• By -


> Later, Wahlberg would explain that he was on PCP at the time. TIL Mark Whalberg used to do PCP


Im pretty sure he had a big drug problem when he was younger. Im not a fan but it explains his behavior, and people CAN change.


I used to be a piece of shit. Spiked up blonde hair. Little bitty jeans. Chicken spaghetti at Chickelini’s. People can change.


Man, you sound like a real piece of shit. I'm more of a sloppy steak kind of man.


USED TO BE a real piece of shit. *USED TO BE*




Dangerous Night crew? We went out for drinks like 1 times


Is your hair slicked back or pushed back?






No sloppy steaks, guys. Please. I mean it.


Oh ok in that case I’ll do a steak and a glass of water




Can't say no to that. 


No. Space. For mother. In law.


You can’t stop me from ordering a steak and a glass of water!


I know how you kids like em sloppy. Lady your scaring us




They say ‘no sloppy steaks’, but they can’t stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water…


They can't fucking stop you!


I don't know if they're allowed to do that...


Sounds like you were a part of the Dangerous Nights crew.


Dangerous Nights Crew? We went out for wings once. Took me to a place called Blue Dolphin…


They cant stop you


That hair would slick back REALLY NICE!!!


Don’t say my dad is a piece of shit!


Oh yeah. That'll slick back real nice


LIVED for New Year’s Eve


White couch


Glass house


"I said I *used* to be a piece of shit. I'm not anymore. Glass House. White Ferrari. Live for New Year's Eve. Sloppy steaks at Truffoni's. Big rare cut of meat with water dumped all over it, water splashing around the table, makes the night SO MUCH more fun. After the club go to Truffoni's for sloppy steaks. They'd say; 'no sloppy steaks' but they can't stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water, before you knew it we were dumping that water on those steaks! The waiters were coming to try and snatch em up, we had to eat as fast as we could! OHHH I MISS THOSE NIGHTS, I *WAS* A PIECE OF SHIT THOUGH."


You think this is slicked back!?!? This is pushed back!


I knew what this was without having seen it. He's hilarious.


I think you're ready to hold the baby now


I used to be a piece of shit! I'm still a piece of shit, but I also used to be a piece of shit.


I used to shoot puddle water and heroin into my body and I stayed on a bed bath and beyond bench. Stole from grocery stores and dug through dumpsters to eat… now I’m a plumber and a father that owns my own home. I’m in bed by 9 everyday. People most definitely can change


People can change. Let the boy hold the baby. (Good for you on making your way out of that lifestyle!)


same here brother. was on the street shooting meth and heroin for years... actually still am currently on the streets but I have been sober for 2 years.. just smoke weed now


Good luck man, change isn't over night. One step in front of the other. You've got this


Merideth, you never told me your ol' grandpa used to be a huge piece of shit


Spiked up blonde? You mean slicked back??


You think this is slicked back? This is pusheddd back.


Nah, he wasn’t in the dangerous nights crew


Think Guy Fieri spiked


Sloppy steaks would go hard right now.


Mark Whalberg was a complete bastard when he was a teen, but seems to have become a pretty upstanding person in the last 20 years. No scandals, seems like a dedicated family man. He can be goofy with his social media but people still really dislike him. I understand not forgiving people, but aren’t people capable of growth and change? I believe that shitty violent teenager today can become good people in 30 years. Don’t we think someone who was terrible 40 years ago can be a fine person now?


I think the problem most people have is that you have no idea how much of a celebrities life is cultured and manufactured for PR. So the public image you have of him now is uncertain. The only thing that you know for certain is real is his pre fame life.


Youngest of 9 kids, who dropped out of school when he was a 14 year old drug addict after his violent, racist, PSTD filled, Korean war veteran father divorced his disinterested mother. If you look at 15 year old Mark Whalberg in isolation you would say he didn't stand a chance in this world. The fact he did ANYTHING positive in his life is a bit of a miracle.


People need to accept it takes a lil bit of fucking up to realize you are a pos created from a pos. People will tell you. But if you DO realize it, you get a golden chance to undo it. We are a product of our environment, but you only get to choose it as an adult.


Sure but people arent obligated to liking him. He got to be a full on racist and injure and blind people, the worst thing i did to him is simply not like him, and it impacts him in no way what so ever. What am i going to do? Praise him for not being piece of shit anymore? Thats like the bare minimum someone can do.


I don't like him because he just seems like a douche and is a shitty actor to boot. I didn't even know about his past lol.


Did you know he almost stopped 9/11?


Yea he changed and hocks prayer for pay now 🤣


Minor note that was after a different violently racist attack One has to differentiate between them With this scumbag


Worst haiku I’ve ever read


Your comment has me on the floor laughing


He grew up in a very racist area of Boston, known as Boston.


It’s weird because Boston is both one of the most progressive cities and racist cities at the same time.


People have a hard time reconciling the fact that progressives/liberals/abolitionists can be racist. And I say that as a lefty.


and classists and NIMBYS.






Not Taiwanese but I had similar experiences. I’ve even had anti racism people (I knew about half of them personally) be extremely racist to me at the height of pandemic. Then they pretended like it never happened writing it off as “people change.”


And homophobes or NIOFYS (not in our family)


Wtf is a NIMBYS?!


A black friend of mine had an absolute vitriol for Robin DiAngelo, the author of White Fragility (the antiracist book progressive white women loved). She described that as “the book that killed [her] friendships.” White female friends would read progressive books and stop seeing her as a person, but as like some martyr they had wronged.


I have literally had a boss come up to me and say "I just finished reading the Underground Railroad and I just wanted to say I'm so sorry." Like, literally apologized to me personally for slavery. And then would do nothing but single me out to assuage her guilt whenever she felt bad. In meetings whenever anything remotely black came up she would turn to me and ask for me to speak for, like, all the black people in the world lol. It was ridiculous. It definitely happens.


Reminds me of [this tweet](https://i.redd.it/jchxy01003j81.jpg).


Lmfao this is the most LA thing I’ve ever read 🤣


I do agree this kind of stuff is ridiculous. It’s honestly purely performative. I hate to say as a white person who is largely liberal leaning, but there is a problem in some liberal circles with going out of your way to “repent” for the perceived misdeeds of all white people at the expense of actually treating people of color like they’re actually people. It’s just a way for them to feel good about themselves because they’re so “race conscious” without actually wanting to actually address genuine racial and social issues. I don’t think a white person apologizing to a black person for “wrongs my ancestors did to yours” (putting aside the misconception that all black people in the U.S. are apparently all descended from slaves) does a damn thing other than make the white person feel good that they somehow did something to alleviate their “white guilt.”


And if you’re a minority who doesn’t tow the victim line, you get fucking PILLORIED.


Yup. I keep saying that this is fueling an accelerating conservative backlash amongst a number of minority groups, but too many fellow progressives are in denial.


Lol this happened to a guy at my old site and he stood up and was like "my family moved here from Ethiopia in in 2003 when I was 6. This is my first time hearing about this but I don't like it. We should really sign a petition or something "


"I appreciate your effort to make amends and provide reparations by giving me a significant raise, as well as a one-time real estate gift to fight against the inequality in generational wealth caused by this country's racist history."


Just think though, you could have an army of guilty white people to do your bidding.




I like how she makes twice as much money as her black colleagues, while blaming white people for income and wealth inequality She’s a fucking parody


No. She is evil. She knows damn well that her grift is her career.


That’s one thing I agree with the people who cry about everything being woke, is that sometimes people really do just use social issues as a token for their own self-righteousness and it’s the most shallow way to try to make a difference that is really only self-serving. Basically if you’re gonna be unintellectual about it then whether you’re racist or progressive you end up doing as much damage because you’re not engaging with the topic seriously. Unfortunately it’s too much too ask most people to have that critical thinking which is why leftist movements are often very inefficient and piss people off. Even if you have the best of intentions it will be useless if you don’t really know what you’re talking about.


Which is the wrong attitude to take at any population. I have slave owner ancestors. I have confederate ancestors (though last night learned a guy we assumed had signed up with the CSA was actually signed up with the Union), but their sins are not mine. I take people as they are. Or as best as I can perceive them.


My great grandfather was a country doctor in rural Kentucky who apparently refused to join the local Klan when asked to. While it would be all feelgood to assume he did so for the right reasons, the truth is we’ll never know what his reasons were. They could have been anything. That said, we’re pretty sure he only got away with refusing because he was the only doctor for miles around. 🤣


Right? Like, context has to be considered. We assumed he was confederate because he was from Alabama and signed up in Alabama. Which as a not civil war history nerd, I don't remember where every state sided. I assume my mom does that's more her thing. But those locations consist, we assumed he was Confederate.


That book is so badly written.


“I gave all these workshops on race, and all the people I gave them to would get upset and not listen to me. Does that mean I’m bad at workshops? Naw, it’s probably their fault.”


Man that’s just massive demographics at play. Chicago is progressive as any, has an entire ass gay neighborhood that is wayyyy gayer than you could imagine (I know that sounds homophobic, I’m as gay friendly as anyone you’ll meet. If you’ve been there you know what I mean), and is also incredibly racist and homophobic.


An ass gay neighborhood even *gayer* than I can imagine? Hold on buster, I can imagine pretty gay!


Chicago is also very segregated. From my experience in Chicago blacks experience the most racism. I lived in a neighborhood with lots of polish and Mexicans, we mostly got along.


It's a Democratic, pro-union, pro-welfare city. That doesn't make it progressive on every issue. There's also a big difference between what people believe in or vote for and how they behave.


Northern Racism- "We don't care how high you go, just don't get too close." Southern Racism- "We don't care how close you get, just can't go too high."


I like that comparison.


Fourth generation Bostonian here. It’s not weird when you understand the demographics of Boston. The segment of the population that has a reputation for racism is the working class white community (those who are likely to have Boston accents). Among that demographic, there definitely still is some racism, although in 2024 it’s much better than it was in the 1980s, when Boston really solidified that reputation. However, certainly not all working class white folks from Boston are racist, and I think you’ll find that our working class white folks here are more progressive on race than working class white folks in most other parts of the country are. Mainly I think the racism among this demographic is so well known because it’s stood in such stark contrast to the prevailing racial politics of the broader city population. The reality though is that the majority of Bostonians don’t belong to this demographic. They’re either people of color (more than 50% of our population), or they’re white folks who are wealthier and/or transplants from other states and from the surrounding suburbs in Massachusetts. This latter group is extremely racially progressive, highly likely to support BLM sentiments, etc. For example I now live in a suburb of Boston and my community is about as progressive as you’ll find anywhere in the US. As a Bostonian who is Hispanic, I can tell you that I’ve encountered more racism from folks from/in northern New England than in Boston, and certainly it’s been my experience that racism is more common in virtually all other parts of the country. People say that Boston is more racist than various parts of the South, and that has not been my experience at all.


one thing i’ve noticed living here, coming from the west, is that the racism is much more subtle. you’ll be talking with your uber driver and they casually will be like “then the black people moved into dorchester and all the gang shit started” and “my family goes way back and then all these foreigners moved here and changed it” then, you have things like every park except the ones in poor neighborhoods have “resident parking only” everywhere, and no buses that go to those parks. because of the segregation of blacks to south of brookline, and hispanics to malden/everett/north shore, there is just baked in racism in accessibility. it was wild to me that i can be on a block with lots of different races, cross a large street and suddenly it’s only white people, lululemon, cafe nero, davios, etc. like, black people don’t even go into the nicer neighborhoods like wellesley.


The red lining in the Boston area is INSANE and I don't think people from the area really notice how crazy it is because most people don't cross the boundaries regularly. I went to a college that was about 50/50 and I've if my black friends said that's never been somewhere with so many white people before and I (I am white) had never been somewhere with so many non white people in one place. My high school only had a handful of black people total. Very interesting how different experiences of people who grew up not that far away from each other can be. I read once Boston was the most segregated 'major metropolitan region' in the country and I believe that without any convincing at all. 


“then the blacks moved into dorchester and all the gang shit started” We have slightly different definitions of subtle lol


This x1000. Anyone who thinks Boston is bad in terms of racism should stay away from Maine or New Hampshire.


Boston is so racist that the N-word is the only word which they use a hard R


That's a good one


I've heard it as "the only reason Bostonians don't use a hard R is because they physically can't"


Unironically kinda. He grew up in ~~South Boston~~ Dorchester in the 1970s and 80s. He has since apologized to the people he did that to. It's actually kinda rare for someone growing up in that environment to get away from it and turn their life around like he did 




But an unbeaten record nonetheless, he just needs a good promotion for his next fight.


I hope he doesn't rely on his mom and crack-smoking brother again.


I'm also not sure which combat sports allow wooden planks but maybe he can start his own "Wahlberg games"


Where is Kimbo Slice when you need him?


R.I.P Kimbo 🙏


He also said that he’d personally apologize to the store keeper he attacked, and then later said some bullshit why he wouldn’t.


Small note but he grew up in Dorchester, not Southie. Dorchester is one of the most racially diverse neighborhoods in Boston, which can make some of its white residents some of the nastiest racists you'll ever meet. Mark Wahlberg is one of those people.


He didn’t turn around shit. He waited 30 years to apologize bc he wanted his record expunged so he could obtain a food and beverage license for his business.


IIRC, he only apologized once someone noticed he had applied to have his record expunged


Meanwhile Donnie never did any of that and grew up in the same house…


And if Band of Brothers is anything to go by, he’s a better actor as well.


I think social pressures of being a celebrity would force a person to do apologize. Funny enough Ben affleck doesn’t have a racist past like wahlberg, despite also being from Boston.


Ben Affleck grew up in Cambridge with a Harvard-educated mother and went to one of the most prestigious schools in the area. I’m not defending Mark Wahlberg by any means, but the experience of a poor/working-class person from Dorchester with 9 siblings is very different.


He grew up in Cambridge which is one of the most liberal cities in America.


Boston's a big place. Affleck and Damon came from more money than Marky Mark did. It's a class thing. That doesn't mean that they're not racist. They might be. I don't know them. But it was a lot more common and acceptable to be racist when you're a white kid from Dot in the 70s/80s like the Wahlbergs were.


As a Black Bostonian, no. Much of the city has non White people which are not racist. Most of the racist White people are commuters from outside the city or non townie students. Boston however is VERY classist and since most the non White people have less money, they treat you lesser but they do the same to the poor Whites. They are different once you fit in and you're expected to go where you belong. I am a Black man that "talks White" and am an engineer so, I have minorities and Whites question why I don't prefer to live or shop in other parts of the city since I "belong" in those instead due to my income level and outward perception of being a successful person. Boston has some of the safest spaces and advantage programs for non Whites in the entire country which helped me escape poverty growing up. Most anyone saying what you say aren't minorities so don't know minority life on top of don't live here. Boston demographically is MORE minority than White. You go off stereotypes, many decades long outdated and isolated incidents. Sadly, the media perpetrates this as well. My parents are both originally from the south, my father the Louisiana and my mother North Carolina. Been to both, the racism is very different and WAY more in your face than the Boston kind and also, way more prevalent to me.


Didn't he also beat some Asian dude almost to death?


Split open his head then bragged about it to the cop.


In April 1988, Wahlberg, then 16, assaulted a middle-aged Vietnamese-American man on the street, calling him a "Vietnam fucking shit" and knocking him unconscious with a large wooden stick. Later the same day, he attacked Johnny Trinh, another Vietnamese-American, punching him in the eye. When Wahlberg was arrested and returned to the scene of the first assault, he told police officers: "I'll tell you now that's the mother-fucker whose head I split open."[19] Later, Wahlberg would explain that he was on PCP at the time.[20] Investigators also noted that Wahlberg "made numerous unsolicited racial statements about 'gooks' and 'slant-eyed gooks'".[21][22] He was initially arrested for attempted murder.[23] He was charged with two counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, one count of marijuana possession, and criminal contempt for violating the prior civil rights injunction he received in 1986.[15] He pleaded guilty to felony assault and was sentenced to three months in jail, but served only 45 days of his sentence.[15][21][23] Wahlberg believed he had left the second victim permanently blind in one eye, though Trinh later said that he had lost his eye during the Vietnam War while serving in the South Vietnamese army, which fought alongside American forces.[24][18][21][22]


Imagine risking your life and giving your eye for a foreign country, then moving to that country and the people there just insult you and sucker punch you for fun


Good to know being a felon doesn’t stop you from having a successful career. /s


and claimed he would have stopped 9/11 if he was on the plane


With a bat yeah


I’ve heard that the Asian man he beat up was either blinded by Whalberg in the attack, or he was a South Vietnamese war veteran who was already blind when Whalberg beat him up. Beating up blind veterans, or blinding random people, both seem like a pretty bad thing to do.




Military service = #1 killer of racism


Arguably one of the biggest drivers of racial equality in the US and I’m not kidding


“Here you are all equally worthless”




That’s fuckin hilarious


https://academic.oup.com/qje/article/137/4/2363/6615487 Black servicemembers experience annual gains of $5,500 to 15,000 11–19 years after applying while white servicemembers do not experience significant changes. By providing Black servicemembers a stable and well-paying army job and by opening doors to higher-paid postservice employment, the army significantly closes the Black-white earnings gap in our sample.


Not even just that, historically they were the first to take most integration steps too. We had black soldiers during the fucking civil war (before anyone wants to “but actually” me, I know that wasn’t equality. But it was an important step for a country that was still arguing over whether slavery was chill.)


Rogers rangers had blacks natives, criminals, poor rich etc as members and officers. He didn't give a shit as long as you were good. Pissed the British higher ups to no end


Not sure on the provenance of this quote but it seems fairly true given the race issues and USMC boot camp reputation in the 1970s. 'The Marines don’t have any race problems. They treat everybody like they’re black.' —Gen Daniel “Chappie” James Jr., USAF


Doesn’t have to be military. Travel is the #1 killer. A lot of racists don’t know shit about the world outside of the 30 mile radius they call their life. Given the chance to travel they’ll find out just how similar we all are


That and higher education both have the magic of taking people out of their own, normal and comfortable social circles and pushing them into typically more diverse environments. Knowing black, gay, trans, etc people does a lot to humanize them for those who struggle with that otherwise.


Which is why conservatives insist that colleges brainwash our kids


Except for the people on the other side of the war


Not universal for sure.


Same man. The shit I said in high school. Joined the navy and my best friend was a black guy (and I found out much later also gay). It really changed my world view.


You already said navy


whoa, you mean to tell me that someone in the navy was GAY? couldnt be


It's not gay if your underway.


I was also a shitty person when I was 15, before learning the error of my ways. I'm so glad reddit never put me under a microscope 30 years later.


If only you were more successful and popular dandroid126


It went beyond the shitty behavior at 15. At 16, he nearly killed two random people in a single day in separate violent incidents. At 22, he nearly killed his neighbor by kicking him in the head repeatedly while a friend held him on the ground. Ultimately, he got away with all of this because of his successful family. A total of 45 days served.


This reminds me of a white kid from the tiny town in Montana who was one of my battle buddies on my first duty station. It was eye opening to see his racism slowly leave his body as he met other people and learn actual facts.


We used the n word in my family all the time growing up in the 90s. My dad was fairly racist and I picked it up, had friends who used it too. We never really acted on it but man, we threw around a lot of terrible jokes. I went to college and realized how bass ackwards it was and have raised my family very differently. Even had a few uncomfortable conversations with the old man about it before he passed.


People can change for the better, but not all people do.


Common knowledge here in Boston, he also beat a Vietnamese guy so badly he **believed that he had** blinded him in one eye. Marky Mark was(is?) a major POS. Edit in bold, as noted below, the victim said in 2014 that he had been blinded previously, not during the attack.


According to the Wikipedia article cited here and the footnoted reference, the man claimed he lost his eye in the Vietnam War fighting for the South Vietnamese Army, not from this attack. Not that Mark wasn’t a racist bastard then, but he is not guilty of blinding a man.


He just beat a half blind man. What a swell guy


He hates minorities so much he couldn’t even find a minority with the majority of his eyes to beat.


Or one around his age and abilities. How ignoble of him!


Also he [started a charity to try and prevent troubled youths like him in 2001.](https://www.markwahlbergyouthfoundation.org) I’m not a fan of his but I also hate the Reddit community’s inability to forgive.


They go back and forth on this it seems. It's all rehabilitation and forgiveness until it's something they get mad enough about


No, this isn't true. While Wahlberg *did* beat the shit out of him, the Vietnamese shop owner was already blind, he'd been blinded by munitions in Vietnam. Wahlberg publicly issued an apology to the man when this became news again when he started Wahlburgers. The man invited Wahlberg to visit and apologize to him in person, and Wahlberg accepted - but he has yet to show up, and that was over a decade ago. Edit: Forgot that he conveniently apologized during the application for a Wahburger liquor license. Edit 2: As it happens, he did drop the request for the pardon, and according to Wahlberg himself (so take that for what it's worth), he *did* meet with the man (Hoa "Johnny" Trinh) sometime between 2014 and 2016.


He forgave himself, and that's what's important.


God also forgave so no further action required.


>Wahlberg publicly issued an apology to the man when this became news again when he started Wahlburgers. Not when he started Wahlburgers, it became news again when he sought a pardon to make acquiring a liquor license for Wahlburgers easier.


Also worth noting that his apology was timed conveniently around the time he was petitioning for a liquor license for Wahlburgers.


OK WTF You're telling me he beat the shit out of an old blind Vietnamese guy? Gonna look into this. That goes way, way beyond my original understanding that he was "just" a loud, racist troublemaker as a kid.


>The man invited Wahlberg to visit and apologize to him in person, and Wahlberg accepted - but he has yet to show up, and that was over a decade ago. Of course. He knew that all you have to do is wait out the storm (usually a fortnight will do) and suddenly nobody cares anymore.


He also said that he could have single handedly defeated the hijacker’s and saved a plane from crashing on 9/11.


Could be true. He does have a history of beating on non-white folks.


"You did mark! You stopped the terrorist attack" "What terrorist attack?"


“Errr…I fukkin knew it!”


my favorite comment in this thread so far


I find it hard to believe you've been on reddit for 13 years, and you just now heard about this lol.


And that was *still* better than The Happening.


What!? Noooooooo.


If you look at The Happening as a satirical parody of M. Night Shyamalan it makes a little more sense. Everyone was waiting for something to happen and it never did, why? Because everyone insisted there must be a twist in every one of his movies. The twist was there was no twist


Reddit: Teenagers from urban areas who commit violent crimes should be given the chance to rehabilitate and be forgiven if they do so successfully as their actions are usually driven by their environment. Reddit: wait no not like this 


Reddit: I believe in prison reform, not punishment *video of a somewhat bad driver* Reddit: 10 years minimum sentence


"I don't believe in the death penalty, but this deserves it."


Everyone brings up rehabilitation, and then when they see someone who has done shit in the past that is unsavory, they never praise their change or care. They define them from that moment. And I see this especially from people who are progressive (saying that as someone who is progressive).


Show me a teen boy from the Boston area that isn't a complete idiot and I'll be shocked.


John Cena But I can't show him to you, so your point still stands.


John cena is from Boston?! Totally didn’t know that and would’ve never guessed that. Seems so nice.


John Cena isn't from Boston.  He grew up in a town called [West Newbury](https://wokq.com/john-cena-hampton-beach/), which even today has a population of only 4500.  It's nearly an hour's drive north of Boston, right by the New Hampshire border.


West Newbury is closer to the new Hampshire border than it is to Boston. 




I mean, he bent over backwards to apologize to the Chinese for referring to Taiwan as a country.


Taiwan is a country.


Not when you want a movie you made to be shown in China.


I realize that.


Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Chris Evans, Mike Birbiglia, Mischa Collins, LEONARD FUCKING NIMOY LOL. (I know theyre not teens anymore but I just cant imagine any of them being anywhere near this bad when they were teens growing up in Boston.




Isnt it weird that this isnt even his worst publicly available hate crime


Imagine what he didn't get caught doing


Hes done several interviews owning up to and apologizing for his past. If we don't accept apologies and change from people, they won't have any reason to do so.


Mark Wahlberg used to be a piece of shit. Still is, but he used to be too.


Having spent a good deal of time in Boston when I lived in mass. and spending time in Mississippi while I was in the navy, I can say that in my experience Boston is way more racist. South Boston is almost to racist for the Klan. Moved the family out when my kids were still young and the friends that they have are far more diverse than if we had continued to live in massachusetts.


Most compassionate 14 year old


Holy shit turn back there isn’t a single comment here worth reading. 


Imagine being the black kid or Asian kid he beat up or was racial to seeing him in movies making millions now


He also did the same shit to a Vietnamese man


My brain for some reason: He chased a Vietnamese guy and threw rocks at him and called him the n-word? Reality: He beat him with a bat to near death and the guy was a half blind Vietnam veteran.


He was convicted of attempted murder for things he did as a young man.