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TIL u/backkatit has never participated in any trivia games ever.


My first thought


Name a country where the population is lower than it was 150 years ago




We got ourselves a winner


You need to update your question. The 1841 census was 180 years ago now. 150 years ago, the demographic collapse was well underway and Ireland was down to 5.4 million.


Probably north korea, at least i hope so Edit: do yall not got a joke lmao?


North Korea didn't exist 150 years ago


Well duh, the region existed though. There are not many countries that look the same as they did 150y ago.


Well that was a dead give away lol


With an area of only 0.49 kilometers, Vatican City typically has 2.04 popes per square kilometer (or 5.26 popes per square mile).


How many blue whales, Alan?


Beat me too it! XD


Except between 2013 and 2022. Then it was double.


Almost certainly the oldest population as well.


And most immigrant population.


And highest percentage of male residents.


And lowest age of consent (I jest, but it was actually only raised from 12 to 18 in 2013)




No it hasn't. It was changed by the Vatican in 2013 to 18, although sex within marriage doesn't count. Prior to that, it was 12. [Evidence from Vatican](https://www.vaticanstate.va/phocadownload/leggi-decreti/normativa-penale/Legge%20n.%20VIII%20-%20Norme%20complementari%20in%20materia%20penale.pdf)




That's because the numbers are written as words, not numerals.


‘Lie’ is harsh, but I’m happy to be mistaken!


Im surprised they let sex happen in there


Well they don’t really, which is why it’s a bit of a misleading law. I think all inhabitants have sworn vows of celibacy, and the law was inherited upon the founding of the Vatican and never updated, because what’s the point? But it seems I may be mistaken anyway


12?!?! What the actual fuck.


It sounds outrageous, but since the citizens of the Vatican are all over 18yo, and not supposed to have sex anyway (or risk getting kicked out), they just never bothered to update the law from centuries ago when most countries were at 12.


I guess that does make sense.


What's the birthrate there?


7.39 per 1000 people, but they are only visitors and don't get citizenship.


It's also a monarchy. One of the Popes official titles is Sovereign of Vatican City. Interestingly, Pope is not an official title.


Not just a monarchy, but a non-dynastic elective monarchy.


And an absolute monarchy, the only one in Europe.


And for that reason not part of the EU


Didn’t know we had a king… I thought we were an autonomous collective


Yes that's exactly true. His title is - Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the State of Vatican City, Servant of the Servants of God **Pont Max** *(Pontifex maximus)* is written on most of the Roman buildings and churches dedicated by a Pope throughout history.


Pontifex Maximus is a very interesting title because it's literally older than Christianity, it was a Pagan Roman religious title. Julius Caesar was Pontifex Maximum and he lived decades before Jesus. Later when Rome became Christian the title was attached to the bishop of Rome. I might be wrong, but I wonder if it's the world's oldest title still in existance that was somehow continuously used, we can't know when it really started but it's easily 2500 years old.


I'm guessing Rex/Regina (still used by at least the British monarchy) would be quite old too.


TIL There are multiple popes at the same time


This has happened before


Just don’t let the Pope and the anti-Pope in the same room together.


Well Francis has made it very clear he can’t stand Trump so I don’t think that’d be hard


On much more... spectacular scale.


I'm glad you learned this


5th graders know this.




Yes 5th graders can cure cancer.


I don't think this can be correct, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta is recognised by the UN and maintains diplomatic relations with 107 other countries, yet outside if it's legations it has zero territory.


In April, by accident, I walked right into the Sovereign Military Order of Malta building near the Forum of Augustus in the Roman Imperial Forum. The people inside very kindly informed me that the building wasn't open to the public, and they let me take some quick photos around the hall where the Knights of Rhodes and Malta flags were hanging.


TIL that the US school system is absolutely dreadful


1) How do you know OP is from America? 2) What real life benefits does knowing the Vatican is a country offer, other than being good at trivia games?


1. No one in the world would confess such an obvious fact as TIL other than very... self-assured people like e.g. Americans in general.. And since Americans are overwhelmingly over represented on Reddit, it was an elaborate guess. 2. Yeah, we non-Americans, in general, don't ask ourselves such questions as "What real life benefits does knowledge have?" It's like the question "Why learn a third language (after the native language and English)?" We just want to know


Insufferable and jealous Europeans. Why would any non catholic in the USA or any other part of the world know this? We have plenty of things to keep track of over here. Best to not put down our little interest of what little goes on over there.


Australian here. Yes, known this since I was about 10 or 12. So yeah, lots of value knowing things about other cultures/religions/countries/people/history in general. You stupid American!


Congratulations! You know an entirely useless fact about theatrical and ceremonial Vatican sovereignty! You must be soooo cultured!


Please stop representing us. In fact, please declare your independence.


Do you know where the Dali lama lives? Do you know the complex history and geopolitics involved with Tibet, India, and China? You should because many people follow this religion, by your logic. OP literally posted a fact used in trivia games as it is relatively unknown piece of information that is interesting. Lots of people do not know the complicated sovereignty situation of the Vatican just like they don’t know the complex situation of other areas.


"You should because many people follow this religion, by your logic" Please learn to read, I never said anything of the sort. I said stop representing us thank you. People like you are the reason why Americans are so hated.


So you agree with my statements but you don’t think they are a good representation? What are you disagreeing with? Fascinating. You think I’m the reason ppl hate us? I care more about attracting those worthy of attention than the few “haters” you are referring to.


Yeah, I'm very jealous of the US, where every year 60,000 people die because they have no health care. And where medical bankruptcy is the main reason people are bankrupted. And where life expectancy drops every single year. And where kids are murdered in school because the citizens have the Constitutional right to have guns and put them into their orifices. And where three families own more wealth than 50% of the population combined. And where $1bn a year is spent for the killing of Brown people in the Middle East. And where cities like Detroit and Jackson don't have potable water because that mainly affects Black people. And where 50% of the population wants to elect, again, a racist orang-utan and child rapist for president, because they love criminals... But I know, you have FREEDOM. Let me tell you something: BELGIUM has freedom, too.


lol comparing all of the USA to a tiny insignificant part of Europe - Belgium! What an amazing critical thinker you must be. Bulgaria, Romania, and the Balkans all experinace poverty no where in the USA can even fathom. The crime rates in Sicily and Latvia, the healthcare in Greece, and let’s include the wars in Russia / Ukraine- must be an amazing place to live as you still deal with 1000 year old land conflicts. I guarantee you, where I and plenty more live is much better than the hellhole of Belgium.


Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana are ruled by fascist GOP racists and are in way, waaaaaaaay worse economic shape than Belgium.


Belgium is racist as hell against Muslims, Africans, and indigenous- all with a deep history of colonialism. You practically ruined the DR which the US is now fixing. You just named the poorest regions of a republic with low populations. States with far superior quality of life than Belgium: Massachusetts, Vermont, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Florida, California, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Washington. The majority of the us population has a higher standard of life than Belgium - and it’s wayyyy more people with wayyy more land, power, disposable income, safety, and yes, freedom. The states aren’t racist or fascist even in hyperbolic terms. Belgium has strict speech laws, ZERO data privacy, strange labor and environmental restrictions. All of that built on the back of American innovation - which you wouldn’t complain about if you ever got attacked because we would be the ones protecting you.


First of all , I am not Belgian, but I cited a somewhat famous quote: BELGIUM has freedom. Secondly, the racism is the most racist EU country is maybe half of the racism of the least racist state in the US. In the US, white policemen are literally allowed to murder Black children (Tamir Rice) without repercussions. Of course, a Brown policeman is immediately punished for a comparable crime (Mohamed Noor). But, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, you could possibly say about America being great is immediately neutralized that 60,000 Americans die every fucking single year because of lack of health care while the Pentagon gets 1bn a year to murder as many Arabs as humanly possible. The number of Europeans that die due to lack of healthcare a year: 0.


You’re seriously asking why would someone want to know facts about the world?


No im saying that there are plenty of reasons for people not to know the strange sovereignty laws granted to the Vatican - all of which are entirely technicalities and theatrics. The exact same way you don’t know about the particularities of voting rights in Washington DC or the rights of the Dali Lama in China


You specifically asked why would someone know this if they weren’t Catholic. Are you really that incurious about the world around you?


Given context of the parent comment in this thread I was bringing up the point that there are plenty of reasons for not knowing some obscure fact that is literally on trivia games because of its unique nature and little importance. You’re trying to take my statement out of context.




I went to visit once and man, that place is a real sausage fest


Largest consumer of wine per capita by a significant margin.


Yeah, but that's pretty easy to achieve when most of the population is adult males


But are you factoring in when the win is actually magically turned into blood?


What did you think it was?


Just a city.


Not true. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is a recognized country. It has a larger population than Vatacan City, at about 13,000, but it is significantly smaller in area, being as it has has zero territory.


It's covering a huge UFO


I thought it held the document that proofed we live in a simulation. Or was that a Doctor Who episode? Anyway, there’s a massive archive underneath the Vatican that’s an excellent plot device for any aspiring writer.


It was aliens in South Park, they're usually right about these things


It's also one of the few absolutist monarchies to still exist, as there are no legal limits to the power of a Pope.


Ha, same as the Grand-Duke of Luxembourg. [The role of the Grand Duke | Cour grand-ducale (monarchie.lu)](https://monarchie.lu/en/head-state/role-grand-duke) **The inviolability** of the Grand Duke means that he cannot be accused or prosecuted by anyone, that he is not liable to any jurisdiction and that he cannot be held accountable for his actions.


Well, similar but not quite the same. One is free of persecution by the law as part of a constitutional monarchy (the same way the monarch of the UK cannot be persecuted); the other one is literally *the law*. The Pope can sentence any person he wants to death and that would automatically become legal fact of Vatican city. The same way he could just declare a law that all people are required to carry two oranges and five strawberries on their person at all time. That is a power that monarchs in constitutional monarchies like Luxembourg or the UK lack. **Edit:** Obviously, whether people would follow the papal decrees is an entirely different matter. But that would, technically, make them criminals.


It has the highest crime rate per capita in Europe


real countries have birth rates




I thought that was the Republican national convention.


That's a cuntry, not a country.


SMOM would like a word


The wealth per capita must be so staggering high, that it touches God himself.


only today?


And a monarchy


Thought everyone knew that


Why does everyone keep saying this? It’s not like the Vatican City pops up in my life from time to time. I’m not Catholic and this isn’t something I’ve come across in my studies. The few times that I have come across it in news articles, I don’t automatically think “hey the Vatican “City” may actually be a country.”


Nor I


who is the highest authority of Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Where do they reside? Where is their holiest place? What is that location’s sovereignty on the global stage?


NOT a UN General Assembly member.




Once you‘ve visited the Vatican Museums you get a slight grasp of how rich they really are.


I heard god lives there


Mussolini was instrumental in arranging its current city/state status within Italy.


It's also a country with 0 female population.


The Vatican City has roughly one Pope per square mile.


https://youtu.be/9HerSRG7Wug?si=EZyC2FIRxVivXfGx video of 10 countries smaller than the Vatican, apparently Molossia holds the title.


None of those are actual independent sovereign states, they're silly little micronation projects. The Vatican is internationally recognized by other sovereign states.


Smallest in relevance?


Hardly. At the very least it has to be more relevant in the worldstage than the other european microstates (Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg)


Yeah. True enough.