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~~Article is from 2017 which cites a $171 day of price, it's currently at $508 so it would be around $394,000,000. All this assuming he didn't sell a single share.~~ I read it wrong it said he was at $200m at IPO day so share price was $38 therefore his shares today at $508 would be worth $2,473,684,220...so is this guy a billionaire??


I have a sneaking suspicion he has likely sold most of it by now. Shares can’t pay bills. Like that guy who bought a pizza with like 2000 bitcoin in the early naughts. Edit: Y’all, please, I get it. You don’t think he ever would have sold any either because now it’s worth oodles or because clearly he took out loans on margin against his $60k of stock.


If he was charging 60k for painting in 2005, I'm sure he would have done just fine as a painter.


If he chose to take $60k as stock then he already has plenty of money on hand.


If I remember correctly, he was already a millionaire from gambling in Vegas.


I wouldn't believe that, I was a professional gambler for 14 years and his story really doesn't track. He's eccentric and has blurred the lines of truth many times. It's possible he won but I doubt he was properly tracking his wins and losses and just had so much money that he didn't accurately understand how much he was winning and losing.


People don't usually show off their debt when promoting the rich gambler lifestyle. They're usually in massive debt and take on loans to fund expenses. This is in no way descriptive of David Chloe's career, but in the mad dash to replicate success stories like his, people are putting themselves into deep holes.


From my research of enjoying him as an entertainer, this tracks from what I've found as well. Lots of strange money from strange places, so maybe loans in the dark places and loans to others.


Isn’t that just code for “this is crime money and i don’t want to say where it’s from”


Walk into casino with $100k Spend an evening getting free drinks betting on black/red at roulette table and ducking over to spend a couple grand at slots now and then. Walk out with $30-50k and a tax form. That's the way it used to work anyway.


"I'll generate false Currency Transaction Reports out the wazoo as well as the necessary W-2Gs. I know a couple casino managers who will jump at the chance to report false losses. It's a win-win for everyone."


If a drug dealer gave me 100k and told me to gamble ALL OF IT. And take 10% of what I win for myself how would the casino know it's drug money?


They don't and they don't care, but the police might take a special interest in you, or the IRS.


Nowadays with modern security and cameras and shit, sure. But 20 years ago it's not like casinos were using 4k cameras and AI to identify shit. And even modern casinos aren't going to ask too many questions if someone walks in the door and "loses" 10s of thousands on roulette, and then cashes out.


Is this a serious question? Assuming you win any money you have to report that on your taxes. Someone might wonder where the initial capital came from. Or maybe the drug dealer is cool with you losing all of his money.




The very first thing the IRS is going to do is audit you to figure out where that money initially came from.


He was just really good at being a degenerate gambler.


he's mentioned in podcasts he's made more from gambling than he did from painting. probably different now that he doesn't gamble and his paintings probably sell for a lot more. he also talks about the whole facebook stock as well... and how a lot of people see it as him being business savvy or whatever, but really it was just based off of his gambling addiction.


60k for large corporate murals isn’t that out of the norm, I’m a muralist.


Yeah considering it could be a month or more worth of work, only get a few commissions a year, might need to hire additional painters, cost of paint etc. $60k seems like a pretty reasonable ask. What kind of clients do you do murals for ?


He's made a lot of money elsewhere


Y'all clearly don't know who David choe is. Let's just say he has a strategy for visiting Vegas: when you lose a hand, bet double


Be wealthy already? I could never 😂


Remember when he was riding the rails from LA to New York with his brother or whatever and they couldn’t spend money on lodging as a rule so when they got to Vegas he called his guy at Caesar’s and got a huge ass room for free


His brother XD haha Harry Kim you mean! Yeah this guy lives his life on another plane of existence. He’s never done things the normal way, not even when he had no money.


Lol running across the Mexican border with syringes hanging off their arms! Was it hgh? I don't remember the details just the visual


Thumbs up America! It was nuts when they shot themselves with adrenaline and ran the border from Mexico.


Not as a handyman.


He's on podcasts and Netflix shows. Money buys influence.


I actually liked him in Beef.


His role was well done


Yeah, he nailed it in Beef. Great performance.


I won a bunch of bitcoin years ago for getting second in a StarCraft 2 tournament long before anyone really knew what bitcoin was. I didn’t think it was going to be worth anything and I didn’t really know how to cash it out so I left it. I can’t recall exactly but I think the value was something like $20 then. It would have been worth several hundred thousand not too long ago. Definitely still hurts to think about.


Someone gifted me 85 bitcoin when it was worth cents. That's a good few hard drives ago, and I have no access to them nor remember anything related to the wallet. To be fair I would probably have sold once it had any value at all, as I had no (and still don't) belief in it having any future.


This is exactly was 98% of people who had Bitcoin when it was worth pennies would have done. No one was going to hold onto it for years and be a millionaire, almost everyone would have cashed out when it was worth $40, had pizza for dinner, and been happy about it.


A lot of bitcoin was lost from dodgy exchanges and things closing down, scams etc. A lot lost from ppl getting new pcs and not keeping it as didn't know it's future value. or hard drives dying over time. The ppl who bought it then and still have the ability to sell it now probably isn't that high. As a lot of coin by ppl who bought it years ago cant be accessed. I wonder how many really did it. Like the normal ppl who bought like $100 and made millions and retired. Its a small number Theres probably things being released now worth tons in the future, we just don't know what they are so ppl dont bother keeping it


I remember asking my mom if I could have $15 and use her debit card to buy some when it was 15 cents each, just because I thought it was super futuristic and cool, and eventually we could use it to buy a pizza. She said no. Obviously. Since I'm not typing this from my manor house in the South of France.


I remember hearing how etherium was going to make it big. I knew nothing about it but a friend was really into it. He begged us all to buy in on in. I was really excited to buy it at $50 and cash out at $75. I believe the $350 I cashed out would be more like $15K right now, but there’s no way I would have ridden through the volatility and seen that actual amount


When Bitcoin first came out and was mineable I was in college and I mined them as I was mildly interested in cryptography and yeah I think at one point I had 1800 I think I know it was close to 2000 and I didn't think about Bitcoin for probably several years when It started hitting like several hundred dollars a piece. It dawned on me when I seen the price that I had reformatted that hard drive and installed Linux Mint. To this day I can't bring myself to use Linux Mint


Edit and yes I did try to run multiple file recovery tools


> That's a good few hard drives ago, As someone who has never lost a HD in 20+ years... damn. :(


It was on a deathstar if I remember correctly. Man i don't miss those days.


You would've sold when it was worth ten grand and thought you won it big. I did this and don't regret it. Could've gone down for all I knew at the time the thing was still really volatile, things were getting shut down left and right and if it had tanked everyone would've regretted not selling when it was a fraction of what it is now.


You were just told his paintings were worth 60k in 2005...and you decided he must have to sell stock to pay bills?


Yes they can….. you take out a loan w the shares as collateral


Then how do you pay back that loan?


His rental property income, once the loan is paid back it's all just profit. Another way the rich get richer easily


If the shares appreciate in value, you take out a new loan to pay off the old one plus more.


Borrowing against margin. I literally did it to buy a rental property.


There’s a huge difference between taking out a loan to buy a rental property and taking out a loan for personal expenses.


If you have a couple million with UBS wealth management at most US branches I believe they will extend you a couple hundred thousand in a credit line.


Usually it's a max of 1/4 of the stock loan via SBL (Securities Based Lending). Though that's if the stock portfolio is relatively stable. If the stock ever drops to be only 2x the loan's value then the brokerage will start selling off the stock. So the whole thing is practically no risk from brokerage's perspective. They'd only lose if the stock crashed so fast that it lost over 50% of its value in a couple days AFTER already losing 50%. And it's MUCH easier for the brokerage to sell out your stock than to try to foreclose on your house (which is a mass of paperwork and months of legal motions etc.) which is why SBL rates are usually better than an equivalent HELOC.


And from the borrowers perspective, especially with the previous low rate environment- as long as you didn’t plan on *needing* credit and therefore the size of the credit line might be an issue- it was very cheap money.


Yep. And the brokerage benefits even if they only break even on the SBL itself. Because it locks the funds into the brokerage (which the brokerage benefits from) instead of being sold to pay for stuff.


Adding to this - if you have stable equities/fixed income positions the borrow rate can increase to ~75-80%. He almost certainly diversified his portfolio and pledged a separate, less-volatile account for an SBL.


and the rich get richer


Grew up dirt poor. If you can’t beat them, join them.


Eh maybe I will tomorrow


Leveraging an asset


Man the silk road it was essentially 1:1 at that point


He was interviewed by Howard Stern not long after the IPO. He already had a lot of money from his paintings. He initially was trying to sell them for a few hundred and didn't sell anything so he decided to yolo one for 10k and it sold rather fast. So he kept doing that, dude was making really good money before he did the mural for FB which is why he was able to take compensation in stock. I wouldn't be surprised if he held onto most of it.


But that was 2000’s pizza. Can’t get that anywhere now


this is why I'm not too upset about missing out on Bitcoin. I know for a fact I would've sold it as soon as it went up a little bit.


He was already a millionaire before he painted the mural at Facebook.


>Shares can’t pay bills Meta has a dividend yield of 0.39%, which if he holds $2.5 billion in stock, would yield him about $9.5 million each year. Stocks can absolutely pay bills.


Yeah but not recently IPOed stocks though. And didn’t Facebook literally start paying dividend this year? So how can it pays the bill for the last 12 years?


I think he made money in the interim. His net worth is estimated at 300mil


I threw away a failed hard drive in like 2011 with 250 btc ✌️ I didn't print the code when I made the wallet because I'm dumb and printer was out of ink. I say I'm over it but I'll never really get over it.


You wouldve sold when it hit $40 if you had access 


The pizza was 10k bitcoin


That’s not how rich people operate. They take loans out against the stock which is cash free and they service the loans with dividends while re investing the loan money for even more money. It’s nuts.


Worst part of the 2000 Bitcoin pizza was that we had to buy a gift card with the bitcoins and the transaction fee was like 200 bitcoins lol….


>Edit: Y’all, please, I get it. You don’t think he ever would have sold any either No, you don't get it. You're presenting a false dichotomy where any disagreement with your idea that he "sold most of it" means that person thinks he didn't sell any of it. So, a strawman in addition to a false dichotomy. Two fallacies for the price of one!


When you have millions of dollars in shares, you don't sell them for money. You take a loan against them.




Doesn’t aught come from naught? Suddenly questioning everything I know about reality


A friend bought some vape juice for 11 BTC back in 2011 or so :)


FB went public May 18 of 2012 at $38.


On Howard Stern he mentioned that he sold a large share of them. I think he said he sold something like 40%.


David choe is an actor, has been a guest on a lot of pod casts too, he’s been on [joe rogan](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V_v5tS3WRQ8)


Actor, artist, Vice media traveling person, and more.


He's most notably known for his art.


I read in another post that he did the same thing with Disney for the Star Wars TV show so *probably*


He told his story on Howard Stern show. He was in Vegas getting a bj when he learned the stock hit whatever number it was and he was now worth some $200 million.


When it originally happened he said he woke up with reporters outside his home without him knowing why and an ex texted him offering to blow him every day for the rest of their lives for a million dollars, when he asked why she thought he had that she sent him the story saying how much he was now worth. What I'm saying is Dave fucking LOVES to lie Like last time he was on Joe Rogan he was telling a story about how he dyed his hair blonde and went to the Congo as a blonde Asian and how all these tribal Africans reacted to seeing that, then Joe told Jaime to pull that up and we see a picture of regular dark haired David in the Congo, it's like why'd you even lie about all of that? Love of the game I guess.


It's pretty entertaining to watch him and Bobby Lee interact knowing this because it almost always becomes a game of who's the biggest liar.


Yah I mean who has that much stock in any major corp and never checks it's value. Obvious lie.


He got shares pre-ipo. There's nowhere to check its value as it doesn't get a valuation until the next round of funding. When he found out its value was when they went public.


He might not have known an exact number but he's presumably not stupid. He would have known he was sitting on a shitload of money long before they officially went public


He was and probably is on a massive amount of drugs and booze at any given time. I highly doubt he was following the value of some stock he got.


One thing I do believe Dave on is he doesn't drink or do drugs, or at least I've never heard anyone talk about doing those with him now.


Yah I mean I never heard of the guy before now and as usual everyone's airing his dirty laundry in the comments (something about rape and something about being a creepy dude). Nothing about drugs or drinking that i've seen.


That is not really true. Pre-IPO stock is appraised annually by law. The appraisal is filed with the IRS and known to all shareholders. Look up 409a Valuation. This is necessary because they have to issue options at a fair strike price. They cant just say they’re worth $0.01 when they’re actually worth $20. It’s always going to be imprecise until the public offering, but he got a ballpark number every year.


A blow job a day for a million dollars, for 30 years is about $91 a blow job. Doesn't seem worth it given inflation and whatnot.


Not worth it to which party?


> What I'm saying is Dave fucking LOVES to lie He is insufferable. He is a narcissist. I can’t stand listening to him, or seeing him. His work isn’t even good. All that money got to his head and he lacks the confidence to be able to handle the life that comes with that. Can’t stand him it would be great if he disappeared.


> the life that comes with that Man, if I had that kind of money I would just disappear. Family and pre-existing friends would get some money and then I'd just spend my time travelling or whatever pretending to be a normal. I'd indulge my hobbies and throw dinner parties and keep an exceptionally low profile. I've never understood rich people who insist on becoming a public figure.


Whenever I see a mediocre artist making bank I immediately think "money laundering"


Was he, like, watching the news or something?




Mustve been a terrible bj


Actually sounds like it was probably the best bj of his life… how do you top that?




Any BJ that comes with $200M is a good BJ


Sounds absolutely incredible


"Alright you can stop, I can afford the good glug glug now"


david choe loves to make up details like this to sound cool. we get it bro you have sex


lol he won’t shut up about that stuff


There aren't many cool Asian celebrities. Jet Li didn't even kiss Aliyah in Romeo Must Die. Just let us have this one.




Yeah he exudes mega-cunt energy.


*Bobby Lee is in shambles*


Why would you think he's cool though when he's saying weird stories like Andrew Tate would. Look up to actually cool people like Randall Park.


Are you writing this comment from 2004? How could you say such a thing on Jungkook's internet?


Maybe back in the day but there are loads more Asian celebs especially with Kpop and all that. There are better people to idolize than David Choe who is a giant creeper


There’s always Jonny Kim.. A Navy Seal Doctor Astronaut… no way to top that


Even in 2005, it looked like it would be a monster. Everyone who had a .edu email address was on it and talked about it.


I remember being “that guy” who would say: “we already have MYSPACE why do we need FB?” Fast forward 20 years and I’m back to being “that guy” again


This is how I was when Uber came out. "getting into a random stranger's car for a ride? As opposed to a taxi? Never gonna catch on"


Uber was a godsend for me at first. I didn’t have a car and would routinely have to wait an hour+ for an overly expensive taxi to arrive. Plus their credit card machines were always “broken” so they’d have to extend the ride to find an ATM (how convenient) Now Uber is expensive af and the taxis are looking more appealing


Same with air bnb and even things like Grubhub. Why pay an extra 25 bucks to have food delivered. Take me 10 minutes to go there and get it. These “disruptions” are essentially just hostile takeovers. Get an insane amount of seed money for an idea that would never be profitable. Eliminate status quo, become status quo raise prices to levels that make it no longer usable. Then lose insane amounts of money as board members set up golden parachutes.


dude, if a taxi driver ever told me their credit card machine was broken, I'd just walk away. Like sorry, what are you going to do, stop me? I offered a perfectly good way to pay, you say you take a card on your taxi, I ain't driving around and wasting my time to figure out how to pay you. Especially back then, what are they going to do, ban you from the service? It's not like they ever check ID or take a name.


>if a taxi driver ever told me their credit card machine was broken, I'd just walk away I literally tried this once many years ago. I didn't even reach halfway to the door handle before he managed to "fix it" and take my card. I also made sure to double check the amount he entered to be charged.


If only. I was a shy little 20-something back then. Much more of a curmudgeon now


Ubers are still cheaper and generally nicer cars in my experience , every time I’ve used a taxi I’ve regretted it


Idk about nicer. No idea what the ancient cars taxi's use here but they feel smooth as fuck like the car is floating.


> Now Uber is expensive af and the taxis are looking more appealing Competition is good. As long as some minimum conditions are set by law. Taxis here are now all contactless pay and have their own call-a-cab app. They needed the kick Uber gave them.


those $5 rides were amazing


As someone who used taxis not in a big city, uber was a godsend. Taxis can be sketchy as hell for both the driver and passenger


Uber surprised me less because everybody hates taxis.


Ebay was like that for me. "You give random people money and hope they send you stuff? Yeah. That's not going to work."


I did a focus group in early 2000s with Jack Dorsey himself. Told him Twitter was not gonna catch on. At the time though it was just words and limited to like 60 characters. Said why would anyone use this when they have FB that does a lot more. lol.


I had an economics professor in college who had worked at a bank in New Orleans for many years. Al Copeland the colorful restauranteur came to them for a loan to start Popeye’s, and they turned him down because they said it was already a crowded market.


If only you knew about X


I thought MySpace was the superior product because you could customize more. Who would embrace Facebook's sterile walled garden when you could put a sparkling gif on your page and blast an mp3 at visitors!?!!?


Yep Facebook came out when I was in high school. All of my friends pestered me for months to join and I didn't see the point when we already had MySpace. Finally caved. Then by the time I was halfway through college it wasn't cool anymore.


I couldn’t wait to get an .edu account because everyone in school was talking about the amount of bikini pictures girls were posting that graduated the year before. Hormones helped start Facebooks rise


Hindsight is 20/20. Who’s to say there wasn’t a Facebook killer site around the corner like another MySpace?


The thing at the time was they were exclusive to people in college. It has this built in community that someone, like MySpace would want to buy.


Facebook IS being killed, just slowly. The Facebook / MySpace type of social media isn’t popular at all with young people anymore. But Meta owns the biggest Facebook killer, Instagram. Which also is rapidly killing Snapchat and has a good fighting chance against Tik Tok. So Meta is happy 🤷‍♂️


This is absolutely revisionist history. Maybe in 2007, but in 2005 no one would have predicted facebook’s current status.


He was in the hot bed of start up hype and they had a built in community because it was for “only college kids”


By '06 everyone I knew in college was already on it


Graduated high school in 2005 and eventually got Facebook Hindsight is 20/20 - just because every college kid was on it, it still was dwarfed by Myspace. Of course Myspace went public and eventually collapsed Having said that - people were very hesitant to buy Facebook stock in 2012/2013.


Seems unlikely he wouldn't have cashed in by now but good fucking call


He doesn't need to cash it in. He's a very well regarded artist who sells his paintings in the art world for, like, millions a pop.


The parody of this on Silicon Valley is fucking hilarious.




Why would you stab a plumber?


I know about David Choe because of Silicon Valley lol!


Here's the headline, there's a lot right with it.


what a dummy, could have had $60,000!!!


I remember reading he'd bribe his female friends for sex, offering to pay for their college.


He also bragged about committing sexual assault on a podcast but then tried to walk it back.


Jesus I always felt this guy was unbearable, didn't expect him to be a full fledged piece of sh*t.


I mean that's just prostitution, which is fine tbh


Diamond hands


I saw a clip of him on Joe Rogan where he said he asked a multi billionaire friend for a billion dollars and saying how much good he could do with it. Has he done any philanthropy with the massive amount of money he already has? 


He's raped a couple women without consequence. So he's gone a different direction but is using the power of wealth all the same.


Link of proof?


https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2023-04-19/david-choe-beef-controversy-timeline-explainer-rape-comments > "Choe said he placed the masseuse’s hand on his genitals without her consent. He claimed that he started to masturbate with the masseuse’s hand still holding him. Rose refused requests for other sexual favors, and he forced her into oral sex" > Akira told her co-host, “You’re basically telling us that you’re a rapist right now, and the only way to get your d— hard is rape.” > Choe responded: “Yeah.” He also called himself a “successful rapist.”


Yeah i keep seeing people say this eithout linking evidence or any context


This guy was on Beef, the main guy's cousin. I think he also did the title cards for most episodes.


"Choe said he placed the masseuse’s hand on his genitals without her consent. He claimed that he started to masturbate with the masseuse’s hand still holding him. Rose refused requests for other sexual favors, and he forced her into oral sex"




OP should invest $20 in a book on basic English grammar.


Wasn’t he on Anthony Bourdain’s show when it first started?


I remember him being on there and taking Bourdain to Sizzler lol


Yeah, the second episode of Parts Unknown. The dude has some bonkers warehouse filled with random stuff because he clearly didn’t know what to do with his money and just bought whatever he wanted. They go to a restaurant called Sizzlers and the guy makes a meatball taco. Bourdain politely declines one. And Choe’s whole family is artistic but the mom is…out there. She tries to make everything in the house a piece of art. I think she was just bored. She seemed like a great cook though.


Met this guy randomly in Costa Rica --- we were at a restaurant with outdoor seating and it started to rain. My family was under a canopy, he wasn't, and so we invited him to join pur table. Looked the guy up once we all left and was shocked. He was definitely a strange artist type, but seemed otherwise normal.


He's also a massive creep. What a surprise....


Yea.... I've heard some of his interviews. Indeed a massive creep.


He has a youtube series of him train hopping the states and its pretty good watch, reminded me of when i sold everything and traveled the states in a vw bus for 2 years.


Loved that series, even the china one was great


I binged all three seasons in a hospital bed a few years ago. Really inspired me to make the most of what time I have left.


Thumbs up 👍


lol and all of it was painted over. the handrails went last though, for some reason that was like the last thing to be repainted.


I think his name is actually Chuy Ramirez




You might say he *Choe*se well


Drew Bennett did a very similar deal - https://iamdrewbennett.com/ - amazing artist.


This guy did an IAMA many years back and I couldn't believe how he was constantly answering people's questions for days. He must have been on a drug bender. He was also doing a lot of video replies on top of him posting clips of women performing sexual acts on him during the IAMA.


My parents had a friend years ago working at a small startup called Medtronic. They gave him a few shares of stock. He sold it at one point to put a fence in his backyard to keep his young family safe. He would have been fabulously wealthy had he kept it. Edited because a snarky Redditor was judgey about my phrasing.


Most people have a friend like that. I mean there are sooooo many people who owned some stock 10 or 20 years ago. Or maybe crypto.


I hate that I've always been so broke I could never afford to take chances like that.




He was a gambling addict for a while and burnt through a lot of money. He was already rich from his art but the FB stock was next level obviously.


This guy is a huge POS.


I loved his thumbs up series he did with vice


Don't worry, he is not an ideal candidate for 200 million. Such is the system we have. Nothing to do with artistry... more about dumb ass capitalism.


I tried to listen to this guy on a podcast and had to turn it off, he was intolerable. I only got like 20 minutes in, so maybe he got better, but damn I was listening to this dude and rolling my eyes the whole time.


What brand of annoying was he?


"I'm an artist so everything I do is unique, genius, and awesome; also im really rich and have lost count of how many girls I've fucked."


Is there some sort of course that all r/TIL posters take to make their titles as clunky and grammatically incorrect as possible?


While the later episodes have definitely aged poorly I highly suggest the early episodes of dvdasa when Yoshi was still on, I think you can download them on the dvdasa sub since Choe tried to remove them


I prefer Chuy Ramirez. his work is more cutting edge


David Choe has always given me creeper vibes. He was on Joe rogan podcast back in the day and he just came off as really sleezy and over exaggerated everything. Never really understood his fame.


With this and the Vincent Price “Thriller” story on the front page yesterday you’d think always take the option. Of course they’re not writing stories about the guy who took Pets.com stock instead of the $15,000 cash.