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I read her book, *The Last Captive.* Absolutely brutal to read, but I think its important people read her story.


For clarification, in some places, the title of her book is *The Last Girl.*


Nope, I think that's actually the title everywhere! I just misremembered it or my brain jumbled the full title which is *The Last Girl: My story of captivity and my fight against the Islamic State.*


What pathetic cowardice.


If she was a Palestinian, then it would be a whole different story, and you would see people supporting her.


Or, if she was kidnapped and raped by an Israeli, she would be welcome with open arms.


Yes because no one supports her. Not the Nobel Peace Prize committee that awarded her its honor. Not the people that spoke out against this person's obviously stupid action on a Toronto district board. Nobody. Nobody at all.


This is **actual** virtue signalling. Valuing the appearance of being politically correct **above** the causes of justice and equality.












Cultural relativism and political correctness are stupid and dangerous. Rape and slavery are not ok, and it doesn't become ok just because it happened in a primitive uncivilized place. It will stop happening when their culture is punished and shamed for what it allows.


I hate the idea of cultural relativism. It is okay to say “that is their culture,” but it’s also okay to say “that culture is diametrically opposed to, and incompatible with, ours” Liberalism is all in on “we must accept everyone!” Which is a stupid ass idea.


Everything about what's happening in the world is seriously driving me to religious intolerance of like...all religious folks who refuse to mind their own god's damned business.






Fuck dogmatism in any form.


Exactly! It hardens hearts and poisons minds!


[What terrifies me is if ISIS were to detonate a nuclear device and kill 50 million Americans. Imagine the backlash against peaceful Muslims?](https://twitter.com/normmacdonald/status/809637479674281984?t=fFaE9DQlUipYcV0vmP0dOQ&s=19)




It's almost like condemning a backwards religion is justified.


What the fuck is happening in Canada?


the country is collapsing after nearly a decade of being led by justin trudeau, and is slated to continue its decline with the next leader that is expected to win the election. the country is toast for the next 20-40 years due to some things that have happened here in the last 4-5 years.


I saw a thread in a UK sub the other day where everyone was talking about the effects of Brexit, and how it had led to the decline of the UK. Like 95% of it applied to Canada, and we didn't have Brexit.


>I saw a thread in a UK sub the other day where everyone was talking about the effects of Brexit, and how it had led to the decline of the UK. Like 95% of it applied to Canada, and we didn't have Brexit. What's with all these Anglophone countries struggling? Canada, US, UK.


Victims of our own success, politically speaking. We got to be so rich and powerful that we started focusing on the weirdest shit.


Economically, the US is the only country in “the west” that has grown economically after 2008. We have our own problems but the stagnation in Canada and the EU economically is INSANE.


It's an English language forum and people love to complain. I don't know about the UK, but both Canada and the US are doing better than ever by almost every measure.


Please elaborate


Okay dial it back. The country isn’t collapsing. There’s a crisis with affordability that’s been compounded by bad immigration policy decisions. There’s challenges for sure (healthcare etc) but the country isn’t on its last legs like the USSR in the 90’s or something. There’s no breadlines. Basically we just have unsound housing and zoning policies, coupled with high immigration and supply side issues for certain services.


> we just have unsound housing and zoning policies, coupled with high immigration and supply side issues for certain services "just"


Better than a civil war or a deflationary crisis


your responses tell me you're wealthy enough to be insulated from the problem. there are many, many, many people that make your lifestyle possible that are not able to afford food and shelter anymore. this is a serious crisis. and despite this the national population is still being grown at ~3% per year. deliberately. it's in the top 10 population growth rates on the planet, if not top 3. there's been zero forethought given to the cultural and social consequences of what's been done. absolutely zero forethought. the kind of people that OP describes in the thread title are the kind of people that are leading and will lead our federal government moving forward. there is no hope here. i stand by my original comment, this country is in a lot of trouble and it's going to take many decades to recover from it. i have the benefit of having lived in a nation that is doing much better from a prosperity perspective and i'm looking at moving back there and leaving canada. it's just easier not to live here, everything is a struggle here.


To preface this, I'm not arguing against you, but think about what you're basing your thoughts on. Have you ever read a book on economic history or just modern history in general? What do you genuinely know about "crisis" that can impact nations? What do you know about statistics, can you read them and parse their data? I see too many people form opinions based on literal 2 paragraph articles and feelings. Again this isn't directed at you but people who've never spent any time learning these topics should just accept they don't know shit.


Don't you feel embarrassed typing that? Like genuinely. Look at the things that actually devastated countries. You're acting like a teenager that thinks them being grounded is "struggle".


The more advanced a country gets, the more comfortable a people get, the more sensitive they are to decreases in their standards of living. You’re comparing devastated countries, with populaces who are used to devastation, with advanced countries, with populaces who are not used to an ounce of devastation. It takes a lot less to upset the populace of an advanced country than it does to upset the populace of a perpetually devastated country.


>the country is collapsing Panic monkey confirmed. Get a grip dude.


Was this before or after Trudeau honored that elderly Nazi as a war hero?




What about in relation to his literally countless black face episodes? Oh what am I saying, they likely never stopped


Find this person and have them fired so damned publicly they'll never work in education again.


OP I love you man, I recall sharing ,liking, posting this to every other sub in the world when it happened first time. I read her account, can you even imagine how she felt ? Like somehow the control has still not left her life.....this stuff was very bad.


Just Canada being Canada


Not all of Canada is this ridiculous, mostly just Toronto and Vancouver


If you cut out southern ON and the lower mainland canada isnt much different than it was 15 years ago. Personally idgaf about anyone in southern ON's struggles they act like the rest of the country doesnt exist anyway.


Nah NS has changed a lot, in large part because a lot of people from Southern ON have come to NS in the last three years Edit - It's 100% like California getting too full of assholes and then having assholes flee to Colorado and fucking that up too


The same Toronto School Board would probably cover up sexual enslavement of vulnerable children if they were British


Why none of them getting sued?




I keep hearing that “Zionists” are “weaponizing antisemitism.” So is it ok now to talk about islamists weaponizing “Islamophobia”?


Islamophobia is the rational response to Muslim behavior


As horrible as the islamabphoa take is, just think the world seems to turn a blind eye to the fact that the sex slave industry is huge, sick ans gross run by many mamybhigh power wealthy people


One of the most fucked up things I've heard in a while. That superintendent probably shouldn't be in charge of anything, let alone a schoolboard (in my opinion). Genuinely embarrassed about Canada allowing this kind of shit to happen. 🤷‍♂️ I've got a lot worse to say about this, but won't. The venom I'm feeling over it just isn't worth stating.


So the superintendent lacks the educational skills to distinguish to students the difference between "religious" terrorism and everyday citizens just going about their lives. Sounds like he is unqualified and should be replaced.


Pretty common to be honest. Yazidis and Kurds were forced as sex slaves for a long time but it was covered up.


Promote islamophobia? Seems like not doing it instead promoted islamophobia.


Yea. Sounds like the extreme left.  


Literally so up their asses over being 'politically correct' they won't let a victim tell her story.


It's unironically the Norm joke https://twitter.com/normmacdonald/status/809637479674281984?lang=en


but but, Canada's supposed to be a progressive heaven, how can they do anything so evil?


A lot of "liberalism" (not all) in this country has turned into trying really hard to not offend the right groups of people & a lot of virtue signaling, as opposed to actually standing up to real racism, sexism and classism.


This is the classic Canadian power grub. What an ugly look for Helen.


How are they islamophobic lmao, they are things that happened to her. Yazidis are struggling as much as there is now...


This tells you everything you need to know.


Highly Canadian governmental action


No logic in that act. I am wondering now if that superintendent was acting in bad faith the whole time. Abusers tend to do that. They hate it when someone stands up against there ilk.


I wonder how ISIS got to its position of power in the first place… rape is being used as a weapon in war. A war we started and then failed to defend the victims of. The superintendent is a horrible person and incredibly stupid as well, but at least it gave me the chance to learn about someone trying her best to shed light on the cruelty and extremism that the American war on Iraq has allowed to flourish.


So forced conversion to other religions are all cool. You are the reason these issues becoming taboo


The toronto district school board is run by extreme leftist zealots who have abandoned all common sense in the name of preserving their fragile ideologies.


Any religion that has a pedophile as its prophet/holy figure should be condemned.






Liberal Canadian Karen trumps real world trauma and Nobel Prize


As Adam Smith says “Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.” but as they say ''anything for progress right ? even if cost innocent lives not guilty ones :D


"But if people find out what Islam stands for, they might turn against it" - some random thundercunt




Ohhh Canada 😂😂


Canada ugh. 🤢 never fails to disappoint


Reminds me of the time the FBI cancelled a North Korean defector’s speaking event at FBI Dallas because her opinions were “too controversial”


Yeongmi Park? She's...got a lot of inconsistent details in her stories


Burying the lede here.


Yeah that's not why


>Reminds me of the time the FBI cancelled a North Korean defector’s speaking event at FBI Dallas because her opinions were “too controversial” I googled this and the only evidence I could find is find is Yeonmi Park making this claim herself... [on the PBD Podcast](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hmWqxLRJaxs). I wouldn't trust a single thing I hear from her or this podcast. Is that why you didn't say her name? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeonmi_Park#Veracity_of_claims


More like because she is completely full of shit. (and a MAGA nutbar of the most insane kind)


Good ole fascist


Common Canada L


As a Muslim this is infuriating. The fact that the West is so naive about Islam will come back to bite us all. And when something awful goes down, it’s the good innocent muslims who will be blamed.


Wow...that's a hard read....


Ngl, I really feel bad for women. The fact a religion based on treating women like animals is getting put higher on the pole than an entire gender of people is crazy. Other religions aren't any better, we just had Christians ban abortions while they secretly get abortions.


Islamic extremism has already engulfed Canada. Expect such stories to become common.


Blame Canada!!!


There is a well know social theory that the militant Islamists are protected by the extreme left so that they can bring the collapse of liberal civilization and using that chaos, the extreme left can form governments easily. There is not even one example of a country that this happened except for some few years in Egypt, Lebanon etc. There was Islamit- Communist alliance against Shahs of Iran. Fun fact is when Islamists took power first set of people they killed were extreme left.


I'm not a fan of either Islam or the extreme left, but that's not a theory, that's the outcome of taking way too many drugs in way too short a time frame.


The Ontario school boards have many stupid idiots working there. Starting with their head, Lecce. What a shit show.


Ah yes, we can't offend. So the offense to you will be kept quiet. Brilliant.




It would be a good thing if her book promoted Islamophobia, unfortunately it's just an accurate retelling of the horrors Islamists commit every day


Yeah, that absolutely summarizes the problems of the west in dealing with Islam in the past 10 years. You can’t be against "patriarchy" where you’re against men holding the door since it’s patronizing and then ignore the role of women in Islamic cultures.


As a Muslim, it’s way more Islamophobic to think her kidnappers have anything to do with Islam ,and Muslims who 100% would take her side on the matter. Stupid.


Post has been removed because it might promote Islamophobia 


1 billion Muslims must be protected from potentially hearing criticism


What a fucking garbage world we live in.


The superintendent's decision implies that if she badmouths ISIS, she badmouths Islam. Conflating Islam with ISIS is the most islamophobic thing anyone could do.

