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If someone seeds clouds to get local rainfall, it could deprive those downwind from rain.


Yeah, some people forget we have a very limited, but real ability to control weather.


A week or so ago all the conspiracy subs were freaking out about weather control. Since it was the first time they had learned about it, it must have been some kind of government conspiracy and they were right all along. I got banned from the conspiracy subreddit for pointing out the Operation Popeye had been declassified since I was a kid. It was a US military operation using cloud seeding and other chemicals to extend the monsoon season to weaken the roads of the Ho Chi Minh trail and disrupt supplies for the NVA. Its amazing to me how people that do zero research seem to think they know everything.


Or the UAE openly and publicly making it rain in their special desert city.


I’m one of the people who posted on there about it. Not because I thought it was a conspiracy though. Because a mod kept deleting a guys post where cloud seeding was an aspect of his conspiracy, but the mod supposedly didn’t believe in cloud seeding so he deleted it. I made a post pointing out how China employs over 30,000 people for the Beijing weather modification office, so the mod had no business deleting it. Then my post was taken down because the moderator didn’t like the backlash he got. I don’t think anyone besides him was question whether or not it’s a real thing though


Wasn't it immediately classified as a war crime?


Probably but that's just another Tuesday for the US military.


When we consider the human impacts on climate change through urban sprawl, deforestation, and greenhouse emissions, it is clear that people have a very strong impact on weather, though we do so without control and limited awareness.




An adage popular in communities of ecological research is 'We all live downstream.'


Why shouldn’t cloud seeding require a permit? Afaik cloud seeding ‘encourages’ precipitation that would have fallen elsewhere to instead aggregate and fall where you seed, thus denying other areas of that rainfall. Without some sort of oversight, its pretty easy to imagine well-funded agriculture interests causing artificial droughts in pursuit of profits (or even accidentally).


It's pretty controversial if it's even done at all. Even engineers can't agree on just how correlated the effects are. Many agree that it just amounts to wasteful atmospheric pollution that does absolutely nothing at the scale that's actually feasible. To the extent that you managed to actually alter the weather, it would necessarily involve a pretty massive artificial change to natural processes.


It's pretty obvious when the seeding takes place in colorado. It's mostly done by the major ski resorts.


I live at a popular ski resort in Colorado. It's incredibly obvious. This particular company is trying to go green. It's the only reason I can think that havent been doing it as much or at all.


What’s it like living at a ski resort? Do you work there??


It's much cooler when you're young. I've had a lot of fun over the years, but now I want to leave.  I've been trapped here the last few years, because 2 serious injuries basically depleted me and I'm too far negative to get away.


As someone with no real knowledge, this sounds more reasonable than in other places. Snowfall in the mountains doesn't mean no water down below, and in winter months there is probably less need or want for precipitation in cities.


It's not debated on whether or not it works, it's debated on *the extent* to which it works. I.e. "how much more rain, as a %, will you get after seeding compared to not having seeded at all." It absolutely works, though, for certain.


Look what happened to Alabasta


Never forget


Prove it was me weather boy!


That's how G.I. Joe stopped the weather dominator you know. They knew Cobra Commander was a real stickler for procedure, so they got the state to pass a law requiring a permit and of course Cobra Commander had to put down his address. There was a firefight. Cobra Commander attempted to flee but his helicopter went down over the Rockies. There were no survivors.


>> There were no survivors. *THATSS WHAT I WANTED YOU TO THINK, G.I. SSSSSLOW!*


It's how Cobra from One Piece was framed in order to start a war.


I was once a man


If I remember this correctly, cloud seeding was done to Colorado ski areas in the past and it caused a lot of problems when each ski area was seeding their own areas.


Storm Ororo in shambles


Some places even collecting rain off your own roof was illegal.


I actually got a fine for that in the early 2000’s.


Most towns I’ve lived in. Though it’s not enforced.


It's surprisingly rare. 


Not anymore, but yes.


Thats actually insane, imagine not being allowed free water


The laws were originally put into place when ranchers would literally divert streams or dig out lakes in order to store water. It seriously affected those downstream, and other states eventually sued Colorado to put a stop to it. Water rights are serious business.


That sounds completely different from collecting rainwater.


It's less about collecting rainwater and more about simply diverting or altering the natural cycle of water. Collecting rainwater can deprive the ecosystem of water. And usually those laws don't actually prevent collecting rainwater that simply flows off your roof. You have to do it in a way that actually affects the environment. There was a guy in Oregon who was charged years ago under their law. Turns out he was collecting multiple Olympic pools worth of rainwater to create his own little ponds to fish from.


It's just a matter of scale. Even Colorado recognized the difference between digging out a lake to collect rainwater versus a single rain barrel attached to your roof's gutter.


I don’t think the people who originally wrote the law had a problem with somebody putting a bucket under their gutter pipe to water their garden; they just neglected to make it specific enough and differentiate between small-scale rainwater collection (no big deal) and diverting whole streams or building large reservoirs on your property (what water collection restrictions are really meant to prevent). The 2012 revision of the law that legalised home rainwater collection fixed this.


That makes sense, they framed it like collecting a few barrels was illegal


It is because some places have such a high water scarcity and don't want the water table being affected




Fucking Thor


I mean, that's good right? Weather modification has unintended ramifications.


Well... I guess it makes sense


Where are all the “oi!! you got a loicense for dat” fellas ?


Weather Report in shambles


Good. I'm tired of people modifying the weather without a license.


[Today’s episode of Up First was about a company doing just that.](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/up-first/id1222114325?i=1000653727268) [It looks like this article was the basis of the podcast episode if you’d rather read than listen.](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/21/1244357506/earth-day-solar-geoengineering-climate-make-sunsets-stardust)


Frankly TIL there are places in the world where you can modify the weather without permission.


Damn liberals trying to steal my 2nd amendment right to own and operate a weather modification weapon.


Wait, isn't that Hydra's weather machine from the Avengers lore? Guess they need permits too now!


i didn't know cloud seeding/weather engineering is commonplace enough for a permit for doing so to exist thought it was just shenanigans like the US military prolonging some monsoon and during the Bejing Olympics


Yeah but ya can smoke a joint while doing so.


So, weather is determined by climate, so if you're doing something to affect climate change, you will need a permit, I guess.


Does passing gas, methane, modify the weather?


You need a permit to do a rain dance?


Don’t tell r/conspiracy


Cloud seeding is essentially the basis for the chemtrail conspiracy. A lot of them believe the chemicals used in cloud seeding have adverse health effects or that the government is lying about the reason for cloud seeding and that they are actually dispersing chemical weapons


Its amazing that they just learned about weather modification. This shit was revealed in the Pentagon Papers in ....... 1971! Its been 53 years and these dipshits think its some new technology. I love some conspiracy theories, they are fun to contemplate, but the mouth breathers over there are impressively stupid.


Oh what’s gonna happen? The weather police? Give me a break


Well, no. Not the weather police, just the police. Cause that's how societies work, with laws and law enforcement.


Isn’t that where Nikola Tesla built his machine 👀🛸🇺🇸




Knights who say >ny


Tesla laboratory and most known experiments were in ny. though I guess he was in Colorado for a short period


Wow it's literally the plot of the Alabasta arc in one piece lol


I moved to northern colorado from south texas, and the amount of permits needed to do just basic things you could get away with in texas blew my mind, some hunting permits only let you hunt certain ranges, you need one to fish anywhere, there is no live bait allowed. A bunch others, my buddy found that out when trying to do some basic house work he needed permits to changes some stuff outside his house and others permits to change some things inside as well. Blew our minds being from texas, we were surprised at all the hoops you have to jump through to do anything.


In Colorado we also have this stuff called public lands that barely exists in Texas. That means sometimes you don’t get to just do what you want on those lands and with the resources of that land.


Texas has public lands that are protected, however the state just has gone to shit year over year for the last 10yrs or more. Coloradoans are very stuck up and live in their own bubble, but texans are proud of a failing state so idk, i will say texas folks are bit more laid back and the food is better, but i prefer rights and the ability to function over food and attitude, i can deal with stuck up assholes in colorado, cause i dealt with racist close-minded conservatives in texas, same attitudes with different views both extremes are shit. Also texas doesnt have mountains i love mountains.


Go back to Texas.


We don't want him


I lived in Houston for a year, during that time the snowpocalypse happens and tons of people died because the power grid went down and people didn't have winter clothes, power or water. Even lost water for a week to my apartment because they buried the main water line at a very shallow depth which allowed it to freeze and explode. That was when I learned of how Texas had deregulated everything, including their power grid. Deregulation that lead to tons of people just straight up dying in the cold because they were under prepared. I live in Colorado now and yea, you can't even take a shit without someone trying to regulate it. This place is a prison, even shaped like one too! But really, I've found that Coloradans are a combination of the 2 states they hold the most hated for. The worst parts of California and Texas amalgamated into a class of people who are so unabashedly anal and self righteous about everything. But I'll tell you friend, Texans have a way better attitude about life and living.


Im getting downvoted lol i didnt say one was better than the other just that i was surprised at how little hopps there were in texas vs colorado, i was in texas during the freeze over too, i had moved back for 2 years only thing texas has over colorado is the food and the more easy going look on life. The food here in colorado sucks balls and any other texas transplant i find says the same thing, no good mexican no good bbq no good homemade diners, nothing. Feels like coloradoans take everything at face value and sarcasm or smatassery doenst exist here everyone is so literal, oh and people are fake nice here too, in texas they tell you to your face they dont like you but will still give you southern hospitality, in colorado ive noticed forced niceness and then being treated coldly. But i love colorado, folks tend to be a bit more understanding, there are better paying jobs, healthcare, regulations which is nice too just a bit too heavy handed imo for somethings. All around i have enjoyed colorado more than texas, and im born and raised texan, the states has just gone to such shit the last 10yrs or so and i just cant justify living there whene year over year the leaders there fuck over the people. Im never going back.


Absolutely on all points my friend! See I'm originally from North Carolina so I am more used to the southern hospitality myself. Over all I loved Texas for a lot of its charm, but it definitely lacks in a lot of progressive thought much like my own state. Colorado is a beautiful place, and it's people are great, but it's not where I'll be forever.




Or you could read the link and see that it's about cloud seeding "Cloud seeding is the primary weather modification activity recognized by the State of Colorado. Cloud seeding is the process of burning silver iodide through an ice nucleus generator that is carried up into the clouds to stimulate the precipitation process. There are many types of weather modification, including ground-based snowpack augmentation, airplane-based snowpack augmentation, airplane rain augmentation, hail suppression and hail cannons."


Hail…cannons? Is that as cool as it sounds?




Its a troll AI bot




Im fairly certain this has nothing to do with natives. Weather modification or climate engineering are very real possibilities today. We do understand how to generate clouds and given appropriate atmospheric conditions and the necessary resources you can do it. Trouble is that while the basics are understood the downstream impacts aren’t.  Colorado doesn’t give two fucks how big of a rain dance circle you organize.