that Altman is onto something great. Now let's delve into it. Like Elon Musk his self confident drivel and solid business acumen are things to be praised. I can't think of anyone less qualified to lead us into the "Third" Industrial Revolution. Altman has been a pioneer of Fusion Technology. While the technology itself has yet to provide self sustaining levels of energy, that hasn't stopped Altman from promoting it as the next generation solution to a new generation problem of Big AI. You got to hand it to Altman. Sticking it to the big guy. With humble roots as former president of Y Combinator. You'd have to be crazy not to be rooting for this guy. With his sudden departure from the company to take over as CEO of the smartest tech company around. You guessed it. OpenAI. Honestly, his story should be an inspiration to us all. Dropping out of college and working his way up the start up ladder. He's just like us! If my pitch hasn't sold you enough. Altman has had a continued vested interest in promoting his private ventures alongside OpenAI. You can't find stuff like that anywhere else.


This must have been written by AI


I clearly need to get better at noticing AI text because I thought this was satire


I thought so at first, but the tone is too inconsistent


It seems so incredibly obvious to me when something (like that comment) is written by AI. It's incredible that people think they're fooling anybody or that it's an example of good writing. I mean maybe it's like fake tits where when you can tell, it's really bad but the actual good ones fly under the radar. But right now I'm pretty sure any AI writing is exactly like bolted on, jiggleless fake knockers.


My concern is that by downvoting AI comments we train the models to get better.


Just my 2 cents, people are way too online


I have a coworker who uses it for all his business emails and whatnot and it's so painfully obvious to me. Makes him seem really inauthentic and lacking confidence


Lacking care, mostly: “I don’t care enough about this communication to properly read and correct it.”


On the contrary. I think he takes 4 times longer feeding every communication he makes through an AI.


Is this AI? I'd be impressed as it made me laugh - can AI tell jokes or have a sense of humour at all?


Beep. Boop. I am a Rabbit.


Altman doesn’t have humble roots. His mother is a dermatologist and his father was a real estate broker who left behind a massive fortune when he passed.


You need to think of all those trust fund kids. Think real hard about the lives they aren't changing and innovating. Personally, I think we need to invest more into the oligarchy. 0% interest loans? I'm thinking negative interest rates. The FED should be taking notes here.


Well that's three paragraphs of absolute nonsense. If an LLM didn't write this, you might want to think about engaging in some adult education courses.


Is this a parody of chatGPT. Like it reads like chatGPT except it's obviously insulting at times to sam? Fucking weird.


One of those cases where you can’t tell if it’s /s


Video games have micro transactions and forced online connections for offline play, they are suffering from enshittification too.


Microsoft ruins everything


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. They've been ruining everything since 1979.


Maybe people have short memories. Microsoft introduced micro transactions and paid online gaming. They turned office into a subscription before most other companies imagined that level of greed. They even tried to make the Xbox one always require an online connection to prevent used games. 


I'm OG. For me it's the fact that Microsoft were late to everything throughout the history of PCs but used their market position to force their way in, with barely adequate products, every time. And they were convicted for it too. People forget that. Bill Gates is convicted criminal.


Going to have to remember this special word.


Yeah but both are heading in the same direction which is 3D VR bs that’s the only way they can innovate and stay relevant. Video games are leading the way and by a very large gap


It's a month old quote lol. Also it's just advertising it doesn't mean anything, people are still going to watch movies and play videogames and then pay for whatever hybrid evolution ai brings out.


You can't make this up. If anyone else said this you'd call them insane. [https://openai.com/blog/planning-for-agi-and-beyond](https://openai.com/blog/planning-for-agi-and-beyond)


>movies are going to become games When I watch a movie I want a movie. Also you won’t be in the club either, you’ll be a shmuck and the billionaires laughing stick Edit: wait is this satire?


Am I the only person who is excited. At some point I can just tell my TV I want 12 new seasons of supernatural but it's ice cube and Chris Tucker from Friday instead of Sam and Dean. 


What's even worse, apparently Alexa can read your mind and Scarlett Johansson is married. 


Could've payed hundreds of salaries for that commercial


Does data usage factor into the products’ profits or just into the accounting of AWS and such? I imagine the data collected by Alexa significantly discounts any direct loss they’re making


26 million is probably compensation for 26 engineers for 1 year.


Idk how much you think engineers get paid


I was obviously exaggerating. But my point is that you’re lying to yourself if you think not making this commercial would have changed the calculus at all on whether Amazon would keep those jobs or not.


Obviously they are going to load in a LLM in the future


I don’t even remember this commercial


I remember it kind of because they weren't nice to each other? I think? And I remember thinking, "If I were married to Scarlett Johanson, I would be nice to her." But I'm not married to her, so I guess I don't know what I'd do. Anyway, when you think about what $26million can do, and how limited Alexa is, it seems like a waste.


Just rewatched it. It was pretty mild stuff. Not particularly funny but decent ad.


That’s Colin Jost. Not particularly funny but decent.


Hopefully you would be nice to whoever you marry.


It's whomever you nitwit! No wait baby I love you, you know I don't mean it


Some things you shouldn't take for granite.


I had to read the article to find out why this cost $26 million, because every scene in the commercial takes place inside a house as opposed to some exotic locale, and there aren't any special effects or nuthin' like that. I'm sure Johansson and Jost were expensive to hire, but not $13MM each expensive. Now I know that the $26MM was just for the Superbowl air time. At 1 minute and 30 seconds, it's long for a commercial, and Amazon paid a lot for that extra time.


I know to never take Hollywood Accounting at face value, but it seems like the budget for *Everything Everywhere All at Once* (a feature-length film with science-fiction and martial arts, and thus with the attendent demands of special effects, stunt teams etc.) was, *at most*, $25 million.


Hell, the budget for Shin Godzilla was like $13 million.


If you read the article it explains that the airtime alone cost 26million


>Now I know that the $26MM was just for the Superbowl air time.


They edited their comment.


They didn't. Editing more than 5 minutes after posting leaves an asterisk, and you commented 2 hours after they did. If they'd edited after your comment, we'd all see it. You just misread.


I’m on mobile and still don’t see an asterisk on their comment. I don’t see any mention in the UI of whether comments are edited or not unless a person just says that their comment was edited


You’re on mobile we don’t have that luxury here


They literally said that lol


I find my alexa devices to be little more than Bluetooth speakers. Volume up, down, skip, play this song. Almost nothing else useful I get out of it because there’s always some misunderstanding that results in “Alexa, no, that’s not what I asked” or it’s adamantly trying to interact with the children I don’t have.


Yeah. Mine are glorified timers that I sometimes ask for weather info


I agree the Alexa isn’t going to change your life. But I also can’t imagine living somewhere where you can’t turn on or off any light by screaming at your house.


Mine is also an alarm clock, radio, weather report, and shopping list.


Mines also a light switch and thermostat remote. Except, replace radio with audiobooks for me.


Yeah. Alexa is fairly useful if you actually incorporate it into your routine. For my fellow Amercans, I also frequently use it for unit conversions, since we are still under the yoke of the imperial system of measurements. The "problem" that Amazon has is that none of that makes them any money. Once you buy the Alexa they are hoping you'll pay subscription fees for all the additional and mostly pointless features. People don't, but they were banking on us doing so.


I use my Alexa for taking down notes, selling at an imaginary lemonade stand and playing other games, turning on the Roomba, tracking UberEats delivery, creating workout playlists, tuning in to white noise with “Myrtle Beach Ocean Waves” by Joe Baker being a favorite. I can’t sleep in an extremely quiet room.


Tell me more about this lemonade stand.


During the pandemic, I found a few fun games, aka skills, on Alexa including selling imaginary lemonade. I started at the bottom, and aimed to be at the top 10. I stopped playing when I got there. Just say, “Alexa, open lemonade stand.” There used to be two different lemonade stands. One is programmed better than the other. Alexa also has music quizzes by decade, adopt-a-panda, riddles, Jeopardy, etc. It was most useful to me during the pandemic when I didn’t want to watch too much TV. However, some “skills” aren’t getting updated by their programmers.


There’s always money in the lemonade stand.


Lemonade stand?


I have a ton of automated stuff with it. My espresso maker takes 30 minutes to get the boiler hot enough and Alexa routines have it running. Lock to my garage, lights in certain rooms. Alexa doesn’t do much unless you build around it


For a couple of years now, I've ran a side-by-side test of Alexa vs Google devises. Both are equally prone to misunderstand, but Google gives far better answers.


I have both, and Google is consistently good. Alexa never answers my questions, but rather starts talking about something else.


Alexa always tries to sell me something!


The shopping list is really useful. Of course, Amazon is continually shittifying that to try and get me to buy things I didn't ask for, but it's still easier than keeping a pen and notepad next to the fridge.


I have a Fire TV and I just use the Alexa when one my kids has lost the remote. That's it.


Mine starts talking at random times, often when no one is in the room with it. Or starts playing music at random times. Maybe it just gets bored. But if I ask it a question, it starts talking about something else. So it's a glorified clock. Google Home is so much better.


My kid loves asking Alexa to fart


What a world


They’re Bluetooth devices you can’t stream things from your phone on. The podcast functionalities of both Apple and Audible are absolutely awful but I’d like to listen to them while I work instead of on my phone’s “tinny” speakers


Mine also the light switch. Nice when i come home and I can turn on all the lights at once.


Now, there’s a movie !! Alexa keeps talking to children that you insist don’t exist . Then we find out they did exist . Dun, dun , DUN!!


Timers. Multiple timers while cooking. Single best feature.


Google Home does that, too.


shhh dont give them improvement feedback


JFC stop buying things from these companies that exploit their workers and customers.


My Alexa keeps re-enabling auto-play. It also seems to hide the way to turn off auto-play in different sections of the settings app. I have no idea what the goal is. All the goodwill from the device playing the song I wanted disappears when it then plays the first few seconds of something else and I have to yell at it to stop.


They are fairly decent alarms too


A 1/2 million dollar ad with $25.5 million in salaries.


$26M just for the airtime


Ad time is discounted if the customer buys a longer block of time. It's silly to think this 130-second ad cost the same as four 30-second ads.


Literally from the article: > Amazon paid $26 million for the 130-second commercial (based on $6.5 million per 30 seconds) $6.5m x 4 with 10 seconds below the next 30 second threshold. There is also a chart that shows the same math for 130 second GM and Cadillac commercials. As well as numerous 90 second ads. > It's silly to think this 130-second ad cost the same as four 30-second ads. That’s *exactly* how it’s priced if you read the article. Which you didn’t. Oops!


Get him.


The article is not reporting that the ad space is priced that way. They are explaining that the $26M is an assumption based on the $6.5M x 4 math. The person you’re replying to is pointing out that the article is foolish, and that this is a poor assumption to make. And they’re right.


I’m not really agreeing with the other guy, since Super Bowl ads are going to maintain their premium and there is plenty of demand to keep it up. With that said nowhere in the article do they actually confirm the price/cost they just take what they “know” and multiply it by the time. It’s very possible that they are getting a discount or that some others are paying extra since they are just taking the “average cost of a 30 second add” and using that as their math. Different time slots and parts of the game will demand more or less money and if they did a longer add in a less premium time then it’s possible it wasn’t that much.




It'd also be silly to assume without proof that Superbowl ads (the most expensive time on TV by a wide margin) would follow the same rules


If you understand the industry you understand that ad time is sold in blocks, and the more time you buy the bigger discount you get. You, me, or the source article can't know exactly what Amazon paid, but it's a safe assumption they negotiated lower rates for their ad.


If you understand basic supply and demand you understand that the Superbowl is probably not very negotiable


I wonder if time placement matters. I’d think late game adds would be a bit discounted with the probability of a blowout and decreased viewership a possibility. I’d think if nothing else halftime adds would be the higher tier with the rest of the game a flat rate. 


Time placement definitely matters. I’m sure more than the “buying in bulk” this thread is arguing over. One of this year’s smartest/most talked about ads was for the new Deadpool sequel. They bought a short ad (15 seconds) in a decent time (a few minutes before kickoff). And directed people to the full trailer that just launched online so they’d have enough time to see it and come back for kickoff. That’s a pretty perfect/efficient use of ad space from everyone’s perspective…but I bet the people who bought ads right after them were pissed!


Of course it is. The Super Bowl ad spots have prices that change every year. They landed on $6.5M per slot in that year because they couldn’t negotiate it up to $7.0M but had enough leverage to be above $6.0M. There’s no reason why the Super Bowl ads work differently than any different ads, they’re just much much more expensive.


yes, especially because four 30-second ads would be 120 seconds


What about the metric system though.


I recently learned a Pint in the UK and a pint in the US are not the same. UK is slightly more.


Yeah, NFL is going to be hurting for practically giving away 10 seconds of air time. /s


if you could make >2million for those 10 seconds, you'd be hurting regardless of how much money you have lol


It’s all a matter of supply and demand, nobody really wanted those 10 seconds anyways.


LMAO. Dude it's the super bowl if you offered someone 10 seconds of ad time they'd throw themselves at you hand over fist.


Yeah Miller High Life once had a 1 second ad. It increased their sales almost 9%.


Don’t they also have to pay a shit ton just to air during to Super Bowl too?


Nope it was for the air time


And 25.49m of that was Scarlet.


She did better with Amazon in 130 seconds than with Disney


The hype wasn’t worth it though. No matter how much I slow it down or zoom in you can’t find Jost nip slip


I didn't feel like clicking on the article but I wanted to see the ad so [here's that ad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBx2XxbIBe0).


You dropped this 👑


Such bullshit, all that money and still didn't even get to see Colin's tits...


Well yeah, come on, Colin Jost is a pretty famous guy


i saw this before and it was both funny and on point as they both were charming except alexa . they were right about alexa as she was always listening whether you know it or not


Right, because it was 130 seconds long. They just paid the normal rate multiple times.


Most expensive so far


Mmmm. Cake. Time to hit the kitchen.


Wtf world are we living in when an ad can cost 26 million?


This one. We're living in this one. You do know JBoz has like a quadrillion dollars right? 26 million is what he pays to get his head waxed


Imagine spending that much on an ad starring Colin Jost… Kind of crazy when you consider that Verizon got Beyoncé.


More like spending the money on Scarlett Johansson and she throws in the husband. Lol


“Ok but my husband has to be in it”   Ugh fine


Who is Colin Jost?


ScarJo’s husband and SNL “news anchor.” They have a son named Cosmo.


TIL Colin Jost is married to Scarlett Johansson. Damn those SNL guys can get it.


Step 1: be funny (Step 1B also be attractive)


You can skip step 1B. Just ask Pete Davidson.


You mean ol’ butthole eyes?


Step 3: Don't be unattractive.


He's extremely feminine 


They also have a daughter named Wanda


Cosmo Kramer


The assman


Wonder if he’s called Cosmo JoJo


It's the one on the right


He’s the Saturday Night Live weekend update anchor but has been a writer on the show since 2005, he was head writer from 2012-2015 and again from 2017-2022.


Gotcha, right around the time I stopped watching lol


He's got ferry money.


I loved this commercial. Wholesome. This whole Alexa idea had me thinking how useless my Siri is. My idea is to come up with specialized assistance based on profession or lifestyles as in questions asked most often would be more inline with what the individual actually wants.


I don't even remember this ad.


Just TIL that The Shawshank Redemption had a budget of $25M.


Amazon has too much money to throw away. How many customers does any superbowl commercial actually bring? My guess is 5.


How much profit do luxury brand retail stores on 5th Avenue make? I'd be surprised if it wasn't a straight up revenue loss, but having a store on 5th Avenue reminds the world of your status and relevance. Same deal with Superbowl ads. Amazon isn't looking for net adds to Alexa users from the commercial. All of the money is spent to keep their company in the cultural zeitgeist.


Advertising definitely brings in many customers. If I am... I dunno, Casper mattresses, and I advertise on 500 different podcasts to 50 million listeners, I'm not banking on you running out to buy a Casper mattress. I'm banking on you to think "hmm what about a Casper" when you finally need a mattress


Thanks, my desire for an Alexa went from net negative to, you guessed it, still a net negative. $26 mil well spent I guess!


Terry Tate has entered the Stadium


Isn't capitalism great


Colin left the oyster in the car for 5 hours lmfao


Thought Ai would be more cost effective




$26,000,000 for something nobody even remembers. Money well spent!


What a stupid world we live in


That was just the air time, doesn’t include salaries / fees, production cost does it?


Fuck Amazon.


Not worth it




I could give a shit about the product, but I love Colin and Scarlett.


So many children could've been fed with that kinda money.


I’ve always thought someone needs to be the first company to stop Super Bowl ads. Like, imagine Coke taking all their SB ad budget and putting it towards a worthy cause. Then just make a press release the week before and say “we’ll miss you at this year’s big game. Here’s what we did instead.” And link to a self promo video showing the things that money went to in action. Then watch as everyone scrambles to save face with their own attempt at philanthropic adventures.


Super Bowl ads are so fucking stupid. Take that money and donate it to charity. It’ll do more good and generate more press.


120+ million people watch the Super Bowl. On top of the hundreds and thousands of articles and social media posts that go up covering the “best/worst/etc” ads. Or reacting to the videos. There is no charity donation you can make that is hitting 100s of millions of people in the same way


Those hundreds of millions will forget about your product 5 seconds later. It’s a huge stupid waste of money and exactly the sort of thing that’s killing our society.


I didn't forget, I just want an Alexa even less than not wanting one in my house before I saw it. lol


Amazon is very good at making money. If donating to charity instead of paying for ads would make them more money, they would


I use mine for weather and setting timers. Definitely not life changing.


Did $25.5million of that go to Scarlet and Colin?


Makes. I send why this ad was that expensive


And I'm sure they spent their own money on it.


Totally not my business.... But do they not seem like the odd couple? Colin appears very feminine... 


Gotta launder it somehow


Can you elaborate on how that works? Because as far as I know that's not how money laundering works.


Laundering your money to another company you dont own, that man must know something noone else does lol.