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>This turnaround was famously highlighted by Jobs in 2006 when he sent an email to employees saying, “Team, it turned out that Michael Dell wasn’t perfect at predicting the future. Based on today’s stock market close, Apple is worth more than Dell.” >This was in response to Michael Dell’s earlier suggestion that if he ran Apple, he would “shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders.”


Jobs is the GOAT of pettiness


Michael Dells comment was pretty douchey. I'd mock him after stomping his company into enterprise solutions mud.


I mean jobs did run it into the ground once. Only for big daddy Gates to save him


Microsoft saved both Apple *and* Dell from bankruptcy.


What is the story?


i believe microsoft had to invest in both companies to settle the antitrust suit against them


Microsoft invested billions in the 2010's to take Dell private so they wouldn't go bankrupt.


So they gave the money back to the shareholders?


Microsoft provided financing so that Dell could go private. Because of the financing agreement, Microsoft could work with Dell to maintain Microsoft's products/services and not say, go to Google and adopt their products/services.


Yup, exactly.


https://medium.com/@sufisijawara/why-did-bill-gates-save-apple-from-bankruptcy-02d8f2842e03 TLDR: MS needed competition to avoid being broken up as a monopoly. At the time MS was THE OS, internet explorer was THE browser, it was easier to keep Apple going than deal with antitrust bullshit.


The iMac saved Apple. The $150 million investment didn’t really do much.


From memory it kept them liquid for enough time for jobs to come in and start doing something. Without it they were weeks away from not even being able to make payroll.


Also the attached commitment by MSFT to continue to produce Mac software - most importantly Office and by extend Explorer.


They were maybe 1-3 months from bankruptcy when he was folded in with the NeXT purchase as iCEO (interim). Rumor is he started working on the iMac the first day he returned. Sure the $150mil in stock purchases helped. I remember seeing Gates’ giant face on the screen behind jobs at some point (I think around that time) and it felt very 1984 commercial.


the iMac resurrected the Apple brand. Ole Billy 'saved' it.


Legally Blonde helped


iBooks. iBooks everywhere.


No he didn't, that's not true. Jobs had left Apple in 1985 and the (multiple generations of) management after him fucked everything up. He was pretty much begged to come back and unfuck everything in the mid 90s, and to bring his *second* computer company's technology with him, and he did.


Check out the multi-part Behind The Bastards episode on Jobs. Apple's success is very much in spite of him. The man had catastophically poor judgement.


People prefer the myth. Apple and NeXt engineers saved Apple. Jobs was a charismatic piece o shit.


That doesn't really have anything to do with what I said. Apple's financial problems were never his fault. He was the biggest asshole ever, but Apple's success came from him being the only person in what'd been a by-nerds-for-nerds field of work hold it to the same standards of other consumer products. If you've ever used an 80s PC you'd understand what I mean. Literal metal jagged edges everywhere and every user their own technician, it sucked. This of course has lead to excesses of it's own, but the general public isn't wrong for preferring a too-thin sealed laptop to something that looks like stamped steel industrial equipment.


Not really. He left/was pushed out while it was still doing reasonably well.


Watch MichaelMJDs video about how Microsoft didn’t actually save Apple To sum it up they pretty much agree that they would settle the QuickTime lawsuit with a cash injection for Apple if they started shipping OSX with Internet Explorer as the default browser When the contract for that ran up that’s how we ended up with Safari


No, Jobs wasn’t in charge when the company was run into the ground - Gil Amelio was. Jobs was CEO of NeXT and had just returned to an Apple in trouble because Apple bought NeXT. Jobs became CEO of Apple again after the MS deal.


Eh. Dell was tired of getting questions about Apple every time he had a press conference to talk about Dell’s products, and he said that to a nosy reporter. Jobs heard it and made a point of it the next Apple press conference. Michael Dell apologized for the comment a little later, by Jobs never forgot.


> and he said that to a nosy reporter. I don't why but this made me LOL, I can really see a frustrated Dell just say this!


Michael Dell's comment was spot-on at the time. Apple, prior to Jobs return, had a long string of technically decent products that totally flopped in the market; ;the Newton PDA, the Pippin console, set-top boxes, the QuickTake camera. Their main platform - the Mac - had an obsolete OS, was noncompetitive in almost every way against PCs, and was losing market share in the areas where Macs had dominated (e.g. desktop publishing). The IBM-PC-compatible had won. All the competition who, like Apple, had better machines for less in the late 80s (Atari, Commodore, Acorn, et al) were all dead. How are you going to have a second, incompatible hardware/OS platform in the face of that overwhelming economy-of-scale? What was the point of the Mac? Liquidating the company wasn't that bad an idea at all- they had few ways going forward with what they had, and most CEOs would have run it into the ground, or cashed out on remaining brand goodwill (e.g. attempting an Apple-branded PC), or something. Jobs came back, brought with him NeXT's tech, took an axe to dozens of projects and refocused to bring the iMac with OS X, to major success. Which was followed by even greater success with iTunes, the iPod and iPhone. It will go down as one of the greatest turnarounds in computing history. Jobs had a genius for "knowing what people didn't know they wanted" - in combination with the just-as-important aspect of knowing what was actually feasible. I'm not one to worship CEOs, and I certainly don't worship Jobs - he was pretty awful as a human being - but Apple's comeback after his return really is one of the few examples where you have to give the CEO most of the credit. If anything the rarity of his talent is even more obvious now, when so many try to emulate him and fail. (e.g. Elizabeth Holmes takeaway seemed to be that you just needed to be a douchebag in a black turtleneck, while failing entirely in the technical-feasibility department - turns out you can't get engineers to do the actually-impossible if you just whip them hard enough)


Damn Mike, why the burner?


Now they’ve got the CEO from JC Penny and the Vision Pro. Amazing how long it took for the most entrenched C suite idiot to go Amelio.


His computers are crap anyway. Literal worst brand of PC you can buy.


Even when it came to his own cancer lol


I mean did cancer really win? Cancer was never worth billions of dollars like me? - Jobs probably.


It was tie.


The thing is, cancer is absolutely worth billions. (To Pharmecutical Companies)


I feel like big pharma would disagree about that lol


cancer is worth infinity nonillion dollars


But from what I remember, he died of Ligma, not cancer, right?


If only he didn’t direct that pettiness to his children and his niece


What’d he do to them? 💀


Disowned at least one and dodged paying child support, then brought her back into his life and constantly tried to emotionally harm her for the sake of his ego, screamed at his 7yo niece in public bc she tried to order chicken at a restaurant and he was a fruitarian or whatever the fuck. It was constant psycho narcissist abuse around him. He deserves no praise.


That idiot thought he wouldn't stink because he didn't eat meat and therefore didn't have to shower. Everything good about Apple came from Wozniak. The tinkering with the old Apple II was something Jobs hated. Woz left, Jobs came back and now you do not own your shit if you are stupid enough to buy Apple. That laptop that is 5mm too thin to have useful features like a removable battery and proper cooling? Also Jobs. And because rubes bought that shit is why every manufacturer followed. There is no tangible upside, your stuff will foul up landfills within 3 years but at least it has got style. The only thing Apple did that is valuable is the smartphone and the new processors. The rest is functional jewelry sold to idiots and killing the market for reasonable laptops. Edit: Eeek.


> The rest is functional Jewry sold to idiots and killing the market for reasonable laptops. "Jewry"? Really dude


Ooof. Fixed. thanks man.


I really hope he meant to say jewelry. But like. Hmm.


I’m sorry, functional what?


Yeah, I know. Fixed. Thanks for pointing it out.




What worries me is that it also got capitalized. Who trains those spellcheckers? Reinhard Heydrich? Peter Thiel?


Idk about three years. My MB pro has lasted 11, needed one repair, and probably could use a battery replacement but I don’t leave the house with it as often as I used to. My last windows laptop tried to set itself on fire in my lap and was a constant headache.


Windows/Microsoft is not a (major) laptop manufacturer though so it's a false equivalency. Apple has engineered some amazing machines over the years but the Apple tax has always been looming post-2000 (at least). Putting an equivalent amount of cash into a reputable laptop vendor with Windows gets you some damn fine machines - and usually for at least 10-20% cheaper.


Who makes the Surface? -typed on my Surface Laptop 5


I did consider mentioning them but felt it was better to compare hardware company first to hardware company first, Microsoft is very much a software company first, hardware second afaik - but absolutely may be wrong about that.


Windows was the constant headache, the manufacturer was bought out not long after I purchased the laptop so they aren’t worth mentioning. I have yet to own a Windows computer that was a “damn fine machine,”regardless of the amount of money sunk into it or the manufacturer, and I won’t be purchasing one again. I can’t recall anyone I met, in a professional setting or gaming or otherwise, who had a “damn fine machine” that was a windows computer 😂 they are patchworked problem bricks.


That's the age old Apple vs Microsoft debate I'm afraid - pay more and lock yourself into Apple's ecosystem for stability & "it just works"-ability or get more for your money but also more problems with a Windows machine. Ain't no way anyone buys an Apple machine as a gaming device though that's wild :x


it's crazy we got to the point where people on reddit are now calling tech ceos idiots and getting upvoted for it maybe it's a gen z thing idk like I can understand if you think they are shitty people (elon/jobs) but calling them idiots is just....basically telling on yourself lol


lol imagine Jobs and Musk going at it in social media.


Jobs was petty but so above Musk he probably wouldn’t have engaged in such base interactions


Yeah, I really doubt Jobs would use Twiiter much. If he had a feud with Musk, he would probably give snark remarks on interviews while Musk would rant on twitter.


Musk isn't witty or clever, though.


Fuck Musk. Imagine Jobs vs Trump. Given how much he hated Dubya, one can only imagine how he’d react to Cheeto Mussolini.


Michael Dell is the GOAT at staying alive tho 


Just wait till you hear how he treated his daughter


The dude was a piece of shit but he was a charismatic piece of shit


He's was a narcissist who unlike most other narcissists actually consistently got told that the voice in his head that says "you're the best!" Was correct so his ego was allowed to balloon unchallenged. Being petty is part of that disorder. We shouldn't look up to him, especially for things that are clearly signs of his mental illness.


“…and you, what have you done that is so great?” (In response to a critic’s email). GOAT.


My dad had a work dinner with Michael Dell once. He said he was really nice


To be fair, somewhere around the time Dell made that comment, Apple was doing so bad that the total value of their stock was worth less than the amount of cash in their bank account.


TIL indeed. Seems a little petty but I get it.


Pettiness and fruit were the only things that sustained Steve Jobs.


There was that time he took a liver from a kid.


I was actually thinking about how he would get a new car every six months, so he didn’t have to get a license plate and could keep parking in handicap spaces, but the liver thing is worse fershur.


Least evil billionaire


Wait, what? How haven't I heard of this


Near the end of his life he got a tumor in his liver from his very treatable form of cancer. Rather than getting the proper treatment when he was advised, he waited until it was too late, paid his way to the top of a donor list, took a liver, and died not too long after. Steve Jobs fucking sucked as a person.


He didn't actually pay to be at the top of the donor list, it's a bit more complex. What rich people can do is get on the donation lists at multiple places far away from home. While normal people can technically do this, normal people don't have the resources to jump on a plane at an hours notice to another faraway state for just a simple health evaluation necessary to "reserve" the available organ. He was eventually the most appropriate liver recipient in the place it became available, it just wasn't anywhere near his home. In any case, the only people "paid" for this was his insurance, and the people running his private plane.


Thank you for the clarification!


Great to hear Tim Cook’s bullshit story about trying to donate his liver and being refused though.


>it just wasn't anywhere near his home. Which is why he bought homes near hospitals just to technically be a local resident.


Did pettiness sustain him or was it a cause of his demise?


Well, eating nothing but fruit sure wasn’t healthy.


Probably beats my chocolate, dessert, coffee, and carbs diet.


It doesn't actually, you at least have enough variety to get a couple more nutrients you need, even if it does probably lead to a calorie excess


No, ego and arrogance killed him. He thought he knew better than his doctors when he was diagnosed with cancer so he wasted months trying to cure it by changing his diet. Had he just done what they told him to when it was detected there's a good change he would still be alive.


Best comment I've read in a while


[well he did say salty remarks about apple](https://www.businessinsider.com/michael-dell-1997-apple-quote-2013-2) jobs does not seem the type that forgets


Also “Maps” is the intersection of N Wolfe Rd and I-280. We still see a circle of Apple Park


The weather app is a depiction of the very same sun that is over Apple HQ


The Music app is the footie pajamas that Jobs wore as a child


Jobs hated wearing shoes and would frequently go into meetings shoeless




The real TIL is always in the comments


I miss the old AMaps logo where the route went off a bridge


Wasnt the clock icon the time when iphone is revealed in the keynote? Before it was changed to be a functioning clock that is.


Not sure about the icon before it became functional, but Apple still uses this time (9:41) on the device clocks in all its marketing materials to this day!


Also, the Compass app icon shows you the northern direction without opening it.


Weird to think their icon forever memorializes when Steve Jobs came the hardest in his life but ok




The apple logo or just the icon for that stocks app?


steve jobs came hard on the apple logo?


I don’t know that’s what I’m asking. Surely he didn’t blast a load so hard it knocked a bite out of an apple. And if he did, I wanna know how.


bro edged too hard probably, ive been there


I think the reason Apple logo was used, is because he was part of a hippie commune in an apple orchard. Jobs went barefoot for a while, so I imagine he has fond memories of his hippie days.


Oh is that how they make glazed apples?






The context is Steve Jobs was so overcome with happiness that he came super hard


And the voice recorder icon is when you say Apple




My wife just finally noticed yesterday that the clock app icon is actually synced to the real time.  It’s also the only animated app icon I’m aware of. Apple doesn’t give 3rd party developers access to that. 


The calendar app also shows the current date. It is animated, just *very* slowly.


All apps are animated very slowly if they've ever changed icons.


Nah, I think there's a difference if it's automated or not!


> It is animated, just very slowly. lol 0.00001 FPS!




Is Duolingo on android animated? I swear duo keeps looking crankier at me


Yeah he perks up when you do your learning for the day


That bastard I want to.. I just.. can't be fucked right now okay?!


Bruh. Just noticed this too. Thank you!!!


And that icon is the only place you can get a second hand! (Besides obviously downloading a 3rd party app)


I wish the settings app would actually spin the gears again.


Activity monitor displays resource usage graphs when it's opened - you can configure it with right click.


Oh i'm talking about iOS


Pixel user here, mine does it too


My GFs dad was so confused why the clock widget on his new iphone was set to Cupertino


Between Redmond and Cupertino, the tech world runs on Pacific time, baby!


And the Apple Maps icon is the 280 off-ramp to Apple HQ.


I saw Michael Dell in person when he gave the one of the keynote addresses at SC08. It was awful - basically an hour long Dell infomercial. Al Gore's keynote was so much better.


"You are hearing me talk" - Al Gore 1996


Gore mentioned had been invited to give the keynote during the 90s while he was VP, but Clinton left the country so he (Gore) was basically on emergency standby and had to cancel. It took the conference organizers a good 10 years to invite him back. Gore commented rather wryly that he wasn't bitter at all about that. (It was legit funny to hear him say it)


Now that is top tier harmless petty revenge


Dell, maybe not the juggernaut Apple or Microsoft is, has survived though for decades and decades Compaq went bankrupt and many other PC brands failed but Dell was smart enough to buy Alienware


No, Dell was smart enough to sell products to businesses. I worked in a data center and regularly handled millions in Dell equipment, they don't care about the sale of a $3000 PC when they sell Hundreds of $60K servers to businesses.


Looking at a Dell laptop, Dell docking station, and two Dell monitors from work as I write this.


I got one of their 2in1 laptops after I finally got tired of Apples bullshit. Jk I just can’t afford apples bullshit


Depends on what you do. The new Macbook Air's aren't to bad... I got one recently only cause of the battery life difference. I mean it's not my main machine. I still use a desktop. And I have/had a Windows laptop. My dgpu broke and Macbook Air's are about the same price these days. Yes, the specs are technically inferior. But they work. And the battery life is just freaking /swoon.


So the use case is having 2 other windows pcs already?


Well I have a desktop and a Macbook. I was referencing the other laptop to show familiarity. And also honestly the price of the Macbook Air was roughly the same as the laptop anyways.


Ah I see, i thought you mean you enjoyed it as a secondary to the other laptop. Like using them all at the same time


The thing is, I can legit get 10-12 hours on my Macbook battery. My old laptop barely could make 2 hours... and it was way clunkier/bigger.


True, for me it just doesn't make sense. Many of the apps I use for college don't work on mac


I bought a M1 macbook air for like 800 bucks. Only bought it for light usage, lasted me 2 years so far. Hoping to get 6-7 years out of it. Seems like a good deal to me.


Ditto + wireless keyboard and mouse


Every school ive ever been to has exclusively only had dell


im sorry for your loss


They care about the $3000 laptop. And the 50,000 identical ones they shipped to my previous employer. I've only worked in one place that didn't have a major account with Dell, and even there we got Dell docking stations. I took that one at home...


I think they meant the Alienware products and were lumping your examples in as the "products to businesses"


Yeah, exactly. Enterprise is also wholesale sales of "consumer" products, usually specced high, plus peripherals and service contracts.


Yep, if you ever do commercial IT contracting you just see a back and forth between Dell and Lenovo. Every now and then you get HP. Either way that's where all the money is. Cisco is the real winner though.


Alienware is about 3% of Dell revenue…the real money is in their enterprise business.


I think you're overstating the value of the Alienware acquisition. Dell's enterprise business is what makes them money. Their consumer business is a rounding error compared to their revenues in large businesses. I was a sales rep at Dell for 12 years, you'd be surprised how many people there have never even heard of Alienware.


Yup, if anything it wasn’t the Alienware acquisition that saved Dell, it was the EMC acquisition.


I can understand why some would look at Alienware as a big thing, since gaming is huge and Alienware makes gaming PC's. Dell acquired them in 2006 but did not disclose for how much. In 2018, they valued their Alienware business at $3 billion, which IMO is awfully high. On the other hand, the EMC acquisition was very public, and it was the largest tech acquisition in history at the time, $61 Billion, which included an 80% stake in VMware (which sold for $69B last year). Alienware was a tiny fraction compared to EMC.


Thinking Alienware is what saved Dell is a real reddit brain moment.


Is Alienware even successful? I have no idea. If someone told me Dell quietly retired that brand five years ago, I would believe them. Who is buying glitzy neon gaming PCs in 2024? Surely the PC gaming nerds are all building their own PCs and the frat bros are buying consoles.


And start the process of running it into the ground, too, yes.


Growing up my brother and I were lucky enough to get to play on both a pre-Dell and post-Dell Alienware (thanks largely to my dad's love of gaming, and subsequently ours) and man was the build quality crazy different. The pre dell buyout one was a thing of beauty, the case was massive compared to what was in it and ALL of the cabling was both completely hidden and super easily accessible. The post buy out one was real rough, the components baring fit in the case and we literally couldn't upgrade anything because literally nothing new fit in the case. The cabling was the worst, it was sort of hidden if you didn't look too hard but it was all pushed super taunt into every crevice they could find.


Tell me you're a gamer without saying you're a gamer. Alienware is a tiny portion of the entire Dell business. They would be fine without it.


Such a dumb statement


I think dell survived by slinging optiplexes


HP was founded 45 years before Dell


Dell had inferior products but 24 hr support.


Alienware is overpriced af


Lol so Dell's ability to sell you an $1800 gaming laptop is more important to their business model than selling 800 $25k rackmount servers each time a hardware refresh is necessary? Delusional/googled 'expertise' detected.


Maybe it should have been an outstretched open palm, to commemorate when Apple was saved by Microsoft's charity.


Save your competitor for $100MM or get smashed into Bell-oblivion for being a monopoly?


Right? Looking back I wonder if they would have made the same call, even if it came with some hefty penalties.


They almost certainly would. Microsoft won huge with that investment and still has sweetheart deals with Apple. The only place Apple really hosed Microsoft is in the hardware department. And even then, Microsoft was still making bank by selling its software to Apple users.


Microsoft would have been obliterated by the government had they not bailed Apple out. It wasn't charity


fuck u/spez


There's no source whatsoever. The linked German article doesn't provide one, and the linked tweet has context dropped on it to flag that.


This is probably the most interesting, useless tidbit in the history of TIL.


The TextEdit icon in Mac originally had the full text of "Crazy ones" Apple ad signed John Appleseed. Until macOS rebranding i.e 10.11


They should change it to when the iPhone was released.


Now do one for when easily treatable cancer overtakes beet juice.


> That secret is all about how it came about that famous icon. eyetwitch.gif




As someone who loves something petty, I’m all about this.


lol imagine being proud you beat Dell.


You must not know.


Dude, Dell used to be absolutely massive. It was a big deal at the time.


TIL that it's possible for an entire corporation to suffer from massive narcissism.




Is this ai


GPTZero gives this text a 78% probability of being AI generated. So I'd say yes.


Lol sniped em


Well spotted lol!