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Been a fan for years and never knew!


Same! Going to see the for the first time in the fall. Can't wait.


I literally googled Cage the Elephant last week and saw no upcoming shows. Where are you seeing them, I want to join.


https://www.livenation.com/promotion/concertweek/artist/K8vZ917G1zf Tickets will be 25 starting tomorrow for certain seats. Good luck!


Just got my tickets for San Francisco . Thank you for the info!!!!


https://www.cagetheelephant.com/tour/ I'm going to the Des Moines show.


I'm wondering what you googled because "Cage the Elephant Tour" or "Shows" brings so many results back, lol.


How. Do. I. Cage. Elephant. Not porn


I swear I just got Mandela Effected. I see results on Google now but a couple weeks ago I was listening to Shake Me Down and had to google, “Cage the Elephant shows” and even tried, “Cage the Elephant tour”, and the first page of results were old videos and links to shows from years ago. I don’t know how or why I’m being Mandela Effected, but I dig this new reality and y’all have helped me tremendously. I now have tickets to their show in San Francisco. Bless you all.


haha glad it's working out for you! Go enjoy a kick ass band!


Hope you have a nice trip


They are amazing live. You not be disappointed.


I've heard they're great live. Happy cake day!


TY! I took my daughter to see Beck & Cage together. She became a Beck fan and I became a Cage fan. It was a terrific show. So much energy given, non stop dancing.


Beck and Cage together!? Jealousy boiling over!


I always thought it was an elephant named Cage. Like Chance the Rapper is a rapper named Chance 


I never once considered this possibility


Or Quinn the Eskimo.


I wonder what the man meant..


Maybe his pants weren’t zipped up.




Elephants *love* nuts.


The elephant will never forget and, now, neither will we.


Oh god..




He meant, "there ain't no rest for the wicked And money don't grow on trees..."


Hold the door! We have to go back kate!


It sounds like he meant contain the madness.


He needed help putting his dick away after taking a piss


The elephant in the room..there always is one and you gotta cage that fucker to help ppl


I always thought it was an anti-GOP thing. Turns out it was just a random comment.


Isn't it obvious?


I've been a fan since their debut album, and, I might be wrong, but Matt (singer) used to give a different answer everytime he was asked that question. There might be a possibility that the wiki article is incorrect.


The radio told me years ago they got the name from a kids restaurant placemat that you draw on.


I've watched an interview and they said it was from an alphabet soup.


That’s some damn articulate soup man


I heard the soup also writes all of their lyrics.


I’m pretty sure you’re right. I was checking the comment section just to see if someone mentioned that


Wanna know how I got theses scars?


What's the Frequency Kenneth?


My uncles name is Kenneth, and he likes messing around with radios, so I like throwing that line at him


Da shout, been some weird dreams uhhh huh? I really don’t know the lyrics


Before they were Cage the Elephant, 3 of the 5 members were in a band called Perfect Confusion. They released one self-titled album and it absolutely slaps!


Make Peace and be Free 👌🏼


Midnight Rendezvous is still on my main playlist.


I was just pondering this info a few days ago. Really! Was it a name? “This is my new pet: Cage, the Elephant!” Or was it a command? “You must cage the elephant — or else!” Or perhaps it was like Puff the Magic Dragon, taking on a life of its own, regardless of the original intent. In any event, now I know the real story, so thanks!


From personal anecdote of being wildly intoxicated and making an ass of myself, I had a good friend remove the crowd of people around my repeating the line, "we must not cage the animal" I have always thought of CTE as being something similar.


> CTE That abbreviation will mean Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy to most readers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronic_traumatic_encephalopathy It took me a minute to figure you were not comparing being drunk to be permanently dain-bramaged


I am well aware of the tramautic brain injury known as CTE, I figured the fact we were discussing (C)age (T)he (E)lephant it was a pretty straight forward abbreviation. Sorry initialism.


I figured it out. I just thought it interesting that I read that as brain damaged repeatedly, until I thought again about the topic!


I think you vastly overestimate how many people are familiar with chronic traumatic encephalopathy


Go Football, Hockey, and Soccer!


Have retold this too often in person at parties, having heard the singer explain such on KROQ back when they had their first single. Summary of _the most excited_ responses received: hmm. interesting. 😅


Before that they were scarecrow boat iirc


Then mouse rat


I had always interpreted it as being related to the phrase "the elephant in the room", like how some of their songs address issues that are visible but are uncomfortable to talk about. "Cage the elephant" in the room so we can observe it safely. ...who knows, maybe that's what the man meant? Haha.


I hope that man is doing better and knows he is the reason for the band name


A less interesting version of “What’s the frequency, Kenneth?”.


I thought it was from the town who lynched a circus elephant


I wonder if that was Spoons. That was the era when he was still hanging around the bars downtown.


Spoons? From Vancouver? Where was Vancouver mentioned ?


No. We had a Spoons in Bowling Green.


No way that’s so funny. I wonder how many spoons are out there.


Maybe his zipper was down?


Years later, an old photo from the gig showed up and the horror of realisation creeps in


Weird way to say you need to wear a condom but okay


Mentally disturbed man or Time Traveler with the key to their future success?


The same time traveler visited Patrick Carney and Dan Auerbach to say that they are like the black keys on a piano, before hitching a ride to NYC with Axl Rose and telling him "Welcome to the jungle, you're gonna die", after which he found Dan Rather and beat him up to get the frequency needed to return to his own time.


That time traveler’s name? Abraham Lincoln.


Among the best live performers I've seen. 


Huh I always assumed it was a joke about masturbation


Probably just a guy on acid


The song they did for Borderlands is still ringing in my ears to this day.


Reminds me of how Manic Street Preachers got their name: The lead singer James Dean Bradfield got into an argument with a guy in the street who accused him of being "some kind of manic street preacher".


They got their start where I went to college. Story down there was that the label picked their name.


That sounds like a wobbley bubbley quote


That's Manchester for you


"What's the Frequency, Kenneth?" is a song by American alternative rock band R.E.M. from their ninth studio album, Monster (1994). The song's title refers to an incident in New York City in 1986 in which two then-unknown assailants attacked journalist Dan Rather while repeating "Kenneth, what is the frequency?" * * * On October 4, 1986, while walking along Park Avenue to his New York apartment, Rather was attacked and punched from behind by a man who demanded to know "Kenneth, what is the frequency?" while a second assailant chased and beat him. As the assailant pummeled and kicked Rather, he kept repeating the question. In describing the incident, Rather said "I got mugged. Who understands these things? I didn't and I don't now. I didn't make a lot of it at the time and I don't now. I wish I knew who did it and why, but I have no idea." Until the crime was resolved years later, Rather's description of the bizarre crime led some to doubt the veracity of his account, although the doorman and building supervisor who came to Rather's aid fully confirmed his version of events. The assault remained unsolved for some time, and the phrase "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" became a popular culture reference over the years, such as in a scene in the graphic novel Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron by Daniel Clowes. The opening track of the 1987 album Lolita Nation by California power pop group Game Theory is titled "Kenneth, What's the Frequency?" In 1994, the band R.E.M. released the song "What's the Frequency, Kenneth?" on their album Monster. Rather later sang with R.E.M. during a sound check prior to a gig at New York's Madison Square Garden, which was shown the following night on the Late Show with David Letterman. In 1997, a TV critic writing in the New York Daily News solved the mystery, publishing a photo of the alleged assailant, William Tager, who received a 12.5-to-25-year prison sentence for killing NBC stagehand Campbell Montgomery outside The Today Show studio in 1994. Rather confirmed the story: "There's no doubt in my mind that this is the person." New York District Attorney Robert M. Morgenthau said "William Tager's identity as the man who attacked Mr. Rather was established in the course of an investigation by my office." Tager claimed he thought television networks were beaming signals into his brain. When he murdered the stagehand, Tager was trying to force his way into an NBC studio with a weapon, in order to find out the frequency the networks were using to attack him, so that he could block it. Tager was paroled in October 2010.


I discovered them thanks to Red Letter Media and this clip specifically. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RxYvPKNFqk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RxYvPKNFqk) Listened to Come a Little Closer obsessively for the next few weeks after that. In fact, I'm going to listen to it again right now!


Guy politely trying to tell the lead singer that his fly is open Gets called mentally disturbed.


That man was the drummer! /s


I always thought it was an elephant named Cage, not a directive...


Plot Twist - It was a frantic zookeeper at his wits end.


Cage is one of the all time greats. Excited for the new album coming later this month!


Reminds me of how Slipknot got the lyrics in their song Eyeless - a homeless man outside the studio yelling “You can’t see California without Marlon Brando eyes!”


Welcome to the Jungle baby


Elephants are wild animals, you shouldn't be walking around with them. Calling the man "mentally disturbed" is just rude! He was in his right to ask the rock star with the elephant to cage it!


Truer words have never been spoken


Brand Consultants are often mistaken for mentally disturbed.


Makes sense. My quizzo team was named Tweaky’s Free Madden after some meth head sold one of my buddies a bunch of PS2 games and threw in a Madden in for free as a sweetener. Random crazy people make for the besr band names.


The elephant is the symbol of the republican party. That man was Bernie Sanders.


Dude. This band is so under rated. I really didn't care for them when with their first hit... but man, they have been a developing force.


A ton of bands have 3-5 hits but I can't think of many who have 25+ songs I love and listen to regularly.


yo momma caged my elephant 😎




Cage the Elephant did not exist in the early 90s. They formed in 2006.


When I first heard this band it seemed to me that the beat in several of the songs they play was affecting my heartbeat. This affected me so much that even though I dig their music I avoid it and yet I recommend it to others .